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Twitter power and Yoel Roth — 25 Comments

  1. Yoel Roth is the perfect embodiment of the corruption of Big Tech, of the thoroughly venal collusion between Silicon Valley and the Democrats in power, and of the utter worthlessness of most of today’s so-called “academic degrees”. Roth was awarded a PhD from Penn for a “dissertation” on Grindr, the gay app. How utterly are the Ivies fallen, how completely is corporate America compromised, and how ruthless are leftists in pursuit of power and control and domination over their ideological foes!

  2. In that interview Roth also makes some comments about the banning of the Babylon Bee that are even too much for Kara Swisher the left wing nutter interviewing him.

  3. Employees obviously constantly searching for “right wing” contributors. Any indication employees were watching any leftists for violations?

  4. The power and reach of Twitter is vast. How did this happen? I’ve never been on Twitter, nor any other social media except Linked IN. Went there at the request of a nephew. I’ve been very inactive – I’m not looking for a job.

    Facebook sounded like a good idea, but at the beginning everyone wondered how they were going to make any money. Well, it turned out that the customers were their product. They sell your information. Now, I guess they have ads too.

    It amazes me that these platforms have become so huge. But then I go out in public and see people with their faces glued to their phones and I get it. There is something addictive about what is found there. And I am guessing much of the mass psychosis that I observe (Woke ideas that seem preposterous.) is being spread through these platforms.

    Censorships is an old idea. It’s been around for a long time. The founders wanted to put a stop to it. Thus, the First Amendment. The urge to power by suppressing other people’s ideas was a big part of the Twentieth Century totalitarianisms – Naziism, Fascism, Communism. So here we are again.

    Suppressing “misinformation” sounds noble, until you realize they mean they don’t like your ideas or opinions and don’t want to let others hear or read them. Then it’s plain that it’s censorship – straight up. Just like in the 20th Century.

    Yoel Roth may not have realized it, but he was a successor to Joseph Goebbels.

    Well, the cat’s out of the bag. What happens now is the question. I think Twitter maybe less of a propaganda arm going forward, but I doubt anyone’s going to jail. The FBI/DOJ/DHS have all arranged for plausible deniability. Guilty as h*ll, free as birds.

  5. Funny, everyone from middle-school street bullies up to Josef Stalin feel that they’re in a moral position superior to their victims, who did (or even looked) Wrong, and Had It Coming.

    Musk’s purchase and purging of Twitter is a very rare example of members of the public being allowed backstage to see what’s been going on. Lesser organs of the Left, such as the Seattle Times, are desperately trying to suppress these disclosures, and still on December 10th have printed zero on the subject.

  6. Color me cynical. Just like Russiagate. Hunter’s laptop, and all the other POS that has come down in the last 7 years, absolutely nothing will happen to the players, the system, or anything else. The system is totally broken and beyond repair.

    They all walk, we continue to be screwed.

  7. One of the more terrifying notions I have is that these narcissists drunk on years of power and righteousness will propel themselves forward professionally and leave more destruction in their wake. Meta, Google are too big for Elon-sequence folks to buy.

  8. Roth’s dissertation topic and various Twitter comments over the years may have something to do with why pedophilia and child pornography were apparently allowed free rein on Twitter. They would remove only the most egregious cases to stay on the right side of the law, according to what I read. If nothing else, Musk’s cleaning up of this segment of the platform is a social good.

    I don’t know what can be done about the obvious violations of first amendment rights by government agencies which have been revealed.

  9. Tonight’s episode seems to be a lot of Roth and his fellow censors trying to find rationale for censoring all kinds of things that they don’t like or agree with.

    Jack Dorsey has come across as incredibly weak and out of the loop at his own company throughout all of these releases and instead we get this weird little tyrant Roth seeming to make it up as he goes.

    Trying to figure out what post Roth will be getting in the Biden administration…

    Or maybe they will just settle for awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

  10. I think we will see evidence that Twitter suppressed a far larger swath of the population including people of the left that were out of phase with the current narrative and many of influence on the non left

  11. systematically push

    So if I recall correctly the sequence goes something like:








    Good job there, Yoel. Thanks to your efforts we’re well along the way.

  12. I am willing to bet nothing will happen to any of the players in Twittergate ( he he)
    And not a doubt in my mind a “Roth” like character works at Facebook, YouTube and every other social media corporation.

  13. This is all very interesting, and somewhat satisfying to see what conservatives alleged proved true, but physicsguy and Skip have it right: nothing, as in consequences, will be done to the perpetrators of the censorship, shadow banning, and election interference. If anything, people like Roth will likely get attaboys from the Left.

  14. steve walsh:

    I don’t think most people here think there will be any negative consequences for the people responsible. Nor will they stop doing it at other venues.

  15. Big Brother is here. Democrats and their voters celebrate the censorship, celebrate the FBI abuses and the gulag, celebrate cancel culture and indoctrination of children. They celebrate the all-encompassing illegal spying, the lies, the election fraud, the rampant corruption and the unrelenting slander of those who disagree. They celebrate the storm trooper abuses, the riots, the covid fascists, the sex traffickers and the drug cartels.

    These are nasty, vile people. There isn’t any possible way to be a morally decent, patriotic American and vote for a Democrat. And that’s not hyperbolic. Facts demand a verdict. We have mountains of evidence. They all point to the same conclusion. Evil exists. Evil dominates the Left and the Democrat party.

    And that’s why none of us expect justice. Evil laughs at justice.

  16. Who the hell was in charge at DOJ/DHS/FBI while these weekly meetings were taking place with the Tech companies (Twitter et al.) in the run-up to the 2020 election? Weren’t they Trump appointees?

  17. Bill Serra:

    We know that Chris Wray was FBI head and we know how against Trump he is, and how corrupt. The DOJ was headed by Bill Barr, who was a mixed bag. As for DHS – an agency that was less involved with Twitter than the others, as far as I can tell – there was a lot of turnover under Trump and I think that in the leadup to the 2020 election it was Chad Wolf, who was considered illegitimately appointed. I haven’t seen anything that indicates whether the Twitter meetings with these agencies were supervised by the people heading these agencies or whether the heads were aware of what was going on. Also, there was a supposedly valid reason for briefings: discouraging or recognizing supposed foreign influence on elections through Twitter. Perhaps if the heads knew about the meetings, they thought the subject matter was the preventing of such interference. Or maybe they knew exactly what was going on, including the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop. It’s certainly something I’d like to know more about, and it certainly seems likely they were involved in that supression, especially Wray.

    You can see what Kash Patel had to say about all of this here:

  18. “Twitter power…”?
    “…and [the Grapes of…] Roth”…
    Compare and Contrast (a twitter medley…):
    ‘President Trump called out Yoel Roth back in 2020.’—
    ‘According to documents released by this website, [David Axelrod’s] cohort is at center of biggest election scandal in US history. ‘
    ‘ “The number of illegal votes cast in Arizona’s general election on November 8, 2022 far exceeds the 17,117 vote margin…
    ‘ “Witnesses who were present…show hundreds of thousands of illegal ballots infected the election in Maricopa County.” ‘

    ‘ Key to understanding censorship re covid — vaccines, masks, origins, etc — is that issue wasn’t public health, but rather national security. Thus same agencies interfering in US elections also helped cover up biggest national security failure in world history. ‘—
    H/T Lee Smith twitter feed (for all links)

  19. @ Neo > “subpoenas need to go out because nothing is ever deleted at the FBI.”

    It will be now.

  20. “communities” “safely” “on line”


    Slather that word on with a putty knife and none can speak against you.

    I hear it in real life. Were I not such a polite, gracious guy, I’d be sneering, “You feel UNSAFE looking at a tweet. What a wimp!” Plus, I need to deal with actual humans in some aspects of my life, so I only mutter it to myself.

    Problem is, my reticence–and that of so many others–gives it heft. It can be a serious restriction.

    There is rural county in Michigan–Antrim–whose election system flipped 40% of the votes to Biden until they got caught and it turned out to be a “human error”. I have several relations up that way who act as if it’s a badge of honor and virtue to claim to be afraid to drive through Antrim County.

    Somehow, the impact of “safe” has too be opposed.

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