Home » The Biden family gets a pass so far on its corruption


The Biden family gets a pass so far on its corruption — 38 Comments

  1. These past few years we’ve wittnessed outrage after outrage practically on a daily basis from this regime. We’ve seen blatent, open criminality of the powerful ignored and excused by the state and media. And we’ve seen normal citizens demonized, politically persecuted, investigated, and prosecuted. We decended so far for so long that it’s difficult to have much hope for the future. We’ve become a low trust society. It seems like there’s no justice or rule of law any more. There’s only the rule of the powerful over the weak.

  2. “It seems like there’s no justice or rule of law any more.”

    No, there isn’t. Whenever Democrats have the power, they appoint preferably corrupt judges and DAs that they can control, for example the three hacks appointed by Democrats on the Supreme Court, who have little judicial experience at all. Now the judiciary is swarming with these crooks who are sold out, and ready to violate anyone’s rights if a Democrat tells them to.

  3. I especially loved the outcry from the Left/whatever when Trump threatened to withhold aid to get a Prosecutor rehired (I’m a bit fuzzy on the details) in the Ukraine. This is after Biden threatened to withhold aid if the prosecutor investigating the company Hunter was getting so much money from, wasn’t fired. I really think we are now in some kind of bizzaro world. I’m not naive, I know things like this have been going on since there have been governments, but at least they used to HIDE it and were afraid to be found out.

  4. We’re peons and subjects. The well-connected benefit from the Ruling Class and it’s privileges, and in top of that, gain immunity from prosecution.

    What a shit show, and why don’t We rebel?

  5. “Control the coinage and the courts—let the rabble have the rest.” Thus the Padishah Emperor advises you.

    A quote from Dune by Frank Herbert. Advice I think many people are trying to follow.

  6. TJ,

    I wonder about that also. I think the answer lies in the fact that 50% of the population are fine with whatever the Ds do. Another proportion aren’t paying attention. I know for myself, if I didn’t follow these stories I really wouldn’t be affected too much in my life except for the obvious inflation happening. Why take up arms in that case? I would guess only about 20% really care about the situation show.

  7. The story isn’t Biden. He’s just a standard issue lying, cheating, slandering, stealing Democrat abusing his office.

    The story is that Democrat voters don’t care. Just as they laughed and taunted the GOP that Obama and Clinton got away with their Benghazi dereliction of duty, they are laughing and taunting about the gross unfairness of application of the law and the destruction of America’s constitution.

    Democrat voters are the key. They are happy to embrace evil.

  8. the delta house charade and the way it was treated was instructive, also the murder of ashley and the rosalyn, yes they say the latter was accidental, right,
    the seven year sentence against jeremy brown,

  9. Have to admire whistle blower. Takes a lot of guts to risk govt reprisal. IRS, FBI, and more, not to mention hackers, doxxers.

  10. Why shouldn’t they get away with it? Hillary, for Gods sakes, had her own server as Sec of State, and she got away with it. The salient fact is whether your e a favored party member or not.

  11. It appears that the evidence is pretty solid implicating Joe and members of his family in a large influence peddling scheme. Joe has become wealthy over his tenure as a lowly public servant. How? And it appears that a lot of the money came from foreign entities that may be connected to foreign governments, especially the Chinese Communist Party.

    Is Joe compromised by China? That’s a major issue.

    Has Joe used his power to prevent the proper government agencies from prosecuting Hunter? That’s another big issue.

    Both issues seem to me to be cause for impeachment. Probably won’t happen because the votes to convict aren’t there in the Senate.

    Did the AG, Garland, lie to Congress when he told them the DOJ’s prosecutor in Delaware had all the power he needed to investigate and prosecute Hunter? If so, Garland should be asked to resign or face prosecution.

    The evidence against them seems very strong. Something needs to happen other than hand waving and faux outrage.

  12. People ask ‘why’ are they doing this to fellow Americans? First and foremost, they lack empathy. Yes, that’s the ‘mental disorder’ of it all.

    With today’s ‘see all know all’ tech and ability to manipulate ‘reality’… controlled by worldwide government ‘agencies’… Hoover would be proud. Wake me up if a Conservative ever wins the White House.

  13. I just know this whistleblower will end up charged with kiddie porn violations.

  14. Though, with the recent attention, they might charge Hunter with something like a federal jaywalking violation.

  15. the Biden family is the GOAT.

    I disagree. I think the Clinton family has them beat, but as nothing has happened to them either; I suspect nothing will happen to the Biden’s. The truly amazing thing is despite the obvious crimes of the Bidens, the best they have on Trump is a novel theory that paying a lawyer isn’t legal fees.

  16. Even the Red Cross is ‘woke’? Republican Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said his office is reviewing information regarding the Red Cross after a Daily Caller News Foundation report found that the organization had guides for migrants trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

    They have nothing to fear, the gang is all here: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.breitbart.com%2Fpolitics%2F2023%2F04%2F20%2Fbush-obama-clinton-team-up-american-express-fly-migrants-into-american-communities%2F

  17. The Biden’s deep, record setting corruption is not the story, that a political party is committed to obstructing that degree of corruption from accountability is the story. And in that political party’s obstruction, they are fully complicit in that corruption.

    Complicity in illegal criminal corruption is a crime, one that has effectively rendered the democrat party into a criminal conspiracy. Upon what basis can our ‘justice’ systems’ forfeited legitimacy* be honored? And since that criminal conspiracy fully controls the justice system, at some point we will all have to face the reality that no recourse other than arms remains.

    * https://youtu.be/Z5T1pVKfJ9M

  18. Leland, the Clintons were sophisticated enough to run the graft through their “charitable” foundation. The Biden gang apparently just had the money wired to their personal accounts.

  19. Two Biden administration officials should be disqualified from office over this. First, Blinken. He set up a letter from 51 intelligence agency-related people blaming a foreign country (Russia) for Hunter Biden’s sick laptop. How can he be trusted as Secretary of State? Second, even worse, a whistleblower alleges that Merrick Garland is slow-walking the investigations into Hunter’s alleged legal offenses. If true, Garland should be impeached and removed from office for politicized obstruction of justice.

  20. It would take a Soviet immigrant to understand our government today. I have no confidence that the 2024 election will help. The vote fraud in Arizona was so blatant that the next election is probably already fixed.

  21. “The Biden’s deep, record setting corruption is not the story, that a political party is committed to obstructing that degree of corruption from accountability is the story.”

    GB… rhetorical question perhaps. Are you taking about the Republicans or the Democrats?

  22. We are well past the rule of law, do you know how I know?
    The Marxists are saying no one is above the law, and nothing from a Marxist is ever the truth.

  23. cb –
    Regarding “Even the Red Cross is ‘woke’?”

    The American Red Cross has had questionable policies for a long time. While they’ve done a fair amount of good over the years, even as far back as fifty years ago, I recall my Dad railing against the Red Cross and how they reacted to certain disasters and how much they paid themselves. Disasters that garnered bigger headlines got more resources, regardless of the size/cost/impact of the disaster. And they have paid themselves VERY well for decades.

    The ICRC is another organization that has a bad history. They let themselves be suckered by the Nazis. A family friend who was a POW during the Korean War hated the ICRC but loved the Salvation Army. And of course, the ICRC refuses to accept Magen David Adom unless they change their symbol to something the ICRC accepts: red cross, red crescent, or red crystal.

    Oh, and the ICRC is now officially the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


  24. As anticipated, the legacy news organizations are burying the story about Blinken and the Hunter Biden laptop.

  25. Kate,

    You’re right about the Clintons vs the Bidens. Everything went to their foundation through which they were employed. The other tactic was to charge outrageous speaking fees. The Biden’s corruption is more blatant and may result in Joe not running in ’24 due to “health reasons”.

    But I think nothing will happen to Blinken over the intelligence letter because it all happened prior to Biden taking office. The excuse will be that it was a campaign tactic and after all Blinken was part of the campaign. That’s how it will be spun by both the media and the administration.

    However, Garland may well suffer if the the Reps can keep up the drum beat on his dilatory response to Hunter’s apparent crimes.

  26. I don’t think anyone is going to suffer anything. The vast majority of Americans still get their news from legacy media which is burying news unfavorable to the Dems. Also, I think the average American is too damn lazy to get off the couch, stop eating pork rinds and do something until something is a direct threat to them (school boards pushing trans ideology for example.).

  27. Focus on the President’s son’s balancing prowess with M&Ms before an appreciative audience of professional women.

    Recorded for history by the distinguished videographer Hunter Biden.

  28. “How can he be trusted as Secretary of State?”

    Oh, that’s easy.
    He ALWAYS lies.
    It’s “Biden”‘s M.O. after all. You wouldn’t be able to work in that administration if you didn’t lie…ALL THE TIME.

    (Well, you DID ask…)

  29. Yawrate, yes, Blinken wasn’t in office when he encouraged the dirty campaign trick. If testimony shows that Garland has actively impeded filing charges against Hunter, he should be impeached and removed — but he won’t be.

  30. Here’s a timely reminder:
    “UK Minister Calls For Jailing Social Media Bosses Who Do Not Censor Speech”—
    Key graf:
    “These officials proudly parade their intent to silence or jail those with dissenting views. Yet, they do so in the name of tolerance.”

    IOW, censorship is not only VIRTUE (writ large): it’s also THE LAW OF THE LAND! (Never mind that “the law is a ass…”)

    So what is the connection between this and dissemination the truth—forget about prosecution—about the most corrupt president in American history?

    Indeed, there’s a hint of a dint of a glint of a smile on Stalin’s gory, pallid face deep in the mausoleum…

  31. The reason this is so fraught with danger for the Democrats is perhaps surprising to some. I listen to Dr. Hansen’s podcast frequently and he made a comment that I have pondered and I think it is true.

    Dr. Hansen said he thinks Joe is afraid of Hunter. Not afraid in the sense that he thinks Hunter might do him physical harm.

    We know quite a bit about Hunter; all the drug use, the hookers, the trading on his name.

    If Hunter is facing a real prospect of a non-trivial prison term, he will do anything to avoid serving time. He will sing. He will spill all the beans. The best efforts of our corrupt media will be unable to conceal all the truths that Hunter will reveal, short of having the ‘Intelligence Community’ assassinate him.

    I think Joe and his handlers know this and are deeply afraid of him.


  32. as i’ve pointed out in the past, blinken rarely does anything without checking with his schoolmate robert malley, he orchestrated the months long khashoggi wake among other accomplishments,

    blinken was at the university of pennsylvania cadging renimbhi, when he made this call,

  33. Then Hunter must be arrested, and Lady Justice must honk her pitch pipe.

    I believe it spreads much farther through the Democratic Party. Corruption is what they have always stood for.

  34. Clintons took bags of cash from the CCP military spies. Not real sophisticated. In exchange they gave the Chinese access to all top secret CIA files, all diplomatic cables and top secret military targeting technology. This was all proven (not just alleged) and reported by the Thompson committee in the Senate.

    They should have been executed like the Rosenbergs.

    And if Trump had actually been a good campaigner, he’d have hammered Hillary relentlessly over the corruption and traitorous actions.

  35. he did, but the security apparatus is on her team, this is why the bogus investigations,

  36. One of the most galling aspects to this Biden family corruption is the millions of dollars they made from foreign countries conventional energy industries, while doing untold damage to the US energy sector.

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