Home » Open thread 7/25/22


Open thread 7/25/22 — 47 Comments

  1. Anybody watch the Amazon Prime show “Bosch” based on the books by Michael Connelly. Well there are new episodes on a streaming service called FREEVEE. All the same actors, very well done. Also an old series called “Leverage” with the same actors (without Hutton). Also well done.
    Not Woke at all. So far.

  2. Sorry, not as cheery as shepherds …

    Homicides in Chicago: a list of every victim
    Graphics by Jesse Howe and Andy Boyle

    Updated: July 25th, 2022
    This database lists the names of everyone killed by another person in the city of Chicago. It’s compiled from Chicago Sun-Times reporting and information from law enforcement agencies and the Cook County medical examiner’s office and updated every day.

    Why is this not an emergency national story with extreme pressure put on politicians to “do something”? By “something”, I don’t mean “disarm white supporters of Donald Trump”, so maybe that explains it …

  3. Why is this not an emergency national story with extreme pressure put on politicians to “do something”? By “something”, I don’t mean “disarm white supporters of Donald Trump”, so maybe that explains it …

    That explains all of it.

  4. WaPo today has a Fake News hit piece about Nebraska. I think I need to move to the East Coast and get my mind right.

  5. Apparently the briefings they’ve been given and the images they have reportedly seen have concentrated some minds, raised their levels of concern, even, perhaps, made some members of Congress afraid of the very likely major national security threat from all of those–finally acknowledged to be real–UFOs/UAPs .

    These craft hovering and zooming unimpeded through our skies and, it seems, over every inch of our Earth—over our cities and towns, over our nuclear armed ICBM fields–and sometimes interfering with them–over our military bases, atomic weapons research and storage facilities, and the military forces of this world–both on land and at sea, in Earth orbit and, perhaps, beyond, and down into our oceans as well–with U.S. and other military forces of the Earth helplessly witnessing these incursions, but having no effective way to stop them.

    The DOD’s deliberate, 70 plus year UFO disinformation campaign has finally worn thin–the “tin foil hat” accusation is loosing it’s effectiveness–and Members of Congress are starting to take this topic very seriously indeed.

    Thus, we are getting a number of bipartisan pieces of legislation that have been quickly passed by the House and the Senate, and are likely to make it into law.

    First came legislation to set up a new All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) within DOD to investigate UFOs–this new office with a much wider scope of investigation and the aim of more transparency—and replacing the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group (AOIMSG) office that DOD itself had set up to preempt the Congressionally mandated office; the AOIMSG apparently designed to keep essentially all information on UFOs classified and bottled up within DOD.

    Of critical importance, this first legislation would also allow those with security clearances and NDAs– either currently working or retired–to “come forward” and to testify about what they know about UAPs without fear of any legal penalties or adverse impacts on their employment status.

    As well, there is also new legislation introduced by, of all people, Adam Schiff, which would set up an extremely comprehensive GAO investigation of UFOs, drawing on all possible sources of information–whether classified or unclassified—and from all branches of the government, private industry, on the testimony of civilians or current or former military personnel, and seeking both current and historical information from both military and civilian sources, reaching back to a starting point of January 1947.

    (Gee, I wonder why they chose that particular date as a starting point? Could it be because the date of the Roswell, NM UFO crash was early in July of 1947).

    Wow, it’s almost as if some members of Congress don’t trust the DOD to do the job. *

    See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNca3SNkBZY&t=938s (Thomas Fessler’s “Disclosure Tonight” Youtube channel is ideosyncratic and kind of wacky, but he does cover all aspects of the subject, including new legislation.)

  6. Re. Chi-town. Hey Jackass.com reports 71 shot over the past weekend, 8 fatals, balance wounded. I believe the media “defines” a mass shooting as 3 or more shot; so the weekend provided 5 “mass shootings” that yielded 1 fatality. Their weekend runs from noon Friday to 0600 Monday.

    They are also tracking the summer fun, Summer of Joy, which runs from Memorial Day to Labor Day. So far this year the tally is 771 shot with 130 killed, 641 wounded; and 9 non-shooting homicides.

    Chicago police have shot 11 this year, 1 fatally; 7 CPD have been shot this year.

    “Nothing to see here folks, move along…”

  7. “Nebraska”
    It’s the start of a softening up campaign, the point being that growing corn—and not just corn—endangers Mother Gaia.
    “Trudeau Lines Putin’s Pockets By Lifting Pipeline Turbine Sanction But Punishes Ontario Farmers & Consumers With Tariff On Russian Fertilizer To Advance Green-Scam Agenda”—
    Key phrase:
    “…To Advance Green-Scam Agenda…”

  8. T-Rex,
    That’s an interesting link.
    I like O’Neill a lot, I really do. Sharp, perceptive, eloquent. Always fascinating, to the point with nary a wasted word….

    Note, though, that in that article, O’Neill describes exactly why “Biden” WILL “declare a climate emergency”.
    “He” will do it precisely because…
    “A state of emergency would be bad for democracy, freedom and living standards.”
    (Shouldn’t be overlooked that it’s also a nifty way to manipulate elections…or hamstring them altogether.)
    Since I presume that O’Neill must see this, I read the whole thing as “IRONY”.
    (Hmmm, but what if he actually does mean it??)

  9. And just in time…
    “Wheat Prices Surge, Indicate Worse Food Crisis Ahead”—

    This may be pure fear-mongering—“If it bleeds, it leads”, etc….

    But hold on:
    “This Is Why Bill Gates Wants to Reset the Food System”—
    Key question:
    “…Why would government restrict farming at a time when food shortages and famine loom on the horizon worldwide?…”

    File under: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvrupRQD44I

  10. The “interesting” thing about all this is that those who engineer, choreograph and implement CATASTROPHE are well rewarded.
    (It’s the Democratic Party way….)
    “5 mistakes Dr. Anthony Fauci made on COVID that spelled disaster”—

    (Should be added that those who attempt to put out the fires, to save the country, to help their neighbor are DEPLORABLE INSURRECTIONISTS…but hey that’s merely REALITY, Democratic Party style…)

    What was it that Orwell said about intellectuals?
    Alas, the Democratic Party is replete with insatiably POWER-HUNGRY intellectuals, which is a horse of a far different color.

  11. The current Country Western song says it best, ‘you can put your plans where the sun don’t shine, stay away from me and mine’

    Pack sand NYT and Dens.

  12. A nice line from T-Rex’s link,

    It is amazing to me that people like Gore don’t get more flak for their regressive anthropomorphising of nature as an angry mother wagging her finger at humanity for its noxious ways.

    This next one isn’t exactly about the climate crisis, rather the expectation that Putin will starve western Europe of energy; or so they say.

    Because of Putin,

    [President] Macron added, “From now on, I will ask public bodies, and all companies that can, to consume less. We will create a program and try to use lighting less in the evenings. We are launching a load reduction and sobriety program. We have to prepare for a scenario in which we have to give up Russian gas completely.”

    Sobriety for us electroholics. Is this a ratcheting up of the rhetoric? Of course it is a translation, so that could be misleading.

  13. If the dance is about shepherds, where are the sheep? I was waiting for the entrance of the sheep.

  14. Ray:

    The shepherds are leaving them alone, so that they’ll come home, wagging their tails behind them.

  15. Barry Meislin: Thanks for your response. Yes, my reason for sharing the link is that a “climate emergency” will be used to restrict our freedom. It might actually be the whole reason for it, thus, it being a tipping point. I recognize that some will call me Chicken Little, but if we cease resisting …
    I am a fan of the Spiked team.

  16. >Homicides in Chicago: a list of every victim…Why is this not an emergency national story with extreme pressure put on politicians to “do something”?

    73% of the victims are black. Who killed most of them? Hint: not White Supremacists or police officers.

  17. I have no objection whatever to corn being grown in Nebraska, or Iowa. I only wish it weren’t being converted into automobile fuel.

  18. Snow on Pine @ 1:39 PM

    Your comments are illustrative of how the govt. bureaucracy is totally unaccountable to our elected officials
    Supposedly, Congress has oversight over all federal agencies, and supposedly these agencies must respond to all inquiries demanded of them by Congress.
    But, so far, in the case you describe, these agencies ignore Congress
    Because they know that there will be no repercussions if they ignore Congress. These bureaucrats will keep their jobs, benefits and pensions, and they know it.
    And Congress either does not have the cohones to do anything about this or perhaps they do not have the authority to have anybody jailed, I do not know.

    Establishing ANOTHER !!!! agency to get at the truth is like kicking a dead horse.
    This new agency will be blocked from getting at the truth; any idiot can predict this . After all, if the agencies presently are giving Congress the middle finger , what makes anybody think that any new agency – composed of other bureaucrats – will have any better luck.

    The only way to get at the truth here is for Congress to order the DOD to provide the information they want, and when they do not get it – and they will not – find a way jail the obstructionists, have them fired and have them lose their pensions.
    When their own hides are on the line, they will talk.

    When the bureaucrats need to jail someone (e.g. any conservative or pro-Trumper) miracle of miracles , they find a way post-haste.

    If anything has been learned since the days of FDR, it’s that the govt. bureaucracy has to be destroyed; or at least 80% of it.

  19. Good grief.

    Magnus Carlsen, five-time World Chess Champion, has abdicated. He will not defend his title.

    From what I gather it’s due to his dissatisfaction with FIDE, the Russian-dominated international chess body, and the plain, bloody grind of preparing for and playing a World Chess Championship match every two years.

    Among top grandmasters all say they understand Carlsen’s choice, then wish him the best.

    Carlsen will continue to play chess and play his part as an ambassador of chess.

    There’s no doubt in my mind that Carlsen is the strongest human chess player thus far. He stood on the shoulders of his predecessors and he is the first World Champion who really learned from the computers.

    Best of luck, Magnus.

  20. John Tyler—Unfortunately it seems to me that our government was based on the assumption that the people directing and staffing that government were—first and foremost—patriots, and reasonably honest individuals concerned with protecting and advancing our Republic, doing the right thing for our citizenry, and not trying to operate according to their own agendas, or feather their own nests.

    Moreover, this government was also based on the assumption that employees and the agencies they worked for would do their duty without having to be driven to do so by the threat of force.

    Thus, the use of force was just not generally how things were supposed to be accomplished, there were few mechanisms established to employ that force and, as far as I can see, it has only been rarely used as a means to get some part of our government to be responsive to the directives it has been given by a superior part of the government.

    We’ve just relied on routine and voluntary compliance, and when what you get instead is defiance or dissimulation, everyone is reluctant to really crack the whip, nor do they really have the means to do so.

    As much as you might want to, you can’t just send in a SWAT team or the Marines, preserve the evidence, round up the culprits, and summarily fire or jail them.

    Moreover, realistically just which organ of our current day government is trustworthy enough to carry out such an assignment?

    Trump’s efforts to use “Schedule F” to purge the government was quickly repealed by the Biden Administration but, even if you could use it, I’d bet that the courts would end up blocking any such purge.

  21. That’s an amazing image at the YouTube link.

    All those dancers look like they are hovering in mid-air when they are actually perched on the barres along the back walls!

  22. Magnus Carlsen, five-time World Chess Champion, has abdicated. He will not defend his title.

    He is 31 years old, unmarried, and childless. He would benefit from working his way into an ordinary job, persuading his gf to marry him, and starting on the next generation.

  23. Missouri City, Texas Officer Crystal Sepulveda was shot multiple times while attempting to apprehend a fleeing suspect after a vehicle chase.

    Any female cops at Robb Elementary?

  24. OM:

    No. The Uvalde cops were a disgrace. The female cop in Missouri City, Texas was brave.

    The Uvalde School Board still hasn’t fired the cowardly and stupid Chief.

  25. huxley @ 8:40pm,

    If we are seeing the same youtube still image I am 99% sure the male dancers were captured in mid-air, doing a heel click and are not resting on the barre, nor particularly close to the barre. It’s a bit of an optical illusion.

    I’ve always assumed youtube grabs a still from the mid-section of videos as the display, but I’m almost certain posters can also choose what the still is. I did a cursory search of the video to try to find the spot where the image shown occurs in the dance, but I cannot. The very last segment looks like it is where it would happen, the camera angle even changes to the view in the still just before the video ends. Maybe the last few seconds are cut from the video?

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