Home » Open thread 10/22/22


Open thread 10/22/22 — 57 Comments

  1. Thank you. Seeing the faces of Early America and those that helped shape us is very interesting. They lived in a turbulent era.

  2. Just watched a video of Hu Jintao being “escorted” from the Chinese Communist meeting. He was sitting next to XI and XI ignores him. That is pure Power. It is telling everyone at the assembly that Xi is in charge and they had better toe His line or else. It does not bode well for the US or the rest of the World.

  3. A frequent riff from Peter Zeihan is that Xi is the most isolated major leader today — even more so than Mao and Putin.

    Xi has ruthlessly purged the top ranks so he has no opposition. He shoots the messenger of bad news so often that everyone just does what they think Xi wants to the point there are people who disinfect airport runways for Zero Covid.

    Aside from the horrors of dictatorship, this means that Xi is trying to micromanage all of China, which is impossible, especially with so many things going wrong for China now.

    But Job One is Stay in Power and Xi knows how to do that.

  4. Boston University gain of function research using the original Wuhan virus, achieving 80% death in mice, is true.

    Dr John Campbell calls this an existential threat to us. Given recent years, who here will disagree?

    In 2005, I did a an online history of biotechnology course (online, Continuing Ed, Harvard). The prof predicted that the N and C in Nuclear, Biological, Chemical weapons threats would retreat because of the prosecution of GWOT. But by around 2020, biological threats would become the new global threat.

    And so it has. We are THERE now. What do we do?

  5. Louis Daguerre, the inventor of daguerreotyping, was born in a small town in northern France in 1787. As a young adult, he worked as a scene painter for opera productions. He had a special interest in lighting effects, which eventually led him to develop the daguerreotype process in 1839.

    Here is a description of Daguerre’s process, which includes an explanation of the technical improvements that were needed to make portraits like those in the video possible: The daguerreotype is a direct-positive process, creating a highly detailed image on a sheet of copper plated with a thin coat of silver without the use of a negative. . . . The silver-plated copper plate had to first be cleaned and polished until the surface looked like a mirror. Next, the plate was sensitized in a closed box over iodine until it took on a yellow-rose appearance. The plate, held in a lightproof holder, was then transferred to the camera. After exposure to light, the plate was developed over hot mercury until an image appeared. To fix the image, the plate was immersed in a solution of sodium thiosulfate or salt and then toned with gold chloride.

    Exposure times for the earliest daguerreotypes ranged from 3-15 minutes, making the process nearly impractical for portraiture. Modifications to the sensitization process, coupled with the improvement of photographic lenses, soon reduced the exposure time to less than a minute.

    There is an 1844 daguerreotype of Daguerre himself at the link:

  6. If anyone is still wondering…
    “ABC News Producer Missing Since FBI Raid, Was Writing Book About Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal”—

    (Guess it’s not just the CPC that disappears people….)
    – – – – – – –
    Speaking of disappearing…
    ‘Internet Sting Operation “J6 DELETED” Exposes How Twitter Manipulated Jan. 6 Narrative “In Real Time”‘
    Key graf:
    ‘…“What we discovered is that many of these captured tweets, which had exculpatory evidence, had been conveniently and systematically removed from Twitter and some of the pages have even been scrubbed from the internet…”….’


    The downside to that extreme concentration of power is that it eliminates those Xi can scapegoat for his failures. Anything and everything that is or goes wrong rests upon his shoulders. Like the rest of the world, China faces some hard times ahead, both as the result of internal and external factors. Xi is riding upon the tiger’s back and he can’t get off.

  8. Saturday nights are now semi-devotional (semi-fascist?) for me. For personal reasons my thoughts in response to a friend’s email turned back to one of Krishna Das’s chants.

    –Krishna Das, “Jesus on the Mainline”

    KD offers a great New Age “Shaggy Dog” story about seeking the ultimate enlightenment, then *** SPOILER ALERT *** getting turned on to Jesus.

    Krishna Das was part of the Western team along with Richard Alpert (Timothy Leary’s Harvard sidekick) who went to India and found guru, Neem Karoli Baba, then got their names and lives changed.

    I wouldn’t try to persuade anyone here of that spiritual quest. But Neem Karoli Baba was tough on his Western devotees to accept Jesus as One of the Highest and they had better accept it.

    So Krishna Das finishes his Shaggy Dog story and the message *** SPOILER ALERT ** is an old Gospel tune:

    Jesus is on the mainline
    Tell Him what you want.


    It’s such an absurd reverse-flip on current Western prejudice against Christianity, and you better know Krishna Das knew what he was doing.

    PS. The above YouTube link sure looks like the San Francisco church where I saw Krishna Das. If so, I was in the back row.

  9. The couple of western Youtubers who know China very well–Serptenza and Laowhy 76–put out a Special Report today on the Hu Jintao incident, in which they gave their opinion that yanking Hu out of front row at the Party Congress in front of thousands of high ranking Party officials, plus reporters, was not likely because of Hu having some kind of health problem, but rather was–more likely–a power play by XI showing who is in charge and that he cannot be crossed.

    Former President Hu, they pointed out, was the head of one of the three factions within the Chinese Communist Party which have vied against each other for power, and that Hu was somewhat more moderate than XI, and was thus often at odds with him. Xi has been picking off the members of these two rival factions under the guise of “stamping out corruption.”

    As evidence they also pointed out that, immediately after this incident, any mention of Hu and this incident was scrubbed from the Chinese Internet.

    Moreover, that the person pulling Hu out of his chair and taking him by the arm to move him out of the Hall looked like he was one of Xi’s bodyguards, not one of Hu’s, as might be expected if Hu was ill.

    They also noted that Hu had been present at the closed session which came before this open session. Why not remove him during the closed session, when it would not cause such a stir?

    In addition, they pointed out that Hu was only removed during the public session, after reporters were let in to observe, and therefore able to see and report on what was taking place.

    They also noted that Xi did not try to aid Hu–who was sitting right next to him–when Xi might have been likely to do so if he thought that Hu was ill.

    Finally, looking at the video of this incident, I noted that all those hundreds of top officials on the platform just stared straight ahead during this incident, and made no effort to help, or make any outcry. The one exception was the official to the right of Hu–who made as if to get up when Hu was being pulled out of his chair and led away–but who was stopped when the official sitting next to him punched him in the arm to stop him from intervening.

    They also pointed out that all sorts of Chinese bots suddenly sprung up after this incident, pushing the story that Hu had some sort of medical problem requiring that he be pulled out of his chair and taken from the Hall.

    Finally, they pointed out that, to all of their contacts in China, this was an obvious power play and warning, and not a medical emergency at work.

    Said their contacts in China–that medical emergency story would only be believed by clueless westerners, who know essentially nothing about China, it’s history under the CCP, and how things work in that CCP.

    Sorry, I can’t provide a link to this particular Special Report, which I just saw a few hours ago, but now can’t find again.

  10. … was not likely because of Hu having some kind of health problem, but rather was–more likely–a power play by XI showing who is in charge and that he cannot be crossed.

    Snow on Pine:


  11. Two stories relevant to the Chinese purging of Hu Jintao by Xi.

    “China congress: How one man on a bridge marred Xi Jinping’s big moment”

    “This showcase immediately reminded me of Saddam Hussein’s 1979 public purge. If you haven’t seen that before, hoo boy. I recommend this version narrated by Chris Hitchens:”

    The video is chilling — things could have been worse in China.
    And they may be, behind the scenes.

    For everyone who kept shouting “Bushitler” and “Trump is really Hitler, we mean it this time!” — Saddam and Xi show us what that means, and no American president comes close.

    Although Biden seems to be in contention to join the club.
    (Barry’s links today are a few data points on the trend line.)

  12. @ Barry > “Speaking of disappearing…
    ‘Internet Sting Operation “J6 DELETED” Exposes How Twitter Manipulated Jan. 6 Narrative “In Real Time”‘ ” (a record for embedded quote marks)

    That was a chilling story — and I use that reference deliberately to invoke my prior comment about Saddam and Xi. This is the “purging” that happens behind the scenes in America (and the rest of the world), because we have no control over the internet media monopolists.

  13. Huxley–Peter Zeihan–who I had never heard of before–just popped up on my Youtube feed, and he just seems too glib and sure of himself in his prognostications about China, Russia, and the situation in the Ukraine.

  14. P.S.-Yes, there are geopolitical forces–things like a country’s location, how a country is situated vis-a-vis it’s neighbors, and it’s landscape features–mountains and rivers, it’s internal transportation networks and the difficulty or ease of such internal transportation, the placement of major population centers, available mineral resources and their placement, the fertility of the soil and growing conditions, access to river transport and the ocean, and the navigational bottlenecks and hazards to river and ocean transport, local, regional, seasonal, and global weather conditions, and other major factors like population structure and trends–all of which which shape and constrain human action.

    However, their is also human obtuseness, stubbornness, and will, which often leads leaders to pursue courses of action which overlook, ignore, or do not give enough consideration to these constraints–see, for example, the WWII Nazi invasion of Russia.

  15. Geert van den Boosche’s latest.

    Dense but detailed audio, 38 minutes, one slide:


    More accessible written summation, with less explanation of how he comes to his take on how things are going to progress:


  16. Liars’ poker?
    “Georgia election official asks Biden, Abrams how many records they need to break to get apology;
    “President Biden has referred to Georgia’s election system as ‘Jim Crow 2.0’ “–
    “Interesting” graf:
    ‘…”High turnout is not synonymous to voter access—rather the power of organizing and the urgency of voters to remove Brian Kemp and his allies’ far-right extremism from their communities,” Jaylen Black, Press Secretary and Spokeswoman for the Abrams campaign told Fox News Digital via email. “The SOS should focus on keeping lines short, preventing our ENet system from crashing again, and empowering voters to access the ballot throughout this election cycle.”…’

    IOW, “We’ll define “voter access” OUR way, not yours…”

  17. The HYUGE 2018 mid-term election success of Mueller, Weissmann, Clinton, Obama & Co. (AKA Russiagate)…

    “How the Mueller-Media Cabal rigged the 2018 midterms;
    “Exclusive: Jack Cashill charges N.Y. Times with pumping up specious claims against Trump”—
    H/T Lee Smith twitter feed.

    File under: Dirty Tricks, Inc.

  18. With crime spiraling out of control, NYC focuses on the REALLY IMPORTANT ISSUES:

    ” New York announces ‘name change’ for monkeypox, says older term is too ‘stigmatizing’ “—

    That being said, could it be that the November Surprise(TM) is being rolled out (as we speak…or, rather, quake in fear…or at least are supposed to…)??
    “About 1,000 students at Virginia high school out sick with flu-like symptoms, district says;
    “About half of all students at the Virginia high school were absent with flu-like and gastrointestinal symptoms.”—
    So “WHY Virginia?” one might ask….

    And of course this “golden oldie” from about a week ago…
    “NIH investigating Boston University’s creation of COVID strain with 80% kill rate in mice;
    “Experiments caused uproar, fears of new outbreak.”—

    OF COURSE THEY DO!! (Isn’t that the whole point?)

  19. And now we have to put the “pieces of the puzzle” together!
    …starting with this repost from above:
    ““How the Mueller-Media Cabal rigged the 2018 midterms…”—
    …and moving on to this (rather obvious) “next step” (for the 2022 midterms):
    “Biden’s ‘Tammany’ machine revs up”—
    …with its opening grafs, mentioning Steve Banon’s recent targeting and reminding us (lest we forget) that Trump is next on the list…to what end should be crystal clear…:
    “You don’t have to agree with Washington Democrats to acknowledge they are putting on a clinic in how to use power to reward their friends and punish their enemies. From canceling student debt to freeing federal pot prisoners to restricting oil and gas production to getting arch-nemesis Steve Bannon locked up, they are ending their two-year run with a bang.
    Their conclusion came last week when the partisan Jan. 6 committee issued a subpoena to former President Donald Trump. The timing was impeccable. [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]….”

    IOW, the Trump obsession/persecution is the path to continued (and never-ending) power and dominance over the country.
    The only problem is that “Biden” will have to persuade the voter that relentlessly and obsessively pursuing and persecuting Trump is far more important than the lives of those voters…or the state of the nation.

    This might well prove to be “Biden”‘s biggest challenge yet… though one can be absolutely certain that the media and info-tech are gearing up for this righteous battle.
    This JIHAD.
    So what other tricks might “he” have up “his” sleeve…(or in “his” hat)?

  20. RE: Name change for the “stigmatizing” term “Monkeypox.”

    Forget about the human protests–they don’t count.

    I wanna see the letters of protest from the group that was supposedly being “stigmatized,” from the monkeys.

  21. Carrying forward from the other thread some people should not remain in any position of public life see jennifer granholm she turfed out in 2010 yet she came back like the plague as energy czar or what not

  22. Some of the things Peter Zeihan says seem to make sense, and the issues he points to, the factors he considers, and the statistics he chooses to focus on seem like a pretty rational way to predict/anticipate outcomes.

    However, I don’t see a lot of “experts” echoing the apocalyptic–and particularly the immediate nature of–what Zeihan predicts will happen to/in China within the next months to a couple of years.

    Just how “out there” are his predictions?

  23. Totalitarian political systems are subject to gravity as are all things how flexible chinas system could temain is open to debate would it just collapse or resort to warlordism the curse of the last century until the next one of maoism

  24. Miguel, thanks very much for that Elizabeth Nickson link.
    Very powerful, eloquent stuff.
    Another changer who opened her eyes.
    (Or perhaps had her eyes opened….)
    Key word: OVER-REGULATION.
    If nothing else—and there is a whole ton of valid observations, conclusions and warnings—she explains how and why Trump was elected… though the man’s name never appears neither in the post, nor in the comments, some of which are excllent (cf. Duncan).
    She is not the only one to explain the resentment, the despair, the anguish—and the man who stood up defiantly and presented himself as THE alternative.
    Who in fact WAS the alternative.
    Who broke the ice.
    Who showed that smashing the duopoly in American politics COULD BE DONE.
    And who because of his success and the success of the American Republican system of government became the most dire threat ever faced by that duopoly.
    Who continues to be their most dire threat and who is, as a result, the target of their fierce ire, their demonic fear, their insane desperation, their berserk hatred. Their utterly immoral and unethical persecution.
    If one still wonders why Trump was the ONLY alternative in 2016…in spite of his unknown qualities (AND his known), this post explains it.
    Likewise, if one STILL wonders why he has been villified, drawn and quartered, slandered, ridiculed, lied about constantly….
    Once again, thanks…

  25. In the matter of those “NOBLE”—as opposed to Disgusting, Fascist, Deplorable, MAGA, Trumpist—insurrectionists and revolutionaries, continued (following a recent post on the topic by Neo):
    “Insurrection: New York Times Promotes Sabotage, ‘Guerrilla Warfare’ to End Fossil Fuels.”
    The Instapundit link exists; however, the NYT link has been taken down by the Gray Lady (for reasons of “prudence” no doubt).

    This one’s a humdinger!

  26. They dont call it the dog trainer (ht good prosecutor) for nothing

    *of course he eventually went orange man mad, worse than scurvy

  27. “He was held in check easily,” cough, Georgia, cough, Crimea, cough, Ukraine. I don’t think “held in check easily” means what you say.

    “Let’s not argue about who killed who! This is supposed to be a happy occasion!”

  28. The war started on obamas watch and resumed under biden you do the math

    Georgia was a stalemate i could reference the various interventions in abkhazia starting in 92 under good czar boris the first chechem war

  29. There are forces who are crushing our republic the times is among them and they see this war as a strategy to that ends

  30. Murray and Smiley are both WA women, Murray has been lost in the woods for decades, but doing damage the whole time.

  31. Of course they do that is the definition of a dhimmi rushdie understands vaguely who the real enemy is very vaguely the would be assasin would have been scrutinized if not stopped from his attenpt

  32. I say dimly because of his last novel the golden house he seemed to get it with the shalimar novel

  33. Huxley–Peter Zeihan–who I had never heard of before–just popped up on my Youtube feed, and he just seems too glib and sure of himself in his prognostications about China, Russia, and the situation in the Ukraine.

    Snow on Pine:


    But so far as I can tell he’s pretty much on the money and his predictions look like they are going jackpot this year.

  34. Wanna watch a mind—though maybe that should be “a ‘mind’ “— disintegrate in real time?
    (Um, no, me neither…)

    But…for those who ARE a wee bit curious:
    “…Pelosi Admits Democrats Need To ‘Change The Subject’ From Inflation”—
    Key punch line:
    ‘…Pelosi said: “When I hear people talk about inflation… we have to change that subject. Inflation is a global phenomenon…”…. “The EU, the European Union, the UK, the British, have higher inflation rate than we do here… The fight is not about inflation. It’s about the cost of living.”….’

    Yep, her finger’s right on the pulse…
    (Maybe it’s time to retire to the basement for some designer ice cream…or sell some shares …or theatrically rip up some documents—the Constitution, say…)

  35. Cutting edge of psychosis:
    “Cheney says Trump may have committed ‘multiple’ crimes, says Republicans ‘more dangerous’ than Dems”—
    [Emphasis mine; Barry M.]

    Looks like we have another pathetic case of “may have” mayhem: extreme, perverse projection by a master (mistress? dominatrix?) of the genre…with a talent for transforming indecent innuendo…into performance art!

    File under: The Cheney Gang-Up.

  36. Some excellent news from France. Hopefully the California Medical Board (as well as the Federation of States Medical Boards, and the Boards of Internal Medicine Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine in this country, all of which threatene physicians’ licenses or board certifications if “misinformation”–as determined arbitrarily by them–was spoken)will take note.


  37. Here’s a story we’re really NOT supposed to know about….
    “Lawsuit reveals vast censorship scheme by Big Tech and the federal government”—
    Opening grafs:
    “A little noticed federal lawsuit, Missouri v. Biden, is uncovering astonishing evidence of an entrenched censorship scheme cooked up between the federal government and Big Tech that would make Communist China proud.
    “So far, 67 officials or agencies — including the FBI — have been accused in the lawsuit of violating the First Amendment by pressuring Facebook, Twitter and Google to censor users for alleged misinformation or disinformation….”

    Meanwhile, those ole reliable Democrats keep the DISTRACTIONS flowing….
    “Cheney says Trump may have committed ‘multiple’ crimes, says Republicans ‘more dangerous’ than Dems” (repost)—

    “Pelosi: I don’t think Trump is man enough to show up to Jan. 6 committee;
    “House Speaker suggests former President is too much of a coward to obey subpoena from committee probing Capitol attack.”—

  38. Obviously neither “Dr.” Jill Biden, nor the officials around Biden care one whit about the welfare of this country and it’s people, otherwise they would find some way to “retire” failing, demented, obviously incompetent–and, thus, very and increasingly more dangerous–President Joe Biden.

  39. Lee, just want to thank you for all those links (and arguments) on the Corona fiasco/scandal in this post and that other one.

    There’s been a lot of extraordinarily shocking stuff flying around—from the get-go—but it’s all starting to coalesce and come into unfortunate focus.

    I’ve been following Dr. Joseph Mercola and many of the stalwarts on Substack (as well as the excellent reportage in the Epoch Times); but my basic problem is two-fold: why aren’t more people dying like flies (true, they may be and we’re not aware of it or being told about it…but still…)?
    And what would be the ramifications of raising these issues amongst people who might be inclined to automatically reject these contentions/studies and/or panic even further than they’ve already been panicking…? And how responsible, or irresponsible, would it be (this of course swings both ways…).

    Actually, the real issue for me—from way back—is the medical/political elite’s TOTAL suppression of treatments OTHER THAN the one-size-fits-all vaccination set. IMHO that’s THE MOST criminal aspect of the whole episode (and there’s lots of criminality to go around….).

    (Needless to say, Pfizer’ original DEMAND that none of its research, documentation and results be made public for 75 years should have been the madly blinking red light for everyone…as well as the way the “dissenters” were being treated by the authorities and the media…)

    Example Epoch Times article, with suggestions to combat manifestations and ramifications of the virus and the vax:
    “Spike Protein Disrupting Immunity in Millions After COVID Infection or Vaccination: Here’s How It’s Being Treated;
    “The spike proteins cause inflammation, turn off type 1 interferon response, and reduce autophagy among other things, all of which adds up to a dysregulated immune system”—

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