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Roundup — 23 Comments

  1. One must marvel at the perspicacity of the political leftists’ choice of mouthpieces:

    MSNBC’s Morning Joe brings on @PeterStrzok to argue on behalf of the FBI’s integrity: “It’s not that the FBI is targeting any one side or the other. What you see is the FBI going out on a day-in and day-out basis objectively investigating allegations of law.”

    Keep up the good Lord’s work you’re doing there showrunners. Heaven awaits Ye.


  2. That Strzok blurb is absolutely incredible.
    (Though it’s probably just another Democratic Party “In your face, SUCKERS” effort…but who knows—Strzok insists he did nothing wrong…just ask him…)

    BTW, did they have Lisa Page on the show, too?
    To provide some ballast? Some “diversity”?

  3. thanks for that,

    yes that’s a convergence like when charlie rose and kevin spacey talked about bill clinton, really crossing the streams

    so the iranian revolutionary guards did meet with the shooter, in lebanon, but they were not involved right?

  4. “General calls” for “civil war” and “armed rebellion” have also increased in recent days on social media.

    The bulletin states that many of the threats include references to the claim that the 2020 election was stolen, in addition to other perceived claims of government overreach.

    I know I posted this before but here in Mass we already have a politican (Bill Gavin) at least partially running on the platform that he’s going to stop Trump from rigging the election in 2024. So yeah, you can’t say 2020 was fixed but they’re already starting the narrative of 2024 being fixed.(Does anybody really think social media or anybody else will tamp down on that narrative years before the election?)

  5. they burned half the country down, in 2020, and it was totes fine, because reasons, they said russia had hacked the voting booth, (implied it) 2004 was because ken blackwell and diebold, or course katherine harris and jeb, so it’s tails for you, heads for them,

  6. ‘ “General calls” for “civil war” and “armed rebellion” have also increased in recent days on social media.’

    Heh, looks like Steven D’Antuono is going to be extremely busy in the weeks and months ahead…
    “FBI Director Wray Confirms Detroit Field Office Head During Whitmer Kidnapping Debacle Now Leads D.C. Field Office”—

    + Bonus
    “Inside the FBI’s infiltration and entrapment of a Michigan militia crew”—

  7. SAF is what companies like Delta are planning to use to meet the ESG goals their CEO helped promote. It is safe enough, but you noticed, it is quite expensive. People that talk about refining from waste like to talk about it being ubiquitous, as if pure quantities of it is a available at the bulk levels needed to refine and fill a 737. To date, SAF is more often used for smaller planes, because that’s the quantity it can be made in. Meanwhile, we still need fossil fuel petroleum to blend with the biofuels.

    But that price, well you’ll find that Democrats are offering a subsidy of $1.25 to $ 1.75 per gallon for those that use it, which in the US is almost entirely private aircraft. AOC is really sticking it to the rich.

  8. Using SAF results in a reduction in carbon emissions compared to the traditional jet fuel it replaces over the lifecycle of the fuel.

    The climate change controversy is reminiscent of industry-environmentalist collusion to push other scientific handmade tales, including: recurring ozone thinning, evolutionary (i.e. chaotic) climate change, fluorescent bulbs, Brockavich’s toxic chemical in the lab with net-zero effect in the wild, etc.

  9. that seems patently silly and probably dangerous, we know what ethanol does to car engines, can’t imagine what this does,

    what was the blood price for banning ddt, millions dead from malaria,

  10. n.n.,

    Regarding ozone thinning, was that a scam? I recall the controversy and McDonalds and other companies doing away with a certain type of petroleum based packaging (hydrofluorocarbons?) (didn’t hairspray companies also make a change?) and claims that we had taken action just in time and the ozone was saved! But I haven’t really seen any hard data supporting or refuting the claim.

    Honestly just curious. Do you have any links that would update me on what we know today?

  11. Note that the Boom SST hasn’t even been built yet and with a “first flight” sometime in 2026. If those airlines and other companies have already poured money into it….well…. there’s one born every minute. Nice CGI/flight sim video though.

  12. @ Barry Meislin-

    I’m convinced that the ridiculousness is the point. The more comical and obvious, the better to rub America’s face in their mental and moral excrement.

    Next up:
    Casey Anthony in a heartwarming talk about good parenting

    Michael Vick to talk about the humane society

    And finally, for a satisfying finish, Jeffrey Toobin will host a hands on session discussing Zoom workplace etiquette.

  13. Manufacturing plant for the Boom SST being built in Greensboro, NC. They claim it’s viable.

  14. Al Franken always excelled at playing the fool.

    KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: “I appreciate the question.”

    Really? Then why don’t you answer it?

    Only the fanatical could imagine that it makes sense to fan the flames of a political whirlwind.

    Cooking oil for jets may be in short supply in 2023.

  15. Re: Ozone hole.

    There was an ozone hole. Whether it was an anthropogenic process is questionable, since the proposed method was a much heavier-than-air gas (chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs) somehow making it to more-or-less the top of the atmosphere.

    At any rate, the hole was detected, over several years of breathless doomsaying expanded to a little beyond the edges of Antarctica, and then started shrinking again. The greens cheered that banning CFCs had saved the planet, DuPont didn’t have to worry about royalty-free freon, and the folks paying attention to the supposed physics of it wondered how a gas that must have been building up in the atmosphere for decades just stopped doing anything because it wasn’t being used in new installations in the First World.

    Now, my bias is obviously showing here. I think the ozone hole was a natural phenomenon revealed for the first time by new instruments to measure such things. That the myth was championed by green dupes who weren’t picky about what technology they hate. And they were funded in part by DuPont who had freon coming out from under patent and new, patented (but less effective) refrigerants to market.

  16. I have been flying my Gadsden flag the past few days. I think not all of my neighbors like it.

  17. That SAF sounds like it could be a neat idea, only because and to the extent that it would mean that the jet could be powered by the bacon grease generated in-flight from all the fresh breakfasts ordered in business class. 🙂 (But that does bring up the question, in view of the considerably increased ‘Asian’ population of the UK, if there were a sufficiently high proportion of London-based Muslims on any given flight, would there be enough fuel to make it across the pond?)

  18. T-Rex.

    “Old Don’t Tread On Me” is a sentiment that everyone, bar none, feels should apply to them because nobody enjoys being stepped on.

    So their discomfort with someone else, who holds contrary opinons to theirs… has to spring from a (perhaps) unconscious desire to be able to step on whomever they choose.

    That tells where their heart lies, agree with me or else.

    “Inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out.” David Horowitz

  19. Back to front.
    How many cows, pigs, etc have to die to provide the sustainable animal fat fuel for every flight by this SST ? (I never rode on the Concorde, but I did an airborne photo shoot of one, and got a tour of the cockpit. Unbelievably retro. My (well not really mine)British Aerospace produced Executive Jet was much more modern up front. Senior British Aerospace Execs always flew on Concorde when crossing the pond. If you were a certain class of Concorde passenger, your company jet or helo could park right next to the gate at JFK, so that you went directly to the “upper class lounge and never rubbed elbows withe the lower class. BTW, “upper class”, then “all others’ was the terminology used by Virgin Atlantic in their boarding announcements back int the day.)

    Poor AG. Poor DOJ. Poor FBI. I expect everyone recalls their concern and outrage when BLM/Antifa were ransacking cities. Or when crazies were threatening Supreme Court Justices and their families in front of their homes. Or when they were lying on warrants and so forth to punish anyone associated with Donald Trump. Laughing ironically. Free advice, if you don’t want people to be infuriated, then don’t do infuriating things.

  20. The fuel comprises different types of sustainable resources, such as used cooking oil and animal fat waste, to name a few.

    One hopes the jets are getting the good cholesterol, rather than the bad.

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