Home » HR1 through secret executive order?


HR1 through secret executive order? — 21 Comments

  1. We’re all on Double Secret Probation:

    Dean Wormer: Of course I’m talking about Delta [Fraternity], you twerp! This year is going to be different. This year we are going to grab the bull by the balls and kick those punks off campus.

    Marmalard: What do you intend to do sir? Delta’s already on probation.

    Dean Wormer: They are?

    Marmalard: Yes, sir.

    Dean Wormer: Oh. Then as of this moment, they’re on double secret probation!

    Marmalard: Double secret probation, sir?

    Dean Wormer: There is a little-known codicil in the Faber College constitution which gives the dean unlimited power to preserve order in time of campus emergency.

    Find me a way to revoke Delta’s charter. … The time has come for someone to put their foot down. And that foot is me.

    –“Animal House”

  2. The parallels of the early days just before conversion of the Baltics, or Czech Republic, etc..

    do remember their now building the brutal class as they did even in germany…

    oh well…

  3. They know their policies likely cannot stand up in court. So the implement them last minute. Knowing full well that many courts will not stop them at a late date. Even if the court would eventually find against them.

    Look at how 2nd amendment cases have been going.
    1) Make a law
    2) Fight tooth and nail for years to drag out the case
    3) Be ruled against
    4) Circumvent that ruling by enacting similar laws.
    5) Start nearly decade long process all over again.

  4. Executive orders that result in injustice are rightly resented.

    The greater the injustice, the deeper the resentment and the more widespread the sentiment to reverse them.

    Executive orders can be canceled with a change of parties. They can only be permanent in a one-party State.

    A one-party State cannot but help but have an expiration date. The longer that expiration date is subverted, the more certain that it will be canceled violently. History has demonstrated that the longer and more brutally needed reform is denied, the more certain that violence will correct the tyranny.

    By definition, tyranny knows only force and thus force must be its corrective.

  5. Here is what is going to happen- collecting and counting ballots will continue in the blue counties until the Democrats win every race they need to win to hold the House and Senate, and the Biden DoJ will step in with court orders to allow this counting to continue as long as necessary.

    I am putting my predictions right here- the Democrats hold all of their seats in the Senate, win Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Florida, and North Carolina. They gain seats in the House as they clear out almost all the Republicans left in California and New York State. DeSantis is going to lose his governor’s race- the counting in Broward, Palm Beach, and Dade counties will continue until they get him out of office.

  6. Executive orders can be canceled with a change of parties. They can only be permanent in a one-party State.

    Remember what happened when Trump tried to reverse Obama’s ‘pen-and-phone’ version of the DREAM Act that he couldn’t get through Congress?

    That’s right, a judge found that it was unconstitutional for a president to unmake one of his predecessor’s executive orders. Not the reasoning, of course; they’d never make that argument with Trump in the White House. The actual argument was something to the effect that Obama’s order had granted the DREAMers constitutional rights, and Trump’s rescinding that order was therefore denying them those constitutional rights.

    The real reason, of course, is that the ratchet only goes one way.

  7. This week, as also happened in 2020, an application for an absentee ballot has turned up in my mailbox. It is addressed to someone who (1) died last December, (2) never lived at this address (he used to come from Europe occasionally to visit the relative who was my house’s former owner), and (3) was a citizen of another country.

    The application came from the supposedly nonpartisan Center for Voter Information (a cutout for the DNC) and includes an envelope addressed to our county clerk. On the application is space for the applicant’s name and for the date when the application was completed. That’s it.

    I assume that there are safeguards in place at the county clerk’s office, and I will take the application there next week to report the facts about the person to whom it was sent. But I wonder how many of these applications lead to the issuing of ballots that are later fraudulently filled out and mailed in.

    With (apparent) schemes like this, I’m especially glad that True the Vote, working through the courts, has narrowly succeeded so far in preventing my state from adopting universal mail-in voting.

  8. Here is what is going to happen- collecting and counting ballots will continue in the blue counties until the Democrats win every race they need to win to hold the House and Senate, and the Biden DoJ will step in with court orders to allow this counting to continue as long as necessary.

    Yancey Ward:

    It’s possible. I’m certain Dems will try. But I don’t think it will be easy with so many races and so many more eyes on the process.

    Well, it’s still September. Wait until next month for the October Surprises.

    They’re not going to let up.

  9. But I don’t think it will be easy with so many races and so many more eyes on the process.

    They don’t care, Huxley, who watches- they control the media and they control the DoJ.

  10. They don’t care, Huxley, who watches- they control the media and they control the DoJ.

    Yancey Ward:

    Perhaps not.

    Feel free to assume that Orwell’s “boot stamping on a human face – for ever” has already arrived in America.

    I don’t.

  11. My immediate take-away from the 2020 election was that no politician was safe. The Dem cheating machine could focus on anyone it thought should lose or be replaced.

    Politicians since then have certainly acted like that was their impression too.

    The efforts to clean up the election machinery in the states have only won minor victories.

    What we need is for the Supreme Court to change their protocols so that they can hear cases about Constitutional abuse as the court of first instance. That could put an immediate stop to the lawfare.

  12. @ Neo > “Will we ever get to find out?”

    Well, at some point, they have to implement the EO, so somebody somewhere has to do and say something — but by then the damage will be well underway.

    @ Mythx > an excellent description of the way the Left uses lawfare to get its way, in a fashion that the Right never can — we only sometimes get (1) done; seldom (2) — the GOP is more apt to give in at the first pushback; won’t use (3) and (4) for ethical reasons; and only the persistence of private organizations, rather than our elected leaders, keeps (5) in motion.

  13. November 9th deserves some amount of highlighting on one’s calendar. I suspect it may very well be one of those “remember where you were when….” dates.

  14. I agree with Huxley. I’ll go further and note that some of the iffy, need to win, Senate races are combined with nearly certain GOP gubernatorial wins. I don’t expect GOP states to easily rollover to federal control, particularly when it means those politicians losing their jobs.

  15. They know their policies likely cannot stand up in court. So the implement them last minute. Knowing full well that many courts will not stop them at a late date. Even if the court would eventually find against them.

    I agree that this is a likely strategy. The Supreme Court may step in.

  16. Yansey Ward,

    I agree that it’s a possibility. But should all that you predict come to pass, that will also be the case in 2024.

    If so, it will render untenable the belief that voting can still act as a corrective and, will hasten forward the day when tyranny meets its natural corrective, the blood of patriots necessary to bring tyranny to the scaffold.


    “a judge found that it was unconstitutional for a president to unmake one of his predecessor’s executive orders.”

    Trump could have directed the AG to respond that, the Executive Branch’s position is that Constitutional rights can only be established by the Amendment Process. Then charged ahead, firing anyone who refused to carry out his orders.

    Deferring to lower court pissant judges in a futile attempt to play by the rules, while the other side cheats was one of Trump’s major errors.

    You don’t fight according to the Marquee of Queensbury Rules, when the other guy gets to gouge out your eyes and repeatedly knee you in the balls.

  17. Geoffrey, if what I predict comes to pass, I expect the GOP to roll over and play dead, just like they did in 2020.

  18. Yancey Ward:

    The GOP certainly is insufficiently feisty, but it did not “roll over and play dead” in 2020. For example, see this as well as this.

  19. They rolled over, Neo- it is why they lost the Senate and failed to reelect Trump. Trump’s team didn’t do enough either before election day, but I think he had traitors in his midst. No one will ever convince me that there wasn’t a tacit agreement at the highest levels of the two parties- the Republicans wouldn’t complain about Trump getting cheated on as long as the cheating didn’t go on down ballot.

    Almost nothing has been done since 2020- this coming election will be run with almost all the same rules in place, but with one important difference- the DoJ will be on the side of the Democrats explicitly this time. Ballots will be counted as long as is necessary to ensure the Democrats hold the House and the Senate, and you won’t hear peep out of the Republican leadership when it happens.

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