Words the FBI considers red flags for domestic terrorism
Using terms like “looksmaxxing”, “Chad”, and “Stacy” will get you on an @FBI list for "Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremism." pic.twitter.com/VoIegyoUby
— Oversight Project (@OversightPR) April 3, 2023
You know what surprises me? That the Freedom of Information Act is still operating.
It is all too distressingly clear that our own government (truly, a Neo-Bolshevik kakistocracy) looks upon traditional and conservative middle-class Americans (whether Trump-supporters or not) much as “kulaks”, “saboteurs”, “wreckers”, and “enemies of the people” were regarded, once upon a miserable time, by the ruthless and totalitarian ruling elite (privileged and immensely powerful) of the USSR.
I wonder if they don’t care what people know anymore, after all who is going to stop them?
My actual name is Chad, how the hell do I avoid that?
My actual name is Chad, how the hell do I avoid that?
So YOU were the cause of all those messed up ballots in Florida in 2000.
Looks to me as if we aren’t that far behind the Brits, if “Chad” and “Stacy” causes the FBI to label you an extremist.
The most violent involuntary celibates long switched from looksmaxxing to gender reassignment surgery.
They’re worried about incels?
Well, the incel to trans pipeline is very, very real. I don’t think it’s gonna help their political ideology when more and more trans-identified males start committing high profile crimes.
I got a new style book, courtesy of the FIB. I’ll promiscuously use these terms on Social media like Twitter, just to bait these evil fascist into wasting their time and money. I may even make Silence Dogood into the momma of the Proud Boys. Just because.
j e Re WHAT to call Where We Are?
Anarchist-Tyranny — I discuss definitions, here
And gained Snow on Pine’s endorsement. Room for further discussion.
I recall Wray, talking to Congress about how his guys had ignored reports from female gymnasts, saying they were going to have training sessions to alert agents to the importance of such reports. IOW, they didn’t have any normal people in the shop.
Not sure he twigged to the admission there.
But he was going to change the culture.
This was before Congress some time recently and it was adamantly not official and they’re going to take it back and see where it came from and make sure it doesn’t happen again, by golly. With special attention to the Latin Mass fans. Which is to say they have a bunch of admitted morons working for them who don’t know not to do this stuff and not to approve it at higher when somebody sends a suggestion like that.
So recently, I’ve been hauling buckets of sand up a hill–long story–and wondering how many M&M a trip up the hill is worth. 51k foot pounds…. Anyway, it appears I’m looksmaxxing…at my age. Is looksmaxxing an incel word or did the fibbies make it up in an accident of creativity?
Should say I did spot some effort not to end a sentence with a preposition, so they have that going for them.
In college, I knew a couple of guys who might have qualified as “incel”, and considering everything that was going on around them, and everything they imagined was going on around them, none of which was accessible to them, I wouldn’t have been surprised to find them edgy about things. But I wonder along the chicken/egg line if they’re angry because they’re incel or they’re incel because they’re angry.
Does anybody remember the last Catholic terrorist? I guess there are two categories; the terrorist who’s a Catholic or at least from a Catholic family, and a terrorist who goes around shouting EX CATHEDRA! or something.
Not an expert, but I think Catholics are, as a group, less likely to take with absolutely not a single grain of salt any new ukase from a Deep Stater than are liberal Protestants, which could be the issue here.
Back in my days as a Navy recruiter (1966-67) We were always harassed by leftist students when we went to the various colleges. I came up with the idea of taking some Shore Patrol with us to keep things calmer.
My boss, an old mustang (an officer who came out of the enlisted ranks), took me aside and told me that we had to remember that we worked for the protestors. That they, or their parents were paying the taxes that paid our salaries. This used to be an accepted fact that the government works for the people. It’s obvious that they have forgotten this in the Democrat party. I trace this back to the Clinton years. Hillary gathered up FBI files on the opposition.
The FBI had a burnished reputation from the “Untouchables,” 91959-63) and Efrem Zimbalist Jr.’s “The FBI” show (1965-74). Well, now we know the FBI and DOJ have become politicized. They think they don’t serve us and work for us anymore. They work for the leftist elites. This has got to change.
I need to get the full list, and then put it in my signature for every message board I post on.
@ Chad > “My actual name is Chad, how the hell do I avoid that?”
Whatever you do, don’t marry Stacy!
Here’s a suggestion: dissolve the FBI. The vast bulk of the manpower in law enforcement works for state and local government and there are other federal police and security services with a specialized book. We don”t benefit from an omnibus police service in the federal government. Neither do we benefit from a voluminous federal penal code. Cut the verbiage, re-calibrate the sentences, fire the current corps of prosecutors and screen out the sociopaths when you hire their aspirant successors.
Anarcho-Tyranny (not the auto-corrected “Anarchy-Tyranny”).
The way I’ve seen “based” used, I figured it was a typo for “biased”but not quite fitting. Now I know it[‘s IMPORTANT.