Home » Schumer goes full Orwell on Tucker Carlson, and McConnell chimes in as well


Schumer goes full Orwell on Tucker Carlson, and McConnell chimes in as well — 41 Comments

  1. With all of this screeching about Tucker Carlson, I note a distinct lack of criticism of the leftist outlets which pushed the Russian collusion hoax, without evidence, for years. Tucker’s got evidence; what a concept.

    And yes, they’d screech no matter who presented this. Look at the howling about Elon Musk and Twitter (and the government’s probably unconstitutional demands that he turn over private information to the government).

  2. This is why so many Republicans don’t like the leadership of our party. I get McConnell a lot of credit for the current state of the court by holding the Garland nomination. He was probably surprised when Trump won and possibly not particularly happy about it.

  3. Tucker was probably the best person for this since he not only has a huge audience who are very interested in this topic, but he also has both the resources and wherewithal to comb through the thousands of hours of footage.

    I do find it a little depressing to note that outside of Tucker, Fox News seems to have barely mentioned the topic. When I watched Fox for a while yesterday I noticed they spent the most time on the Mexican Cartel murders and the reactions to them. I don’t even recall if they mentioned the J6 tapes at all.

  4. My local “newspaper” (use the word very loosely) had an article on Tucker and the videos. It said Tucker was putting out lies with the showing of the videos. Not biased at all, right.

  5. The politicians who have been lying about the J6 “insurrection” are calling Carlson a liar for showing the whole truth instead of what Adam Shiff released. That’s rich.

  6. The only question I care about is “What’s the end game here?”
    What does Tucker want to see happen?
    Now that our worst fears about a UniParty set-up of the J6 events & POTUS Trump appear to be confirmed…What do we do?

  7. This is the problem when people think you can go “a little Soviet.”

    The Democrats in the House conducted a plain and simple show trial. Evidence and testimony were screened and only made public if they supported a pre-determined conclusion. Any contrary information was suppressed. The number of college-educated professionals willfully ignoring that is concerning.

    But what is actually frightening is that it’s clear they didn’t think for a single second about what might happen if that suppressed information ever got out. Schumer publicly demanding Fox News censor Carlson and McConnell publicly backing him up is the absolute WORST face they can put forward.

    As bad as it is to be ruled by evil people, it’s much worse to be ruled by incompetent evil people.


  8. Martin, in a prior comment, referred to the craven Republican leadership. He, and others, will probably appreciate Mollie Hemingway’s takedown of McConnell: https://thefederalist.com/2023/03/08/dear-mitch-mcconnell-you-were-not-elected-to-do-the-bidding-of-chuck-schumer-and-cnn/

    On the other hand, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy seems to be behaving with a lot more spine than many of us anticipated, a point supported by other things in Hemingway’s article.


    Regarding Tucker Carlson’s coverage of the J6 jamboree (that’s columnist Josh Hammer’s term for the [snort!] “insurrection”), I have one criticism: Carlson devoted significant time to Officer Brian Sicknick’s demise, showing video of Sicknick in action within the Capitol after he’d supposedly been clubbed to death with a fire extinguisher. It’s telling evidence except for one thing: What viewer can discern from the videos that Sicknick is whom we’re seeing?

    Perhaps Tucker is simply implying “Trust us; that’s Sicknick.” But that doesn’t strike me as a robust position, especially given the context, namely that the other side is being accused of lying over what the J6 videos show.

  9. Bunge:

    Incompetent evil people may muck up their own plans.

    Competent evil people may succeed and carry out their plans as intended.

    Which of the two will do more intended harm (more evil)?

    Choose wisely.

  10. that is the point of the exercise, they never reflect on the myriad hoaxes, like sanford, or ferguson, or a 100 other things, and how they rubbish the al queda assasination of ambassador stevens, as a speedbump, a nuisance,

  11. What can one expect from the worthless “Cocaine Mitch”, who believes that our insane policy of endless support (more than one hundred billion thus far, with no end in sight) for Ukraine is the ” single most important event in the world right now”?

  12. “Incompetent evil people may muck up their own plans.”

    “Competent evil people may succeed and carry out their plans as intended.”

    Evil people at least have to keep the trains running on time if they want to carry out their evil plans. Incompetent evil people can screw up their own plans and everything else.

    Evil people = nuke their enemies. Incompetent evil people = set off their own nukes in their own territory.


  13. we report, you decide, that was the old slogan under roger ailes, now it’s what murdoch’s inlaws deem fit to print,

  14. blankenship who was a crook, from west virginia, was nonetheless right about the turtle, in that short hand, apparently his inlaws shipping company had occasion or two of narcotics or two,

  15. @ shirehome –

    The Seattle Times did manage yesterday to print an article about two suspects about to stand trial for Jan 6 misbehavior, who’ve discarded their ankle monitors and disappeared.

    Then that disappeared, to be replaced by an online drama entitled ‘Tucker Carlson amplifies Jan. 6 lies with GOP-provided video – WATCH’

    Now THAT’S journalistic prejudice, or corruption, take your pick. But it’ll certainly generate great rumblings of blue-state reader content.

    Not a word of the demand by recently awakened media for copies of said GOP-provided video.

  16. Tucker Carlson was preaching to the choir. Yes, they’ll trash anyone who dares to show the whole story, but I think someone else would have been better.

    Of course, that someone else would have to be willing and able to withstand the vicious abuse the left would heap on him/her/them/it/whomever/whichever.

    I wish I were knowledgeable enough about current events personalities to be able to offer educated suggestion(s). But Carlson is too easy for the powers that be to dismiss.

  17. The problem with giving the videos to somebody more in the middle politically is that there is nobody in the “middle” who will dare go against the approved narrative. Like the Russia collusion hoax, election fraud, the Hunter Biden laptop story etc. there is very little interest among the MSM in looking for the truth.

    The extreme negative reaction to the release of the videos among the MSM and politicians on both sides is very depressing. There is no concern for the violation of the basic rights of the 1/6 defendants. The odd thing is that this is one issue where there is pretty broad agreement among the people of both parties that these videos should be released. But with a few notable exceptions the politicians that are supposed to represent the people just don’t care.

    I’m wondering how much longer Tucker will stay at Fox. They are trying desperately to stop him from releasing any more videos. He is supposedly fighting to release more videos but Murdoch may cave to the pressure and stop him. I wonder what Tucker will do then.

  18. you could put it on twitter, but you see how they parcel the revelations of government censorship, all the other outlets even newsmax are compromised by coercion or collusion,

  19. Bunge seems to prefer competent evil people; a sociopathic genius vs a sociopathic bumbler. Sad.

  20. you just don’t get it, they wanted this outcome, this gang of wreckers like locusts who have risen from under their rocks,

  21. Gregory Harper:

    Glenn Greenwald, for example (who’s not just in the middle but somewhat on the left, or at least he used to be) would have been very hard-hitting. But he doesn’t have Tucker’s platform or his staff. Plus, Greenwald was demonized by the left long ago for opposing their “narrative.”

  22. It does seem that the powers that be got to Fox News and were successful in squashing any further release given what occurred with Tucker last night.

    I’m afraid, like all the other stories we’ve discussed here, this one will disappear also. The Borg are in control and we are slowly being assimilated.

  23. “Bunge seems to prefer competent evil people; a sociopathic genius vs a sociopathic bumbler. Sad.”

    Let me put it in terms I hope even you can understand. Was The Final Solution a productive use of German resources during World War II? Would you say the Holodomor was the result of competent or incompetent decision-making? Was the Republican practice of demagoguing on illegal immigration while never doing anything about it which led to the rise of Donald Trump the result of competent or incompetent political maneuvering?

    If we have to have evil people, I’d rather they be capable of understanding cause and effect, thinking more than one step ahead, and adjusting their evil plans to reality. If we have to have evil people in power, I’d rather they be like Al Capone instead of Ed Gein.


  24. Neo:

    I like Glenn Greenwald but like you say his audience is smaller than Tuckers and he is looked upon as something of a fringe character. The only people that will cover this story are people that have already been marginalized in some way by the MSM and the political elite. But there does seem to be a lot of interest in this story so maybe access to the video should just be given to more people including Greenwald and maybe Elon Musk.

  25. Was the Republican practice of demagoguing on illegal immigration while never doing anything about it
    I think the people who emphasized immigration control and the people who might have been in a position to get the bureaucracy to work on the problem were two different sets of people. George W. Bush was indifferent to immigration enforcement, if not an open borders advocate. Ditto Paul Ryan. Reagan wasn’t antagonistic to the idea, but it wasn’t a priority with him.

  26. Bunge:

    Step away from the keyboard and think for a change.

    Consider that your competent evil person doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what is good. Power, Bunge is what they want the most.

    See the concept of “ends justifying means” or The French Revolution (The Terror) and misuse of logic. Stalin appears to have been competent enough to have out murdered his rivals, enhanced the Gulag, murdered the Ukrainians (Holodomor), and bested Hitler (assisted by the USA, Commonwealth nations, and others). So no, a competent evil ruler or junta will get to you quicker and more assuredly than a Benito Mussolini.

    You think you would get along under a competent, thorough, evil state? Telling.

    Think for a change, Bunge.

  27. Bunge seems to prefer competent evil people; a sociopathic genius vs a sociopathic bumbler. Sad.
    Up until 24 February 2022, I’d have said Vladimir Putin was an evil person who nevertheless made correct decisions with sufficient frequency that Russia was able to experience a remarkable social and economic revival. Or, if not evil, then a stone-cold Machiavellian. You could make that argument about Hitler for the period prior to March 1939, with the qualification that the Hitler regime destroyed Germany’s autonomous public life (Putin did not) and included a great deal of sanguinary malice. (Russia has had no equivalent to date of concentration camps or Nuremburg laws).

  28. the Hitler or Stalin figure, is Xi, and we seem to bending over and forwards toward him, despite sterilizing a whole people of turkic peoples, the ughers

    the prog puppets, the shakespeare play that comes to mind, are very competent at destroying this country, every timber is under attack

  29. I think the videos are reaching a much larger audience than the Fox viewers. You can view repeats of Tucker’s shows on Twitter and people are tweeting about them.

    I’m impressed that Tucker is naming names and staring them down. It’s a bit like exposing the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. They aren’t all-powerful and they are afraid of him and what’s coming out. The January 6th narrative is being gradually debunked.

    I’m hoping that he’s going to show more info about the FBI operatives who were embedded in the Three Percenters, the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Texas Freedom Force, etc. And were working the crowd trying to get them to storm the Capitol. Agents Provocateurs is what they were. This event was planned and fomented by the Fibbies. Had there been sufficient security on hand, it never would have happened.

    Last night Hannity had the Capitol police chief that was on duty during that time, Steve Sund. He had intelligence that the crowd would be huge and might get violent. He kept asking for National Guard backup but was refused by Nancy Pelosi (the Speaker of the House controls the Capitol Police) because it wouldn’t be a “good look.”

    Yet, the day after the riot she ordered the government put behind fencing with about 4,600 National Guard troops deployed for security. And the fence stayed there for six months. A “GOOD LOOK?”

    IMO, this played out pretty much as they planned it. And the January 6th Committee was just the cherry on top.

    I hope this will all be clear by the time Tucker finishes.

  30. People will forgive you for being wrong, but they will never forgive you for being right—especially if events prove you right while proving them wrong.
    – Thomas Sowell

    That goes double when those who’ve been proven wrong tell lies for a living.

  31. I posted some information on one of our favorite pundits “shipwreckedcrew” on the Turley thread, but I thought I would spread the word around about what he’s been up to since he disappeared from Hot Air some time ago.


    As I explained when I put the the Port-O-Call on hiatus, the demands on my time from taking on 20+ clients charged in connection with January 6 crimes meant that it just didn’t have the time to put in a decent effort to provide content on this site. It wasn’t so much that the writing here was terribly demanding, or that I labored over every column to make sure it was just perfect — it was quite obvious to anyone who read them that I’ve never been obsessive about that particular aspect of “writing.” But taking any significant time to produce content here could have been misconstrued by clients that I was not sufficiently focused on their cases, and these are people facing the prospect of going to federal prison. I just concluded that the time I spent here would send the wrong kind of message about where my priorities were.

    But, as I indicated in a Twitter string not too long ago, the fundraising for my January 6 Legal Defense Fund that pays most of the expenses of my efforts on behalf of those clients seems to have hit a bit of a lull. The account that pays my expenses is beginning to dwindle at a quicker pace than I’m confortable with so I did an unscientific poll on Twitter regarding the interest there might be among my Twitter followers to pay a small monthly subscription for this site if I were to start writing here again. Given that all the proceeds would go into the Legal Defense Fund that benefits my January 6 clients, I’m guessing it is a trade-off they will be able to live with.

    Look for the first column tomorrow — why did the DOJ ask for a sentence of 64 months for David Mehaffie, and why did the Judge who found him guilty only sentence him to 14 months?

    Hint — Mehaffie had a great lawyer.

    Just ask him.

  32. We all knew that Chansley was treated more harshly because of his visibility. It was his costume, not his conduct, that seemed to drive the sentencing. In the hearing, Judge Royce Lamberth noted, “He made himself the image of the riot, didn’t he? For good or bad, he made himself the very image of this whole event.”

    And Judge Lamberth has wholly subscribed to this myth. He therefore associates Chansley’s bizarre getup with violence he did not commit, and by brute symbolism justifies a long solitary confinement PLUS an extended jail sentence. What’s missing here?

    Justice, that’s what. It’s immoral to jail someone simply for having black skin near a crime scene, and no less immoral to severely punish a costume freak for strolling around while others commit violence.

  33. @ Banned Lizard > “Speaking of Elon, he has a question for Senator Schumer:”

    The voice over on the “Breaking” video is brilliant.
    And Musk is a treasure.

  34. This is something Tucker missed; not part of the Capitol videos.

    JUST IN: Censored video re-emerges of ANTIFA IN BLACK CLAD disrobing and changing into Trump gear on January 6..


    And interesting reply, if true:

    Ford F150 @MattClayton1000
    Replying to
    There was a video here on Twitter on Jan 5 of a bus load of antifas arriving at the capital with a police escort. Idk if that is still available anywhere. It was at that point that I figured things were probably not going to go well.
    Chuck Callesto @ChuckCallesto

    Replying to
    If you can find it, message it to me.

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