Home » Odette’s escape: woman or swan?


Odette’s escape: woman or swan? — 12 Comments

  1. Not terribly related, but I once bumped into a person and for one reason or another he brought up the myth of Daphne. Usually referred to as the myth of Apollo and Daphne. I had heard of demigod or nymph Daphne, but didn’t know the story.


    The upshot is that beautiful nymph Daphne gets turned into a laurel tree. Winners of the old Olympics used to have a crown of laurel branches and leaves placed on their head as a little bit of Daphne.

  2. Enjoyed every version, but my favorite is Susan Jaffe.

    I also loved the thundering herd of swans in that one. 🙂

  3. Thanks, Neo.

    Also one of my favorite pieces of music. It’s wonderful to “see” what the music was up to.

  4. As a STEM guy myself, I’d like to know more of Von Rothbart’s story 🙂

  5. When Madame and I go to the ballet, she’s there for the choreography and I’m there for the music. Makes for mutually uncomprehending conversation on the way home.

  6. OK Neo – that was an amazing review and especially loved Marakova’s Odette… please take us on the same journey for the Petits Cygnes (little swams) .. my favorite dance in Swan Lake… but, i bet you have already done it.. if so, please post again.. We love your ballet posts.. All of them!

  7. Thanks. We need the arts more than ever now. It’s no coincidence that those who despise truth and life are also enemies of beauty.

    I had never heard of Gillian Murphy. She seems to have the long thin body of the modern ballerina with the expresive approach of earlier generations (as you taught us in earlier posts). At least in these clips she does no extreme extensions.

    And she is the only one who actually seems to hop like a bird in those entrechats. The others don’t get as airborne.

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