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The Tulsa hospital shooting — 19 Comments

  1. The tweet may never disappear since it accords precisely with the favored narrative of DHS, the left, the WH, the FBI/DOJ, the MSM, etc. Last year, Jennifer Ho (who teaches at the University of Colorado) wrote that the cause of anti-Asian violence from almost entirely black perpetrators was, in fact, “white supremacy”. Leftists complain to this day about the “Red Scare” of the fifties (although McCarthy was proven, by the Venona documents, to have been without question more right than wrong), but they have invented a far more pernicious and more societally damaging imaginary enemy.

  2. Just in time for the teleprompter in chief’s incoherent speech tonight.

  3. You ask good questions, Neo. I hope answers may emerge, although because the killer and the surgeon were both black, we may not see them.

    I am still waiting for a toxicology report on the Uvalde shooter, and for background information on whether he smoked weed or used other drugs.

  4. Our betters inform us that “White Supremacy” is “clearly a factor” in a black killing a black. I am reminded of Begin’s remark about Lebanese killing Palestinians, with blame heaped on the Israelis: “Goyim kill goyim, and the Jews are blamed.”


    (After initially posting, I looked up the quote and discovered my quote needed to be corrected: from “they blame the Jews” to “the Jews are blamed.”)

  5. Tulsa Black Wall Street massacre

    1. There was no Black Wall Street, just a commercial thoroughfare which included some banks and insurance agencies. (Tulsa’s black population at the time was about 8,500).

    2. Violent confrontation was initiated by a gang of blacks.

    3. The death toll after it was over was something on the order of 39 blacks and 26 whites.

  6. The tweet-within-a-tweet by the White House spokeshole is: “President Biden has been briefed on the shooting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The White House is closely monitoring the situation and has reached out to state and local officials to offer support.”

    Of course that’s just so much fatuous blather, e.g. “closely monitoring.” But why does the federal administration even weigh in on stuff like this? No, it’s not a new thing that they do so, but I think it’s a mark for the infantilization of our civilization that people in high political office are expected to make public remarks for every such event.

    In his “Radio Derb” podcast of last Friday, referring to last week’s massacre in Texas, John Derbyshire expressed a view similar to mine:

    “I can never think of anything much to say about events like this. Given all the anfractuosities of human nature, this bizarre and extraordinary kind of event seems to me to belong to the random portion of our life in this universe, like asteroid strikes.

    “I’m skeptical of talk about causes and solutions. I don’t believe this is a zone of cause and effect, of problem and solution: I think this is a zone of chaos; a zone where stuff happens, without any rhyme or reason we can comprehend at the present state of our knowledge.

    “For sure the event itself is not an issue on which any sane person can take sides. There is no argument to be made for the mass murder of little children. Even in the worst extremes of total war, where things can get pretty indiscriminate, the deliberate targeting of children is beyond the bounds of acceptable behavior, by common agreement among civilized peoples.

    “There are of course related issues on which we can take sides; but the arguments on those issues are so well-worn, have been so often heard, my reading eyes find it a struggle to get all the way through any commentary on them. …

    “Aside from recording what happened, expressing proper condolences to the bereaved, and mocking some of the sillier statements of our politicians, there is not much for either news journalists or opinion journalists usefully to say about a lunatic shooting up an elementary school. Unless you are a lunatic yourself, it’s a horror beyond imagining …

    “That’s just saying the obvious, though—something we all know by instinct. Beyond that, what’s worth saying?”


  7. There was a similar incident in California some years ago involving a friend of mine. As I recall, the shooter was looking for my friend who was there in an operating room. The shooter was disgruntled about his mother, I recall.

    It was the shooter’s father who died. My friend had been involved in the father’s care somehow.

    When I was a resident in surgery at LA County hospital, a man carrying a child and a gun came into the emergency room. Another resident, who became my partner for 14 years later, walked up to the guy and asked him to give him the gun or the child. Everyone held their breath but he handed over the child and walked away.

  8. Some of the details about the Tulsa shooting add to the strangeness of the event: for one thing, it’s come out that the shooter’s wife/widow is an MD, a graduate of Drexel in Philadelphia, and practices family medicine in Muskogee. Healthgrades photo here:


    That may explain why some people yesterday were wondering whether the shooter’s wife and teenage daughter are okay following a bomb threat. “Tulsa police alerted Muskogee police at approximately 6:30 p.m. that there was the possibility of a bomb in a home on Park Place North. Muskogee police secured the area, and other law enforcement agencies also began to arrive. . . . Tulsa Police Lt. Demetrios Treantafeles said the shooter may have lived in the house on Park Place North. ‘It is a possible residence,’ Treantafeles said. ‘Two ladies were evacuated from the residence, but we do not know their connection to the suspect.'”


    Neo and Mike K may have some insights here.

  9. “Today’s atrocity in Tulsa happened on the 101st anniversary of the Tulsa Black Wall Street massacre. White Supremacy is clearly a factor.” Rodneyse Bichotte Hermelyn

    How can everything be construed to serve the narrative?

    If, a particular instance of dishonesty serves the narrative, then in the wider scheme of things it is, overall a positive good.

    For the ends justify the means.

    A narrative which cannot stand upon its own merits and welcomes deceit is one that springs from the “father of lies”… for truth abhors deceit.

  10. I keep hoping Musk gets Twitter just so I can join and go mock lefties with facts when they make statements like this. I got off of Facebook in 2021 as a protest over their “ Fact Checks”.

  11. Remember when George Zimmerman, a latinx, was. termed, a “White Hispanic” so it fit the racist meme? Amazingly, it worked, even Obama weighed in on the event. So lets just call the shooter a white Black., so we can invoke white supremacy as the cause.

  12. Remember when George Zimmerman, a latinx, was. termed, a “White Hispanic” so it fit the racist meme?

    I could imagine that when people in news rooms heard that name they probably said something like “That name is so white his name should just be Whitey McWhiteWhite” or that they thought with that name he’s probably literally a nazi. It must have been a complete shock when they found out he was hispanic and 1/4 black on top of it.

  13. Things contrary to the narrative are not allowed.

    Many of the mass-murderers (those who do not live in cities like Chicago or Baltimore) are reported to have been prescribed SSRI drugs, which can have nasty side effects.

    The NY Post reports the firing of a 911 operator who hung up on a caller reporting the Tops Grocery multiple murders.

    The timeline of the Uvalde child murders seems at best, suspect, and at worst, shows cops who had concern only for themselves, aggravated by school issues like open / unlocked exterior doors, while the murderer was still outside shooting.

    “White Hispanic” is an FBI requirement. Their crime database only allows crime victims to be Hispanic. Hispanic criminals must be recorded as “White”. Otherwise the crime percentages by race would be skewed even further against the Dems favored people.

    Trust nothing that you get from the media, even if you check the facts yourself, the context is likely wrong.
    John in Indy

  14. }}} Leftists complain to this day about the “Red Scare” of the fifties (although McCarthy was proven, by the Venona documents, to have been without question more right than wrong), but they have invented a far more pernicious and more societally damaging imaginary enemy.

    Much more critically, the biggest “bad behavior” of the time was HUAC and its investigation of somewhat morally ambiguous actions by individuals and the defacto “cancellation” of them.

    McCarthy was a Senator. He had nothing to do with HUAC or its egregious actions. But it’s all be conflated into one huge ball of bad actions, even though McCarthy has been thoroughly vindicated.

    I do assert that it’s substantial evidence that all of the merdia has been conspiring against America for a much longer time than has been acked to this point.

  15. }}} Trust nothing that you get from the media, even if you check the facts yourself, the context is likely wrong.

    Gell-Mann Amnesia.


    “Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect is as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s [ed: Murray Gell-Mann] case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward—reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.

    In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story, and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about Palestine than the baloney you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.”
    – Michael Crichton (1942-2008) —

  16. All those signs we have on medical office doors here in Texas saying

    “NO GUNS!” are really effective, aren’t they?

  17. Perhaps I’ve missed it, but isn’t the perp’s photo in the Post article a mugshot? Seems there might be some info which has been ‘overlooked’.

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