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Biden, abortion, and the filibuster — 25 Comments

  1. Legal then illegal then legal then illegal.

    All depending on who is in power.

  2. Abortion will become like the tax code. Change every time congress or the presidency switches parties.

  3. “…if the Democrats really do end the filibuster even if it’s just in this one instance, it opens quite a door that the GOP could walk through if they win control of Congress in 2022.”

    Except that the Democrats have no intention of allowing that to happen…
    To paraphrase Orwell:
    “If you want a picture of the future, imagine [elections decided by flooding the zone with mail-in ballots]— forever.”

    (That is, assuming that there will be elections…)

  4. Wonder if all the Dem Senators that are up for reelection in Nov would go along with this? Some are not in Dark Blue states.

  5. I don’t see how a federal law on abortion could survive Supreme Court scrutiny, even if it were passed (and I don’t think it will be passed).

  6. yes that line, was playing on his eight track, back in 2020, when they let him out of the basement,

  7. George W. Bush is Jiminy Cricket (not) to Pinocchio Brandon. Silent during the BHO reign and now silent again during the Brandon junta.

  8. how about russell moore or other baptist grandees, they are basenghi,

  9. I’ve read several fairly brief stories about this and they all said he was proposing an “exception” to the filibuster for this one measure. None explained how that is supposed to work. How can you declare the rule inoperative for one vote but not the next? How is that different from “ending the filibuster” which the Dems have previously failed to get enough votes to do? Tell senators to vote for ending it and promise, really truly we promise, cross our hearts and hope to die, that they can vote to restore it tomorrow?

    To say nothing of why you would ever suppose that the Republicans would not do the same next time it’s in their interest. Yeah, I know, they never really believe they’ll be out of power, but considering the polls you’d think they wouldn’t be very confident of that.

  10. Interesting that Biden, that Good Catholic Boy, doesn’t have to worry about being denied Holy Communion because of his “new devotion to abortion”– “. . . before he took over the White House, Joe Biden learned he could get communion at the Jesuit church [in Georgetown, DC]. Father Kevin Gillespie of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Georgetown confirmed he would be happy giving communion to Biden despite his lengthy pro-abortion record. Gillespie told America Magazine that Biden attends Holy Trinity sometimes when he is in Washington, D.C., and he is ‘a man of faith.’

    ‘Everyone is welcome,’ the priest said. ‘He’s a man of faith, and I would give Communion to him like any other Catholic coming up for the Eucharist.'”


    OTOH, I bet Father Gillespie would have no trouble turning away a pro-life Protestant if such a person presented themselves to receive Communion in his church.

  11. Question I have been asking of those approving late term abortion:

    Any problem with using the aborted fetus an ingredient for dog and cat food? Like beef, pork, chicken and fish?

    Not a human being, so is it ok?

  12. PA+Cat:

    There are a few significant creedal distinctions between Catholic and non Catholic Christians that concern the Sacrament of Communion. Those have nothing to do with the sin of abortion, or other takings of innocent human lives. Sounds like a problem with Brandon and that Priest to me. Putting politics before God?

  13. Mac:

    Essentially, the Senate can do whatever it wants with the filibuster for as long or short as it wants, by a majority vote. It can do it for a whole session or a single vote and then change it back again. Thing is, once that bridge is crossed by a party it loses any credibility when it objects if the other party does it. That’s one thing that has kept it operating all these years.

  14. I interpret Biden’s appeal to end the filibuster as merely performative. Manchin and others have already made it clear that they won’t support ending the filibuster. (It’s so stupid of the dems to WANT to end the filibuster 4 months before they’re going to lose control of Congress!) Especially with today’s victory for West Virginia in the Supreme Court, Manchin can well afford not to go along with dem appeals to end the filibuster. There is simply no way that red state dem senators will suddenly support ending the filibuster for the purpose of codifying Roe v. Wade, which their states don’t really want to see codified, and which probably CAN’T be codified consistent with the Constitution.

  15. om: I am well aware of the differences between the various Christian confessions about the meaning of Holy Communion; I’ve done graduate work in theology. I probably should have used the /sarc tag, as I was trying to make the point that some priests do tend to put politics ahead of all other considerations.

  16. The bill that people seem to be talking about is this one: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/4132

    However, we won’t know until the Senate actually debates it and votes.

    S4132 appears to remove restrictions to abortion BEFORE viability (Section 3 (a)(8)), but nothing about removing restrictions AFTER viability — except to preserve the patient’s life or health (Section 3 (a)(9)). However, the word “health” has been used in the past as an excuse to allow abortion for any reason.

    What is terrible about this bill is that the federal government assumes the right to nullify state laws (Section 4 (a)(1)):

    Except as stated under subsection (b), this Act supersedes and applies to the law of the Federal Government and each State government, and the implementation of such law, whether statutory, common law, or otherwise, and whether adopted before or after the date of enactment of this Act, and neither the Federal Government nor any State government shall administer, implement, or enforce any law, rule, regulation, standard, or other provision having the force and effect of law that conflicts with any provision of this Act, notwithstanding any other provision of Federal law, including the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq.).

    Since abortion is not an individual right, this appears to be in conflict with the Constitution as the federal government cannot use the 14th amendment to have authority over the states (per the 9th and 10th amendments).

  17. Neo, so the idea is that the filibuster should be seen in the future as having an on-off switch which only Democrats can access. Makes perfect sense. I don’t see how anybody could object to that. Only people who want to destroy Our Democracy(tm) I guess.

  18. “…man of faith….”

    Well, it’s not wrong.
    Joe Biden firmly believes that he will NEVER, EVER be prosecuted for his rather extraordinary career of audacious corruption.
    Not only that, but he’s absolutely certain that the corrupt media will not mention it. Not a syllable.
    (If that’s not faith, what is?)

    No doubt that would mean that Hunter, too, is a “man of faith” (at least as far as proscecution is concerned).
    I wouldn’t be surprised if Hunter’s faith is even STRONGER, assuming that’s possible, than that of Dear Old Dad….

  19. @ PA Cat > “‘Everyone is welcome,’ the priest said. ‘He’s a man of faith, and I would give Communion to him like any other Catholic coming up for the Eucharist.’”

    The pope ‘said something to the effect of’ that same thing, and if it’s good enough for the Pope…


    Pelosi’s partaking of the sacrament inside the Vatican during a papal Mass was even more significant, and a sign of Francis’ unwillingness to refuse the sacrament. Francis has described the Eucharist as “not a prize for the perfect but a powerful medicine and nourishment for the weak.”

    Asked about some U.S. bishops who wanted to refuse Biden the sacrament, Francis told reporters during an airborne press conference in September that priests shouldn’t be politicians and condemn their flock but should be pastors who accompany the faithful with tenderness and compassion.

    I’m waiting to see if Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco will make any comments.
    Having been so publicly rebuked by the Pope, he should resign.


  20. Propaganda from Biden. He knows he has no control and cannot force any action by Congress, and that his own party does not fully support him. So he says this to be on record as trying to do something which will, hopefully, win back voters and votes.

  21. What if some (R) types who both want abortion and no filibuster this winter and 2024, and go for it? Then the (D) my look back on Reid as only the second biggest short term tactical “win” long term strategic loss.

  22. I’m honestly surprised someone hasn’t come up with the old stand by plan of feds to the states of “Do what we want or we’re withholding funds” trick like they did with the drinking age. Not sure what funds they’d withhold to push states into allowing abortion but I’m sure they can think up something.

  23. “…man of faith….”

    Well, it’s not wrong.
    Joe Biden firmly believes that he will NEVER, EVER be prosecuted for his rather extraordinary career of audacious corruption.
    Not only that, but he’s absolutely certain that the corrupt media will not mention it. Not a syllable.

    Well given all the stuff he’s gotten away with over the years I can’t see why he’d think anything else than nothing he does will ever be held against him. (Claiming he stopped ebola, his wife died in a crime, his son gave his life in service of the country. When nobody holds you accountable why wouldn’t you think that?)

  24. @ BigD > “Not sure what funds they’d withhold to push states into allowing abortion but I’m sure they can think up something.”

    They are willing to let kids go hungry to push their agenda.
    Your choice of stories, same subject.


    (Worth a click to see the photo-shopped Star Wars illustration)


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