Home » More on Tucker Carlson’s leavetaking from Fox


More on Tucker Carlson’s leavetaking from Fox — 80 Comments

  1. Many are questioning why any corporation would choose to fire its most popular (and most valuable) employee, as though The Patriots had chosen to trade Tom Brady at the height of his game, but the ideology of the boardroom (Paul Ryan) and of management (Murdoch pere et fils, along with Suzanne Scott) would seem to have prevailed, along with fear of the forthcoming and frivolous suit from former producer Abby Grossberg (once of CNN, she is highly unlikely to be truthful, and probably not remotely conservative in any way). In addition, Tucker was brave enough to speak out against many powerful and prevailing narratives, on COVID and Big Pharma, on J6, on Floyd and BLM, as well as on the corruption at DOD and the insanity of our policy in Ukraine.

  2. I’ve been hearing various rumors. One is that Fox is trying to tell him that to keep his salary ($20 mill /yr) he has to stay off the air or cable for the full three years. He is telling them that his contract stipulated that Fox could not interfere in his show and they voided that agreement by telling him he could not have a Monday night program rebutting the CBS Ray Epps 60 Minutes production. The J6 issue is still significant. Maybe he let them censor that but it was the last straw.

    My ideal solution would be for CNN to clean out the last angry lefty, resume the all news pattern for during the day, then hire Tucker and Bartiromo and Janine for opinion shows in prime time. Nobody in TV is that smart.

  3. tucker is a happy warrior, after every bizarre turn of the last two years he had a quirky ironic take to it, which is entirely not what they want, ‘you must respect my authority’ to quote one line, kilmeade who seems to be filling in, is too sober for this clown show, there was a small parallel, with the way newscorp treated palin, she didn’t have anywhere the reach of tucker, as opposed to the way they treated howard kurtz, and julie miller (he stabbed the latter in the back, when he was at the post, and fitz had locked her up for evidence he already had,)

  4. Podcasts work great for me. I have hours of backlogged downloaded content from all sorts of media personalities, many of whom have been marginalized by the various news networks. And the personalities get the royalties sent to them. You don’t have to be Joe Rogan, but of course, he does get paid well by Spotify.

  5. At least they didn’t do a Veritas on Tucker that we know of, in telling O’Keefe… nobody needs to know you’re fired (suddenly realizing donations would stop).

  6. Tucker seems like the sort who could endure a face-cage full of rats.

    I hope he doesn’t have to find out. But even if he does, I’d bet we haven’t heard the last from him.

  7. they attacked his family at home, when he lived in virginia, of course the authorities did nothing

  8. I guess I am in the minority.
    I tired of Carlson’s constant second guessing of our support for Ukraine, and that is when I finally tuned him out. Disclosure, he was still on in the house because my wife thought he was great–or cute. I don’t know how anyone, particularly one who claims to be conservative could not step up to oppose Putin’s naked aggression. I don’t care what people think of Ukraine or Zelensky. I did not want American forces committed, mainly because we have forgotten how to win wars. Everything else should be on the table.
    I also began to see Carlson, like Hannity, as a committed Trump shill. Sorry, but Trump’s time has past. I regret that it ended the way that it did, but there are better options now. Trump is divisive. He will become even more divisive with his ad hominem attacks as he is challenged. Those who are shilling for him are complicit.

    BTW, I certainly would not say that Carlson carried FNC. There are Jessie Watters, Brian Kilmeade, and Laura Ingraham to name just a few solid performers IMO.

    Everyone has opinions. Those are mine.

    I do agree that FNC is changing. I attribute that to the old man getting old and his successors/offspring, like so many, drifting leftward.


  9. It is all about money. Why did the billionaire Murdochs settle with Dominion? Because they would have faced a jury selected for ignorance of current events, 12 dolts who would love to sock a much greater sum to Dominion, a wee little struggling company per its attorneys.
    The Murdochs are so very brave, so decent, are they not? Yes, Carlson is a millionaire but they are billionaires, each worth about 100x to 1000x Carlson’s net worth. So they simply fire him without warning, because they can. Decency, Pfagh!

  10. when the same people who championed the arab spring, that would be kristol and wehner, and graham and mccain, which destabilized major allies in the region, are all in on ukraine, it really gives one pause,

    the people who are at war with our churches, our families, our most cherished traditions are all in ukraine, when a generation they would have considered it dangerous provocation, which renders us paper tiger vs china,

  11. tucker supported trump, at no small cost, but of the agenda, reindustrialization, revival of our institutions, a functioning democracy, if you can keep it,

  12. Miguel:

    “One of those things (Arab spring and Ukraine) is not like the other, one of those things is just not the same, …”

    But you be you.

  13. I’ve read that Blackrock is a major shareholder of both Fox and Dominion ~40% of each .

    So the Dominion settlement was putting cash from one pocket into the other pocket.

  14. its a smaller block but vanguard and others work in concert,

    Al Queda won for a while, valuable territory due to the Arab spring, General Hafter is still trying to clean up the eastern reaches of libya, the dems are all in on tunisias rabble rouser ghanouchi, we lost egypt due to the work of malley and other figures in the administration, who are our staunch allies, germany france,
    you amuse me,

  15. “One of those things (Arab spring and Ukraine) is not like the other, one of those things is just not the same, …”

    You don’t know who Toria Nuland is, do you?

  16. Oldflyer:

    I don’t know whether you’re in the minority or majority, but I’m not a Tucker fan either. I’ve written about it before; can’t recall in what post or comments. For years – and I mean long before the Ukraine War – I’ve almost always disagreed with his foreign policy points of view. Not that I ever watched him – or TV – often, but when I did and he talked foreign policy, I not only disagreed with him but found him factually inaccurate. On the other hand, I thought he was good on certain domestic things.

  17. Those names do give pause, miguel, but “Biden” was all I needed to hear. It makes things easy.

  18. Tucker was only pointing out that the neocons are quite willing to fight the Russians to the last dead Ukrainian.

    If you want to support the Ukrainians, get a rifle and go join their army, I am sure they will accept the offer of support.

  19. its not merely biden, it seems there is a club, and we’re not in, sometime you make your arguments with earnestness perhaps a touch of naivete, that was probably palin’s greatest failing she was too nice, the jackal like shreek that heralded her appearance was predicted of the latest pagan obsessions,

    sometimes a blunt instrument is required, that is trump, sometimes they scorch too much earth, thats the argument for desantis, but the uniparty, wants their priorities addressed and ours well after the 12th of never, when our oil reserves are drained our currency is monopoly paper, our armories spent,

  20. BTW, I certainly would not say that Carlson carried FNC. There are Jessie Watters, Brian Kilmeade, and Laura Ingraham to name just a few solid performers IMO.

    FYI: As far as I can tell, Jessie has not made an appearance on FNC since the canning of Carlson. Neither his show, nor The Five. Coincidence?

    Oldflyer, No problem with your opinion. I’ve not been thrilled with Carlson’s discussions of Ukraine either. Though, opinions contrary to mine are something I welcome. Partly because of Tucker, there are things about our involvement over there that I find very troublesome. Our troop involvement and the open ended and unaccountable money flows are two.

    It is probably unfair of me to pick apart your word choice, but you cite those people above as “solid performers.” Exactly. Performers. It’s all become a circus show and theatrics. I believe Tucker was genuinely trying to be a truth teller.

    I was always put-off by his laughter at his own commentary. I assumed that it was a contrived stylistic flourish. Watching that Canadian podcast, I suspect that it really represents Carlson, the person. A little bit of self-assured arrogance perhaps.

  21. The problem for FOX will be who to put in Carlson’s place, because each and every one of the people in their remaining lineup is fairly lackluster when compared to Tucker Carlson.

    P.S. If FOX management is trying to dump–regardless of the cost to their brand–all of the people who are not with the leftist agenda, could Gregg Gutfeld be next?

  22. I recorded Carlson’s show and most nights would watch maybe 1/3 and fast forward through the other 2/3. He exaggerated lots for effect and definitely twisted some facts to push a narrative that I think he even knew was not accurate at times. But he was all over the map, which I liked, and was not afraid to swing at the crown.

    Regarding all over the map, last week he had a representative from PETA on, seemed to be on her side, let her speak and treated her very respectfully. She was even smiling and laughing with Tucker by the end of the interview. If you haven’t seen his segments with the young woman who loves chickens seek them out. They are a joy*. He did a lot of UFO stuff. Not my interest, but he treated guests speaking on the subject with respect. His last segment, famously, was sitting down for pizza with a heroic pizza delivery man who had helped police capture a fleeing carjacker.

    Regarding swinging at the king, I watched Jon Stewart during the Bush Presidency for the same reason. I think it is very important in America that we have a vibrant, boisterous and popular group mocking our leaders. Even when our leaders are facing tough times. “Memento mori.”

    Americans, real Americans, should all be like the boy who sees the Emperor’s nakedness and shouts the truth in public, no matter how many insist they see a handsome ruler in a fine suit of clothes.

    *Chicken woman clips: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tucker+carlson+and+the+chicken+woman

  23. Tommy Jay — re: Tucker’s laugh. I adore it! It makes me crack up each and every time I hear it. I think because it’s always come across to me as very genuine.

    I would not call myself a Tucker “fan,” but I do appreciate his take on a variety of issues, including the Ukraine situation.

    Snow on Pine — Greg Gutfeld is the only reason left for me to watch Fox. If he goes, Fox is dead to me. The only shows I did watch regularly are The Five, Tucker, and Gutfeld. And I can live without The Five, especially if Gutfeld were to be gone from that, too.

  24. Just Lily:

    Arab spring and allies. “One of those things is not ….”

    There are more Arab countries than just Egypt. But Ukraine is much like the Middle East, Just Lilly?

    Do you worship Saint Yanukovitch?

  25. “Lybia and ally” Miguel, one of those things is not like the other ….

    But, but, but things got worse (under BHO and Hillary) and the Democrats are corrupt and evil. True, and misdirection away from Russian aggression going on now.

    But Ukraine is corrupt and Brandon was and is corrupt when dealing with and in Ukraine. True, and misdirection when dealing with Russian aggression going on now.

    You be you, Senor.

  26. I don’t agree with miguel on Ukraine but there is nothing going on there as remotely important to me as what is going on here. If I lived in Ukraine or any country bordering Russia I might feel differently.

    Those of us with children and grandchildren have a hell of a lot more to fear on their behalf from our own government and our own people than we have from Russia or China or anyone else. It’s not 1940 or even 1980 any more. The people who are trying to destroy our civil liberties are not Putin or Jinping but our own neighbors, colleagues, elected officials, our kids’ teachers…

    My own state is just about to pass a law that will break the seal of confession. Minnesota has allowed pedophiles to claim the discrimination protections gays and lesbians have.

    I have to worry about American spies overhearing my conversations, I have to worry about Americans getting me fired from my job for wrong opinions, Americans shutting me out of my bank for buying a gun or donating to the wrong people, and Americans punishing a lawyer for representing me. That wasn’t true in 1940 or 1980. The enemy is here, the enemy is us.

  27. Never watched much of Tucker. Most of my time with Fox is on their internet page. There is a regular group of article commentators on the website, myself included, likely in the thousands, though there are some that stand out. I use a different name, on Fox. There are of course lefty trolls that come over to insult conservatives. There is also some open racist, which I have been surprised that Fox has not clamped down on. Sometimes I wonder what Fox’ s real goal is. More and more they run articles on this star or that posting bikini pics and what not, almost like they are becoming the ” Daily Mail. “

  28. Sure are a lot of stories coming out about how and why Tucker got fired / quit.

    I have a simple solution… when Tucker tells us, I’ll believe him. Simple.

  29. Related (occurring Wednesday evening, 26 April 2023):
    “Tucker Reappears In 8PM Time Slot, But Not With Fox…”—

  30. Oldflyer:

    I don’t know how anyone, particularly one who claims to be conservative could not step up to oppose Putin’s naked aggression.

    Oldflyer, I’ll confirm what you suppose. I know IRL (and read) MANY conservatives, and yes, you are in the minority.

    This–?proxy war?–does NOT have the support of any conservative I know.
    The past year’s deaths, and the ones to come, as well as the devastation of Ukraine, are not worth continuing to support the corruption–which is all that has happened to date. Fifteen months now?

    Oh, and the tanking of the dollar as the world’s currency. There is that too.

    You must be (should be) aware that US troops are there; it was acknowledged officially last week, but many “knew” that has been the case for a while from the equipment that was in country. It had to have highly skilled operators to be deployed.

    Your story that we are the good guys fighting THE bad guy is exactly that–a fairy tale people like to be told, and to tell themselves.
    One that sadly, is nowhere near the truth.

  31. I think the problem/issue/conundrum/dilemma HERE is that Putin is most-definitely not a “good guy”.
    But neither is “Biden”.
    There’s far too much going on behind the scenes.
    Under the table.
    Sub rosa.

    In other words, “Biden”—with the help of “his” UBER-LOYAL corrupt media—is manipulating the whole goshdarn** shebang.
    And THIS is precisely the rub.
    Since it’s most certainly NOT the first time that “Biden” has used high-minded, moral-sounding, “HUMANE”-seeming principles to sell his TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE PERVERSITY.
    (…Which makes “his” manipulation all that much more effective—at least on the surface; i.e., if one hasn’t been paying attention to “his” full-court-press lying; and to be fair, there’s been a lot of deception out there. In fact one might say, IT’S ALL DECEPTION.)

    **And I would add “manipulating—with the assistance of Vladimir Putin”…but maybe that’s my own private perverse take…

  32. gabriel sherman who hounded roger ailes to his grave, may have a point, those who realize that we are not fighting against men ‘but principalitiies and powers of the air’ we saw their venomous fury when palin was selected 14 years ago, as much against her child as her person, maybe as a lark, by ‘dr evil’ but she found a following speaking truth to power, this is why he and miss wallace, conspired with mccain to silence her or weaken her reach,

    succession, which is more based on sumner redstone’s bizarre coterie, may have something to say about murdoch, but other press barons as well,

  33. he told you as much in that two minute clip last night, why he was fired,

    putin is not someone I would invite to dinner, but is he a greater monster than xi who is responsible for millions of lives world wide, hes the one the dwarf macron is obeying and apparently who zelensky takes tea with,

  34. there was no widespread war with trump, just some sparks along the minsk borderline, now 130 billion later, we are this close to a continental war with many global players,

  35. dominion is a tool of global control, this is why they chose to fire their main round in the states, the overstock guy got in trouble following some blind allies, but he crossed some interesting tripwires,

  36. why did the dems prefer warnock who has polluted martin luther kings church over walker, perhaps an overly earnest man, because the latter is evil, why do they shove fetterman’s carcass in our face, because they have so much contempt for our system,

  37. Gaddafi was admitted not a nice guy, but he wasn’t a crazy islamist, in fact some of the latter group, which later were an al queda franchise, tricked MI 6 into supporting their efforts, which failed the first time almost 20 years before,

  38. I guess seeing how the security establishment has botched most things, one should have been more skeptical in general say saddam had nuclear technology, you think this crew could handle things better, well we see the results,

  39. how does one know that earlier bit, about gaddafi, because the brits have had some loony security member, like david shayler who went manning before bradley, and tomlinson who went agee, and yet the firm took him back,

  40. Tucker’s twitter video is the best two minutes I’ve seen all year.

    And I have to say that my opinion of Tim Robbins may have been too harsh. His anger at the news media and government censorship gives a little hope that not all lefties are stupid and/or insane.

    Energy Secretary Granholm wants the military to go all EV. It’s hard to be that stupid even if one were born with an IQ of 70.

  41. robbins is a bernie supporter like his former? significant other susan sarandon, now he missed that the chill wind is now compared to 2003,

    granholm is what a properly indoctrinated berkeley drone with a financial interest in the electric pauperization scheme would look like,

  42. Miguel on a roll whitewashing everything, Orwellian almost, and Lee exaggerating the western military presence, because reasons.

    Now Tucker saying “I was wrong about Iraq.” But he’s all right now? Oh well, send in the clowns, …..

  43. “The military to go all EV?!”

    That is such a perfect encapsulation of the absurdity of government! It’s beautiful. It could be a zen koan.

    Of course we’ll continue to make weapons of mass destruction that kill man, woman, child, antelope, moth and mouse alike; weapons that literally scorch the Earth and destroy all vegetation; weapons and machines that reduce all man-made and natural structures to rubble, to atoms… “But we are super concerned about the Environment, so we can’t have them powered by petrol!”

    Hilarious! Wonderful! Norm MacDonald spent his career in pursuit of the perfect joke; a joke that was its own punchline. It’s unfortunate that a year after his death our country’s Secretary of Energy has accomplished that feat and Norm isn’t here to hear it.

    Our Federal government is its own punchline.

  44. the world has done practically nothing in 64 years to liberate the country of my birth, except the europeans bought up properties on the cheap, my kinsman spent a year in the caribbean gulag and was traded for tractor parts, lets not pretend these people care about liberty, as they grovel before z, as our sad afghan expedition has become ash,

  45. the same jackalopes went on to vietnam, and farked it up from the beginning, with the diem coup,

  46. Since everyone’s sharing their opinions about Tucker, I’ll share mine.

    On the negative side, like others around here, I’ve disagreed with him on certain foreign policy points. His assesment of the whole Ukraine situation, how it started and who’s to blame, and what we should do about it being a big area I disagree with him on. And his style overall can be a little bit annoying at times. When making arguments he’ll often be a bit too reductive for theatrical effect, he’ll glaze over or omit certain things and overemphasize others. I’m also not a fan of the forced laughter, I find it obnoxious and unnecessary. I’d say he’s nowhere near as much of an insufferable blowhard as Bill O’Reilly was, but he has his moments.

    On the positive side, I’m pretty much in 100% agreement with him on domestic issues and the state of the culture. He was certainly the only person in legacy media who would dare tackle certain issues at all. And he has delivered some impressive monologues over the years. He was no stooge or quisling. He clearly took tough stances and he angered all the right people.

    On the whole I think he is a pretty effective commentator. More often than not he is very persuasive and informative while being entertaining. And I really think Fox News has made perhaps the biggest mistake of their entire existence by “cutting ties” with him.

  47. he does engage in fusion politics, culturally right, see his support for bolsonaro and orban, economically populist, because deindustrialization is not the answer it is the antithesis of the answer, it appears competence is not prized in finance nor statecraft, nor media,

  48. Why was Tucker fired? For the same reason we have (a) millions of foreign intruders in our country, (b) homeless people in some of our formerly most beautiful cities, (c) thousands of “deaths of despair” every year, (d) $31 trillion in debt, and on and on.

    Powerful people have decided that they want it that way. The end.

  49. I was wondering when Miguel would return to Cuba.

    Those dammed Europeans! Where is Spain anyway?

  50. thats the short answer, fox and newsmax propagated the so called vaccines and eventually purged the skeptics,

  51. Sometimes I wonder what Fox’ s real goal is. More and more they run articles on this star or that posting bikini pics and what not, almost like they are becoming the ” Daily Mail. “

    I see this with Hannity now having a live audience. I have not been a fan of Hannity and Ingraham because both of them interrupt and talk over their guests. Tucker has never done that and has interesting guests, often to make a point like the PETA lady who offended somebody above. I agree with him on Ukraine and we have been consistently lied to about that war. Trump almost certainly have avoided it but he was not one to take bribes.

  52. newscorp always had a strugggle between the pure populist of hearst and the more staid style of luce, yes I usually skip hannity entirely, because he rarely has anything new to offer,

  53. Fox won’t be able to replace Carlson. He was their star. He also dug deeper than anybody else on the network. Sometimes he got things wrong, but it was good to have someone questioning the official version of things. Tucker came out of the print culture, so he wasn’t just another empty suit.

    He also came out of the conservative movement, and that’s not what it once was. It’s more divided and less certain, and doesn’t look like it’s producing stars or personalities anymore. Such new faces and voices as there are either won’t be acceptable to the Murdochs or won’t be acceptable to the audience.

    The idea of FNC as half Hearst and half Luce, though, is an interesting one. The Noise of Typewriters, Lance Morrow’s elegy for Time magazine, came out recently. I thought it was a good read and a worthy memorial for Henry Luce, his world, and his magazine.

  54. Mike K.,

    If I was the commenter in your reference to Tucker and the PETA lady you misunderstood or I miscommunicated. I thought segments like that were a bright spot of Carlson’s program and mainly what I watched it for. As I wrote, I’d typically fast forward through 2/3 of it.

  55. yes she pointed out the rats were the result of the filthy people, which adams will do nothing to curtail,

  56. @Lee

    Oldflyer, I’ll confirm what you suppose. I know IRL (and read) MANY conservatives, and yes, you are in the minority.

    Doesn’t work. While the numbers have gotten a lot narrower than they were a majority of conservatives still support aid to Ukraine, and that’s against a backdrop of prior largesse that would flip answers to questions like “Has the US provided enough/too much aid to Ukraine?”

    If anything Lee, you and those you’ve talked to are in the minority, at least for now while myself and Oldflyer are in the majority, though the lines are blurring and my own stance fits closest to Frederick’s own, ie that the home front is more important.

    This–?proxy war?–does NOT have the support of any conservative I know.

    Fair, but how many conservatives do you know? And how many have you talked to?

    Because I will certainly register myself as first in the opposing camp

    The past year’s deaths, and the ones to come, as well as the devastation of Ukraine, are not worth continuing to support the corruption–which is all that has happened to date. Fifteen months now?

    This is a goddamn absurd argument, and one I will not stand for. I can understand and respect those who differ from my stance on Ukraine, but I will not stomach nor sit idly for this.

    Firstly: The past year’s deaths and the devastation to Ukraine Are a result of the Russian government’s parasitic, predatory policies in Ukraine, NOT our aid. if we zeroed out aid – either all together or just “effectively” – the war would revert to a bloody frozen conflict like it was around 2015-2016 (and is mirrored in similar conflicts like Georgia).

    The idea that American aid is the cause of the conflict or destruction or deaths is something that would be laughable to any Georgian, who has been dealing with a conflict like this since 1992). That does not mean there should not be a date where we cut off aid or limit our losses, but it should be done on actual policy concerns, such as the threat of it giving the Biden Bunch emergency powers or putting more strain on the economy, not that our aid – given in response to Putin’s aggression, borderline or actual ethnic cleansing, and attempts to partition his neighbor- are somehow causing the devastation for these things.

    Secondly: anybody claiming that “all that has happened to date” has been “supporting corruption” has not been studying the conflict half as much as they claim . Even observing the number of visually confirmed equipment losses to both sides as well as the damage to the Russian logistics chain with things like warehouses underlines that. Likewise the mechanization we saw to the Ukrainian army.

    It’s remarkable that even the more honest Russian sources and pro-Kremlin shills do not believe this, as they have talked about the growing parity in artillery power and other issues.

    Yeah, Ukraine is corrupt but we are getting (if you will pardon the morbid pun) far more bang for our buck than in say Afghanistan or even Iraq.

    Thirdly: the corruption argument is one we should be far more sensitive to after Biden and co’s Afghan Abortion, but to be quite blunt we have supported far more corrupt and ineffectual regimes, and in even worse terms. Anybody who thinks the Ukrainian government is more corrupt than the KMT was in China has not studied much of either, especially since the latter featured “lovely” people like Dai LI the Fascist secret policeman and serial rapist, a Chinese answer to Himmler and Beria.

    But that didn’t mean the KMT was not a useful ally and far lesser evil compared to the CCP or Japanese Juntas.

    Oh, and the tanking of the dollar as the world’s currency. There is that too.

    Not really.

    The rumors of the Dollar’s demise are greatly exaggerated, not to be fair because of spectacular currency management but because the advertised alternatives are even worse. So much so that much propagandized pushes by the CCP and Russia to persuade, cajole, or even outright force other parties to use the Ruble and Yuan have generally fallen fallow.

    Because surprise surprise, most of the propaganda cheat sheet reasons given for why nations are supposedly dumping the dollar apply even moreso to the USD’s competitors, in addition to other problems (such as the Ruble and Yuan being nakedly hollowed out, zombie currencies). Which is why the Saudis did things like turning down CCP attempts to get oil priced in Yuan.

    The most serious long term threat I can see to the USD is the new offensive by the Indians and the Rupee, since the Rupee avoids the vast majority of the problems crippling the Y and Rub. But that will take a while to manifest even if it does pan out.

    I did a more in depth response to a speech by Tucker on this issue, and I will try and dig it up.

    But here are some other overviews.



    You must be (should be) aware that US troops are there; it was acknowledged officially last week, but many “knew” that has been the case for a while from the equipment that was in country. It had to have highly skilled operators to be deployed.

    I mean the presence of US advisors in country has been known for years. The issue is how many and if the troops are in any other roles. I don’t know and frankly neither do most people, and we frankly won’t know for years to come (assuming the truth is declassified in our lifetime).

    But the idea that we are seeing thousands upon thousands of American and other NATO operators in combat in Ukraine and that they are being killed en mass, Pavel Fekula style, is a lord of nonsense. I can’t claim that there are none fighting in Ukraine or even none being killed, but for now they are operating well under the deniability cover.

    Your story that we are the good guys fighting THE bad guy is exactly that–a fairy tale people like to be told, and to tell themselves.

    No, it is not. And I would know because I came to that conclusion after heavy research years before 2022.

    One that sadly, is nowhere near the truth

    No, it is at least significantly close to the truth. Putin is not “the bad guy” of the globe or our most pressing problem, but he is still in the top twenty, and a thoroughly vile scumbag who has been a reliable member of anti-American coalitions since the turn of the millennium if not earlier. As people like Mark Steyn were pointing out since then.

    Attempts to appease him by sacrificing more nations to his tender mercies have failed and failed miserably. Conservatives should know this. Anybody remember Reset, Obama and Hillary style? Yeah, for some reason that got memory holed.

    So let me be blunt. If push comes to shove I am willing to cut aid to Ukraine, even to the point of sacrificing the country to Putin. But I am not going to be willing to do so because of nebulous accusations about corruption or being “the most corrupt country in Europe” (which by the way looks like it was wrong Vis a vis Russia and Belarus), the idea that it is American support for the Ukrainian defense and not the Kremlin’s actions devastating the country, or the latest propaganda offensive by the team or monkeys shilling “dedollarization” to hide how the Ruble and Yuan are turning into funny money.

  57. Frederick’s stance most closely accords with my own. I am known and rightfully so as something of an anti-Putin hawk, but the domestic threats to the US are far more pressing at current. I do not want the left to be able to seize emergency powers under any pretext, and fundamental violations such as that of the Seal of the Confession are a paramount concern.

    As for Tucker, Nonapod’s stance mirrors my thoughts of him. He was certainly better than O’Reilly, and while I have no great love for Tucker and found him to be much too credulous (including for leftist propagandists like Hersh) I cannot fault most of his decorum towards guests or his courage. We could use more people like him.

  58. Frederick’s stance is bipolar,
    extreme cynicism about the US political party “system” (Globetrotters and the Uniparty), and now the extreme concern about totalitarian wokeism weilded by the Democrats (locally King Jay and his Roadies in Olympia).

    Should the second concern and threat be opposed by a terminal cynic? Cue the “vote harder and hope for the best” rejoinder. You aren’t forced to live in western Washington BTW.

  59. Turtler:

    I think most of the people here who support Ukraine in the war also simultaneously believe our domestic turmoil is more important.

  60. Lee:

    You write that the “proxy war” doesn’t have the support of any conservative you know.

    And yet there are plenty of conservatives right here who support aid to the Ukrainian side. Perhaps you don’t consider that you ‘know” them? Or perhaps you define the word “conservative’ as “not supporting Ukraine,” therefore creating your own claim by creating your own definition?

    No one likes the war itself, or “supports’ it in that sense. But I’m assuming you’re talking about support for any US involvement at all, once the Russian invasion occurred.

    In regard to the rest of your statement, I defer to Turtler, who has rebutted it more thoroughly than I have time to do right now.

  61. Smoke ‘n mirrors.
    Policy, foreign AND national.
    Dishonesty, deviance, deception ‘n subversion.
    Keep ‘’em guessing…as you pick their pockets, destroy their lives and wreck their families.
    Transform them in order to save the planet.
    Deplete them so as to make ‘em stay “healthy”.
    Make ‘em helpless ‘n then claim you want to help them…as you insist that it’s IMPERATIVE that they vote for you to “finish the job”….

  62. o’reilly i found shallow and stupid, even before his other proclivities came to light, only the most superficial analysis, thats probably why ailes kept him on so long

    if we were actually interested in aiding ukraine, we would be doing the reverse of everything done in the last two years, build up our military and encourage NATO to do the same, fortify our economic infrastructure and specially our energy framework, make the transmission of positive values paramount, so I conclude this war is about something else, making us prey to china, silencing dissent and furthering the plundering of this great nation,

  63. miguel
    “we” can’t do some of those things since “we” contain, among other groups, green nutcases.
    Still, supporting Ukraine can be done.

    I read history irregularly but I’ve had a lot of time in the last fifty years. Never, ever, have I heard anybody anywhere anytime make an argument about supporting or not supporting another nation based on its “corruption”. It’s as if there’s some other reason they can’t tell us and so they haul out “corruption” and polish it up and hope the rest of us can be led to think nobody’s ever been corrupt before.
    Nobody in England made money off the world wars, right? Nobody got a couple of points off Lend Lease as it was going by, right? If they had, we’d have dropped the UK like a hot rock, right? Right?

    If DeGaulle left a comfortable estate, does that invalidate our support of France in exile?

    Come on.

  64. i haven’t specifically addressed ukraines corruption, in this formula, more our corrupt sysgy, (a hungarian word that gets quite a work out) when black rock the cornerstone of finance, determines policies that are detrimental to our wellbeing,
    to our very livelihood,

  65. Miguel proposes actions that should gave been taken in the past, assumes they would gave prevented the aggression of Vlad and the Russian state against Ukraine, and disparages the responses of the US, Europe, an Ukraine to Vlad’s Special Military Operation. And then tops it off with sinister conjecture, because plain facts are an inconvenience; Russian aggression must not be enabled to continue.

    But, Cuba.

  66. what we are doing right now, with strategies helmed by milley and austin and petraeus and mccrystal, almost all of those think the American serviceman is the real enemy remember ‘white rage’ what is this ground hog day,

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