Home » And speaking of departures, Susan Rice leaves the Biden administration


And speaking of departures, Susan Rice leaves the Biden administration — 62 Comments

  1. Steve Forbes was on Fox Business this morning and stated that Susan Rice was the defacto POTUS. Also, that Biden has been doing what he has done his entire political career; doing what he is told to do. Plus, the mental incapacity.

    Rice, 58, reportedly clashed with other Biden aides over the border crisis that began during the president’s first year in office, advocating for a tougher approach…

    I highly doubt she was advocating for a tougher approach. Anonymous insider sources say … Yeah sure. Sources loyal to Susan Rice probably.

  2. None of this matters as it’s Obama ultimately dictating all that comes from this administration.

  3. Truly a day of extremely long knives indeed! Many have believed (plausibly, but with little concrete evidence) that Rice/Obama was the grey eminence behind the destructive administration of the senile buffoon. As for Tucker’s departure, Andrea Widburg writes sensibly of a war between the factions of MAGA and GOPe within the mostly worthless and corrupt Fox, the loathsome Paul Ryan perhaps being much to blame (and, of course, the old man), not to mention the frivolous lawsuit from Dominion (stupidly settled), as well as another idiotic suit from disgruntled former employee Abby Grossberg, apparently offended by an image of a certain stock-trading octogenarian in a a bathing costume.

  4. well that would be a triggering event for me,

    a little truth telling is acceptable, too much well you can ask howard beale about that,

  5. Not half of America. Half of voters. And not really half of them, either. I’d say about half of all Democrat or Democrat-leaning voters are knowledgeable of and amenable to, the leftist antics and destruction rampant in this administration. The other half include many who are low on information (those who still think the Democrat Party of JFK or even Clinton still exists in any meaningful sense) and those who have some understanding of what the Democrat Party has become and are uneasy about it, but loyally support it anyway because…’Orange Man Bad’, ‘Ultra MAGA scary’, ‘January 6’, etc. etc.

  6. she is part of the sysgy, this merger of private and public power, atlantic council, citibank abc through her husband, some academic sinecure

  7. Rice has been a malevolent force during her entire government tenure, Obama and Biden.

  8. My guess, she’s leaving to take charge of the re-election campaign, which will be announced shortly. And the “senile buffoon” as so aptly described above will continue to follow hers, and Obama’s, directives until the country is completely transformed.

  9. Biden’s about to go under the bus and she’s avoiding the collateral damage?

  10. she runs him, not the other way around, similar to valerie jarrett with obama, the real reason roseanne became an unperson,

  11. Rice is a mighty big rat to be seen leaving the ship. They might be getting ready to jettison Biden himself, so Rice is getting out while the getting is good. Rice might be a leading staff manager for a primary challenger (not RFK Jr., though). Rice might be thinking to run herself, which is the far more interesting hypothesis.

  12. It’s always been interesting to me that her son was president of the Stanford college Republicans. He said, I think, that he and his father listened to Rush Limbaugh.

  13. Since our media does no reporting anymore, no one who does not work there has any clue about how business is done in the White House. Our single best guess is that Ron Klain is running things to the extent they are run. Blinken, Austin, Garland, and Mayorkas are bad men and I’d wager self-propelled.

  14. zients drew the short straw, replacing klain, malley will be around as long as he wants, rice will be replaced with another factotum,

  15. I think she is leaving and going to join the Newsom campaign. Barack is anointing Newsom through Rice.

  16. Prolly getting ready to run against Biden given her long record of failure stacks up so well against his long record of failure. She’s got the race card, though. Kind of.

  17. Jason Chafetz, former Republican Congressman from Utah, thinks she is leaving to run for the Presidency herself. It makes sense. She’s been a Whitehouse insider for many years and knows the ropes. She has money and probably has some backers. An historic candidacy. A black woman running for the top job – the leftist dream.

    On today’s Bongino radio show, he did an analysis of Biden’s personality. Hisa analysis was that Biden is a not very smart egomaniac. Because of that, he’s not able to understand how feeble he looks and how alarmed many observers are about his capacity to do the job. So, he will run again rather than stepping aside. The Democrats will primary him and try to get rid of him. I think Obama has decided it will happen because Joe won’t gracefully step aside.

  18. neo on April 24, 2023 at 6:18 pm

    I heard that theory from some pundit today. Don’t recall which one. I hadn’t thought of it, but I agree that it makes some sense.

    Ah, it was Jason Chafetz.

  19. Rice running for president seems unlikely to me. She’s utterly stolid and charmless. But given lack of depth of the current Dem bench I suppose it’s at least possible she could end up as Newsom’s VP or something.

  20. I’ve been noticing renewed indications that the Dem movers and shakers have redone the math and decided Biden has to go.

    Since Biden needs to announce his run in 2024 soon in order to get his campaign going and to prevent challengers from developing momentum. the movers and shakers need to start moving, then shaking.

    And if Biden has to go, then Kamala Harris somehow has to be displaced without alienating the Diversity crowd.

    Susan Rice is an elegant solution to that problem. She has the race and gender qualifications. She’s loyalty and stress tested. She’s young and young voters are critical. Although she’s not a huge talent, she is clearly superior to Kamala the Feckless.

    Plus Rice, as others have noted, has the channel to Obama the Messiah.

    If that’s the way this cookie crumbles, it’s a smart move. We should worry.

  21. She’s young and young voters are critical.
    She’s the same age as Kamala, i.e. on the cusp of old age.

  22. As far as I can tell, Rice’s experience in electoral politics is somewhere around nil. No clue why she’d be the one you’d want running a campaign. The Democrats have professionals in that field. It’s the one thing Democrats do well (though in a peculiarly skeevy manner these days).

  23. imho, Zeints has been brought in to moderate the crazies to get Biden on the reelection track if possible. My bet is that Rice is being moved to reduce her profile but not her reach. Probably to the reelection machine.

  24. His analysis was that Biden is a not very smart egomaniac.
    Seems as good a description as any for Biden ca. 2016. I’ll offer a guess that Biden has an Alzheimer’s type dementia. The signature of Alzheimer’s is that the dement doesn’t realize he’s impaired.

  25. As far as I can tell, Rice’s experience in electoral politics is somewhere around nil. No clue why she’d be the one you’d want running a campaign.

    Clearly Art Deco has no clue in how Democrats pick their candidates and vote for them.

    Clearly too, Democrats haven’t been doing a bad job in terms of picking presidential candidates and gaining power … however deficient they are in Art Deco’s reckoning.

    I’ve been endlessly amused by Deco’s hand-waving at how mediocre and ineffective Obama was.

  26. Clearly Art Deco has no clue in how Democrats pick their candidates and vote for them.
    You’re still not explaining why they’d want a tyro in charge of the campaign.

  27. You’re still not explaining why you think that makes a difference.

    Democrats have typically and successfully run candidates with insufficient experience or competence for president and won.

  28. Democrats have typically and successfully run candidates with insufficient experience or competence for president and won.
    If you’d read what I wrote, you’d see I was discussing the position of campaign manager. ( See Grandpagrumble on April 24, 2023 at 5:32 pm)

  29. Art Deco:

    In late-stage Alzheimer’s the person is unaware of being demented. If Biden has Alzheimer’s, he is certainly not late-stage. Sometimes in earlier stages a person doesn’t know, but more typically the person does know in early and middle stages.

    For example:

    The middle stage of Alzheimer’s disease is also called “moderate Alzheimer’s disease.” In this stage, thinking and memory continue to deteriorate but many people will still be somewhat aware of their condition. People in the middle stage of Alzheimer’s disease need help with many daily tasks.

  30. Rice IS young in the current electoral climate. She’s 58. Practically a child, comparatively speaking.

  31. Nonapod:

    She’s not as charmless as Kamala Harris, our current VP (or Biden, but that’s another story).

    I think if she has her eyes on anything, it’s the VP slot to Newsom’s as presidential candidate. It mimics the Biden/Harris configuration – white male and black female – but in a better, younger, version.

  32. In late-stage Alzheimer’s the person is unaware of being demented.
    Earlier stages as well, and you’re mistaken about the frequency of the phenomenon.
    We’ve been facing this issue in our family for eight years now.

  33. Every administration has at least one somewhat creepy ‘Svengali’ lurking in the shadows. W. had Rove, Trump had Bannon (and Miller too); Obama and Biden both had Rice. What precisely her overall role is, how much influence she had…has always been rather opaque. Which leads to intrigue. Is she the defacto President? Is she leaving to direct Brandon’s campaign (quite the task!)? Or maybe she’s going to work for Newsom (who is likely to run a ghost campaign for the next year, lest Brandon finally collapse entirely)? Who knows? It’s virtually indecipherable by all sides of the political spectrum. And I’m sure that’s what she wants.

  34. Art Deco:

    Sorry your family has had to deal with it, but as you know, that is not the equivalent of a scientific study. Alzheimer’s sites say that in early and middle stages, people often are aware. Sometimes they are not aware, of course.

    But you also wrote that not being aware is “the signature” of Alzheimer’s. It most definitely is not. Unawareness is not even remotely universal in early and middle stages of Alzheimer’s, and other types of dementia also often feature unawareness. So awareness vs. unawareness is hardly diagnostic.

  35. Rice as President !?

    Nope. If you want a winning team, you never suddenly decide it’s a good idea to have the mechanic drive the race car.

  36. “…Susan Rice is an elegant solution to that problem. She has the race and gender qualifications. She’s loyalty and stress tested. She’s young and young voters are critical…”

    And most importantly, she says “elegantly” stupid stuff!…IF certainly well-aimed at the right audience!!
    …And she writes great e-mails…

    In her favor, she most certainly does NOT cackle and her “word salad” meter is, for all intents and purposes, on the very low end of the scale—though as the above example shows, it’s not for want of trying….

    (If you REALLY want to know anything about her, though, ask her son.)

  37. But you also wrote that not being aware is “the signature” of Alzheimer’s. It most definitely is not. Unawareness is not even remotely universal in early and middle stages of Alzheimer’s, and other types of dementia also often feature unawareness. So awareness vs. unawareness is hardly diagnostic.
    It most certainly is a signature of Alzheimer’s.

  38. And, since Biden has officially launched his campaign, if there were Democrat efforts to replace him, those efforts have failed. They’ll have to primary him, unless they are hoping that his complete collapse from whatever kind of dementia he’s got will come in time for another candidate to step in.

  39. last time, they stole it from sanders or buttigeg, why they gave propeller head the transportation sinecure, regardless its kakistocracy, rule by the worst,

  40. She did not distinguh herself as a foreign policy adviser in the Obama administration and did not exaclty shine as a domestic policy adviser in Biden’s.

  41. her job was to bring destruction and misery, so ‘from a certain point of view’ it was mission accomplished,

  42. An advanced bio-lab with dangerous viral samples in Khartoum?
    Another one of Fauci’s “babies”? Daszak’s?
    How does one go even lower than zero credibility?

  43. The Obama wing is ascendant, and is moving the Queen away from the King, who is about to be taken, to use her in the next game. Yeah, I know that’s not how chess works but that’s how this feels.

    I do not see how Biden survives the upcoming IRS whistleblower revelations.

  44. Is she just going to the reelection campaign, like Ron Klain? Or is she on deck to replace Blinken? Is she going to join Newsom’s shadow campaign? Does she have a media, foundation, or university job lined up? Or is Biden really cleaning house?

    I don’t see Rice running for president herself. Too many hassles. Policy people don’t like campaigning and don’t do well on the campaign trail. The idea of a Newsom-Rice ticket is unusual, but possible. Could you really get Harris out and replace her with anyone else but a Black woman? My guess would be, if Susan Rice isn’t leaving in order to work on somebody’s campaign, she’s going to pass some time at think tank and wait for somebody to make her Secretary of State or a university president.

  45. I believe Susan Rice resigned because she wishes to spend several weeks vacationing in Benghazi.

  46. Ray Van Dune at 11:41 said:

    “I do not see how Biden survives the upcoming IRS whistle blower revelations.”

    Actually, it’s quite simple; the DOJ will refuse to investigate the matter and in the highly unlikely event it does, the results will go into the Twilight Zone (as did the Durham investigation).
    The DOJ has turned the justice system upside down; for them, it’s “show me the man and I will show you there is nothing to here to see .”

    It’s pretty clear by now that certain classes of people here in the USA are above the law, so they know they can flout it with impunity.
    And so they do.

  47. A quartet of Obama, Dr. Jill, Ron Klain, and Susan Rice has been running the country into the ground since January, 2021.

  48. My bet is that Rice is being moved to reduce her profile but not her reach. Probably to the reelection machine.

    Her replacement is even worse. Neera Tanden is a far leftist who was proposed for OMB and rejected by the Senate. Another Yale LS loony.

  49. Einstein famously said there are two things which are infinite; the universe, and human stupidity.
    “And I’m not sure about the former.”

    It’s also said that we should not ascribe to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.

    But there are limits: Nobody can be that stupid. Nobody can be that unlucky nineteen times in a row. Nobody is THAT STUPID.
    It is legitimate to infer intent from results. Maybe something goes wrong…. Okay. But every single time without exception?

    Rice and crew are not that stupid. This is what they want, on the way to more of what they want.

    But the alternative is mean tweets…so there you go.

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