Democrats want to remove security for the Supreme Court justices unless the Court begins ruling “properly”. Assassination is just another political tactic.
“Chase is ‘disenfranchising’ clients over ‘religious and political differences”
Once we get rid of Oil we will be going back to structures like these.
Interesting video. I am glad they emphasized that a lot of what they have is conjecture. Humans really are amazing. Adapt and Overcome, right.
This post yesterday at ace of spades is a good summation of the massive trouble AB-Inbev find themselves in due to their Marketing department’s incomprehensible decision to produce cans of Bud Light with female impersonator Dylan Mulvaney on the label, which he then used in several videos that he posted in public forums.
Despite what one thinks about the potential success of a boycott, or boycotts in general, this letter sent by the Human Rights Campaign highlights the impossible tightrope AB-Inbev have put themselves on.
“In this moment, it is absolutely critical for Anheuser-Busch to stand in solidarity with Dylan and the trans community,” Jay Brown, senior VP at the Human Rights Campaign wrote. “However, when faced with anti-LGBTQ+ and transphobic criticism, Anheuser-Busch’s actions demonstrate a profound lack of fortitude in upholding its values of diversity, equity, and inclusion to employees, customers, shareholders and the LGBTQ+ community.”
The letter calls for the company to issue a statement backing Mulvaney; to “re-engage” with LGBTQ+ employees; and conduct transgender [inclusion] training for executives.
In other words, don’t negotiate with terrorists. Human Rights Campaign and others energized by a mission of Trans acceptance are THRILLED!!! to have one of America’s most iconic brands and one of the largest corporations in the world to piggyback on to raise awareness and focus on their cause. The more AB-Inbev stays silent on the controversy the louder HRC and their allies will screech, demanding recognition.
And, with many everyday folks (marketers used to refer to us as “Joe Sixpack” ) paying attention to AB-Inbev and Bud Light sales, any message AB-Inbev may emanate to appease the HRC crowd will be viewed as an attack on “normal Americans.”
Some other key things in the post.
In the four weeks since the controversy erupted the trend against Bud Light is increasing. It’s not dying down.
Also, sales of Miller Lite and Coors Lite have gone up, quite a bit.
And, sales of Michelob Ultra (America’s third most popular beer and one that has been on the upswing) are declining. Budweiser sales dropped double digits the week ending April 22.
With Bud Light out of the picture for many consumers what is then on track to become America’s biggest selling beer? Modelo Especial. But Modelo Especial is also an AB-Inbev product*. So, like the delayed effect with Michelob Ultra and Budweiser what happens as more people realize this? Modelo Especial is especially popular with Mexican Americans, not typically a group one associates with Trans rights.
*A little tricky. “When AB InBev took full control of Grupo Modelo in 2013, it agreed with U.S. antitrust regulators to sell Grupo Modelo’s business in the United States to Constellation. The world’s largest brewer retained rights to Modelo brands.” AB-Inbev doesn’t profit much off Modelo sales in the U.S., but the association with AB-Inbev is still there. Modelo Especial is still very much an “AB-Inbev beer.”
Another key thing about the AB-Inbev imbroglio; other beer companies are seizing on Inbev’s misstep to win new customers. In my prior post I noted Coors Lite and Miller Lite sales going up.
I have seen quite a few Yuengling Flight promotions in my area.* Yuengling Flight is equivalent to Michelob Ultra; almost identical in carbs, calories and alcohol level. But Yuengling is America’s oldest brewer. It’s a company that can be embraced by a wide swath of Americans, including hipsters and micro-brew types**.
AB-Inbev’s competitors in the U.S. are going to pounce on this window of opportunity to introduce their beers to customers looking for something different to drink.
*I had independently discovered Flight about a year ago, so it’s no stranger to me or my pocketbook.
** Micro-brew types typically don’t worry about carbs or calories. Yuenglings flagship lager is very good, much better than Budweiser. But sometimes such folks want a lighter or low carb beer, so why not Yuengling Flight?
And now NY has banned gas stoves and furnaces in all new construction. My wife thinks I’ve gone off the deep end when I say that the Democrats are out to destroy the country. She’s much more MotR politically. But what else could they do better than what is happening?
I’m sorry for upstate NY, but I hope the winter of 23-24 is a doozy for NYC. This past winter was a non-event so they are due. And all those upscale restaurants in NYC that will eventually need their gas stoves repaired?
physicsguy – But Democrats don’t really want ot ban gas stoves, that’s just a Republican conspiracy theory! Heh. (End Sarcasm Here.)
Do these people really not understand the concept of credibility or do they just not care? My guess is the latter. I believe that their thinking is entirely in the moment. They expect that enough people will fall for their act long enough to allow them to do what they want. They’re probably right, at least in the short term, but I think the long term is going to be a bear for all of us.
Crawling up the stairs on their knees, eh?
I don’t think they understand.
People (or most of ’em) DON’T WANT their beer…or them, for that matter.
Even if it IS free.
It’s OVAH.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit is dropping PayPal. I just closed my PayPal account. I refuse to do business with these scum.
For comparison look at the Iroquois long houses, which existed when the Europeans first arrived.
3000 years later they have a striking resemblance to the ancient Britains homes in the video. When all you have are stone tools, the structures are almost forced on you by their limitations
From the Ace of Spades post that RTF linked above: “Hell is being forced to constantly affirm and validate the marginal, the mentally ill, and malignant.”
Well then, the United States Navy is now [bad pun ahead] cruising on the brimstone lake: the new face of USN recruitment is a drag queen: The US Navy invited an active-duty drag queen to be a “Digital Ambassador” – as part of a recent drive “to attract the most talented and diverse workforce” and combat plunging recruitment. Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who identifies as non-binary, was appointed as the first of five Navy Digital Ambassadors in a pilot program that ran from October to March. Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, has shared their journey on TikTok and Instagram, where they described how they began performing onboard and became an “advocate” for people who “were oppressed for years in the service.”
Cringe-inducing, to put it mildly. OTOH, maybe Anheuser-Busch can put out some new personalized Bud Light cans with Harpy’s picture on it and distribute them to Harpy’s shipmates.
My dad’s younger brother served proudly in the Navy during WWII– I’m glad he isn’t around to see what’s happened to his branch of the military– I do know he had the vocabulary to describe the current snafu.
physicsguy et alia,
Regarding a gas stove ban; there are certainly many, many “useful idiots” suckered into being foot soldiers in the greens war against technology and science, but folks who do this for a living know the math doesn’t work. The Executives (and especially the engineers) in New York and California’s energy commissions know they do not have the electrical infrastructure to meet current (how’s that for a pun? )demand with the regulations they are mandating for the near future. They also know getting rid of natural gas for cooking and petrol for automobiles is not greener, and would almost certainly be less green at current rates of usage.
The reason governments are mandating everything convert to electric is because electric is by far the easiest source of energy for central control. They have no intention of current usage rates remaining, or increasing. Once automobiles, air-conditioners, cooktops (they are even outlawing fireplaces and charcoal grills) are all on the grid central governments can easily ration supply. And you better believe that rationing will be equitable.
I am sure we will soon start seeing regulations barring or limiting gas powered electricity generators for home use.
Carta Blanca is my go-to for an everyday Mexican beer. It’s owned by Heineken and Heineken is not owned by A-B.
Not big, but I’ll take it.
Since the merger between the two largest brewing empires in the world, Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller, in October 2016, Heineken has been the second-largest brewer in the world.
As documented by the Coen Brothers in this scene captured at “The Swingin’ Dinghy” in “Hail Caesar,” seamen are used to long stretches away from dames*:
*And no offense to your Uncle. My father was a sailor and still has the tattoos to prove it.
Barry Meislin,
That FoxNews article you linked was posted 5 hours ago and already has over 5,000 comments. I couldn’t find a single favorable one. This quote (emphasis mine) from the article (quoting a WSJ article) highlights the dilemma AB-Inbev is in. Not where you want to be three weeks before “Pride Month” kicks off.
“They didn’t need to take this risk,” the distributor told the WSJ, fearing that the backlash could go both ways. “I lost my cowboy bars and now I could lose my gay bars, too.
There is a YouTube video of a bunch of guys in a car acting out stereotypes of the various branches of the military: both the Air Force and the Navy are caricatured as gay (the Air Force being upper-class twits, as you might expect), while the Navy segment (rough trade) includes the predictable pun on “seamen”:
Thanks for the tip on Carta Blanca. I like it, but Modelo Especial is so much more abundant in my area that had been my go to, heavier Mexican beer. Moving to Carta Blanca is an easy adjustment.
For less heavy (but non-light) Mexican beers to drink on a warm day, or at the beach or picnic, I recommend Sol.
I was disappointed to learn Kona Brewing is AB-Inbev. I really like a few of their beers, as does the lovely, Mrs. Firefly.
well modelo is also imbev, they just haven’t been this stupid as budweiser,
The reason governments are mandating everything convert to electric is because electric is by far the easiest source of energy for central control
I fear you are correct.
It’s one thing for dewy-eyed environmentalists to back utopian schemes to save Mother Earth. It’s another for flint-eyed political leaders and tech overlords — who mostly can do the math — to do so.
I can’t see another way to understand this move.
Open Thread: Nordstream 2 Pipeline
But, but, but Seymour Hersh said ……. Nevermind.
Russian navy ships near Nord Stream pipeline blast site, report says – BBC News
Russia accuses Ukraine of Kremlin drone strike | Ukraine: The Latest | -Podcast – The Telegrapg Nordstream 2 pipeline discussed from 19:00 – 32:00 minutes in the podcast.
But, but, but NATO, and the CIA, and poor, poor Russia ….. Where is ee cervantes?
The COLDFRONT podcast is available free from non apple platforms. The episode from May 2, 2023 is about Russian underwater escapades (frolics) in the Baltic and North Sea(?).
OT and all that.
Not that I expect anyone is desperate to be apprised on my progress in French, but today I had my first session with a French tutor.
Not the nice Parisian lady I mentioned earlier — she flaked — but a different one in Normandy, who got my attention because in her ad she mentioned her interest in literature and music.
It went about as badly as I expected. I couldn’t understand most of what she said. I could barely come up with “Je m’appelle huxley” when it was my turn.
Fortunately, she wasn’t a stickler for French-only. She would also type out what she said in the chat window. I read French much better than I hear it.
But I broke the ice. I’m going to speak French poorly for a long time. That’s the way of it and it’s good to get started.
Happy to hear you had your first conversational lesson. As you are seeing; speaking and reading are two very different things. My guess is you will soon make great strides in speaking if you also focus on it between lessons. It is a hurdle to get over that initial fear.
Think of it like a sport; playing tennis or basketball, or judo or any sport you’re familiar with. Don’t worry about planning things out; react and work on reacting imaginatively. Get stuck on a word for a fraction of a second? Start using descriptors, (in French) “You know, those white and yellow things people eat with toast for breakfast.” “The tall animal with the long neck.” “The room where people sleep.” “A car with a roof/ceiling that disappears/removes/slides…”
Just grab words you do know to get to the words you don’t. Then she’ll fill in the words and you’ll learn them. And because you’re scared and excited and nervous and your adrenaline is flowing you will remember the new words.
You’ve got this, mon Ami!
If you continue to practice French avec une Normande, you can take advantage of the region’s historic association with British (and later American) history. To wit: the tenth-century Château de Falaise is still a tourist attraction, as it is the place where William I of England (aka Guillaume le Conquérant or Guillaume de Normandie) was born. Falaise is also the location of a major WWII battle, the poche de Falaise, which was the last stage of the battle of Normandy following le jour J. I watched a recent documentary about the closing of the Falaise pocket in which you can see Allied shells striking the walls of William’s castle. Those Normans built well, because the tenth-century part of the castle suffered surprisingly little damage from twentieth-century artillery.
To get back to England’s first Norman king, you could try asking your Norman tutor about the impact of Norman French on what was basically a West Germanic language in 1066. I bet you could have some interesting conversations about language in general as well as the history of specific languages.
Rufus. T. Firefly:
Thanks. I do understand speaking as a kind of sport — one can read about it, hear lectures, but eventually it comes down to Doing It in the moment and hang the worries.
I just hate to make mistakes in public. Which is why writing suits me. No one gets to see all my grammar/spelling mistakes, all my editing, all my restarts, until I’ve gotten it (mostly) right.
Your suggestion about descriptors is good, but today my mind went almost entirely blank for any French words. I was sweating so much I had to change my shirt afterward.
I’ll get over it.
I am inspired to work harder on speaking and pronunciation. She’s a good teacher.
Democrats want to remove security for the Supreme Court justices unless the Court begins ruling “properly”. Assassination is just another political tactic.
There’s a word for people like this.
It’s “evil”.
John Hinderaker:
“Those threats come exclusively from the Democratic Party. Let’s hope it doesn’t take an assassination for voters to realize what an evil game the Democrats are playing.”
That ‘evil’ word again.
And this was before the latest revelation from Cruz and Hawley.
“Chase is ‘disenfranchising’ clients over ‘religious and political differences”
Once we get rid of Oil we will be going back to structures like these.
Interesting video. I am glad they emphasized that a lot of what they have is conjecture. Humans really are amazing. Adapt and Overcome, right.
This post yesterday at ace of spades is a good summation of the massive trouble AB-Inbev find themselves in due to their Marketing department’s incomprehensible decision to produce cans of Bud Light with female impersonator Dylan Mulvaney on the label, which he then used in several videos that he posted in public forums.
Despite what one thinks about the potential success of a boycott, or boycotts in general, this letter sent by the Human Rights Campaign highlights the impossible tightrope AB-Inbev have put themselves on.
In other words, don’t negotiate with terrorists. Human Rights Campaign and others energized by a mission of Trans acceptance are THRILLED!!! to have one of America’s most iconic brands and one of the largest corporations in the world to piggyback on to raise awareness and focus on their cause. The more AB-Inbev stays silent on the controversy the louder HRC and their allies will screech, demanding recognition.
And, with many everyday folks (marketers used to refer to us as “Joe Sixpack”
) paying attention to AB-Inbev and Bud Light sales, any message AB-Inbev may emanate to appease the HRC crowd will be viewed as an attack on “normal Americans.”
Some other key things in the post.
In the four weeks since the controversy erupted the trend against Bud Light is increasing. It’s not dying down.
Also, sales of Miller Lite and Coors Lite have gone up, quite a bit.
And, sales of Michelob Ultra (America’s third most popular beer and one that has been on the upswing) are declining.
Budweiser sales dropped double digits the week ending April 22.
With Bud Light out of the picture for many consumers what is then on track to become America’s biggest selling beer? Modelo Especial. But Modelo Especial is also an AB-Inbev product*. So, like the delayed effect with Michelob Ultra and Budweiser what happens as more people realize this? Modelo Especial is especially popular with Mexican Americans, not typically a group one associates with Trans rights.
*A little tricky. “When AB InBev took full control of Grupo Modelo in 2013, it agreed with U.S. antitrust regulators to sell Grupo Modelo’s business in the United States to Constellation. The world’s largest brewer retained rights to Modelo brands.” AB-Inbev doesn’t profit much off Modelo sales in the U.S., but the association with AB-Inbev is still there. Modelo Especial is still very much an “AB-Inbev beer.”
Another key thing about the AB-Inbev imbroglio; other beer companies are seizing on Inbev’s misstep to win new customers. In my prior post I noted Coors Lite and Miller Lite sales going up.
I have seen quite a few Yuengling Flight promotions in my area.* Yuengling Flight is equivalent to Michelob Ultra; almost identical in carbs, calories and alcohol level. But Yuengling is America’s oldest brewer. It’s a company that can be embraced by a wide swath of Americans, including hipsters and micro-brew types**.
AB-Inbev’s competitors in the U.S. are going to pounce on this window of opportunity to introduce their beers to customers looking for something different to drink.
*I had independently discovered Flight about a year ago, so it’s no stranger to me or my pocketbook.
** Micro-brew types typically don’t worry about carbs or calories. Yuenglings flagship lager is very good, much better than Budweiser. But sometimes such folks want a lighter or low carb beer, so why not Yuengling Flight?
And now NY has banned gas stoves and furnaces in all new construction. My wife thinks I’ve gone off the deep end when I say that the Democrats are out to destroy the country. She’s much more MotR politically. But what else could they do better than what is happening?
I’m sorry for upstate NY, but I hope the winter of 23-24 is a doozy for NYC. This past winter was a non-event so they are due. And all those upscale restaurants in NYC that will eventually need their gas stoves repaired?
physicsguy – But Democrats don’t really want ot ban gas stoves, that’s just a Republican conspiracy theory! Heh. (End Sarcasm Here.)
Do these people really not understand the concept of credibility or do they just not care? My guess is the latter. I believe that their thinking is entirely in the moment. They expect that enough people will fall for their act long enough to allow them to do what they want. They’re probably right, at least in the short term, but I think the long term is going to be a bear for all of us.
A-B hitting the bottom of the keg….
“Anheuser-Busch gives away free Bud Light to ‘make amends’ to distributors after Mulvaney controversy:”—
Crawling up the stairs on their knees, eh?
I don’t think they understand.
People (or most of ’em) DON’T WANT their beer…or them, for that matter.
Even if it IS free.
It’s OVAH.
Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit is dropping PayPal. I just closed my PayPal account. I refuse to do business with these scum.
For comparison look at the Iroquois long houses, which existed when the Europeans first arrived.
3000 years later they have a striking resemblance to the ancient Britains homes in the video. When all you have are stone tools, the structures are almost forced on you by their limitations
From the Ace of Spades post that RTF linked above: “Hell is being forced to constantly affirm and validate the marginal, the mentally ill, and malignant.”
Well then, the United States Navy is now [bad pun ahead] cruising on the brimstone lake: the new face of USN recruitment is a drag queen: The US Navy invited an active-duty drag queen to be a “Digital Ambassador” – as part of a recent drive “to attract the most talented and diverse workforce” and combat plunging recruitment. Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, who identifies as non-binary, was appointed as the first of five Navy Digital Ambassadors in a pilot program that ran from October to March. Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, has shared their journey on TikTok and Instagram, where they described how they began performing onboard and became an “advocate” for people who “were oppressed for years in the service.”
Photos of Joshua/Harpy at the link:
Cringe-inducing, to put it mildly. OTOH, maybe Anheuser-Busch can put out some new personalized Bud Light cans with Harpy’s picture on it and distribute them to Harpy’s shipmates.
My dad’s younger brother served proudly in the Navy during WWII– I’m glad he isn’t around to see what’s happened to his branch of the military– I do know he had the vocabulary to describe the current snafu.
physicsguy et alia,
Regarding a gas stove ban; there are certainly many, many “useful idiots” suckered into being foot soldiers in the greens war against technology and science, but folks who do this for a living know the math doesn’t work. The Executives (and especially the engineers) in New York and California’s energy commissions know they do not have the electrical infrastructure to meet current (how’s that for a pun?
)demand with the regulations they are mandating for the near future. They also know getting rid of natural gas for cooking and petrol for automobiles is not greener, and would almost certainly be less green at current rates of usage.
The reason governments are mandating everything convert to electric is because electric is by far the easiest source of energy for central control. They have no intention of current usage rates remaining, or increasing. Once automobiles, air-conditioners, cooktops (they are even outlawing fireplaces and charcoal grills) are all on the grid central governments can easily ration supply. And you better believe that rationing will be equitable.
I am sure we will soon start seeing regulations barring or limiting gas powered electricity generators for home use.
Carta Blanca is my go-to for an everyday Mexican beer. It’s owned by Heineken and Heineken is not owned by A-B.
Not big, but I’ll take it.
Since the merger between the two largest brewing empires in the world, Anheuser-Busch InBev and SABMiller, in October 2016, Heineken has been the second-largest brewer in the world.
PA Cat,
As documented by the Coen Brothers in this scene captured at “The Swingin’ Dinghy” in “Hail Caesar,” seamen are used to long stretches away from dames*:
*And no offense to your Uncle. My father was a sailor and still has the tattoos to prove it.
Barry Meislin,
That FoxNews article you linked was posted 5 hours ago and already has over 5,000 comments. I couldn’t find a single favorable one. This quote (emphasis mine) from the article (quoting a WSJ article) highlights the dilemma AB-Inbev is in. Not where you want to be three weeks before “Pride Month” kicks off.
There is a YouTube video of a bunch of guys in a car acting out stereotypes of the various branches of the military: both the Air Force and the Navy are caricatured as gay (the Air Force being upper-class twits, as you might expect), while the Navy segment (rough trade) includes the predictable pun on “seamen”:
Thanks for the tip on Carta Blanca. I like it, but Modelo Especial is so much more abundant in my area that had been my go to, heavier Mexican beer. Moving to Carta Blanca is an easy adjustment.
For less heavy (but non-light) Mexican beers to drink on a warm day, or at the beach or picnic, I recommend Sol.
I was disappointed to learn Kona Brewing is AB-Inbev. I really like a few of their beers, as does the lovely, Mrs. Firefly.
well modelo is also imbev, they just haven’t been this stupid as budweiser,
guinness as pointed out is even more stupid,
The reason governments are mandating everything convert to electric is because electric is by far the easiest source of energy for central control
I fear you are correct.
It’s one thing for dewy-eyed environmentalists to back utopian schemes to save Mother Earth. It’s another for flint-eyed political leaders and tech overlords — who mostly can do the math — to do so.
I can’t see another way to understand this move.
Open Thread: Nordstream 2 Pipeline
But, but, but Seymour Hersh said ……. Nevermind.
Russian navy ships near Nord Stream pipeline blast site, report says – BBC News
And about the Nordstream 2 story
Russia accuses Ukraine of Kremlin drone strike | Ukraine: The Latest | -Podcast – The Telegrapg Nordstream 2 pipeline discussed from 19:00 – 32:00 minutes in the podcast.
The Danish (in english) podcast – “Listen to the “Cold Front” podcast here:…:
But, but, but NATO, and the CIA, and poor, poor Russia ….. Where is ee cervantes?
The COLDFRONT podcast is available free from non apple platforms. The episode from May 2, 2023 is about Russian underwater escapades (frolics) in the Baltic and North Sea(?).
OT and all that.
Not that I expect anyone is desperate to be apprised on my progress in French, but today I had my first session with a French tutor.
Not the nice Parisian lady I mentioned earlier — she flaked — but a different one in Normandy, who got my attention because in her ad she mentioned her interest in literature and music.
It went about as badly as I expected. I couldn’t understand most of what she said. I could barely come up with “Je m’appelle huxley” when it was my turn.
Fortunately, she wasn’t a stickler for French-only. She would also type out what she said in the chat window. I read French much better than I hear it.
But I broke the ice. I’m going to speak French poorly for a long time. That’s the way of it and it’s good to get started.
Happy to hear you had your first conversational lesson. As you are seeing; speaking and reading are two very different things. My guess is you will soon make great strides in speaking if you also focus on it between lessons. It is a hurdle to get over that initial fear.
Think of it like a sport; playing tennis or basketball, or judo or any sport you’re familiar with. Don’t worry about planning things out; react and work on reacting imaginatively. Get stuck on a word for a fraction of a second? Start using descriptors, (in French) “You know, those white and yellow things people eat with toast for breakfast.” “The tall animal with the long neck.” “The room where people sleep.” “A car with a roof/ceiling that disappears/removes/slides…”
Just grab words you do know to get to the words you don’t. Then she’ll fill in the words and you’ll learn them. And because you’re scared and excited and nervous and your adrenaline is flowing you will remember the new words.
You’ve got this, mon Ami!
If you continue to practice French avec une Normande, you can take advantage of the region’s historic association with British (and later American) history. To wit: the tenth-century Château de Falaise is still a tourist attraction, as it is the place where William I of England (aka Guillaume le Conquérant or Guillaume de Normandie) was born. Falaise is also the location of a major WWII battle, the poche de Falaise, which was the last stage of the battle of Normandy following le jour J. I watched a recent documentary about the closing of the Falaise pocket in which you can see Allied shells striking the walls of William’s castle. Those Normans built well, because the tenth-century part of the castle suffered surprisingly little damage from twentieth-century artillery.
To get back to England’s first Norman king, you could try asking your Norman tutor about the impact of Norman French on what was basically a West Germanic language in 1066. I bet you could have some interesting conversations about language in general as well as the history of specific languages.
Rufus. T. Firefly:
Thanks. I do understand speaking as a kind of sport — one can read about it, hear lectures, but eventually it comes down to Doing It in the moment and hang the worries.
I just hate to make mistakes in public. Which is why writing suits me. No one gets to see all my grammar/spelling mistakes, all my editing, all my restarts, until I’ve gotten it (mostly) right.
Your suggestion about descriptors is good, but today my mind went almost entirely blank for any French words. I was sweating so much I had to change my shirt afterward.
I’ll get over it.
I am inspired to work harder on speaking and pronunciation. She’s a good teacher.
they are being serious,