Home » Open thread 4/24/23


Open thread 4/24/23 — 76 Comments

  1. I recall listening several years ago to an interview made by Hugh Hewitt with Michael Morell: https://www.hughniverse.com/2015/05/15/hugh-hewitt-radio-show-20150515-hr-1/ (subscription to Hughniverse required to download).

    Michael Morell was the former Deputy Director of the CIA who worked under several presidents including George Bush at the time of the 911 attacks. In the interview, Morell states that “the fundamental tenant of an Information Officer is to call it like you see it, no matter what your audience wants to hear, no matter the implications to policy, no matter the impact on politics, no matter the implications for yourself.

    It is necessary for this ethic to last because….”at the end of the day an Information Officer is going to be worthless to its country if it becomes politicized. If it starts telling the story the way a certain political group or policy group wants to hear it, because once it starts doing that, it loses complete credibility”. He then goes on to say that future directors of the CIA must push the policy to be non-political.

    My takeaway, after listening to the interview was that Mike Morell was one of the good guys. How things have changed is such a short period of time. In last week’s congressional hearing Morell revealed that he was the dupe pressured by Antony Blinken, to take the lead into drafting the letter signed by 51 former high ranking Intelligence Officers to discredit the Hunter Biden laptop story. Apparently, Morell believed that in the case of a Biden victory, he, Morell, would become director of the CIA. He was not given this post.

    Blinken was the driver behind the lying letter that was prepared for Biden to have cover during the 2nd presidential debate. Blinken, now the Secretary of State has been exposed as the real quarterback behind this dirty, cheap, sleazy, low level of politics, corrupt criminal enterprise. A man of such low moral integrity should be nowhere near the State Department let alone running it.

    The USA is presently governed by the most corrupt gang in American history.

  2. my grandfather used to speak about the hummingbird and the beauty and elegance,

    about morell, he might as well be the ministry of silly walks, hewitt is not aware enough to notice this, part of a long line of apparatchiks that comprise our intel community, who are always caught unawares,

  3. I don’t get the impression that Morell believes he did anything wrong.
    THIS is the direct result of having successfully and relentlessly DEMONIZED your political opponents:
    nothing you do can ever be said to be truly wrong. Instead, it is transformed (there’s that word/concept/ideology again) automatically into VIRTUE…so that everything “Biden” does, and says, is in the name of VIRTUE, is virtuous; which is why in fact “he” and his angelic minions will never—can never—face justice, or even be criticized; and why the Law itself, if it is used to hold the VIRTUOUS “Biden” et al. accountable, can NEVER BE LEGITIMATE.
    We are deep in a festering totalitarian swamp.
    (But then we have known that for some time now…)

  4. So Morell becomes the SECOND Deputy Director of a law enforcement/intelligence agency to overthrow a sitting president in the hope that he would be named the Director of his agency. (Mark Felt — AKA Deep Throat — was the first when he acted as Woodward and Bernstein’s source to engineer Nixon’s downfall.).

    While Morell deserves to be fired and stripped of his pension, in this particular case Blinken deserves the worse punishment, Certainly firing, but also banishment from any future government employment for life. Not that it matters — CNN will hire him instantly at much more than he’s earning now.

    As a nation, we had true geniuses design our government. How did we get from that to the venal, corrupt monsters who run the show now? And what are the chances we’ll ever get free of these corruptocrats and once again be guided by moral, unselfish people?

  5. Just another open-thread comment about something I read.

    At his substack, Arnold Kling has posted an interesting series of links, quoted passages, and comments on natalism (https://tinyurl.com/23rpa3rh). The focus is on marriage, feminism, and the baby bust.

    At one point, Kling says this: “People are increasingly choosing their social circles in part based on political-cultural beliefs. And those beliefs seem to differ between men and women. Uh-oh.”

    As I followed links to links, I found an interesting poll result from the Southern Poverty Law Center (https://tinyurl.com/2p8hw8bm). Of course, the purpose of the SPLC publication is to scare their readers into providing more support for the SPLC. It turns out that young men, of both political parties, have become far more anti-feminist than previous generations. For example, 62% of younger Republican men say that feminism has done more harm than good, and 46% of younger Democratic men agree. I can’t help but be sympathetic, but increased male/female divisions in sexual politics will likely lead to even lower birth rates and family formation rates.

  6. “And what are the chances we’ll ever get free of these corruptocrats and once again be guided by moral, unselfish people?”

    About the same as my winning the lottery.

  7. Carlson’s last broadcast on Fox was Friday, May 21. There is no word on what he will do next. A rotating group of Fox News people will fill his slot until the network announces a new program

  8. Kate – That one is odd. Carlson wasn’t one of the hosts whose name came up most frequently in the Dominion lawsuit.

    I wonder where he will go. I suspect that CNN or a return to MSNBC are out of the question.

  9. Well, with first Dan Bongino leaving FOX and now their most popular commentator, Tucker Carlson, leaving, what are the chances of FOX News maintaining its primacy among TV News outlets?

    Then, there is FOX’s inexplicable settlement in which they’ve agreed to pay Dominion three quarter of a billion dollars. Does this have anything to do with these two exits?

    And do Bongino and especially Tucker Carlson have a new news station they can move to to continue broadcasting?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  10. morell covered up the assasination of ambassador stevens, of course he is part of the atlantic council that is all in on ukraine,

  11. miguel cervantes – I don’t think Morell and the like completely thought out the consequences of destroying public trust in the institutions they served. (Although, with the press serving as the propaganda wing of the deep state/Democratic party, maybe we’re the ones who haven’t thought it all the way out.)

  12. they don’t care about ratings, they don’t care about the truth, about covid or ukraine or the plundering of cities, in fact they are affirmatively on the side of the last two,

  13. fox and newsmax took money to push the vaccine, this is why they forced out lara logan and emerald robinson, to name two figures,

    morell presided over the bleeding out of libya, which spilled all the way to nigeria’s river delta (boko haram arose in part because of the corruption of clinton foundation clients, part of mark rich’s social circle,)

  14. P.S.—I don’t know of any other likely conservative news network or show that would be a good fit/a hospitable place for Carlson to go.

    Say, for instance, The Blaze?

  15. Tucker is big enough that he could do his own thing, either by starting a whole new streaming/podcasting network or join an already existing one. Even if he’s effectively boxed out of the legacy media I think it’s safe to say that he has a very large, very loyal audience that will follow him wherever he goes. Although to be fair there’s doubtless a large number of older folks that make up his audience who may not have the technical wherewithal or desire to follow him to such places.

    As for Fox News itself, on the surface it seems a pretty bad move. It’s certainly curious that this occurred shortly after the Dominion settlement. We’ll have to wait and see what’s really going on. I don’t know if a character like Jesse Waters will have the panache of Tucker to take his place.

  16. And now CNN has parted ways with Don Lemon.

    What a day for news! The only thing left is to find out that Tucker and Lemon have started dating.

    Hey! That’s a bad joke! I don’t really mean it. It’s just the improbability of both of them being fired on the same day. . .

  17. Tucker is big enough that he could do his own thing, either by starting a whole new streaming/podcasting network or join an already existing one.

    Megyn Kelly seems to be doing OK with her podcast.

  18. Of course, FOX has been sliding leftward for some time now and perhaps, for Carlson, some tipping point was reached.

  19. And it’s just been announced that Susan Rice is leaving the administration.

    And Fox News shares are sliding, so I guess people think Tucker’s departure is a serious mistake.

    Again, I say, What a Day!

  20. We watch Fox Business and were worried about Maria Bartiromo, after the Dominion settlement. The day is yet young …

  21. I just now read about Tucker…oh my!!! Big mistake for Fox in my view; and I probably won’t be viewing them at all now. Part of the Dominion settlement? Looks like the left have completed their takeover of all the media. Even though Fox/Tucker didn’t reach the usual MSM audiences, he had a huge reach to the middle and right. He made no mention of this Friday, so I assume he was canned over the weekend, or did he just quit on his own?? So many questions. Now what happens??

  22. Following up on Windbag’s (and Kate’s) question: does Tucker still have the J6 videos?

    I would speculate that the J6 videos are a large part of Tucker’s departure: for example, he insisted he be allowed to continue airing them, and Fox said no, so he decided to take them and go elsewhere.

    With the advent of money-making Substack accounts, he could probably start an online subscription-only service and make as much as he was getting at Fox. Without ever having to listen again to Mike Lindell selling pillows.

    Win-win! Especially to those of us how will follow him there (or wherever).

  23. I’ve always remembered Susan Rice as the infamous Sunday Show liar for the Obama regime. The palace intrigue going on over her dismisal from the Biden regime is vaguely interesting. It seems as if the she’s being blamed/scape goated for various high profile regime failures including the recent Sudan debacle.

  24. I concur with Xy and the others. Reading what Morrell and his ilk did didn’t really TELL me anything I didn’t know but it did confirm things, and it makes me rage. Firing with disgrace is the very LEAST of the things Morrell should suffer, but I imagine watchlists would be coming for me.

    I have mixed feelings about Tucker, but I’m ultimately sad to see him go. I disagree about him on a LOT (especially Ukraine and foreign affairs) and he REALLY needs to vet his sources and information better (Sy Hersh? Really?) but we are indebted to him for helping to expose Jan 6th, and he is large enough to go his own way. Certainly a better host than Bill O’Reilly.

    I also agree it feels like someone is purging in Fox and trying to make it more MSM. And I also agree Fox should have fought it out, and True the Vote shows it could be done.

  25. One of my favorite things about living on the farm was our 40′ porch strewn with hummingbird feeders. Aggressive little bastards but beautiful to watch.

  26. I wasn’t a Carlson viewer. I’m guessing he’ll be on somewhere with a podcast which will earn him a fortune. This is going to affect Fox Nation subscribers (of which I am also not one).

  27. It seems to me that Carlson operated as the keystone of FOX’s news and commentary operations, and with him gone what’s left will be insufficient to hold viewer’s interest, and will ultimately cause the whole operation to decline into irrelevance.

    Bottom line, a lot fewer viewers will tune in to FOX with Tucker gone.

    If Carlson left voluntarily that’s on thing, but if he was forced out that could hardly have been a business decision, it had to have been an ideological one.

  28. rice is all in on the domestic wreck and plunder, esg, the trans agenda et al, malley handles domestic,

    it pays well to lie, look at the bylines of the top five newspapers, who cheer at our out door colloseum in our cities, who cover up the ritual slaughter of christians, both here and abroad, now as islamic state re emerges, we are 100 billion in the whole, and we’ve lost all our allies in the region, india, egypr, the kingdom fuggetaboutit,

  29. back on topic, you think about the intricacy behind the design of the hummingbird,
    can you find an artificial variant that could make that kind of achievement,

  30. he was the outlier, ingraham leans a little in the same direction, but she wouldn’t even put the 1000 mules broadcast that was put together by d’souza,

    the morning and afternoon broadcasts are a themeless pudding,

  31. I can’t believe that someone as savvy as Tucker Carlson didn’t know that he was treading on thin ice and so, just in case, he had some sort of exit strategy in place and ready to be implemented.

  32. F,

    I had the same thought about Felt when hearing about Morrell.

    It’s very funny that Woodward and Bernstein became heroes of the Left as the puppets of a deep state careerist’s ego.

  33. yes because the first source I would go through is a professional liar from media matters, like picking the rat tartare on the new york streets,

    NewsCorp wanted to be on ‘the current thing’ while pretending to be otherwise,

  34. nixon in his own clumsy way, aimed at the windmills at the company and the bureau, he put pat gray, an independent instead of felt, a hoover retainer at the top, kicked out supergrade helms, for schlesinger who was an outsider

    so they pretended to be ‘outraged’ about surveillance and black bags, thats what mark felt did for a living,

  35. Supposedly Rupert Murdoch himself fired Tucker over the J6 footage. Perhaps after taking an “L” last week with the Dominion settlement Murdoch wants to distance the network from anything to do with the 2020 election controversies? But he may end up driving away a ton of viewers with this move. I hear the stock is tanking currently.

  36. we must pretend that the lie is the truth, otherwise the truth of this horror show would be admitted,

  37. so the golem fetterman, is fine but feinstein just needs to go (maybe shes missed a step,)

  38. I don’t think it’s a sure thing, I’d give it 50/50 odds, but I think we may see a mass exodus at FoxNews. I could see Gutfeld leaving with Timpf, Tyrus and some of his writing crew. I could see Kennedy leaving. Contributors like Mollie Hemingway and Charlie Hurt.

    A lot depends on what their contracts are like and whether they have periods of time where they can’t go to another venture if they depart.

    Carlson started the Daily Caller and is close to many people like Greenwald and Beck, who are thriving on their own. Gutfeld is also close to a lot of people thriving on their own; Dave Rubin, Adam Carolla…

    Carlson and Gutfeld are worth a ton of money to existing, independent networks like the Blaze, Rumble, the Daily Wire, Substack, Locals… and they have enough clout to get funding to build their own, also.

  39. Snow on Pine,

    Tucker Carlson made A TON of money from FoxNews and made a lot of money when he sold the Daily Caller. He’s fine. I’d bet leaving was his decision. Someone at FoxNews told him to air something, or not air something, or editorialized in some manner, and precisely because Carlson has “F you money,” Carlson said, “Nah. I’m not going to do that,” and walked.

  40. Nonapod,

    That theory makes no sense if Hannity and Ingrahm are still at the network. Hannity was the biggest, all in, Trumpian and election fraud bullhorn in media, and still is.

    And if Murdoch is worried about cash after the settlement why would he get rid of THE MOST WATCHED PROGRAM ON CABLE NEWS?

  41. Rufus, you may be right I don’t know. I confess that I don’t know a great deal about the other various Fox News personalities and what they may have said on air regarding the election fraud stuff. Tucker was the only one of the bunch that I’ve ever watched in recent years, and even then only in the form of online clips that appear in my Youtube and Rumble recommended viewing. I would never watch his show (or any other show of that type) live since I’m generally not a live TV watcher outside of the occasional Football game.

    I just thought it was interesting that Murdoch chose this moment to fire him and was wondering why.

  42. Rufus asks why trash their goose laying golden eggs?

    Big media is also BIG ESG. Tucker offends ALL of them. He’e a long-term money loser to them.

    Despite saying, as some sources do, that Rupert fired Tucker, I believe the handing off by nonagenarian Rupert to his cuckolded Left sons has been ongoing for more than a year.

    I cannot believe otherwise. The kids in the Murdock wheelhouse want Biden to win again, and for Obama to get his fourth-term destroying America. “ALL Hate for The USA! There’s No Other Way!”

  43. At some point we might want to brush up on how cable networks get money before making predictions about how Carlson’s departure will doom Fox News…

    Because cable TV is bundled, a lot of Fox News revenue is going to come from people who already may not be watching it at all. As long as people keep subscribing to cable for SOMETHING, and as long as Fox News gets bundled with that SOMETHING, then Fox News gets money.

    This kind of system rewards playing nice.

    Do you see why they might not be too worried about Carlson leaving? It’s entirely possible that anything they are losing is being made up in another way.

  44. WRT Michael Morell and the 51 spooks:

    The “smoking gun” email found on Hunter Biden’s laptop from Vadym Pozharskyi, sent on April 17, 2015, was cryptographically authenticated (i.e., provably not forged, i.e., provably not Russian disinfo). If the FBI and CIA didn’t know about this, it’s an indictment of their incompetence. If they did know about this, it’s additional proof they are politicized.

    Here is the source code and technical explanation of how the “meeting for coffee email” was cryptographically authenticated: https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/hunter-dkim

  45. News Corp and Fox have a combined market value of $27 billion so the Dominion settlement and Tucker leaving will be noticed by the Murdoch family.

    New Times market value is about $7 billion as a reference.

    As someone pointed out, Hannity was more likely to cover President Trump than either Carlson or Ingrahm, so that wasn’t likely the reason. The executives/publisher meddling in Tucker’s editorial content makes more sense. There used to be an unwritten law that the publishing/advertising side did not interfere in the editorial/news side.

    I watched Ingrahm and Carlson– though I had started watching more Newsmax, who have some good reporting. Most of what Fox and Newsmax does is more editorial/opinion than reporting.

  46. As someone else mentioned , I wouldn’t be surprised to see Tucker end up with the Blaze somehow. Or maybe NTD News. That would give them a huge boost but might alienate some of their current audience. I sometimes catch a little NTD news on antenna. I have been watching one of that stations imported Korean historical dramas, Gyebaek . Apparently the ancient name sake character was real but very little is really known about him. The language is in Korean but they have English sub titles. The problem with NTD is they push the Falun Gong religion a bit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyebaek_(TV_series)

  47. Today is “A Gathering of Eagles” day. There are around 20-30 of them gathering in the river at low tide. Lots of squabbling and aerial combat too. Kind of early though. It is usually closer to Mother’s Day when they do this. The most I have ever counted is 44.

  48. A lot of conservatives have been unhappy with Fox. This provides a great opportunity for someone to build a conservative alternative. Perhaps not a network.

  49. Nonapod,

    Looks like I owe you an apology. Ace of spades has your version of events on his front page and Ace usually has very good inside sources on things like this. I believe you are right and I am wrong.


  50. Frederick,

    Agree regarding cable and bundling. And I don’t think FoxNews was able to make much selling advertising during Carlson’s show because boycotters were so effective in targeting advertisers. I think the my pillow guy and relief factor were the only companies left willing to associate their products with his show.

    If cable dies (and I think it will) it is going to be a long, slow death. There are still a lot of people who won’t learn what’s necessary to “cut the cable.” Whenever my folks visit my dad is always impressed with how many more entertainment options we have on our TV (just a big monitor plugged into a Roku) and how little we pay per month, but when I explain to him how to do it his eyes glaze over. I even bought my folks a smart TV with Roku built in and set it up for them, but it was still too confusing for them to grasp*.

    *Nothing against my parents. They did a lot of adapting from the early, rabbit ear days, even climbing on a roof to adjust an antenna, all the way through to the coaxial cable era.

  51. yes all the big players like phizer and lockheed advertize on cnn and msnbc, regardless of ratings, and they give their marching orders

  52. @Rufus:Agree regarding cable and bundling. And I don’t think FoxNews was able to make much selling advertising during Carlson’s show …

    Yeah, cable’s fundamentally about subscribers, not viewers or advertisers.

    For the side of the blogosphere that supposedly cares about markets, we have disturbingly little idea of how markets actually work nowadays, in my opinion…

    There are still a lot of people who won’t learn what’s necessary to “cut the cable.”

    Even then, are you really doing much damage? Comcast, for example, might be providing your broadband AND your cable, so if they want to divert any of your money to keep Fox News afloat they certainly can.

    Given the number of revenue streams big companies have and how tangled up they are in each other, I think a lot of the ideas we have about how to get heard are badly out of date. But we’ve done that one to death.

  53. From the New York Post:

    Bud Light has suffered a “staggering” sales hit following the beer brand’s controversial marketing tie-up with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney — with the latest data showing an alarming 17% drop, according to an industry research firm.

    The latest sales data from NielsenIQ and Bump Williams Consulting shows that Bud Light sales fell 17% in dollars, while volume dropped a whopping 21% in the week ended April 15.

    That’s sharply ahead of the 6% drop in sales dollars and 11% drop in volume that Bud Light had suffered during the week ended April 8 — the seven days that immediately followed the April 1 launch of the controversial Mulvaney campaign on social media…

    …Meanwhile, Bud Light’s competitors are cashing in on the mess. Bud Light lost 6.7% of market share last week, while Coors Light and Miller Lite are up 18%, according to the newsletter. A week earlier, Coors Light’s market share was up 10.6% over the same period and Miller Lite up 11.5%.

    Sales drop in the second week nearly doubled from the first week. It’s pretty easy for people to switch from Bud Light to Miller or Coors light. And it’s pretty easy to never switch back.

  54. In other Bud Boycott news:

    Most major brands have their own twitter account. Bud Light is no exception. The controversy erupted April 1 and the account posted nothing until April 14. I think their tweet on the 14th was savvy. A picture of a can of Bud Light with “TGIF?”

    They had gone 13 days with nothing. Continuing to remain silent makes the silence part of the story and grows harder to rebound from each day it continues. So, get something out there.

    “TGIF?” is a bit of an olive branch. The happy hour equivalent of, “Sorry about that, can we still be friends?” Their first post is going to get hammered, no matter what. This isn’t the time for long-winded explanations or apologies. It is just beer, after all.

    If you are in for some schadenfreude check out their twitter page and look just how hammered they got. 11.6 million views! And thousands of comments, almost none of them positive. It’s going to be triky for AB-Inbev to dig themselves out of this mess.

  55. Regarding Bud Light’s twitter feed, it has been silent the ten days since the 14th, which is also not good. This appears to indicate their marketing department is stymied right now.

    That’s why it was such an idiotic move for such a product to associate itself with something so explicitly cultural and political; it’s very hard to get out of. It’s nearly impossible now to make a statement that will appease the folks who are upset without then offending the LGBTQIA+ community.

    Staying silent looks bad. Doubling down looks bad. Backtracking looks bad.

  56. In other unrelated news, Ace of Spadesposts on a JustTheNews story:

    “Bush, Obama, and Clinton Set Up Non-Governmental Organization to… Fly Illegal Aliens — ‘Migrants,’ the Euphemism Goes — All Over the US For Free
    “This Bush just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t he?

    “Oh, and they’ve — get this! — partnered up a Woke Financial Services corporation to do this.

    “Oh, and they’ve also — get this! — partered up with a George-Soros-funded NGO.

    “In the below, Welcome.US is both a website name and a ‘migrant’-welcoming NGO. It’s confusing to keep seeing Welcome.US in the middle of sentences, with that period. I’ve de-capitalized the “US” to make it slightly easier to read.

    “Charlotte Hazard at JustTheNews….”


  57. TJ:

    I read that post by Ace earlier today. He is assuming they are including illegal aliens, but there is zero evidence for that. Also,, it only involves immigrants from certain countries such as Afghanistan and Cuba – all of them seem to have immigrants that would not be assumed to be on the left. So I’m not sure what he’s so upset about.

  58. @T.J. neo: I went to Miles4Migrants website. They specifically reference helping people “released from the Mexican border” “within” the US, and those people are explicitly distinguished from those “[released] from immigration detention and legally seeking asylum”.

    They do not attempt to determine whether the “refugees” they help actually have financial need or have legal authorization to enter their country of settlement.

    I think it’s certain they’re helping some illegals whether they intend it or not, and not trying very hard to avoid it.

    They don’t break down who they help by country of origin naturally but they had anecdotes for Honduras, El Salvador, etc and so no it doesn’t “only involve immigrants from certain countries such as Afghanistan and Cuba”.

    Not sure how it matters whether they’d be “on the Left” or how we’d know.

    We do not have the capacity to vet flight recipients’ finances to ensure financial need, nor do we specialize in the administrative and legal work required to ensure each flight recipient is authorized to enter their resettlement country. This is where our nonprofit partners come in – each partner is responsible for vetting flight recipients to ensure they have the necessary legal approval and documents to travel to (or, in the case of those released at the US-Mexico border or from immigration detention and legally seeking asylum in the United States, within) their resettlement country.

  59. I counted at least 4 NGO partners with Miles4Migrants who specifically focus on Latin American “immigrants” explicitly including illegals.

    And so I think Ace has plenty of reason to be concerned and there’s enough evidence from Miles4Migrants and its partners to support that concern.

  60. Seals and Crofts had a 70s hit titled, “Hummingbird,” from their smash album, “Summer Breeze.”

    –Seals and Crofts, “Hummingbird”

    Who could know the song was a tribute to Baha’u’llah, Prophet of the Baha’i Faith? Well, I found out because I looked it up even back then.

    Both Seals and Crofts were sincere followers of Baha’i and performed benefits for their faith.

    Seals died of a stroke in 2022.

  61. OT: I’m watching “I Married a Witch” (1942) by the French director, Rene Clair, after he came to Hollywood to do American films.

    Quite fun. Veronica Lake is an absolute yum, having fun at the expense of Fredric March, the male lead in the film and on the set.

    He called her a “brainless little blonde sexpot.” She called him a “pompous poseur” then wore a 40# weight under her dress when a scene called for March to carry her.

    Clearly the film was an inspiration (along with “Bell, Book and Candle”) for the classic 60s sitcom, “Bewitched.”

  62. bof:

    Oh man! That’s a find. I’m pretty sure I’ve heard it but it’s no sin to be reminded.

    Les Paul is a god.

  63. huxley,

    I saw “I Married a Witch” about ten years ago. The opening scene in pilgrim times is bizarre. And Veronica Lake?! Wow! She oozes sex appeal in that role. A lot of double entendre in that film that’s barely veiled.

  64. Viva Frei on Twitter:
    Either Ray Epps gets treated like the rest of the January 6 defendants, or the rest of the January 6 defendants get treated like Ray Epps. It’s not complicated.

    Unless there is something the January 6 committee knows about Ray Epps that they haven’t disclosed to the public…

  65. Earlier bof mentioned Les Paul / Mary Ford.

    I sure think they were amazing, now largely, sadly forgotten. neo has linked Wings of Pegasus before. Here’s WoP on Les and Mary. Clearly I underestimated Mary:

    –“British guitarist analyses Les Paul and Mary Ford live in 1954!”

    The sands of time and all that. Some say that in the future the only mid-20th C musicians who will be remembered are Elvis Presley and the Beatles.

    I find that difficult to argue. How many people remember Eric Clapton now? In another 20 years?

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