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Biden’s classified papers — 47 Comments

  1. The next question is always: will anything come of this? I can’t answer that one

    Nor can I really, but I find it difficult to believe that the Biden Justice Department and FBI will actually do anything as long as they’re in power. And the loyal palace guard media will ignore the story and/or run interference for the regime about it. So it’s yet another instance of clear and obvious Biden regime corruption that is pretended not to exist at all. And all while the regime tilts at windmills in order to get Trump for nearly identical, but actually fictitious crimes.

  2. Once again we see the specter of corruption in Ukraine and its close ties to the Democrats and, especially, to the Biden crime family. Given all that is known about the endless money-laundering and the vicious venality existing amongst the DNC, the Bidens, our embassy in Kiev, various Ukrainian operatives in DC’s swamp (Vindman, Chalupa, Danchenko, and Nina the once-aspiring Czarina of the Ministry of Truth), not to mention the endless grifting (in Congress and by Zoom from home) of “never enough funding” Z the “Welfare Queen” (the amusing sobriquet of C Owens), it is hardly surprising that opinion, even amongst conservatives not friendly to Russia, is gradually turning against the insanity of our policy in that sadly troubled region of Europe.

  3. Neo-
    You might point out that, unlike the President, the Veep has not any legal authority to hold, alter, re-classify, or classify federal materials, unlike presidents (like Trump at Mar-a-Lago, which was invaded by a horde of Fibbies at 4 AM in alleged search of same).
    Garland would likely do less damage as a Supreme Court Justice in the minority than in his powerful position to do constitutional and political harm as AG, with the FBI at his control.
    Garland is an evildoer. Period.

  4. “Garland would likely do less damage as a Supreme Court Justice in the minority than in his powerful position to do constitutional and political harm as AG, with the FBI at his control.”

    But he wouldn’t have been in the minority. Sotomayor, Ginsburg, Kagan, Breyer and Garland would have been a majority for a at least 1 session.

  5. The Dems will push Biden out. And no one will fund Harris.

    Pete will run. Historic.

    And I’m still betting on Sheryl Sandberg.

  6. Cicero,

    If Garland was on SCOTUS we likely wouldn’t have decisions like Bruin, and we would still have some other deep state lacky as AG.

  7. Once again we see the specter of corruption in Ukraine and its close ties to the Democrats and, especially, to the Biden crime family.

    Hunter’s boss at Burisma was part of the former pro-Russian administration. Russia is more corrupt than Ukraine, and the pro-Russian Ukrainians are more corrupt than the pro-West Ukrainians.

  8. Can’t recall the last time, or any time, when the venality and corruption of an ally was of such concern.

  9. Now being reported, Biden as VP stored other unclassified information at a second unauthorized location.

    I’ll save you from linking to the NBC article, because while they have one sentence to say a second location had documents; they spend the rest of the story telling us about the first location then following the narrative established overnight: Biden has only a dozen documents, Trump had over a hundred. Biden stored them in office, in Washington, in a closet locked by his lawyer, while Trump stored them at his home in Mar-a-Lago [no mention of being in a vault and being guarded by a Secret Service detail]. Biden inadvertently packed the classified material as VP, [President] Trump just took them. Biden gave them all back [at least we are told, and only the ones we were first told about], except his team is looking for others inadvertently packed [which they found which means not all were sent back, and notice “inadvertently”], while Trump’s home had to be raided by the FBI [because the FBI is a hack agency that decided to act politically rather than continue negotiations with Trump’s lawyers on the return of the documents].

  10. I too am highly doubtful that anything will come of this because after all, “it’s okay when we do it!”

    However, the House Republicans should beat this drum from now to November of 2024. If nothing else, it will keep the democrats back on their heels.


    I agree that neither Biden or Harris will be on the 2024 democrat ticket. But I’m doubtful that Buttigieg will be the nominee. If I were a betting man, my money would be on Newsom.

  11. Why are his “aides” ratting him out all of a sudden? That’s what I’d like to know.

  12. I’ve also been very skeptical of the Biden being pushed out theory because of the lack of viable alternatives and the damage it would do to Democrats in general. But with this second batch of documents suddenly being “found” I have to wonder. Kash Patel was saying he thought Susan Rice was behind this with the goal of stopping Biden from running again. Who knows? Now if they keep “finding” more documents I guess we’ll have our answer.

  13. Gregory Harper:

    Oh, I think they might want to get rid of him by 2024. By then they might have fastened on an alternative they like to be the nominee instead. That’s relatively easy compared to getting rid of him before then, which was what I was referring to when I said I don’t think it will happen.

    But I still don’t understand why they’d want to get rid of him even in 2024 by airing his dirty linen. Surely there are ways to do it that doesn’t cause such potential problems for the party, and doesn’t make Trump’s supposed crimes seem innocuous.

  14. As for possible alternatives to Biden, I think Gavin Newsom would be the most likely choice.

  15. they hired him, they are obama’s people, which they share with xi’s thinktank, see anthony blinken jake sullivan bill burns, et al,

  16. back in the 80s, arnaud de borgrave, wrote the spike, which was the way of suppressing news pre social media, he describes in his tale, a diagramming of the soviet front groups, that were active in the 70s under carter, he telescoped it a decade later with outfits like the institute for policy studies*, controlling a successor leftist regime,

    *that’s the one that jamie raskins father co founded, of course they lean toward xi’s as their northern star,

  17. I love how the media acts as though it’s ok for lawyers to see classified documents. Of course they also think it’s ok for journalists to see them and they’ve explicitly said that on air to viewers before.

  18. “That many Democrats voted for it, too? That certainly caught my eye. What gives?”

    There’s not a lot of public discussion on this because it would require our elites admitting they were wrong, but a lot of people now understand Trump was right about China. The idea for the last 22 years, since China was given “Most Favored Nation” trade status, is that China would become the JUNIOR partner to Western economic and political elites when it came to running the world. But even some of the densest in DC and Europe have finally figured out China fully intends to be the SENIOR partner of that arrangement.

    I think being starkly confronted with our dependence on China by the pandemic and their obvious lying about COVID accelerated a reassessment that, to be fair, probably began even before Trump.

    As for Biden’s documents, the most likely explanation for the media actually covering this is that while they are quite happy to lie to us, most of the media still don’t like being lied to. And just about everyone now realizes they were blatantly lied to on the Trump document nonsense. This is a warning shot from the media to their “sources” to stop treating journalists as if they were as gullible as the American people.


  19. As I’ve said before, Democrats are unlikely to shove Slo Joe aside for two reasons: (1) He’s useful and (2) Harris is so utterly incompetent. That said, they want to keep their options open. The classified papers development gives them a potential out, if it becomes necessary.

  20. Agree w/Nonapod, It’ll be Newsome.

    Someone must have copied the documents illegally. TS material is strictly controlled/inventoried.

  21. Related:
    Victory Girls with the protection-racket, no-malarkey, nothing-to-see-here rundown (they read/heard all this effluence, bless ’em, so WE don’t have to…)…
    “Talking Points Have Gone Out On Biden’s Document Scandal”—
    H/T Instapundit.
    …in which the media is referred to by a term I’ve never heard before…but I like it!—The “Democrat Media Industrial Complex”!

  22. Another post from JtN makes the hypocrisy even more stark, by citing the actual timeline of the documents discovery.


    When Attorney General Merrick Garland announced Nov. 18 [2022] that he had named a special prosecutor to investigate former President Donald Trump’s handling of classified documents found at the Mar-a-Lago compound [in August], the government harbored a fresh secret: The current president, Joe Biden, had a similar problem.

    Just two weeks earlier, Biden’s lawyers disclosed to government lawyers on Nov. 2 — just six days before the midterm elections — that they had found sensitive government documents with classified markings inside an office that Biden used at the Penn Biden Center think tank in Washington after he left office as Barack Obama’s vice president.

    Pretty precocious of AG Garland — he must have been sure that the discovery of the Biden docs would never be exposed.

    Biden has claimed no knowledge of the classified papers, but then he claimed no knowledge of Hunter’s corrupt business dealings.

    Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), a former White House physician, went even further to suggest Biden was a hypocrite, his administration guilty of a double standard and the whole episode possibly a national security risk.

    “Biden knew for YEARS that he’s been storing HIGHLY CLASSIFIED documents in his personal office,” Jackson tweeted. “He KNEW it when FBI agents were raiding Mar-a-Lago, and he KNEW it when he appointed a partisan special counsel. HE KNEW THE WHOLE TIME BUT STILL HAD HIS DOJ GOONS PERSECUTE TRUMP!!”

    And there’s this wrinkle as well:

    But, hey, there’s a good reason for the DOJ treating the two presidents differently!

    There is differences in what happened. We all know that Trump is a liar and a thief. We know that. So it’s not that big a jump to say that he obstructed and he lied. We don’t think Biden is a liar and a thief, so we give him the benefit of the doubt.”

    This is really how they think.


    This is the kind of “yeah, but” defense of treating Trump and Obama differently — they had different intentions!

  23. @ miguel > “curious that,”

    If the Fedsurrection could be boiled down to one piece of iconic footage, the clip of Ray Epps urging a crowd to to into the Capitol on the eve of January 6 would likely receive top billing. Arguably the best part of the footage is that it makes clear how out of touch Epps’ bizarre suggestion is to the crowd — so out of touch that the immediate reaction of the crowd around Epps is to point at him and chant, “Fed Fed Fed.”

    “This is the only Jan 6 participant Adam Kinzinger will defend!
    Still not arrested” – Darren J. Beattie

    Almost as curious as this.

    Ray Epps’s Jan 6th Interview Gets Even Weirder Than His ‘I Orchestrated It’ Text.
    I went through all 96 pages of it for you. You’re welcome.
    Raheem Kassam Jan 10

    Ray Epps’s January 6th interview is bizarro-world.

    The entire thing reads like an exculpatory public relations effort, replete with assistance from committee members more concerned with helping Epps clear his name than getting to the bottom of his actions that day. But Epps’s interview is even stranger than these “CYA” attempts.

    Reps Schiff, Murphy, Aguilar, and Kinzinger were present during the interview finally conducted on January 21st 2022, after months of work by Darren Beattie’s Revolver.news, among others, which brought Epps’s activities on January 5th and 6th to light.

    Here are the top 12 strange, stand-out moments:

    And yeah, they are strange — pretty sure “Baked Alaska” had it right on J5.

  24. Indeed, 24/7/365 DEMONIZATION can really do wonders!!
    (Especially, it seems, if one’s a “Liberal”!!)

  25. “…second batch of documents…found…” at a “…second unauthorized location…”

    Heh, it just keeps getting better for the criminal party’s Criminal-In-Chief…
    Here’s a rundown of the fiasco (in which the despicable Avril Haines for some reason makes an unfortunate cameo appearance…)
    “Sen. Graham Demands Special Counsel Probe As Biden Breaks Silence Over Classified Docs”—

    File under: No-Fault Malarkey

  26. Not seeing it either, no reason to politically get rid of Sundowner, they will get Harris without a doubt.
    Can’t figure out why they are bringing this up as Democrat’s minions are doing it.

  27. Jonathan Turley has an angle on Biden’s documents I haven’t seen anywhere else.
    If true, it makes his claim that he had no knowledge of the papers found in his office (now offices) even more blatantly dishonest than his usual wont.


    While Attorney General Merrick Garland has again refused to appoint a special counsel, any acknowledgment of Biden’s knowledge or interaction with the documents could have serious legal ramifications. These documents may have been relevant to his last book.

    The book, “Promise Me, Dad,” released in November 2017, was marketed as his insider view of America’s relations with countries like Iran and Ukraine: “As vice president, Biden traveled more than a hundred thousand miles that year, across the world, dealing with crises in Ukraine, Central America, and Iraq.”

    If he worked off these documents, it is impossible to deny the violation — or his hypocrisy in his comments on Mar-a-Lago.

  28. “doubling-his-hypocrisy”
    Not sure “hypocrisy” is the right word here.
    How about “dishonesty”?
    (But that can’t be right, either—I mean how much is 2 * infinity?)

    At least he didn’t hide those documents in his socks.
    Oh wait—did anybody look?
    (How ’bout under Jill’s underwear? I mean curious minds really wanna know…not that the media is all that curious when it comes to President No Malarkey hisself….)

  29. If the Democrats want to be rid of Joe for 2024 they had better get moving on identifying his replacement, time flies especially in presidential politics.

    @Acker: “Harris is so utterly incompetent.”, Joe is incompetent too but he is controllable, Harris, I suspect, is not. This is as likely a reason for Democrats to avoid and abandon her. They need someone else.

    As for the documents, the NYT is well along in setting the narrative, though this reads a lot more negatively for Democrats than I would have expected:

    “Top News
    “Discovery of More Classified Records Raises Questions Over Biden’s Handling of Documents
    By Glenn Thrush

    “The revelation is sure to intensify Republican attacks on the president, who has called former President Donald J. Trump irresponsible for hoarding sensitive documents at his estate in Florida”

  30. “…had better get moving…”

    Call it a hunch…but I don’t really think the Democrats are worried about losing the next Presidential election.

  31. I think we have to remember that there is very little public information about either the documents at MAL or the Biden documents, other than leaks. I strongly suspect that it is absolutely bog standard for presidents and vp’s to take documents that are technically classified and keep them for memoirs, presidential libraries, and such.

    My working theory is that some TDS-addled bureaucrat decided that “our democracy” depended on recovering every scap of paper that Trump took to MAL after leaving office. Trump responded in his customary manner, and no one at Justice had the wisdom or intestinal fortitude to prevent things from escalating to the MAL raid. After the MAL raid, there was blood in the water among the crowd who have been waiting years for the walls to finally close in on Trump and a special counsel, indictment, and conviction became inevitable. Until now. Now the whole operation against Trump is hoist with its own petard.

    I think the most interesting question is why has the Biden thing come to light now? I’m going to guess that it was common knowledge in DC circles that Biden drew on classified material to write his 2017 book. I seriously doubt that any Trump supporters have enough power in DC right now to force this into the open. I agree with neo and the commenters above that this would be a really destructive way for Biden’s Democrat rivals to take him out. So maybe this is the work of an incompetent or foolish Democrat (Harris?)

    Here’s another theory. If we start prosecuting ex-Presidents and VP’s for taking technically-classified papers with them when they leave office, we hand virtually every administration the power to harass and even indict its predecessors. Maybe somebody at DOJ or elsewhere in government figured that out and acted to slow our decent into banana republic land.

  32. So far ignored in the comments: “the nearly $1 million in personal pay Biden received from the [Penn-Biden] think tank.”
    What disgusting venality.

  33. The Biden wing of the Democrats was not “hypocritical”… they were operating well within the normal rules of their coterie: do whatever makes sense from the point of view of making money and retaining power with minimal effort, and rely on established elected and bureaucratic allies to make sure it stays hidden from public view.

    This is not hypocrisy, it is absolutely normal and even honorable behavior for a Democrat and many GOP, whose allegiance is to his party and his peers, and if convenient and necessary, on occasion to his country.

  34. “The next question is always: will anything come of this? I can’t answer that one…”


    Are we to believe that any federal agency – all whom have done an exemplary job of protecting joke Bidet and his family – are actually going to go after their Fuhrer??

    Give me a break; I don’t think so.

    This latest issue will in no way impact the efforts to destroy Trump. Some arguments , some legal legerdemain, will be concocted to claim that Trump broke the law but Bidet did not.

  35. I think the Deep State’s meat puppet is so brain addled that he salutes hotel doormen, and the Deep State wants a new one.

  36. It’s much worse if others were handling documents taken by Sundowner and put them in storage. You are responsible for documents under your control

  37. Closing a loop – most stories on the second set of docs still said “unrevealed location” last night.
    Now we know.


    The president’s lawyers discovered a small number of documents with classified markings in the garage of his house in Wilmington, Delaware, the White House said on Thursday.

    A single document was found in a room next to the garage and no documents were found in the Bidens’ Rehoboth Beach home.

    Last night it was revealed that aides discovered at least one additional batch of classified documents in a location separate from the Washington, D.C., office he used after serving as vice president.

    Biden aides have been searching for additional classified materials that might be in other locations after a set of classified documents were found in November at a Washington think tank.

    (h/t Powerline):
    Peter Doocy: “Classified materials, next to your Corvette? What were you thinking?”
    Biden: “My Corvette is in a locked garage, okay?”

  38. Still like to know how this clown accumulated–according to reputable mainstream sources–over $15 million in personal wealth shortly after leaving the VP office. And the media’s singular disinterest is stunning.

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