Home » The left’s hold on the Jan 6th videos ends…


The left’s hold on the Jan 6th videos ends… — 23 Comments

  1. Right on all counts, Neo, and how Tobin can write that and expect sensible people to take him seriously is incredible.

  2. Better yet, maybe the release of the videos may reverse the prosecution and convection of the defendants in the J6 trials.

  3. “…the right is getting a chance at creating their own narrative….”

    Except that the right doesn’t want to “create its own narrative.”
    It wants to see what really happened, to document the total and complete truth; to discover, and reveal, what the obscenely criminal Democrats and their two disgusting GOP accomplices have been lying about, have been hiding, have been manipulating to falsely accuse, and imprison, persecute and torture innocent people who have been railroaded and framed by Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney, the ENTIRE “Biden” administration and the shameful, corrupt media.

    People who “create narratives” (make that dishonest narratives) believe that everyone else does it.
    People who lie believe that everyone else is a liar.
    People who steal are convinced that everyone else is a thief.

    And so the psychopathic Democrats and their pathetic henchman are CONVINCED that everyone behaves like they do.

  4. What people seem to not want to mention, is that the Jan 6 committee in Congress was not an investigation, so why on Earth should anyone expect the media to decide what’s fair, when they were fine with the previous inquisition?

  5. They trust Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats implicitly. They hate Tucker and assume he will lie. I personally want all of the footage on a public server so anyone can look at it. It should have been there since about January 10th.

  6. “[W]ithout full public access to the complete historical record, there is concern that an ideologically-based narrative of an already polarizing event will take hold in the public consciousness”

    I remember long ago a guy telling me about being literally run off the road by an 18-wheeler. He looks up as the 18-wheeler barrels by and sees the driver give him the finger. He said at that point he just had to laugh at the sheer outrageous f-u-ness, don’t-give-a-damn-ness of it. Statements like this are in the same class.

    Except that Tobin may truly truly believe that the Democrats have not been engaged in that effort since the end of the day on January 6 2021.

  7. Remember how Govt. were good guys at Waco until the truth came out?
    How about Ruby Ridge?

    Please, God, let Tucker and serious, talented people produce ten part documentary about Jan Six.

    While there may be a couple of people genuinely violent and guilty of something, vast majority of participants and incarcerated are normal people.

    The obvious Ray Epps situation should be known by all as govt participation but most people who believe there was an insurrection have no clue of his, and others, involvement. Not to mention average participants being railroaded into plea bargains in order to avoid risk of prison.

  8. the process is the punishment, hundreds were proscribed, yes I use the roman word, for parading mere trespassing, now we know there were at least three that were shot down, those that consumed 100 cities, on the pretexts that police couldn’t detain one drugged up suspect, you can count them on one hand,

  9. Barry Meislin:

    Actually, there are some people on the right who DO want to “create a narrative.” Not nearly as many people as on the left, but they most definitely exist.

    But also, when I used that phrase the context was a restatement of what Tobin was really saying in that letter.

  10. Tobin defined the last two years.
    How about seeing who, where and when the Scaffold Commander came into the scene, talked to and did until fading away unknown?
    Every one of Ray Epps minions who moved barricades before President Trump was done speaking need to be identified, interactions with and how they disappeared.
    And most importantly the actions of all Capital Police inside the capital and at the murder or Ashlii Babitt and outside where Roseanne Boyland was killed.
    I have 5 books read on the election and aftermath, I got questions.

  11. they had access for two years, and they parcelled it out like spoonfuls of sugar, they destroyed livelihoods, they drove one matthew perna to suicide, and they laugh like the denizens in jabbas palace, nadler certainly fits the bill, then you have the green magic woman, who was part of the local witchhunt, who bought everything the crazy stalkery intern hutchinson was selling,

  12. “Without full public access to the complete historical record, there is concern that an ideologically-based narrative of an already polarizing event will take hold in the public consciousness….”

    A bit of accidental truth: The power lies in the dominance of the narrative. A concept that only can work when the policy-makers and politicians control the media, which then dutifully prepares and distributes the selected narratives. Facts are relevant only in service to narrative; facts that do not serve, are not aired. Of utmost importance is the complete domination of the selected narrative and story line over rogue narratives that can conflict with the policy goals.

    Welcome to modern government. Pick any governing body: US Progressive Democrats, EU Leaders, United Nations, Klaus Schwab. They all use the very same technique. The UN’s Climate Change documents devote an entire section to the deployment and management of ‘narratives and story lines’.

  13. Tucker said last week that he would start airing his analysis of the video this week. Much anticipation tonight. Well, darn! Not one word about the videos. I guess it takes time to review 41,000 hours of material. Maybe next week.

  14. @ Neo > “If evidence impedes a prosecution, maybe that prosecution needs to be impeded.”

    Can we get that on a t-shirt?

  15. I must admit to a fondness for the Headline Writers at Not the Bee.

    Well, and the rest of the post too.

    Corporate media titans are extremely concerned that 41,000 hours of previously unreleased video from the January 6 riots have been made available to an ideological news organization with a political agenda primarily because they believe the material should be made available to their ideological news organizations with a political agenda.

    It’s right there in the Constitution.

    The Washington Post appeared to be previously disinterested in gaining access to videos beyond those carefully scrubbed by the January 6 Committee prosecutors. Here’s a search to see how demanding The Washington Post has been.

    Note how that first entry, reflecting the sudden interest, is worded.

    After Tucker Carlson given Jan. 6 tapes…

    Yes, “after.”

    Not so much.

    You can tell that while they are deeply concerned about the inherent complexities involved in moving cameras around, there are even more serious issues afoot:

    They might be forced to move around the plot points in their carefully crafted television series.

    The reason there are conspiracy theories about the attack is because the government was withholding information, and nature hates a vacuum.

    The corporate media seemed to be perfectly okay with that.

    Until now.

    Here’s a little secret only we Washington insiders are privy to.

    The location of security cameras in the building are as follows:
    1. Everywhere.

    You’re welcome.

    They apparently figured out over the course of the week that they were not going to shame McCarthy into, I don’t know, un-releasing the video to Carlson, so they thought they might as well try to get ahead of the curve so they could preserve as best they could the tale they have already weaved and maybe even preempt whatever explosive findings Carlson might dig up.

    This very well might end up being a big fat nothingburger in the end. After all, people in power (that is, people who have something to lose) tend to be reflexively secretive.

    However, it seems like those same people in power – the ones who have seen the footage we haven’t – are awfully concerned we’re going to get our chance.

    And people who have nothing to hide typically aren’t.

  16. With 41,000 hours of footage, its nearly impossible to avoid narrative building. One could selectively build any number of narratives based on the footage, and the J6 committee certainly did build one.

    I actually like McCarthy’s move here. If he publicly released all of the footage to all news outlets, the bits that counter the “insurrection” narrative would have been pushed out to NR, Fox News, and the like. By making Fox News the only show in town (at least temporarily), the right’s narrative will have a chance to catch up to the left’s “insurrection” narrative, or at least gain a little ground.

    The problem isn’t that we have a partisan press. The problem is that we have a partisan press where the left half (3/4?) has convinced a sizable portion of the population that they’re actually down the middle.

  17. “…that they’re actually down the middle.”

    True…but also that everything and anything to the right of them is Deplorable BS and Insurrectionist conspiracy theory….

    Speaking of wacky theorizing, since the Democrats and their fellow travelers have essentially dragged us through the looking glass, “conspiracy theory” has, as is being increasingly noticed, just another word for “accurate”.

    For a fairly “decent” overview of this, um, shift:
    “Whitney: The Plan To Wreck America”

    Heh…and as if that’s not enough, Canada, having apparently gotten bored with exporting freezing arctic blasts to its good neighbour to the south has embarked on sending something else…a bit different….
    “Canadian ‘Super Pigs’ About To Invade US, Unleash Major Damage”—
    Ah…that on-so-refreshing Canadian sense of camaraderie…and humour!

  18. The capital police operates like niedermeyers guard unit in animal house with fatal consequences

  19. Most likely everything that doesn’t reinforce the narrative has been “lost” by now, and calls to release everything will thus only lead to releasing the carefully doctored version that reinforces the narrative.

  20. @ Bauxite > “By making Fox News the only show in town (at least temporarily), the right’s narrative will have a chance to catch up to the left’s “insurrection” narrative, or at least gain a little ground.

    The problem isn’t that we have a partisan press. The problem is that we have a partisan press where the left half (3/4?) has convinced a sizable portion of the population that they’re actually down the middle.”

    Agreed on both points.

    And the press, more importantly, has convinced itself that it is “down the middle” (as Dan Rather said of the NY Times to Bernie Goldberg some years ago).

    Which is what got them all riled up about Elon’s tweet of this meme:


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