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Roundup — 41 Comments

  1. (2) That’s some comedy gold right there.

    (3) Good grief. I mean… he may well be sincere, I have no idea, but that’s a bit silly to say out loud. It reads like he’s got a messiah complex, which is sort of par for the course with Elon I guess.

    (4) Apparently on average black people are actually very slightly shorter than whites in the USA.

  2. Progressive: unqualified monotonic process… one step forward, two steps backward.

    Liberalism: a philosophy of divergence.

    Libertarianism: a philosophy of independence.

    Conservativism: a philosophy of moderation.


    Tweet. Tweeeee… Like canaries in a clinic.

  3. “But the black vote is key to Democrat victories.”

    As older generations pass on, it’s hard to imagine 90% black support of a political party run by and for the college-educated professional class is sustainable.

    And, of course, it’s Hispanic support that is going to be key in most elections going forward, thanks to our broken southern border and the good folks at Planned Parenthood. I get the sense that Hispanic-Americans are being ignored because the dominant liberal cultural doesn’t quite know what to make of them NOT following the path laid out in The Emerging Democratic Majority. That neglect probably won’t be sustainable by 2028 and may not survive 2024.


  4. As older generations pass on, it’s hard to imagine 90% black support of a political party run by and for the college-educated professional class is sustainable.

    True. The thing is, if it endures another ten years, it will have exceeded in duration voting blacks’ post bellum devotion to the Republican Party. (Blacks favored the Democrats during the period running from 1933 to 1963, just not with 10-to-1 margins).

  5. A preference cascade is currently underway with Hispanics.

    When a sufficient critical mass of blacks realize that Dems choose to keep them on the plantation, the preference cascade will be stunning.

  6. 1.) Questionable assertions. Defining today’s ‘progressives’ based on admittedly racist premises, ignores the purpose those premises are intended to serve. While country-club Republicans i.e. the GOPe have yet to conclusively demonstrate that they have truly embraced the principles upon which this country was founded.

    2.) Twitter employees are not open to being told anything that challenges their dogma.

    3.) Musk apprently believes that people who voted for Trump are as unwilling to engage in civil debate as are those who voted for Biden.

    4.) Catering to black imagined victimhood. Got to keep them blacks down on the plantation!

    5.) Thursday, October 27, 2022, “Putin Oversees “Massive” Nuclear Drill as Fighting Rages in Eastern Ukraine” 
    “Russian Defense Minister: Drill showcases Moscow’s ability to conduct “huge nuclear strike in response to an enemy nuclear strike.” [my emphasis]

    October 14, 2022, “NATO to kick off nuclear drills involving B-52 bombers on Monday”

    “100,000 soldiers of the 101st Airborne are now training along with Romanian military units only miles from the Ukraine and Romanian border.”

    “Washington – The US Army’s 101st Airborne Division is poised to enter Ukraine in the event of further tensions between Moscow and Kiev..”

  7. VDH: ” Instead, condescending Democratic movers and shakers are obsessed with climate change and sermonize about ending fossil fuels. Diversity, equity, and inclusion – all mandated equality-of-result agendas – are their cultural religion, along with transgender advocacy, and abortion on demand in all 50 states.”

    The whole essay is spot on, but that paragraph is pure truth that sums up the Progressives and their collective madness.
    It’s a form of mass hysteria that, IMO, stems from the rise of social media and the propaganda it makes possible. Social media has not enriched our lives.

    And speaking of social media, why has twitter become so ubiquitous? It’s a perfect propaganda machine and is run by prog propagandists. Musk could do humanity a favor by merely shutting it down.

    (4) Airline fare practices have long been outrageous. Introduced by the former hotel managers who were running UAL back in the 1980s, the practice is called “yield management.” Basically, they charge what the market will bear as the seats are sold. Each day they become more expensive until shortly before departure when, if seats are still available, the prices will be reduced to get passengers into those seats. It results in two people sitting side by side where one may have paid $300 for the seat and the other $1000. Same product, but vastly different pries. This is justified as being an auction market, just like other commodities. Except, the airline has all the information about availability, historical load factors, and demand. If you suddenly need a ticket to attend a funeral or some other emergency, it’s you who will likely be paying the $1000 fare. Booking three months in advance gets you the best fares, but many people can’t plan their schedules that far ahead.

    Southwest resisted this type of fare gouging and still is fairer in their pricing, but the last time I flew Southwest, they were selling upgrades on who gets to board first. I don’t object to that because it’s offered as you check in and is the same price for all takers.

    (5) Well, it’s getting close to Halloween. Time to scare the pants off those who are ‘fraidy cats. Do our national security officials – DOD, Sate, and the NSA have their acts together?
    Exciting time for our nuclear sub forces.

  8. “When a sufficient critical mass of blacks realize that Dems choose to keep them on the plantation, the preference cascade will be stunning.”

    It doesn’t really need to be. Black votes tend to be concentrated in places Democrats would win anyway. Outside of Georgia, I’m not sure there’s another state where black support is that crucial for Democrat victory.

    Trump currently distorts things because he’s so irrationally loathed by the professional class. If Hispanics even break close to even, that keeps Texas red and flips New Mexico. Nevada, and Arizona. We could see a string of GOP candidates winning 35 state landslides, which would cause a political apocalypse.


  9. “…which would cause a political apocalypse.”

    (Along with the usual cries of “STOLEN ELECTION” from the “Transitory Inflation” gang that couldn’t short straight…. But then we all know that Election Denial is—gasp!—the incendiary talk of irredentist INSURRECTIONISTS…which means, I guess, that we’ll no doubt be seeing Democrats throwing themselves in jail en masse. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch….)

  10. But of course!
    Democracy is a threat to Democracy…which is why the Democratic Party MUST thwart Democracy in order to PROTECT Democracy….

    Get it!??

    (Alas, anyone who thinks Obama or Klain or Rice or Dr. J. are actually running the show is poorly informed. It’s actually Mel Brooks….)

    File under: “That’s A-A-A-A-ALL Folks…!”

  11. As per usual, VDH is spot on….but he leaves out a key group. There remain a significant number of white working and middle class voters who are appalled by the transgender madness, are not woke and were disgusted by the BLM/Antifa violence, are not terribly concerned about a Green New Deal, and, even if they are pro-choice, do not consider abortion to be a priority issue, but rather priorotize inflation and economic matters, along with being concerned about illegal immigration. ..but STILL reliably vote Democrat because Democrats are for ‘the little guy’ and Republicans are for ‘the rich’.. They are entrenched in a political world circa 1996 or so, and simply will not be dislodged from it.

    As I mentioned the other day, senile and absurd as he is, Slo Joe is propped up because he is useful…especially in appealing to and reassuring these voters. In a past life, he was the epitome of mainstream Democratic politics. And there are still many people who can delude themselves that as long as he’s President, the Democratic party of yesteryear still exists. It’s virtually impossible to convince them otherwise.

  12. “100,000 soldiers of the 101st Airborne are now training along with Romanian military units only miles from the Ukraine and Romanian border.”

    We don’t have 100,000 paratroopers, let alone that many in one division.

  13. MBunge:

    Black votes are crucial for Democrat victory in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, and those states in turn have been crucial for Democrats to win.

    For example, Biden won in Michigan in 2020 by about 54,000 votes statewide. Detroit is 77% black (this site says 79%), and there were approximately 250K votes cast in Detroit. Do the math – the black vote appears to have made the difference, and a shift of about 25% more black people voting Republican, for example, would have changed the result.

    Similar for Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, although the proportions are different. Biden won by about 80,500 votes in the entire state. In Philadelphia, Biden got 81% of the total, or 604,175 votes for Biden. Philadelphia is 41% black. So black people accounted for about 248K (or more, if the percentage of blacks voting for Biden was higher than 81%) votes in Philadelphia. Again, a rather modest shift towards the GOP would have put the state in Trump’s camp.

    Biden won Wisconsin by about 20,700 votes. Milwaukee is about 39% black. Biden won by 146,000 votes in Milwaukee, about 80% of the total cast there. Again, it seems pretty clear that a rather moderate shift in black voting patterns towards the GOP could easily have flipped Wisconsin into the Trump column.

  14. Dwaz:

    I thought, who could make such a statement? I should have known, it was Geoffrey.


  15. In a past life, he was the epitome of mainstream Democratic politics.

    Actually, he was a skeevy careerist in love with the sound of his own voice.

  16. Milwaukee is where than 100% of the registered vote happen to vote.its where chisholm holds his kangaroo court

  17. Miguel:

    Tough question, is CBS part of the MSN?

    Are you being led around by some part of your anatomy? Rhetorical question, don’t give details, TMI is a thing.

    Is the 101 Airborne Division, 10,000 or 100,000 troops? I know, close enough for hand grenades or H Bombs. But details do matter, like 13 minutes matter.

    Your turn in the LOL seat.

  18. P.S.–

    “Amateurs talk about tactics, experts talk about logistics.”

    I’ve read that for each soldier in the field there are something like 8 or 9 nine support people making their deployment and ability to fight possible.

    So, I suppose that you could make the argument that if you added up every single support person who made it possible for the 101st to deploy overseas, to function effectively, and to be continuously supplied with everything that unit needed–with air and sea transportation, with a myriad of supplies–various vehicles and larger weapon systems, with rifles, machine guns, mortars, grenade and missile launchers, handguns, ammunition for each one of these systems, drones, tents and other housing, lubricants and fuel, clothing and protective gear, medical supplies, equipment and care, food, communications equipment and services–and the maintenance and repairs for each and every one of these items–etc., etc.–then the total of all these various support people could conceivably add up to another 90,000 military personnel.

  19. Make that Gen. Omar Bradley saying, “Amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics”

  20. I’ve never found Twitter an attractive form of communication, but it is a Player in the social media world.

    That Musk now controls Twitter is further evidence we are entering a new political phase with conservatives on the upswing.

    Though conservatives are a tough crowd to please, or so it seems.

  21. And of course Miguel wonders why of why would the US be deploying B61-12 nuclear weapons into Europe. Something about a genius that doesn’t consider what Vlad has been threatening to do in Europe since February 2022. That something is “not a.”

    Just a few links for those who are not led by the MSM (Miguel and JimNorCal).


    Trigger warning for Geoffrey; the ukranews.com article contains the word NATO.

    yield 50kt

  22. Democrats need >90% of the black vote to be competitive. Its not unusual for them to get ~95% of it.

    Right now, R’s are polling 21% support from black voters.

  23. @Om @Snow on Pine

    Well caught.

    As for the “Tooth and Tail” explanation of the “100,000 soldiers,” even this strikes me as unlikely. In general the ratio has been something like 4-5 or so support people for every trigger puller, and while that ratio has likely gone up in recent years and maybe moreso for Airborne, I don’t see it turning a 5-20,000 Airborne Division into 100,0000.

    For instance, Fort Bragg is home to the 82nd Airborne and has about 60,000 people, so you could lift the entire Division plus everybody else from Bragg to Romania and still not get these numbers.

    My explanations for the reason are:

    A: Conflating all US Personnel (or at least soldiers) involved with “Paratroopers” in the Division.

    B: A dumb edit with an extra 0 added in.

    C: Blatantly lying from Kremlin propaganda.

  24. Crickets from Geoffrey, Miguel, and James of Northern California.

    Dwaz was the first to call BS on this one.

  25. Furthermore this is thr contingent they are willing to admit cosidering its world war trans*who knowd how many forces are there

    *the real reason fot the war

  26. “And speaking of social media, why has twitter become so ubiquitous? ”

    Twitter has become the news boy on the corner shouting out the headlines. (Think black and white movies in the 30’s set in NYC) All of the news organizations have taken to it for the function of attracting views.

    Will Musk’s’s de-lefting of Twitter push enough people off the platform to affect this function? That’s the key.

  27. Turtler–

    Could this 100,000 over estimation have something to do with the fact that those with military service/familiarity with the military are not well represented among today’s young woke “journalists”?

  28. @snow on Pine.

    Almost certainly, though I think in this case it is more due to Kremlin propaganda, amplified by the ignorant.

    Also kudos to you too @Dwaz

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