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The Biden coverup — 36 Comments

  1. At this point does it matter. I have pretty much checked out. Maybe I’m wrong, but, when is the last time a significant personage paid a significant price for their crimes?

  2. I think it’s now quite clear that we are being ruled by a professional crime family. The Italian Mafia have nothing on these guys.

    There’s always been corruption in all administrations, but this is at a new level. And nothing will ever come of it.

  3. morrell ‘made his bones’ in the benghazi coverup of the assasination of ambassador stevens by al queda, I thought cofer black was the 51st expert,

  4. I’ll take this seriously when the folks that signed that letter have their security clearances permanently revoked.

    Unlike civil service positions, security clearances are discretionary and while there are appeals processes, one does not have a natural right to a clearance. The clearance benefits the government, not the holder.

    The fact that these clearances are not revoked, and likely will not be, even with no articulable reason why they should not be, tells me all I need to know about how “seriously” these matters are taken.

  5. Remember, they just sent a meme maker to prison for 10 years for election interference. All 51 of these people won’t even be inconvenienced for a second for their actual election interference crimes.

  6. he made hillary double her corona intake, have a heart (sarc)

    honestly if the Soviets (the Russians are decidedly binary now) or the Chinese had a puppet regime, would they do anything different,

  7. Leftists lie with the ease you breathe, not 1 lost even sleep over it. It’s all power grabbing and my opinion is they will have it for at leat 6 more years.

  8. It might be smart to try to learn what it’s like to live under a banana republic and start planning accordingly.

    I think we’re heading into another half-century, minimum, of Democratic Party control of the Federal government, but before it had the broad consent of most people. This time it’s going to perpetuate itself the way PRI* in Mexico did.

    I think the best chance of salvaging anything to survive that will be to consolidate power in the red states, using any legal and ethical means. That will mean securing elections so that the blue cities can’t take them over, and playing hardball when there’s enough dominance in the legislature. It will also mean counting on red state governments to ensure that their states ignore Federal laws when they’re too pernicious and simply not comply with Federal regulations and directives. Provided the resistance is passive, and the Federal government still can collect some revenue, there won’t be much in the way of consequences, analogously to way that many states have legalized marijuana in spite of the Federal laws against it.

    The national level political parties are essentially fake and will remain so. We have a lot more influence over our local and state elected governments. We’ll need to purge the state-level bureaucracies as well.

    *The PRI maintained absolute power over the country for most of the twentieth century: besides holding the Presidency of the Republic, until 1976 all members of the Senate belonged to the PRI, while all of the state governors were also from the PRI until 1989. Throughout the seven decades that the PRI governed Mexico, the party used a combination of corporatism, co-option and repression to hold power, while often resorting to electoral fraud. In particular, the presidential elections of 1940, 1952 and 1988 were characterized by massive irregularities and fraudulent practices denounced by both domestic and international observers. While during the early decades of PRI rule Mexico benefited from an economic boom which improved the quality of life of most people and guaranteed political and social stability, issues such as inequality, corruption and the lack of democracy and political freedoms cultivated growing opposition against the PRI, culminating in the 1968 Tlatelolco massacre in which the Army killed hundreds of unarmed student demonstrators. In addition, a series of economic crises beginning in the 1970s drastically lowered the living standards of the population.

  9. Remember as always Biden is ranked 12th for “integrity” by those in the know. (Yeah I know, it’s utter BS.)

  10. My first thought was that Joe and Hunter must be feeling immune from facing any consequences for Hunter’s – and the Biden family’s – corrupt activities.

    Can you blame him? His entire life’s story is that of a man who has basically gotten away with almost every dirty, underhanded, and disreputable thing he’s ever done. If he ever got caught he only suffered the barest of slaps on the wrist. When life has taught you that you can be an unrepentant, soulless scumbag why wouldn’t you keep doing it?

  11. I think we’re heading into another half-century, minimum, of Democratic Party control of the Federal government, but before it had the broad consent of most people. This time it’s going to perpetuate itself the way PRI* in Mexico did.

    I’m not sure the American people will put up with what the PRI did to Mexico. The Mexicans started from a third world state. The were ruled by “caudillos” from the beginning. The Democrats’ economic theories don’t work. Thy will destroy the economy even before the “Green Nude Eel” is able to end the Industrial Revolution.

  12. @Mike K:I’m not sure the American people will put up with what the PRI did to Mexico.

    I’m quite certain they will, as most of us have too much to lose by not going along. You were here in 2020 same as I was.

    The Democrats’ economic theories don’t work.

    THEY know that. Their attachment to those economic theories is fake. It’s going to be cronyism and public-private “partnership” with some Green Nude Eel dressing. It will probably last a long time; it will look a lot like Obamacare, which is 13 years along and never going away.

  13. It will be like United States of Canada but a lot less functional because we don’t have Canadian demographics. If we can strengthen the states we control we can mitigate a lot of it; if the red states work better then people and capital will move to them, and hopefully the red states will do whatever is legal and ethical to make sure that those blue state migrants don’t tip the elections.

  14. I don’t think there’s much to count on in what “the American people” will or will not do.

    How many people guessed, 25 years ago, that Ireland would amend their constitution to embrace abortion, or that London would be a minority-white city, or that we’d be were we are with transexual surgery for children?

    I wouldn’t rule out any kind of change over the next 25 years. What won’t we put up with?

  15. “It’s the crime and the coverup – and my cynicism tells me that there will be no consequences for either.”

    Oh, I think there will certainly be consequences, the only questions are “upon which part of the citizenry will they fall and how severely?”

  16. Taking Trans-parency to the next level.
    “…[H]aters call us perverts but we love being nude”—
    “Biden”—and all Democrats (especially “mythical” ones like Jerry Nadler and his sidekick, Chuck Schemer, not to mention AOC and all those other puke-gree, nude eelers), take note…
    File under: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CJHbfkROow

  17. Related (since everything is…even if one is “afraid to ask”):
    “Biden”, Trudeau, Soros, the WTF and all of its miserable minions are ratcheting up—getting into gear—for the Final Act, the End Game (the End of Days?)…
    IOW, fear and self-loathing on the campaign trail…to self-extinction: a profound, prophetic warning against the methodical and absolute perversion of morality….
    H/T Powerline blog.
    (…Wherein the author of this masterful piece reads, and digests, Jean Raspail…so that we don’t have to(?)…)

  18. Related (meta-related?)…
    “Biden’s ‘Racial Equity’ Order Threatens The Meritocracy That Makes Our Military Great”—

    …Which explains why Biden MUST stay “in power”…or even if Biden goes, why “Biden” MUST remain in power: viz. the coverups of the coverups of the coverups of the coverups, etc. MUST continue if the Democratic—Globo—Party is to successfully defenestrate the United States…thus paving the way for a glorious—read, “SUSTAINABLE”—GLOBAL future….

  19. Nor can Democrats protest that they don’t know how to “APPLY” the law….
    The do. It’s just that THEY are allowed to break them. THEY are allowed to lie, fib, prevaricate, vandalize, steal, etc.
    (While their opponents aren’t even allowed to make honest mistakes….)
    “Democrat threatens ‘Twitter Files’ journalist Taibbi with jail time for alleged perjury

    File under: Banana Republic blues….

  20. note they are still trying to put bannon in jail for a charge he was pardoned for, and of course they hung the noose over gaetz for more than a year,

  21. Well, certainly.
    Banana Democrats gotta do what Banana Democrats gotta do….

    They just can’t help it.
    (Besides they’re the REAL victims. Oh, and they’re also La Resistencia!)

    File under: !No Pasaran! (I.e., WRT the Truth, which WILL NOT PASS…as long as they can help it…)

  22. I dunno.
    Sounds like the PERFECT “Biden” nominee to me**….
    “Biden Labor Nominee In Jeopardy: Key Dems Silent On How They’ll Vote”—
    Opening graf:
    ‘…During Su’s tenure, California’s labor department paid out some $33 billion in fraudulent unemployment claims. In the first six months of the pandemic, a whopping 36.6% of the total benefits paid out were for bogus claims.
    ‘ Put on the defensive in Thursday’s Senate confirmation hearing, Su said, “Fraud, waste and abuse of any kind is completely unacceptable,” she said….’

    **Well, not quite as PERFECT, perhaps, as Sam Brinton (“born 1986/1987”! so that not only is It non-binary; It’s non-chronological…) but close!

  23. Matt Taibbi fights back:
    “Dear ?@mehdirhasan ?:
    here’s the EIP website saying it partnered with CISA, the CIS site saying the same thing, and the award showing CIS is a DHS contractor. You’re wrong on this and you convinced a politician [Stacey Plaskett, D-Virgin Islands] to threaten me with jail as a result. This has gone too far.”—
    H/T Lee Smith Twitter feed.

    Oh, so it’s Mehdir Hasan who’s behind the gaslighting.

    (Reposting for reference—
    https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/democrat-threatens-twitter-files-journalist-taibbi-jail-time-alleged-perjury )

  24. Democrat crime family never gets punished. The list of egregious crimes and betrayals of America is extremely long. Republicans are always guilty. Democrats are never even charged.

    And Democrat voters think this is wonderful. After the shooting starts, perhaps that may change. Let’s hope. Unless Democrat voters start insisting on the rule of law, the shooting is guaranteed to happen.

  25. Hum.

    Charged? Maybe. Prostituted? Possibly. Found guilty? Unlikely, not necessary for the narrative.

    The thing is Buck Fiden is leaning toward a 2024 run. The puppet masters do not support such.

    Perhaps they’re telling him: “It’s a nice little crime family you got going there Buck, it’d be a shame if…”

  26. “Perhaps you noticed, as I did, that Joe Biden recently took his son Hunter on a junket to Ireland. My first thought was that Joe and Hunter must be feeling immune from facing any consequences for Hunter’s – and the Biden family’s – corrupt activities. Miranda Devine agrees, and her article contains more about the machinations to protect Hunter and his dad…”

    My prediction is an impeachment. FJB has always been incompetent, and that got amped up when he was installed as President. There has been a sentiment with many that the Dems impeached Trump over trivialities, just because they could, and turnabout is FairPlay. But a revenge impeachment would look unseemly to a lot of Republicans. Here we have POTUS and his entire family taking bribes from our geopolitical enemies, political leverage being utilized to squelched to protect them, those bribes appearing to cost this country hundreds of $billions$ supporting Ukraine, one of his paymasters, and protecting the PRC, another of his paymasters, from consequences for COVID-19. Russia May start throwing nukes around, essentially as a consequence of this power as POTUS to hide it. It’s the whole thing that needs to be investigated. Right now, it’s looking like at least 8 Biden family members received bribes. And the IRS people are being told “hands off”.

    The timing is going to be interesting. I expect an investigation be initiated before the end of the year, but not completed until next year (2024), a Presidential election year. I expect a lot of charges, both for accepting bribes, and for using political power to evade consequences. Maybe a House vote to impeach in early spring. That gives the Senate over six months to dither about what to do about it.

  27. Unfortunately, it isn’t a crime for politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, and spies to lie.

    It may be part of the job description.

    And they’re very good at it.

    The statement was crafted to give the 51 signers ways of weaseling out of the responsibility for what they said.

    The point was to write and sign something that conveyed the impression that the laptop was a Russian operation, while admitting that they weren’t sure whether the laptop and files were real or not, so that the former intelligence operatives can hide behind the idea that they made a reasonable assessment based on their past knowledge of Russian operations.

    Also, the writer relies on CIA and FBI suspicions and investigations that were current at the time, so that the signers, retired officials, can simply pass on responsiblity for their conclusions to officials who were still in the agency at the time. The text of the letter is here, and it “shows all the earmarks” of a well-crafted bureaucratic disinformation operation.

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