Home » Garland’s DOJ: We had to hold back on the Biden investigation in order to save the Biden investigation


Garland’s DOJ: We had to hold back on the Biden investigation in order to save the Biden investigation — 27 Comments

  1. Hey, it’s just Biden’s and the demokrats NKVD / Cheka doing their job.

    Show me the man and I’ll show you he is innocent.

  2. In a sane world, this would be enough to impeach Garland. He withheld the federal bureau that conducts investigations, because they may interfere with an investigation. There is only one reason that this would be rational, and that’s if the Defense Intelligence Agency was investigating due to the classified material being DoD related. However, I don’t even think that is a conspiracy theory being suggested, and if there was potential, than a raid of the Biden home would certainly be warranted. So this is just plain corruption by Garland and Wray, but as Garland sanctioned it, he needs to go.

  3. Given all these recent events I’d be curious to know how the general voting public views the actual credibility of the FBI and Justice Department at this point. Obviously the overwhelming majority of conservatives view these institutions as extremely biased, but how about moderates/independents? Do they know or care about all of this?

    I assume most Democrat voters are generally OK with this blatantly unequal treatment. Maybe they simply can’t imagine the dangers of having a huge swath of the public having absolutey zero trust in the integrity of these critical institutions. And maybe they can’t imagine the precedence of those in power dispropotionately prosecuting political advisaries who are out of power could ever be used against them?

  4. Who leaked the fact that there were classified files in the Penn Biden Center office? This would almost have to be someone in intelligence, I think. They don’t want Biden to run in 2024. But, in this scenario, Garland and Wray don’t want Biden forced to resign, because that would mean Harris. Result: No 2024 run for Biden, no Harris presidency.

    And, of course, loss of public confidence in the FBI/DOJ, but that was already gone for the half of the country they despise.

  5. Symbolic though it will be, the impeachment of Garland is absolutely necessary, as is that of Mayorkas. As for two-tiered justice, the very hallmark of Biden’s Department of (In)Justice, the bill (described by our host a few days ago) introduced by the odious intellectual midget Sheila Jackson Lee (although it will go nowhere) is perhaps the most blatantly and egregiously unconstitutional assault on freedom of speech and on impartial justice in recent history. A republic in which the legal system is deployed purely as an ideological weapon against political enemies cannot long endure.

  6. The democrats I know believe that Biden has been fully cooperative and forthcoming about all of this pesky top secret nonsense.

    Trump, however, was selling secrets to the Russians from Mar-a-Lago and should be in prison because he is lying scum.

    So it’s being treated differently because one person is a fine upstanding public servant and the other a traitorous villain.

    Until the MSM comes out and calls Biden a criminal, as they have Trump for all these years, not one of them will think any different. They also believe that anyone who disagrees with them on this is an insurrection sympathizer.

  7. Gosh, what will Mona Charen think?

    (How about, Since Trump is THE CLEAR AND PRESENT—ACTUALLY, OMNIPRESENT—DANGER to the Republic, then ANYTHING that is done to keep Trump out of power by ANYONE, or any BODY, which includes ANY government agency, e.g., DOJ, FBI, LE, the IC, and of course the PATRIOTIC MEDIA—is permitted, DESIRABLE AND NECESSARY…even if it upsets people such as Jonathan Turley, etc….)

    It’s just another “We have to destroy the country to protect the country” deal (though what that pithy phrase really means is, “Our real goal is to destroy the country; but CLAIMING that our goal is to protect and save the country makes things a whole lot easier for us to do so”…)

  8. Indeed, only “inexplicable” IF one is unwilling to comprehend that the DOJ—and MOST IF NOT ALL other government agencies—have been weaponized to serve as (paraphrasing Obama’s illustrious first AG) “Biden”‘s wingmen, wingwomen and wingcreatures (together with “his” Praetorian Guard Media/Infotech legions).

  9. Of the two, Biden and Trump, the one most likely to have leaked classified information to a foreign adversary is Biden (via his son).

  10. Rereading thought about during the aftermath of Mar-A-Lago it was reported Bark has a warehouse unsecured and full of his records I Chicago. Can only assume it’s still there in the same reported condition.
    Out of sight out of mind and no one cares to look.

  11. One more reason to be glad that “moderate” Garland never made it to the Supreme Court. Partisan hack…

    PA+Cat, thanks for the Lord High Executioner. Visual and vocal excellence

  12. Gringo–

    Glad you liked it. I particularly enjoyed the part around 1:55, when the Lord High Executioner whacks his own butt crack with that ridiculously oversized axe. Couldn’t happen to a better Garland.

  13. The graphic on my Tshirt shows Trump smiling and labeled “The People’s Pez”.
    It’s compliment has Biden in Philadelphia with his fists raised, and the words “The Oligarch’s Prez.”


  14. @ PA Cat – The story of the Lord High Executioner is not only germane to AG Garland, but to the actions of many of the “justice departments” in most of our Democrat-run states.

    Taken from the county jail
    By a set of curious chances;
    Liberated then on bail
    On my own recognizances;

    Wafted by a favouring gale
    As one sometimes is in trances
    To a height that few can scale
    Save by long and weary dances;

    I understand that The Mikado has triggered the Cultural Appropriation Cancellation Brigades.

    It’s not the only victim.
    (I link to the comment because it refers to the G&S operetta in a manner resonant with the Shapiro post, but RTWT and weep.)

    If This Goes On there won’t be much remaining worth watching.
    Which could be the intention, of course.

  15. From Turley’s post:

    Finally, by signing off on potentially uncleared counsel to do the search, the Justice Department minimized Biden’s own conduct. If this was such a serious violation, the Justice Department did not appear particularly concerned or motivated to correct it. It allowed private counsel to set the parameters of their search and will rely on their account of what was found and where.

    This is standard operating procedure for the Democrat-controlled Swamp (there isn’t a better word for the cartel, which no longer operates clandestinely).
    For other instances:

    (1) Hillary Clinton’s lawyers were the only ones who examined her trove of bootleg emails and then deleted over 30000 despite them being under subpoena – no one was prosecuted or even seriously inconvenienced. She claimed they were personal and private, but when some were later forensically retrieved many were in fact work related and classified.

    But, hey! — maybe all Biden had was recipes – only Whoopi knows for sure!

    (2) The FBI allowed Crowdstrike to tell them what was going on with the hack of the DNC server, which the Bureau never examined.



    I’m sure there are more examples.

  16. Along those lines — plus, I prefer the Car-a-lago appellation to the over-worked “garagegate.”


    “Biden’s using the same trick Crooked Hillary used,” Watters said. Watters was, of course, referring to former Secretary of State Election Denier, Crooked Hillary Clinton’s personal emails, which she famously insisted contained nothing but wedding planning and yoga — no classified materials and definitely nothing about Benghazi.

    In other words, Watters suggested Biden’s lawyers turned over a sanitized treasure of tarnished treasures.

    “Remember, you have your personal lawyers sift through what’s classified and what’s not, and then just hand it over to the feds,” Watters said.

    “Here are the only classified docs we have,” he continued. “Trust me. The other documents are totally about yoga and Hunter’s wedding.”

    He then went on to question the security of the Penn Biden Center, where the first batch of documents was inexplicably found by Biden’s attorneys.

    “The Penn Biden Center might be the most corrupt place in D.C.,” he said. “Let that sink in. Biden hiding classified documents in garages and closets should be the least of Joe’s worries right now. And it may have nothing to do with why the disgraced FBI is getting involved. If you want to know the real story, you have to follow the money.”

    Watters cited the work of author Peter Schweizer, who has diligently traced Biden’s alleged connections and deals with the Chinese Communist Party.

    According to the host, Biden received $1 million from the University of Pennsylvania starting in 2017. The payout came after the school was gifted $50 million in donations from CCP-owned businesses.

    “That’s what you get for $50 million,” Watters said, tracing the trail of money from Communist China to UPenn to Biden. “Communist China and Biden shut down investigations into Communist China, and then Biden appoints the UPenn president to be an ambassador.”

    The host took his conspiracy theory to the next level, asking, “Could the disgraced FBI finally be blackmailing the Bidens?”

    It’s an interesting take, though it’s obviously way too early to know if it has any teeth. Even still, Watters makes a compelling argument.

    On Thursday, U.S. Attorney General Corrupt Merrick Garland announced an investigation into Biden’s potential mishandling of the classified documents, appointing Robert Hur as special counsel.

    As Watters noted, Hur once worked under FBI Director Shady Christopher Wray.

    “The classified documents are nothing compared to the Chinese paper trail,” Watters said. “In fact, this might be the real reason the disgraced FBI is getting involved. This could be Shady Christopher Wray’s revenge.”

  17. Bumped from another thread; it has a certain plausibility.


    BlueStateHostage on January 18, 2023 at 3:51 pm said:
    What if Biden and Garland knew that he had a problem with classified documents earlier than the time line shows. They were looking at losing both the House and Senate and may have feared that this would all come out considering all the investigations that were promised by the Republicans.

    So you raid Trump for the records he has, appoint a special counsel all as a way to provide cover for Joe?

    Now they can say that they investigated everyone and (ala James Comey) at the end of the day decide that like a football game where you have offsetting penalties everyone walks away scott free.

    Art of the deal!

  18. A few too many words in this one…
    “We had to hold back on the Biden investigation in order to save Biden.”
    There. Fixed it.

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