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Larry Elder enters the 2024 race — 17 Comments

  1. they have done it to cain and to allen west, so not surprising, he’s already the ‘black face of white supremacy’

  2. At this point I’d say there’s an extremely high likelihood that the Democrat candidate will be a white man too. If it isn’t Biden, it sure won’t be Kamala. It’d probably be ol’ gruesome Newsom. How undiverse of them.

  3. Larry had a decent chance for Governor of CA but the LA Times ran a front page story describing him as the “Black face of white supremacy.” Also a white woman threw an egg at him at a rally. I wish him well.

  4. bring back the ghost of colonel chandler,

    yes the dog trainer went with the whitest most privileged jackass over elder

  5. Biden will end up claiming “health problems” and back out at some point over his burgeoning influence pedaling scandals. Newsome will win the nomination and pick Susan Rice for VP.

    And of course it will be Newsome–he has the best hair.

    Trump will end up losing because too many in the middle hate him. Newsome will likely pardon Biden in advance of any prosecution.

    You heard it here first.

  6. How can Larry Elder run for president, isn’t he a white nationalist?

  7. Larry Elder is too nice a guy to be a successful candidate.

    He got sandbagged by the la times.

    But at least he had no mean tweets!

  8. Despite the snark from the WaPost, I’d take any of the current declared GOP candidates as POTUS, and would be happy.

  9. I’m glad to see Larry Elder in the race. He can talk eloquently about the issues. As can Vivek Ramaswamy. Both POC, both well spoken, both willing to speak out against the idea of systemic racism. Niki Hailey can add her voice to that as well.

    I think the Republican primary debates could be very worthwhile.

    Will there be some Democrat primary debates? We can only hope so. Marianne Williamson, RFK Jr., Gruesome Newsom, and grifter Joe. Might be entertaining. 🙂

  10. I like and admire Elder. I don’t mind a bit of hyperbole from those who enter the political arena. I do mind unserious ‘hope and change’. As hope is a prayer, not a plan of action.

    Re: “America is in decline, but this decline is not inevitable. We can enter a new American Golden Age, but we must choose a leader who can bring us there.”

    There’s no doubt that America is in decline.

    It’s debatable that America’s decline is not inevitable. As even well-intentioned people cannot be saved from their folly.

    What is most troubling however is Elder’s assertion that the ‘right’ leader can lead America out of the ‘quicksand’ within which it finds itself and into a new Golden Age.

    In a representative democracy*, a leader cannot lead where too many refuse to follow. Such a leader will flounder when their society’s entire power structure is committed to opposing any leader who proposes effective reforms, which by definition, inherently threaten their agenda and status.

    * Arguably, we no longer have a republic. But at the least, we are at the precipice of losing it.

    Which isn’t an argument that we give up but does recognize that the best we may be able to achieve is to take the bastards down with us. “As for me, I plan to misbehave.”

    “Well Dr Franklin, what do we have, a republic or a monarchy?”

    “A republic, if you can keep it.”

  11. Well, whoop-dee-doo, another Republican is joining the party. Don’t get me wrong, I like Larry Elder, I’ve enjoyed listening to him on the radio, I even voted for him in the hopeless quest to unseat Governor Newsom.

    But when I saw here that Elder is tossing his hat in the ring, I was reminded immediately of “Amadeus 48″‘s comment from April 19th. Here’s the relevant (to me) excerpt:

    “Trump is in Trump Mode. He’ll denigrate DeSantis with outrageous and frankly stupid allegations, hoping to leave him in smoking wreckage in a ditch somewhere. 35% of the GOP primary voters will buy it and vote for Trump. DeSantis, Haley, Scott, Sununu, and a few players yet to be named will split the rest of the primary votes with no one getting more than 25%, and Trump will emerge with what he will call ‘the largest victory ever achieved on our history.’ He will then lose the general election by historic margins in the Atlanta, Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee suburbs, and consequentially fail to carry GA, PA, MI, and WI. Happy days are here again.”

    As I recall the early going in 2020, at some point, all kinds of Democrat hopefuls dropped out within mere days of each other: Warren, Booker, Sanders, Klobuchar, Bloomberg, bla bla bla. What I perceive as having happened is the Democrat powers that be decided on the candidate they will back, and the others were left to twist slowly, slowly in the wind (Watergate reference for any young’uns out there).

    Except it was not so “slowly, slowly”, as the writing was on the wall (and funding undoubtedly dried up quickly, quickly).

    Our side has *got* to emulate that. The circular firing squad, rhetoric as well as money, will do our side in before the general election.

    Ah yes, the general election . . .

    If our side isn’t prepared for the electoral shenanigans our opposition has in store for us, then, well, we can all sit back and enjoy the Elder-Scott-Haley-Sununu-DeSantis-Ramaswamy-(who-else?) festivities — unless our side’s powers that be can get their [d#mn] act together and emulate what the other guys did in 2020: decide on ONE of the group to go one-on-one against Trump.

    (I recognize that my foregoing rant excludes those who favor Donald Trump. I regret the exclusion, we’re on the same team, it is what it is. In spite of Trump being as fatally flawed as he is, he did accomplish some very good things for USA; if I could, I’d wish him a peaceful retirement. But that’s not what he wants.)

  12. Thank you, Neo, for not succumbing to the new “rules” on capitalizing racial descriptions. My friends are from the Caribbean, Detroit, or East Carolina, all of which contribute more to the interesting people they are than being “black.”

  13. ” Newsome will win the nomination and pick Susan Rice for VP.”

    Buttigieg ticks more diversity boxes as he’s homosexual…

  14. JTW:

    I think a black woman – two checks – is higher than a gay white man – one check. Plus, the VP would be replacing Kamala Harris, so wouldn’t the replacement have to be a black woman?

  15. cb @ 6:31 pm:
    No Democrat primary debates. It figures. Don’t tell the voters what your policies are. Don’t expose slow Joe to humiliation. Hide the candidates from the voters and let the MSM set the tone and policies.

    Policies and character don’t count anymore. What matters is who counts the votes. It’s come down to who can cheat the best. 🙁

  16. I wouldn’t count RFK Jr. out just now. He’s been pounding away on a topic that resonates with a lot of pissed off, fed up Americans: the recent vaccination idiocy and the evils of Big Pharma.

    On all other issues, he seems to be a traditional lefty loon. But most voters have only one or two issues they pay attention to, and the covidiocy is high on a lot of voters’ list. Recall that Trump’ s main issue was immigration; he rode the people’s dissatisfaction on that to victory. So I wouldn’t write him off yet.

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