Home » Here are two videos illustrating certain aspects of the left…


Here are two videos illustrating certain aspects of the left… — 33 Comments

  1. They are getting quite bold in their Constitution Amendment grabbing. Also working on ‘hate speech “. I am sure there are more firearms than Democrats in the country, once any confiscation starts it will get harder by the day.

  2. Head to Chicago and take the guns from the Gang Members, I double dare you. Idjt.

  3. What a mess this is, they know they cannot take the guns away from millions of decent, law abiding Americans. Not saying this would happen however, down here in Texas we have a motto, “Come and Take It”, The phrase “Come and Take It” dates back to King Leonidas I defying the Persian army to take his army’s weapons with the phrase “Molon labe” at the Battle of Thermopylae.

    I hope I never see the day they actually think they have enough power to try to disarm this great nation.

  4. Suppose for the sake of argument that I do not possess a firearm. I can’t prove that I do not, and the gun-grabbers can’t prove that I do. Will they toss my house and dig up my back yard just to make sure?

  5. No widespread gun confiscation program will be pursued, because you’ll not be able to find people willing, at the risk of their lives, to ransack homes generally. But if they get enough votes, they can ban gun possession and demand they be turned in. Then possession of a gun will be a pretext to go after people they otherwise want to get.

  6. Old Texan:

    Congressman Bang Fang Fang of CA said something about having nukes available to deal with the Second Ammendment, as Brandon spoke of having F15s to deal with those who own M13s or AK43s. If IIRC. It was Brandon after all, the expert on 9mm bullets and sucking chest wounds. “Be carefull, that will blow your lung out!”

  7. These barkings induce a reflection on an old practice of commonfolk hosting public stocks in townsquares, places where people could be found pitching rotted fruits, spoiled vegetables, gassy-eggs and the like at the noggins of such pettifogging geniuses in order to convey a message: fuck off, morons.

  8. Luckily for fans of liberty, he’s only a representative and not a senator. Hence, he will have no role in packing courts or abolishing filibusters.

  9. Well, if they nuke us that would solve their problem however, in the San Antonio area where I live we have more retired and ex military than anywhere else in the USA and we, at this time still have a lot of good old boys and girls enlisted and NCO’s serving multiple Forts and Bases here in Texas. I have not idea where this stuff will end up but as the local sheriff of our county told me not too long ago, we will stand beside you and they will never take your guns. If the left want to make a lot of noise perhaps some of the conservatives might want to reply and answer their threats, I don’t know.

  10. Tip O’Neill once reprimanded and sanctioned a member for appearing on the floor without a coat and tie. Now we have Democratic members using profanities in official proceedings. By the way, this vulgar man is 60 years old.

    Both Cicelline and Jones have law degrees. Jones practiced law for seven years; he changed jobs 3x in seven years and ended up working in a corporation counsel’s office. Cicilline is cagey about how he earned a living prior to age 41; he appears to have had a solo practice in Providence from 1994 to 1997.

    Oh, and both make a public point of their homosexuality.

    This is the Democratic Party.

  11. “…certain aspects…” No, you meant “symbiotic aspects” of the left.

  12. The sheriffs in Texas may stand with the people. I expect very few police officers to do so. They answer to mayors, and they are very, very fond of their early retirement and pension benefits. In exchange, they have been shielded from the consequences of their mistakes.

    That shielding has been ripped away in Minnesota, and now they face prison at the hands of the Attorney General. I see cops in Austin are now suing because they have been prosecuted for being mean to rioters.

    But if they haven’t quit already, they’re not going to.

  13. I used to teach the process of Root Cause Analysis. It was in an operations course, not a government course. They probably would not understand it; or more correctly, not want to even consider the notion.

    The end of the analysis would in so many cases have them at the root cause.

    Does anyone besides me think that these knuckleheads are somehow behind the tragedies? Indirectly, they certainly are with Obama’s program that keeps troubled kids in school ’cause they are “of color”, Soro’s DA’s let folks out of jail or never put them in in the first place, and on and on…

  14. No, of course Republicans don’t want murderers to have guns, and they support not allowing people with certain violent criminal histories to have them.

    For many years, convicted felons in Chicago have been arrested in the possession of a firearm, or even arrested after discharging a firearm, and then turned right back out on the street; by Democrats. It’s about equity or something. So Republicans need to tell Democrats to spare us the bullshit about caring about violent gun crimes, until they enforce the laws they already have.

    Pettifogger is correct. The need for more and more laws is so they can go after their political enemies. Not actual violent criminals, who are increasingly part of the Democrat base.

  15. It is always to be welcomed, when an enemy of liberty exposes themselves.

    That they are an enemy of liberty is demonstrated in that given their office, there is simply no doubt that they have repeatedly been informed of the legitimate and reasoned objections to proposals whose sole effect would be to disarm the law abiding.

    In declaring themselves to be an enemy of liberty and the right of the law abiding to self-defense, they do NOT just demonstrate their unfitness for the office they hold.

    Indeed, they both demonstrate their unfitness for citizenship itself but most importantly have violated their oath of office to defend the Constitution.

    In actively seeking to undermine fundamental Constitutional provisions based in the most fundamental of rights, they demonstrate their betrayal of that Constitution.

  16. “We will do whatever it takes”–except make use of the perfectly legal and proper method for amending the Constitution.

  17. The idjit democRATS want gang bangers to keep their guns, they will be the new enforcers.

  18. Mr. Shotzberger, you are sooo correct on that. The gangbangers and thugs won’t be prosecuted for gun violations just like they aren’t prosecuted for much of anything else . . . but the white folks will and anybody else who refuses to toe the progressive line.

  19. Washington state has pretty strict gun laws. Background checks, a waiting period, etc. They even require that guns be locked in a safe when at home. (Enforcement only occurs when they find a gun that was stolen from you. Then you’re in trouble……so far.) Anyway, the state is deep blue and unfriendly to gun owners. Yet gun crime is increasing, especially in Pierce and King Counties. Not on a level with Chicago or Baltimore yet, but they’re working on it. To me it’s strong evidence that stringent gun laws don’t reduce gun crimes. The crooks don’t follow the law.

    The City Council defunded the police in Seattle and the Tacoma police department has been under attack by BLM supporters and the state’s AG. The Seattle police are no longer investigating rape, they don’t have the manpower. Shootings are up so much, and manpower is so low; they can’t cover all crimes. Passing more stringent gun laws or confiscating guns will not stop this crime wave. Only adequate police forces empowered to stop crime, backed by DAs that will prosecute crimes, will do the trick.

    This is an issue that the Democrats have demagogued for years. They don’t care about stopping the crime, only about disarming the population. Then they can take over.

  20. Interesting how quickly the Tulsa shooting went down the memory hole. One gun-grabber from Boston is blaming “Trumpbots” for the crime– why he would think the shooter is a Republican eludes me. The only follow-up that I could find said that the patient who was killed (William Love) was an Army vet who was protecting his wife of 45 years; and that the murdered surgeon was a graduate of Emory (4 degrees in 3 years) and Harvard Medical School, and was much loved by everyone who knew him. None of this fits the narrative, of course.

  21. Guns are fourth-rate weapons of abortion and injury used principally by criminals and government agents, and less often by the pathological, and in self-defense. Cicilline and Jones should investigate the human lives lost to the first-order of homicidal choice: blade violence, including: knives, machetes, and, of course, the double-edged scalpel.

  22. Ah! Quite the show, isn’t it? I mean the stuff or rather the premises for no compromisable, binary, live free or die, choices are being foisted upon us!

    We’re going to be free to be enslaved and tyrannized — or stand up and force the bastards to kill us

    I’m liking these odds better every week.

    Now. About the FIB arrest of ALREADY cooperating Dr Peter Navarro (FNC has his news conference, Sat morning, up at YT), he’s shockingly arrested, manacles and jailed at behest if the Star Chamber Jan 6th tyrants from the Jacobin House.

    We are being called to take sides. And defend our freedoms for us, family, for friends and genuine allies like Peter.

    I’m REALLY liking these odds!

  23. I remember a song from the Sixties: Universal Soldier.

    The theme was that it was the individual person who gave himself as a weapon who made war possible.

    So, how are they going to take THOSE weapons out of their communities without ‘mass incarceration’?

  24. “Will they toss my house and dig up my back yard just to make sure?”

    No, they’ll get banks to refuse you financial services, doctors and hospitals to refuse medical care, etc.

  25. “Interesting how quickly the Tulsa shooting went down the memory hole. ”

    One thing that needs investigation is whether the patient was denied painkillers after back surgery. They’ve applied the same logic to opioids that they do guns: “Evidence shows that the law abiding patients aren’t the problem, but we can enforce against them where we can’t or won’t enforce against the criminals.”

  26. Did you ever hear the story of Raz Simone, Rep. Cicelline? You could look it up. It involved a lawless and seditious Democrat pulling unregistered “assault rifles” out of the trunk of his TESLA and passing them out to his buddies in the land of CHOP. Two Black people died as a result. Will you never rest until this criminal faces justice because no one is above the law?

  27. “Spare me the bullshit about constitutional rights.” Oh, no, senator. Those rights are the only thing that stand between me and the overwhelming power of the state. I lose those and I become your servant. So. No.
    I’ve said this before and I’ll repeat it here. There are approx. 100 million firearm owners in the United states. Between them they own 300 million firearms, that we know of. Now just for the sake of argument suppose ten percent of those firearm owners decide decide that they are not going to let the government outlaw or confiscate their weapons. That is more armed citizens than the federal and state goverments can field even with all their armed agencies. As long as those weapons remain in the hands of the citizens WE control the debate. The left wants a civil war. Be very careful what you wish for. It will be very bloody for everyone.

  28. If they want to get rid of guns they should start with cleaning up the inner cities where current gun laws are not being enforced and they have high murder rates.

    Clean up those areas and show us you are serious, then we can *talk* about what common sense is.

  29. Enforcing existing gun laws is a bit like maintaining public works, like bridges. Nobody is interested in those things. New laws and new bridges are what get headlines for politicians.

  30. To Cicilline: Don’t care about constitutional right? Well, don’t get mad if people don’t think abortion is a human/civil right. It ain’t in the constitution. Same thing with same sex marriage.

    To Jones: Expand SC, obstruct and abolish? So move the goal posts in order to suit your needs and then cry about human/civil rights supposedly found in the constitution.

    Neither talk about mental health of young men, let alone other causes of death that are equal or exceed the deaths of gun deaths.

    The Left is doing their usual M.O. They don’t get pissed annually when Chicago makes national news because of its South and West Side shootings by people of color.

  31. Gun control is just one more liberal MacGuffin. As with all their other MacGuffins, lefties don’t actually care about facts, reality or logic. What matters is loyalty to the tribe and the tribe’s catechism.

    The American Left demonstrated this clearly with the logic pretzel of their opposition, support and opposition to Hitler as dictated from Moscow. They fervently “believed” whatever they were told tribe members must believe and whenever it must be believed.

    We’ve seen exactly the same thing with intersectionality insanity. Making little girls shower with boys was unspeakable evil as sexual harassment. Until suddenly it was the essence of morality and anyone who questioned it was a disgusting bigot. Logic had nothing to do with the whiplash-inducing change of belief. The tribe simply changed the MacGuffin.

    Liberals don’t give a crap about little girls or trans kids or sexual harassment or abortion or gun control or global warming. They are merely MacGuffins. The ONLY thing liberals care about is making themselves feel good about themselves and their morally superiority. And that comes from being a tribe member in good standing.

    Membership in the tribe requires swearing allegiance to whichever MacGuffin the tribe currently offers up. Facts, evidence, rationality, and logic are irrelevant. Indeed, they simply get in the way and possibly complicate true belief.

    That gun control doesn’t work or violates constitutional rights or increases the danger to the most vulnerable is irrelevant to the liberal. Just as the idiocy of global warming, or unlimited abortion even after birth, or covid nazisim, or BLM, or Jan 6 matters not.

    Gun control is just one of the MacGuffins on the loyalty checklist.

  32. Pingback:Dispassionate Meditations on School Mass Murder (5) | The Reformed Sojourner

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