Home » Open thread 6/24/22


Open thread 6/24/22 — 26 Comments

  1. Dobbs has been issued. Roe and Casey over-ruled. Did not believe I would see this day.

  2. I guess this means we’re in for a fresh round of riots- I mean “mostly peaceful protests” for the rest of the summer.

  3. The Dobbs vote was 6-3, with Roberts filing a reluctant concurring opinion saying he really would rather have compromised politically.

  4. Nonapod is correct….here we go with riots, looting, burning, attacks on churches, etc all while sanctioned by the Democrats, and DOJ doing nothing.

    To slightly misquote Bette Davis, “Fasten your seat belts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride”

  5. I wonder if any Democrat will say anything about Dobbs that is honest, accurate and intelligent.

  6. At the downward rapidly spiraling rate society is heading, don’t be surprised if we soon hear about transgenders – the male to female variety – hoping to join ballet companies as ballerinas.
    It’s just a matter of time.

  7. I wonder if any Democrat will say anything about Dobbs that is honest, accurate and intelligent.

    Maybe Dershowitz, if he’s still a democrat.

  8. Dancers, maybe, but ballerinas? The male dancers have to lift the ballerinas. How many “transgender” male-to-females will be small enough?

  9. Ain’t gonna be no famous-good mtf-ballerinas, tho famous and “good for a quasi-woman” maybe.

    Couldn’t help but think about the little girl dancing with real joy, and mostly good rhythm, but without steps, to the street violin player. There’s something about Violette’s dancing “with exquisite timing and expression.” that doesn’t do it for me – and never has, despite my enjoyment of dancing to modern dance when I took a class. (Too gayish for me to stay with it).

    My wife and youngest son joined his grandmother (babka) at the opera Rusalka
    the 1901 Czech opera version of the The Little Mermaid. Music and costumes, great. No big deal on the little dancing.

    Republicans should be complaining about all domestic terrorism by any law-breaking pro-abortion groups – and pointing out the violations of “rule of law”. Reps need to remember that nothing said will convince partisans on the other side – but MIGHT convince the undecided audience.

  10. Would “Jane’s Revenge” be a domestic terrorist group? Better consult the DHS or DOJ, crickets ….


    Mass shootings are an atrocity. Shootings at Mass not so much, nor mass looting nor mostly peacefull protests. Burning black churches used to be a (bad) thing, burning churches now, not so bad.

    The Left turns everything into sh*t and death.

  11. We can thank President Trump for nominating Supreme Court justices that respect the constitution.
    There are so many things President Trump did to right the foundering United States.

  12. “I wonder if any Democrat will say anything about Dobbs that is honest, accurate and intelligent.”

    Forget about Democrats. What about pro-life NeverTrumpers? Will even one of them credit Donald Trump for the overturn of Roe v. Wade?

    Because I’m a jerk, I went to a NeverTrumper Twitter post where he was defending Dobbs and commented “You forgot to add ‘And it happened because of Donald Trump and in spite of me.'”

    He blocked me.


  13. I thought making fun of Joe Biden when he fell over while bike riding was wrong, since I’ve done something similar– his shoe got caught in the toe clips while I had just got a bike with clip in locks which required a slight twisting motion to release and I forgot to twist– and found myself on the ground at a busy intersection, trying to look cool while laying prone. It could happen to anyone.

    But this latest gaffe, while comical is very serious– the NY Post reveals the cheat sheet Biden uses when at a public event, reminding him when to sit, when to make comments and when to depart.


  14. neo:
    Thanks for posting the Verdy and Dupont clips. I begin to understand what you mean about artistry v. gymnastics.

  15. I thought making fun of Joe Biden when he fell over while bike riding was wrong

    Not wrong, just off-brand for Fred Rogers.

  16. The Senate has passed a [gun laws bill], named- the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.

    A lot of Senators want this bill to become a law.

    I believe this bill has a part in it to cancel “the boyfriend loophole”.

    This anti-boyfriend loophole [regulation?] would let your-

    significant other, an ex-significant other, an ex-boyfriend…or ex-girlfriend…or ex-datingfriend, or ex-bf who doesn’t live with you, or an ex-gf or datingfriend who doesn’t live with you, or an ex-husband, or an ex-wife, or an ex-spouse- call the police, + have your guns taken away from you, if [you were ever found guilty by a court, of a domestic violence crime].

    This anti-boyfriend loophole legislation, if it is used on you, can get your guns taken away from you for five years,…and you also cannot buy or own any guns for those five years.

    So…what counts as domestic violence?

    If my sister gets mad, + bounces a plastic…16 oz. bottle of water off of her boyfriend’s head, should she get her guns taken away from her?

    I’m hoping that the Congress can write out every last detail of this “anti-boyfriend loophole, proposed regulation”, before this proposed regulation becomes a federal law.

    Is this how the anti-boyfriend-loophole-regulation, would work?

  17. Too late, TR. The bill was rushed through the Senate and House and is now on Biden’s desk for signature.

    Get involved in your state to make sure “red flag” laws provide due process.

  18. Verdy demonstrates a marvelous combination of grace and precision. Dupont does not fair well when compared to Verdy. Dupont looks wooden to me in comparison and her movements seem to me to bear little relationship to the Tempo of the music.

    Is it the performer or the choreographer? The same piece of classical music directed by different conductors can vary greatly in Tempo. Many classical pieces that I loved on first hearing, when compared to later versions conducted differently leave me so disinterested that, had I first heard the lesser version (IMO), I might never have liked the piece in the first place.

    So too with Verdy and Dupont. Verdy draws my attention to her and makes me hunger for more. It’s hard to tear ones eyes away from her.

    Whereas Dupont actually leaves me a bit repelled. Perhaps that’s partially why classical ballet has lost some of its popularity?

  19. Hi Kate,

    Of course. I wasn’t saying that I thought this legislation could be prevented.
    However, I was asking people what they thought of this proposed legislation.


  20. I dearly love every ballet video you post. Ironically you are opening my eyes to a world that my teachers tried to open me decades ago when they hauled my fat butt to the opera. Dolce Far Niente. The sweet Italian art of doing nothing. Which as an Italian-American who knew nothing of culture I was so totally down with I needed no further instruction in doing nothing.

    Yes, I have gotten off my can and I have the Marine Drill Instructor and the first aid kits to prove it.

    But my default mode is to revert to hibernation. Unless I have a reason to wake up. You give me a reason. Please never stop.

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