A useful Fake News list
Think I'm kidding? Most of these outlets are fake news machines. You can add the AP's fake news report on Russian rocket hitting Poland that might as well be begging to start World War III. The most damaging fake news comes from the biggest corporate media outlets. pic.twitter.com/8neIqAQvqv
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 22, 2022
And it’s not even inclusive of all the MSM lies.
Why should one ever trust any narrative promulgated by the MSM? The joke from the right about the difference between a “conspiracy theory” and the truth being about three months ago could hardly be a more accurate reflection of our current reality, so topsy-turvy that even the immortal Dodgson could not have imagined it in fictional form.
Neo says, “And [the list is] not even inclusive of all the MSM lies.”
Neil Oliver’s most recent video is a takedown of the collusion between governments across the Anglosphere and the MSM in gaslighting/lying to the citizenry: “they are stealing the truth from us.” It’s about 20 minutes long but well worth the time:
At base it’s really quite simple. They have embraced evil in pursuit of what at base is an anti-human ideological agenda that wraps itself in pretensions of just the opposite.
Read the replies on Twitter. Some true believers argue that at least some of these stories were true …… and link to the original reporting to make their point.
@ j e > “The joke from the right about the difference between a “conspiracy theory” and the truth being about three months ago could hardly be a more accurate reflection of our current reality”
A Twitter thread that is on point for that.
Note the overlap of conspiracies with the list Neo linked.
I was familiar with all except this one, but it’s not a surprise.
Steve’s conclusion is sobering.
@ RockMeAle > “Some true believers argue that at least some of these stories were true …… and link to the original reporting to make their point.”
The reason the MSM isn’t worried about their flip-flops (never retractions or apologies) is that they know, with perfect certainty, that their original reporting is cemented in the minds of their audience, and nothing said afterward, even by themselves, will affect that.
Thus they will frame any later references to their lies as “old news, dealt with” and toss it down the memory-hole without disturbing the original impression.
IMO, this is one reason why apologies and repentance are so important: they increase the possibility of the retractions having an impact on the misled.
No amnesties.
Not without apologies and explicit retractions (not just “we made mistakes”).
True repentance would involve changing their mode of operation and refraining from further lies, but that’s probably asking too much.
Which means they might obtain forgiveness (maybe), but never regain trust.
@AesopFan > “The reason the MSM isn’t worried about their flip-flops (never retractions or apologies) is that they know, with perfect certainty, that their original reporting is cemented in the minds of their audience, and nothing said afterward, even by themselves, will affect that.”
A case in point is the current reporting on the shooting at the nightclub in Colorado Springs. So far, nobody knows the shooter’s motivation. But that doesn’t stop the media from speculating and then reporting those speculations as if they’re news, and then earnestly commenting on the implications of that “news”. By the time they’re done setting the narrative, the truth, if it ever comes out, will not matter much.
Here’s a piece by Glenn Greenwald on the Orlando shooting:
The Enduring False Narrative About the PULSE Massacre Shows the Power of Media Propaganda