Home » Republicans hang tough…


Republicans hang tough… — 14 Comments

  1. I don’t have much faith that this will last. After all it only takes one, and there’s no shortage of squishies and back stabbers among the GOP Senators. And presumably eventually Dianne Feinstein will return even if the have to wheel her out in some crazy life support apparatus like Captain Christopher Pike from that old Star Trek epsisode: The Menagerie.

  2. I am more disappointed Fetterman has seemed to return. Think he is pushing his rehabilitation much to fast.
    DiFi should keep her foot down and not give in, she picks up that foot it will be shoved in a coffin real fast, and we don’t want that to happen.

  3. This has to be Mitch McConnell’s doing, it’s one of the only issues he can be counted on to do the right thing.

  4. if they had fought for laxalt, and the one in arizona and oz, they wouldn’t have to do this, but they dropped the ball in all three instances,

  5. So, what’s going to happen? Will the Republicans cave or will the Democrats invent some skeevy work-around?
    I’d be sympathetic to Feinstein, but she insisted on running for re-election at the age of 85 and she did not resign and return home when her husband fell ill with cancer. As for Fetterman, everyone around him should have insisted he get off the ballot. There has to be a provision in state election law which would have allowed the Democratic State Committee or some other body to replace him. (Charles Grassley is another one who should have completed his last term around about 2011).

  6. feinstein seems reasonably cogent, they just want a ditz like katie porter, or an actual soviet agent like barbara lee, replacing her,

  7. I wonder who’ll be first.

    The smart money says…

    1. Sleaza Murkowski
    2. Pierre Delecto

  8. Don’t ignore the potential for Susan Collins to cave. In the name of political comity, or something equally vacuous.

  9. That information is also in Neo’s link to Ace of Spades. Rs are filibustering this temporary change request.

  10. Curious — what is it called when the government lies and abuses power relentlessly and the news media cheers?

    Has there ever been a free society that lasted when the news media embraced and supported a dishonest and corrupt government?

  11. They’re holding out for something. That corrupt bunch only wants to stay in control. Unprincipled, greedy traitors looking for the next pocket to pick. Don’t be fooled.

  12. “The smart money says…
    “1. Sleaza Murkowski
    “2. Pierre Delecto”

    Romney is actually sounding almost militant here.

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