Home » Sometimes a conspiracy is really a conspiracy and not just a theory


Sometimes a conspiracy is really a conspiracy and not just a theory — 28 Comments

  1. That is a very eloquent farmer there! He is a good spokesman for his point of view, but I don’t hold out much hope he can prevent the one-world people from taking over his farm, settling immigrants, and ultimately having they way. Same thing will happen here in the USA, and John Kerry and Tony Blinken are leading the charge.

  2. The problem for the Great Resetters is that their wealth was created or enabled by the middle class mass market consumerism they’re now trying to destroy. It’s those middle class folks who have the intellectual and material means to destroy them.

    The WEFers aren’t people who climbed a ladder and then pulled it up after them. They’re people climbing a ladder who set it on fire because they think they’ll get to the top before the flames reach them.


  3. The globalists are just people. They think they are infallible because they are rich. Politicians associate with them hoping some of the money will stick to their hands. John Kerry is the most successful gigolo in history but that does not make him smart. Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are both very rich but are weirdoes. Bezos sending photos of his weiner around; Gates enjoying underage girls at Epstein’s Island.

    Klaus Schwab seems to be auditioning for the role of a villain in a James Bond movie.

  4. I have to wonder to what degree the Great Dairy Farm Destruction in the Midwest of several years ago was part of the regulating the world bs the globalists are so keen on.

    I know it was ostensibly because of the changes that Walmart instituted on how they procured milk. But it was devastating to dairy farmers where I grew up. The ONLY dairy farms that survived in my area we the ones that had a specialized niche. A very specialized niche.

    It was heartbreaking. Most try to sell their herds, but some had to slaughter them.

  5. This is how the Left pushed the Paris Climate deal through. Then Trump canceled it. Another reason why the “international community” hates Trump.

    The Citizens’ Climate Change Lobby in Omaha was whining in the Omaha paper about how the EPA was stripped of its authority to regulate by SCOTUS. A shocking notion that the people elected to Congress would have to legislate and pass a law on the major issues of the day and not leave it to unelected bureaucrats.

    I have some confidence that I’m going to be able to stop the local public power district from building more wind and solar despite what Meta wants.

    Meta (Facebook) is adding to its data center in Omaha. It bragged in its press release that it gets 100% renewable power. The laugher here is that about 10 miles from Meta’s data center is a $250m new OPPD natgas power plant.

  6. The rest of the world has been mostly disarmed and it’s questionable how much resistance citizens of those countries can mount. Sri Lanka aside, protests have been short-lived and generally ineffective. Our neighbors to the North appear to be cowed, at least for now, by Trudeau and his government. I don’t believe that similar climate-related mandates would fly here in the US as long as the 2nd Amendment is in force. Then again, there’s still a third of the country that seems to think Biden is doing a fine job. Go figure.

  7. The WEFers are a bunch of fools who either don’t care about food shortages and starvation or are too dense to understand what these climate mitigation rules will do to the world. Will people dying on the streets change their minds? I doubt it. They n don’t seem to mind huge numbers of homeless living in squalor on the streets. Or drug overdose deaths. Or dealing with a country (China) that uses slave labor.

    Either we refuse to go along with this idiocy, or we are finished as a prosperous, free nation.

  8. Every single current major Western political leader is either a member of WEF or has publicly aligned themselves with its ‘recommended’ policies. Biden first offered public support for the “New World Order” in the 90s.


    The WEFers are a bunch of fools who either don’t care about food shortages and starvation or are too dense to understand what these climate mitigation rules will do to the world.

    No possibility of a third explanation, it being entirely intentional?

    “What shall we do with all of these useless people?” WEF lead advisor Yuval Noah Harari

    Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro should be more than sufficient proof that just because something is too horrific to readily accept is not proof of its nonexistence.

    Ideological fanaticism has no inner boundaries to its excessive ‘enthusiasms’.

  9. Just a reminder Geoffrey, Vlad Putin didn’t start or continue his war on Ukraine because of the WEF.

    Tryants will use whatever pretext is handy, bank on that.

  10. “Just a reminder Geoffrey, Vlad Putin didn’t start or continue his war on Ukraine because of the WEF.”

    That’s the comment of someone so butthurt that all the salve in the world can’t make the burning stop.


  11. John Guilfoyle:

    Nope, just bringing back an old dead horse about Vlad fighting the WEF. It was a Geoffrey trope. Or do you buy that too?

    You can read minds if you wish, monetization is your problem.

  12. Bunge

    Your fixation with those other functions is TMI. Some deep issues?

    Don’t be a Bunge.

  13. om,

    The “Liberal World Order” aka the New World Order… foremost proponent is the W.E.F. whose membership includes every current major Western political leader. It is they who have directed eastward NATO expansion, which directly resulted in Putin’s invasion of Georgia, seizure of Crimea and invasion of the Ukraine.

    Russia now controls the Donbas region, has eliminated the great majority of the Ukraine’s trained ground troops and is preparing to take southern Ukraine’s Black Sea ports up to and including Odessa.

    All of this is a direct result of the US actions in support of liberal hegemonic ideology.

    Deny it all you want, denigrate it all you wish. It changes the reality not in the least. Recognition of originating realities, does not in and of itself indicate support for consequential realities. Putin’s ruthless suppression of political opposition does not, in and of itself, invalidate legitimate national security concerns. To suggest that they do is to engage in intellectual dishonesty.

    Casting aspersions upon the motivations of those with whom you disagree, simply demonstrates dishonest character assassination.

    The irony that you engage in the same dishonest tactics as those of the Left, i.e. demonization of any who disagree, apparently escapes you.

    Or perhaps, you foolishly imagine that others here don’t recognize slander when they see it.

  14. Funny that word “reality,” Geoffrey, regarding the Putin little adventure. Is it like the Kiev feint, or Brandon’s non-recession?

    The WEF and their New World Order (NWO) are a different kind of threat, but only a true fool thinks Vlad is opposing the WEF/NWO.

    Is Vlad still feinting as his ammo depots are exploding? Time will tell, time will tell.

    Poor Geoffrey, slander, again. The Geoffrey dictionary in action.

  15. I don’t know, Om.
    Wouldn’t it be “interesting” if in fact, Putin is, if not in cahoots with, then channeling the WTF?
    I mean, here he is creating one glorious crisis after another!
    (Actually, “…one welcome crisis after another”…)
    And then there’s this tag-tag-tag-tag team wrassling event (i.e., “Biden”, Putin, the Mullahs and them Yurpean wise guys against, well…who could possibly be against Iran getting THE BOMB?)…

    Seems to be some powerful synchonicity happening of late.
    Truly BIZZARO…but at the moment, we seem to be way, way beyond that.
    (IOW, if I was thinking anything like this several years ago, I’d pretty much have to conclude I was a nutter…well, maybe I am, sigh…)
    Anyway, think about it….

  16. Only a willfully blind fool thinks Vlad is not opposing the WEF/NWO. Everything he’s said since 2010 indicates fundamental and committed opposition to Western dominance in the Liberal aka New World Order.

    Western propaganda for the rubes…

  17. What is a man who buys Vlad propaganda? A mark? Vlad has another bridge for your porfolio, Geoffrey. A new one every 13 minutes? 🙂

  18. Geoffrey, you raise an interesting point.
    BUT isn’t the WTF itself intensely involved in “fundamental and committed opposition to Western dominance”?
    That is, isn’t THE grand plan (AKA “RESET”) to replace existing Westphalian structures with a superior elitist, global political architecture?


  19. Barry Meislin:

    But, Vlad is opposed to the Western elites (™) of the WEF/NWO/NATO/Davos; since 2010!

    Wheels within wheels?

  20. Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff et al conspired over more than 24 trimesters with foreign and domestic special and peculiar interests in a planned coup, national insurrections, and KKK model of invading neighborhoods to force families, residents, and children to take a knee, beg, … Conspiracy theory is a practical model of left-wing ideology.

  21. I found it interesting that Mr. van Mannen made that connection between farmers going out of business – to driving down the price of land for the government’s benefit – to putting more housing stock on that land for migrants specifically. It seems to have a great deal of explanatory power.

  22. … the EPA was stripped of its authority to regulate by SCOTUS.

    Cornhead or anyone:

    Given that SCOTUS picks its cases, how did we end up with a bumper crop of significant cases and conservative outcomes this year?

  23. “That is, isn’t THE grand plan (AKA “RESET”) to replace existing Westphalian structures with a superior elitist, global political architecture?”

    No, the plan is to keep those structures in place but simply warp and mutate them to serve the new order. I mean, why the hell does NATO still exist?


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