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Biden the uniter president speaks — 53 Comments

  1. “I find it mindboggling that Biden was ever considered a nice guy.”

    Biden has always been a dick but as an ineffectual back-bencher, “nice guy” was the only positive thing anyone could say about him. Well, that and calling Biden “compassionate” and “empathetic” because he CONSTANTLY talks about his dead son. Being sad when someone you love dies is not a sign of moral character.


  2. Deplorable indeed is the overuse/abuse of the term “fascism”, which should be limited to the description of an Italian political party which ceased to exist three-quarters of a century ago, but, insofar as it has any meaning, it more accurately describes the Democrats (statism, synergy between the government and large corporations, politicized federal law enforcement, and a totalizing conception of the political, i.e. nothing allowed to exist outside the realm of politics) than their ideological opponents.

  3. It’s truly dark days when we have a President who is openly and brazenly demonizing possibly a third (or more) of the American citizenry with a gleeful media cheering him on.

  4. Two questions for Neo and commenters: 1) Who (in your opinion or best guess) actually wrote the diatribe that Neo cites? and 2) How much does dementia contribute to JoJo’s intensifying nastiness, given that he’s never been a nice guy?

  5. How about, “it’s almost a dog-whistle for semi-fascism”? That’s why so many people are fooled. One has to be nearly clairvoyant to even discern the message. But don’t worry, we’ll tell you what their message really is.

    Gavin Newsome is out and about calling Gov. DeSantis a bully. Will we end up calling this campaign season the “sticks and stones” campaign?

  6. The phrase, our democracy”, as the Democrats are currently using it, seems to be a shortened version of “ our secular democracy”, which used to get bantered around against pro life and other causes which had a religious connection.
    With “ our secular democracy”, it is only “ religious extremist” and “ christo-fascist”* who think gender is tied to biology.

    * “christo-fascist” is another phrase that is getting thrown around in comment sections, also.

  7. celebrating children mutilating freaks, letting the country be invaded with 5 million people, waging war on law abiding citizens, allowing a ruinous retreat in afghanistan, that gives AQ a small army’s worth of armaments, should that make us angry, that’s not including four divisions worth of predatory irs agents,

  8. but as an ineffectual back-bencher,

    He may have been ineffectual, but he wasn’t a back bencher. He was a Senate Committee chairman for 12 years

  9. jon baker:

    I think the phrase “our democracy” means “the democracy that belongs to the Democrats.”

  10. A very nice example of begging the question:“They refused to accept the will of the people …”

  11. Sometimes, before dementia completely destroys an individual, it makes bad traits even more prominent. Biden’s been a jerk his entire political life. He’s worse now.

  12. did I leave out the supply chains, the collapse of basic air travel, just luxuries people don’t care about, thats right off the top of my head, Groveling to xi, like a eunuch, covering up the epidemic the pla let loose on the world, mandating an ineffective therapeutic at best,

  13. I don’t believe this speech can entirely be blamed on dementia since it was carefully prepared for him and proof read by a coven of spiteful undercreatures.

  14. There was a time when the appropriate response would have been, “them’s fight’n words”.

    The next 70 days need to be a time of restraint. Any provocation will just reinforce the narrative the left has used to libel conservatives.

    To any who think the problem is Trump and it will be better with DeSantis are only fooling themselves. The objection was the mean tweets. Well President Trump hasn’t twitted for a year and a half. Is it better now?

  15. j e wrote:

    “fascism” […] more accurately describes the Democrats (statism, synergy between the government and large corporations, politicized federal law enforcement, and a totalizing conception of the political…

    I think conservatives should pound this point home.

  16. Another question for y’all: Is this Maryland philippic (not to suggest that JoJo is anywhere near the level of Demosthenes or Cicero) an indication that he intends to run in 2024?

  17. Kate:

    That speech was not written by Biden, although I’m sure what he said was with his approval. But he’s always been a spiteful and mendacious person. The thing is, the Democratic Party now has adopted that approach. His entire speech contained the talking points for the whole party.

  18. Yes, Neo, the entire party is now sociopathic. That is, the leadership and its media allies are. Individual voters who rely on them for information are merely dupes.

  19. I’m pretty sure the ‘nice guy’ image was the result of selective reporting by the DNC stenographers, probably growing out of the “goofy ol’ Joe” framing of his numerous gaffes and fabrications.

  20. It sure seems to me that our side needs to pound home the unity theme as well, and pound *hard*:

    “Millions of Americans are voting to save our Constitution and our culture. Come join us on a new, better path forward. The future: unity, hope, optimism . . . prosperity!

    “Let us all unite around a renewed sense of respect, of common decency, of parental rights, setting aside permanently the sillinesses of the extremists. Let us always be mindful of how we, of all the nations of the world, were trailblazers in abolishing the curse of slavery. In defending the right of all to speak our minds — and in defending the right to hear out those who don’t see things our way.

    “Finally, my fellow Americans, join us in once again being proud of what we, as Americans, have built, and will continue to build, in offering safe harbor for all to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness . . . so help me God.”

    (In other words, throw their foul garbage right back in their smug faces — and genuinely mean every word of it at the same time.)

  21. Biden got along well with enough of his fellow Senators for that “nice guy” label to develop. Also, you can imagine that somebody who speaks intelligently and incisively about the issues gets a reputation as a not nice guy. Biden’s rambling anecdotal style must have convinced Beltway circles that he wasn’t a threat and was therefore a “nice guy.”

    Yes, the fact that he was always talking about his dead children convinced people that he was “empathetic,” even though demanding that others feel what you feel is something like the opposite of empathy. And Biden never really had to face real electoral challenges in his senatorial career, so he probably didn’t have to pull out the knife much, even though he’s fully capable of the lowest demagoguery.

    Also, consider that for the media to be a Republican and an “amiable mediocrity” like Warren Harding or Gerald Ford or George W. Bush is to be damningly stupid, incompetent, and unqualified. In a Democrat to be a petty, little man is to be feisty, and folksy, and gutsy, and endearing and to be admired, like Harry Truman, except Truman was actually a smart man (though also something of a shit).

    “Nice guy” doesn’t really describe the guy who boasts about his IQ, pretends he graduated at the top of his class, challenges people to pushup contests, calls them “Fat,” and threatens to beat up his opponents behind the building after school lets out, but a lot of people prefer the myth to the reality.

  22. Christopher B: Have you seen the latest Brandon fabrication (the neurologists will likely label it “confabulation”)? In discussing the country’s “need” for student loan forgiveness, Brandon reinvents himself not only as a top student in high school but also as a baseball star whose dad needed help in paying for him to attend “one of the little Ivy’s [sic]”:

    And I remember my senior year, I got into one of the little Ivy’s and I got into a number of schools. And we’re trying to get the money, even with financial assistance, to be able to go there. We had four kids, all of us wanting to go to school. And I remember going down after a baseball game. . . . And drove down to Newark, Delaware where my dad worked at an automobile agency. And I walked in and I had my spikes. . . . You think I’m joking. I’m not joking. And so I went down to my 51 Plymouth with beach towels for seat covers. . . . [Biden arrives at the agency and finds his father distressed because the local banker wouldn’t give him a loan to send the family baseball star to college] My dad was like millions of parents all across the country. Want to help the kids get to school, but there was just no way to be able to do it.

    The rest of the transcript is here: https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/president-biden-on-student-loan-forgiveness-transcript

    If JoJo got into Amherst, Williams, or Wesleyan, I’ll eat my Phillies cap. Meanwhile, anyone who wants to fisk this speech, have at it.

  23. “The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They’re a threat to our very democracy.They refused to accept the will of the people, they embrace political violence. They don’t believe in democracy. This is why in this moment, those of you who love this country, Democrats, Independents, mainstream Republicans, we must be stronger, more committed, and more determined to saving America than the MAGA Republicans are to destroying America.” pResident Joe Biden

    Can a clearer justification for imprisoning Americans be imagined?

    The President* publicly declares that;

    MAGA Republicans are a threat to democracy itself.

    They refuse to accept the will of the people.

    They embrace political violence.

    They reject democracy itself.

    Arguably, doesn’t that fit the label of a subversive traitor?

    * admittedly he was sworn into the office

    And of course the Left views those who would vote for Trump as a greater threat than Trump himself.

    A leader cannot lead where no one will follow.

    And 81+ MILLION** voters is a really big political threat.

    ** did Biden just pull that number out of thin air… or could that be the actual # who voted for Trump in 2020 before vote totals were switched? Only democrats would know the true totals and someone close to Biden may have used that number often enough that it stuck in Biden’s subconscious.

  24. Been saying today Zuckerberg admitted he is a Fascist doing the dirty government work and any asked to by the FBI.
    I am sure by now his brain which went from we have the greatest fraud vote to believing he actually had 81 million votes when in reality probably barely 60 million.
    I get not respect from him and he gets 0 from me.

  25. My Latin teacher long ago taught us that “nice” originally meant ignorant or unaware. Well, actually she said it meant you were stupid.

  26. Formally, three colleges in New England are “Little Ivies.” Informally, other private colleges lay claim to the title. So, while it’s unlikely that Amherst or Williams wanted Joe, some other small rural private college might have — or maybe he just remembers it that way.

  27. MAGA is just another way of spelling J E W S. The othering is in full swing.

    Is Trump being cast as Goldstein?

  28. Geoffrey Britain, of all people, is the only one here who seems to get it. Which is surprising considering the astuteness of our hostess.

    This isn’t about Biden’s niceness, unifyingness, or anything like that. This is battlefield prep for “taking back” “our democracy” should Republicans win the midterm elections this November.

    If you remember, about this time in 2020 you started to see statements by prominent Democrats concerning how election returns in 2020 would be different than in prior elections because of mail-in ballots. How one candidate — Trump — might be way ahead on election night but mail-in ballots might give the other candidate — Biden — the final election victory. IIRC, even Hillary publicly told Biden to under no circumstances concede the election on election night no matter how far behind he was.

    It was all to prepare the American people for what would happen in the early morning hours the day after the election after all of the Republican poll watchers were sent home.

    They are doing the same type of battlefield prep now: “Republicans are a threat to our democracy.” “Republicans are fascist.” “Republicans oppose the will of the people.” They are preparing the American people for what they intend to do should the Republicans win the midterms.

  29. M J R @ 5:30 PM,

    I like a lot of what you wrote, except

    Come join us on a new, better path forward. The future: unity, hope, optimism […] join us in offering safe harbor for all to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…

    Allowing vast numbers of people with alien demographics and cultures into the USA helped destroy whatever unity and cohesion we had prior to the 1990s.

  30. Thank you, Jordan Rivers (12:30 am), and welcome to our conversations!

    My intent was to “come join us”, under the unstated presumption that “us” are here legally and lawfully. I did not state that explicitly, because I was trying to simulate what a candidate from our side might say.

    I didn’t want to explicitly say “legally” or “lawfully” because I’m suggesting that we’re trying to appeal to the unity lobby (if I may term it that) — that we play the same game that the bad guys are playing, which is othering our side by claiming we are and ought to be excluded from the unity.

    In other circumstances / contexts, before certain other audiences, I’d want our side to go whole hog on the illegal invaders issue. But as part of an appeal to the kumbaya faction, I’d go easy on that issue.

    Jordan Rivers, I happen to fully agree with you that “Allowing vast numbers of people with alien demographics and cultures into the USA helped destroy whatever unity and cohesion we had prior to the 1990s,” no question about that. I do hope you get where I’m coming from, though.

    It’s a way that I think we might appeal to certain persuadables, turning the bad guys’ tactic that they use on the persuadables back on them.

    Thanks for the response . . .

  31. So in the space of a few days Hochul calls for Republicans to leave New York, Charlie Crist angrily announces he doesn’t want the votes of DeSantis voters, and now Biden calls Trump supporters semi-fascist. There appears to be a theme here of demonizing the opposition beyond ordinary politics as usual. I could easily believe that ‘mkent’ is correct.

  32. John Fisher,

    We all know the Ds never go off script. There seems to be some memo issued every morning from the central committee that tells all the Ds what the messaging of the day is to be. I just saw Hochul’s statement this morning and was shocked. But you have connected the dots and it’s a scary picture. They obviously now have a plan for the day after the election. Everyone on the right better be ready for some major police and military action.

  33. j e & Jordan

    I remember reading where Mussolini in the 1920’s, noted FDR’s rise to power, and assigned one of his men to research him. His man came back and reported, “Don’t worry, he’s one of us”.

  34. @Stan – “Is Trump being cast as Goldstein?”

    Yes. He was to be cast that way from day one of the 2016. That was why they couldn’t understand how he won. They see him as an evil buffoon. They couldn’t imagine him getting any votes. He was unabashedly rich and you were supposed to hate him. Why don’t you join us in the 2 minute hate?

    It culminated in Hillary’s baffled statement “Why aren’t I 50 points ahead?” When she was actually one of the most disliked people in politics in the history of the US. Bill told her she was in trouble in the upper Midwest and was ignored. Bill may feel your pain but none of the rest of the Democrats feel it or even care that you are feeling it.

  35. I remember reading where Mussolini in the 1920’s, noted FDR’s rise to power, and assigned one of his men to research him. His man came back and reported, “Don’t worry, he’s one of us”.

    FDR took office in 1933, more than a decade after Mussolini buffalo’d the King of Italy into giving him the prime minister’s job. In the 1920s, he was employed by a financial sector firm. The closest FDR came to resembling Mussolini was his exercise in cartel formation during the period running from 1933 to 1935. You can offer Executive Order 9066 as an example. Trouble is you’d have to scrounge to find a prominent official in vociferous opposition to it.

  36. Pingback:Current Events 08-27-2022 – HUCKSWORLD.com

  37. “Allowing vast numbers of people with alien demographics and cultures into the USA helped destroy whatever unity and cohesion we had prior to the 1990s.” – Jordan Rivers

    I don’t think that is correct.

    It’s not aliens, illegal or legal, that have brought us to this point, but middle and upper class white marxists.

    I live in a town that is 30% hispanic. Many of these people came in the 60’s to work the fields each year. Some stayed, as permanent farm hands, some became small businessmen and were absorbed into the culture. Some of those that began businesses became quite successful.
    We have more Mexican restaurants than all other restaurants put together (who doesn’t like Mexican food).

    I think the same scenario has been repeated around the country. The few racial tensions our community had were in the 80’s when the government and La Raza began agitating college students with their specialness. That too passed.

    If I’ve misunderstood what you were saying, please correct.

  38. Trump may be a bullshit artist and exaggerator but Biden is a liar and fabulist.

  39. Brian E:

    I agree that the problem is more with the colleges, but it is exacerbated by – not immigrants as such – but immigrants who, unlike in the past, (1) are not forced by the system to assimilate, and (2) are given benefits that mean that more people come here expecting a handout.

  40. And so I went down to my 51 Plymouth with beach towels for seat covers. . . . (emphasis added)

    Joe was born in 1942 so he would have been applying to colleges around 1960. He wants us to believe that his family was not affluent and that they had to struggle to send him to college in 1960, but apparently they were not so poor that Joe didn’t have his own car. He tries to look poor by talking about using towels as seat covers, but the simple truth is that in the late 1950s and early 1960s very few American kids had their own cars at 18.

    At 18 Joe was driving his own ’51 Plymouth. Around the same time, my father, who would have been about 40 years old then, married with three kids, was driving a used ’56 Oldsmobile he bought from my mom’s dad.

  41. Joe was born in 1942 so he would have been applying to colleges around 1960. He wants us to believe that his family was not affluent and that they had to struggle to send him to college in 1960, but apparently they were not so poor that Joe didn’t have his own car.

    Joseph R. Biden Sr. sold cars and real estate from 1953 until his retirement.

    The Biden family in 1955 lived in a three bedroom house with 2,133 sq feet of interior space located on Wilson Road in Wilmington. The house was constructed in 1954. It’s about a 30 minute drive from there to the University of Delaware campus and there are as we speak transit routes. In the current route system, you take route 2 from a location near Wilson Road to downtown, then take a transfer to a route 10 bus which takes you to the University of Delaware campus. Note, Biden majored in academic subjects rather than seeking a business degree or a teaching certificate. Note also that only about 25% of the 1942 cohort cadged a baccalaureate degree.

  42. Art Deco, in her book The Invisible Man, author Amity Schlaes points out that FDR’s young advisers couldn’t decide who they admired the most: Mussolini, Stalin or Hitler. This was before the Final Solution, of course.

    Small-f fascism was busting out all over Europe. Even Ireland had its Blueshirts, though some still argue over how fascist that group was. As someone wittier than I pointed out, fascism is forever descending upon the United States. But somehow it always lands on Europe.

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