Home » Open thread 10/3/22


Open thread 10/3/22 — 23 Comments

  1. The Serengeti in NW England ??
    See this:


    As usual, scientists can describe pretty accurately what happened and the time frame. And they can describe – albeit with some conjecture, but pretty well – the effects these changes in climate had on humans, animals, vegetation, etc.

    What is never provided is an explanation as to what CAUSED the drastic change in climate.
    Yes, ice sheets melted, sea level rose, etc, etc; all of which were the RESULT of changes in climate.
    But what was the fundamental cause of the change of climate?
    Don’t hold your breath waiting for an answer.
    I will stick my neck way out there and opine that none of it was the result of human activity.

    In parts of the midwest USA , let’s pick Montana, there are all sorts of fossils of prehistoric dinosaurs, including turtles and alligators. Of course, way back then the climate there was tropical; in Montana !!

    Yep folks, never forget, the science is settled.
    And men can become pregnant.

    OK, more germane to Neo’s dance video, check out this video of “shag dancing.”


    Until rather recently I never knew this style of dancing even existed.

  2. “Yes, ice sheets melted, sea level rose, etc, etc; all of which were the RESULT of changes in climate.
    But what was the fundamental cause of the change of climate?”

    I’ll go with prehistoric SUVs …

  3. From a commenter on the fox site in the article on Chicago having another bloody weekend. I don’t know how accurate the list is, but even if it’s close, very interesting:

    “There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Chicago since 1931. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Memphis since 1982. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of San Francisco since 1964. There’s only been one conservative Republican mayor (Rudy) of New York City since 1945. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Portland, OR since 1956. There’s not been a Republican mayor of Seattle since 1969. Los Angeles hasn’t had a Republican mayor in over two decades. The last GOP mayor of Philadelphia left office in 1952. The last Republican mayor of Milwaukee left office in 1908. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Houston since 1981. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Boston since 1930. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of New Orleans since 1872. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Baltimore since 1967. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Minneapolis since 1973. The last Republican mayor of Kansas City left office in 1991. There hasn’t been a Republican Mayor of Louisville since 1969. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Atlanta since 1879. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Rochester since 1973. Detroit last elected a Republican mayor in 1957. There’s not been a Republican mayor of St. Louis since 1949. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Oakland since 1966. There hasn’t been a Republican mayor of Washington D.C. since ever. THAT is why our cities have devolved into Third World defecationholez”

  4. re: Chicago
    This dedicated website gives an insight into the carnage.

    They’re still looking for stray bodies, this week’s report will be out later today.
    Last Week’s Totals (9/25 – 10/1)
    Shot & Killed: 10
    Shot & Wounded: 59
    Total Shot: 69
    Total Homicides: 12

    Also, they have merch.

  5. To the extent folk dances reflect and celebrate local folkways and customs and expectations: Anatolian and Circassian gentlemen always went abroad with daggers and cartridge belts. Plus, the area was completely devoid of blondes.
    Not what I see in American square dance.

    Are those expressions acting or the result of makeup cleverly applied?

    Interesting, but “hypnotic” usually implies repetitive and enough was sufficient. Good, though.

  6. Most Circassians don’t live in Circassia because the Russian brutally suppressed them and drove them out. Called them “mountain scum”.

  7. John Tyler, check out the Milankovitch cycles.

    They caused the Ice Ages and interglacial periods. Of course, the climate alarmists claim they have nothing to do with AGW. How do they know? Reasons.

  8. Following up on my attempt to hijack the Soviets-and-Nazis thread the other day, the Eagle Mine says it’ll be resuming Friday tours in the summer next year! Here’s their site.

  9. Philip.
    I think I started the mine thing. Point was that “developed” and “advanced” had a terrible human cost. Not just savants in labs and engineers designing better rolling mills.

  10. physicsguy,

    It’s not the democrat mayors or the lack of republican mayors. It’s the majority of the voters in those cities. Which casts into grave doubt the validity of self-governance by the consent of the governed. As the majority of those voters have had plenty of time to see the failure of the policies they’ve supported. Instead they, repeatedly and without fail, chalk it up to the incompetence of those they’ve elected.

    Lending validity to the claim that liberalism is a mental disease; given that they vote for the same policies over and over again, all the while insisting that, this time there will be different results.

    Snow on Pine,


  11. Instead they, repeatedly and without fail, chalk it up to the incompetence of those they’ve elected.

    I don’t think that’s the mental operation in these cases. For the most part, it’s inertia. No one in the self-selected political class puts up a program of repair and most of the electorate wouldn’t recognize its utility if a slate promoting it were actually running.

  12. Art. I don’t know why, but I get the vibe that propositions to repair something are met with the presumption that the ordinary person is going to be dispossessed of something; property, liberty…something.

    They’re saying our young people can’t…. something or other.

    I’m not on the receiving end of this but the resistance seems kind of odd.

  13. I find this dance style strange yet rather hypnotic.


    Strange and hypnotic? I’m in and it was. Thanks for selling this one. Well worth the watch.

    Is that real Circassian folk dancing or something upleveled by a real choreographer? Both? Not that I’m complaining.

    I’ve done Balkan folk dancing, but it didn’t go beyond step-hold, step-hold, grapevine, grapevine. The footwork here is something else.

    Just watching this, though, took me back to my folk dancing days. Not that we were any great shakes, but when you get into it, even as an amateur, the world falls away and leaves you in a ritual trance.

  14. Richard, true, you initiated the mining subject only in a glancing way, but I’m guilty of seizing upon it with exuberance!

  15. Snow on Pine: Beryozka Dance Troup
    Very interesting effect, but I also can’t help myself, thinking of Dr. Who and Dalek – EXTERMINATE!

  16. At last, I consider the video on offer. The Circassian dance is very pretty; a little alien in appearance, as Neo points out, but it appeals to me.

    I notice that the men seem never to come into physical contact with the women during it, which fact I find classy. It makes even a waltz look lascivious.

    The impression, especially toward the end, reminds me of that poem ‘Bartok and the Geranium’.

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