Home » This trailer for a documentary about George Floyd and BLM looks interesting


This trailer for a documentary about George Floyd and BLM looks interesting — 18 Comments

  1. It was obvious, from the very beginning, to anyone who read the original “Manifesto” (since scrubbed and edited several times to render it more palatable) or observed the anti-social and violent activities of BLM, that this was a movement built on mendacity and violence by race-baiting charlatans and race-hustling grifters, who conned countless individuals and organizations into donating hundreds of millions to be turned into profitable real-estate investments by a veritable rogues’ gallery of “activists” or squandered by the corrupt “charity” involved (Thousand Currents and Susan Rosenberg). Rather amusingly, Sharon Osbourne is now requesting a “refund” of the nearly one million dollars which she bestowed on this utterly indefensible terrorist group.

  2. I read articles on the George Floyd case, but given BLM’s track record, I wasn’t going to devote a lot of time to it. My mind was already made up by BLM’s con job on the “gentle giant” in that St. Louis suburb. (But yes, residents had a right to be angry at the city using the police department to collect a substantial proportion of the city’s tax revenue.)IIRC, BLM wasn’t yet founded when the Trayvon Martin news hit the fan, but Trayvon’s pounding Zimmerman’s head into the pavement before Zimmerman shot and killed him put paid to the notion that Trayvon was a victim of racial violence. (Not to mention that Zimmerman was himself of mixed race…)

    The Marxist orientation of BLM did not endear BLM to me. Not at all. Its eulogy for Fearless Leader Fidel was par for the course for brain-dead mendacious leftists. BLM co-founder Opal Tometi’s embrace of Venezuelan Caudillo Maduro was also par for the course for brain-dead mendacious leftists. It was more than ironic that BLM co-founder Opal Tometi supported Maduro when Venezuelan police kill civilians at 50 times the rate that police kill civilians in the US.

  3. I believe very much that black lives matter — all lower case words. I have no use for, and in fact only total contempt for, Black Lives Matter, with the initial caps.

  4. Candace Owens and Kanye West are walking a path that’s either going to destroy the race hustling grift or them.

    I watched Tucker Carlson’s interview with Kanye West, and it clear how determined he is to be his own man. He knows what he’s doing is dangerous tohis career and maybe his fortune. Or maybe his life. He is seen as the worst sort of Uncle Tom. He was safe on the Democrat plantation and richly rewarded for it. But he couldn’t express what he believed. Now he’s off the plantation and his Democrat masters are after him. This will enrage them even more.

    Candace Owens is bright, articulate, and very gutsy. These two working together can make a case that needs to be made about BLM, George Floyd, Defund the Police, and how it is all part of the plan to “fundamentally transform” our society. I look forward to seeing the documentary.

  5. Gliding through Barnes & Noble the other day while shopping for a nice book for a friend – I hadn’t been in there in years, I admit, surely not since… Before… you know – I happened to see a book in New Nonfiction which seemed to be something purporting to be a biography of George Floyd, perhaps. There was a brief blurb by Kendi at the top of the cover, “Essential for our times”. I wondered what on earth could possibly make someone who was not immediate family, for example, want to read anything even approximating a biography of George Floyd, and then went on with my shopping.

    I suppose the book may not be as much about him as about the political and cultural circumstances surrounding him. It’s a little like this biography of John Sevier that I’ve been picking at over the last few weeks: has some things to say about Sevier himself, but is really more interested, apparently, in analyzing the historiography about Sevier: the quality of the existing literature, how this or that legend about him came to be, and so on. Sometimes much more. While I don’t deny that a certain amount of meta-level discussion is interesting, I really would have preferred the book to be about John Sevier, straight up.

  6. BLM wasn’t yet founded when the Trayvon Martin news hit the fan

    BLM was founded mostly as a result of that incident. The lies, etc. told in that case which are now inarguable “truths” were where the mess that has led to the current ongoing insanity started. And everyone pretended, even conservatives…”conservatives”, that Zimmerman was the evil one in that situation. He was abandoned by our entire society and now our society is paying the price.

  7. Sarah Hoyt’s post today is totally in sync with Neo’s.

    We’re all time travelers.

    Some years ago I was talking to a friend who is on the left, and telling him that I didn’t see this “racism” people kept ranting about. He proceeded to go on a rant about his childhood and how segregated it was and…

    Well, He’s my age. Back then he was talking about times fifty years in the past, in one — still — of the whiter areas of this country. So, well, duh. But, you know, it’s been a while. And I had kids, and was watching them grow up, and most of them really couldn’t give a hang. Unless you go to the really bad areas of town, and then its bad, but usually not in the direction you expect.

    We’re in Kansas City for the Chicago Boyz meetup. (We really should do a Huns meetup one of these days. I miss the dinners in Denver.

    We’re staying in a nice (relatively unexpensive) suburban hotel, the kind of place traveling kid teams stay at.

    And there’s a team staying here. We just had breakfast at the same time they did. There were about twenty of them, from the clothes fairly affluent, and they looked like central casting’s picture of “diversity.” You had teen boys of every possible color, from so black I’m sure they’re first generation Americans to pale blonds. It — giving me the impression it was central casting — included both kinds of Asian: probable Chinese ancestry and Indian (dot not feather.)

    The thing is, they were interacting like my kids’ friend group interacted when they were teens. (Mind you their group also tended to be… Well, the school once took a picture of my younger son hanging out with his geek friends and used it for a diversity poster….)

    I swear to you none of those kids cared what color or ethnicity their friends were. They literally couldn’t care less. And all of them acted like American kids.

    I suspect a foreigner would have stuck out among them, because culture is visible, but race? They’d forgotten all about race.

    <b.And I suddenly understood why the left is so all gang-ho on Critical Race Theory and saying that color blindness is racism.

    Because unless they create some racism, real quick, double time, the poverty pimps, race slavers and stirrers of dissension are going to be out of a job. They’re going to have to come up with a better strategy than divide and conquer.

    And they got nothing.

    In the end we win, they lose.

    Hopefully they don’t burn the world down on their way out.

    FWIW, I noticed the same thing in the 1990s-early oughts with my kids’ friends.
    Race means nothing to anyone until someone convinces them it does.
    They have to be carefully taught.


  8. I hope that Candace Owens and Kanye West have good. tight security.

    In the case of this documentary, I expect that the massive backlash will guarantee a great deal of attention; unless, of course, there is a coordinated effort to ignore it. But I really don’t think that the cultists and racialists can bring themselves to do that.

  9. Brooklyn Boy:

    A lot of people on the right hold that position, same as Owens. I think it’s a combination of several things. One is groupthink on the right, led by a couple of people like Tucker Carlson and some bloggers. Another is an old strain of isolationism on the right, rooted in the Jacksonian tradition. Another is over-the-top cynicism. Another is anger at Ukraine in general and some Ukrainians for having been facilitating Biden corruption back in the day. Another is just that the Biden administration supports Zelensky, ergo Zelensky must be bad. Another is that Putin is culturally aligned with much of the right in that he is unapologetically nationalistic and is considered an alpha male unafraid to be conventionally masculine.

  10. Aznd everyone pretended, even conservatives…”conservatives”, that Zimmerman was the evil one in that situation. He was abandoned by our entire society and now our society is paying the price.

    Robert ver Bruggen and, initially, Rod Dreher. Most saliently, Gov. Scott was persuaded by the state attorney general to appoint Angela Corey as special prosecutor. See Glenn Reynolds on Corey – she’s a woman in a rage against people who defend themselves with guns

    I don’t recall denunciation of Zimmerman was durable or all that prevalent among starboard observers. Ver Bruggen complained about the verdict and Dan Flynn made some asinine remarks about it. (I think elected officials tend to be chary about commenting on unresolved cases).

    Ver Bruggen’s work was published, natch, in National Review

  11. Neo
    Thanks for your reply. I agree with you on everything you wrote. A further example of the Right being on the side of Vladimir Putin was Steve Bannon who said something to the effect “Well at least Putin is not woke”.

  12. when putin blew up that airliner, well his proxies did, the collected eminences, did nothing, but they were all agog over a dead accountant,

  13. in so far as I recall, both rt and al jazeera/current both pushed what we would later call burn loot murder at least going back to ferguson,

  14. bannon stands on the sides of the antiglobalists, in western europe, opponents to xi in hong kong, all of the people the regime hates, did he get a bit of a swelled head talking to michael wolff*
    probably, (that is never a good idea)
    *one of my breaking points with the good prosecutor was his willingness to entertain the rumors he and avenatti were trawling

    but we have assymmetrical war being waged by a former maoist guerilla who was likely behind the major antiwar protests, that morphed into so called occupy then so called antifa,

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