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Lying for rhetorical advocacy — 17 Comments

  1. Betting another Critical Race Theorist going to sit on a court judging how race plays a part in every trial.
    Every Sundowner Puppeteers pick for any Federal job is a Bat Shit Leftists more than the last pick. It’s all a test how far they can get.

  2. Glenn Loury, “Unravelling the Spiral of Silence”:

    The excerpt below is taken from that conversation, and in it Lex asks me about the effectiveness of accusations of racism. We see this everywhere. A professor or politician or some other public figure is accused of racism, and before the charges can even be investigated, poof. Their career goes up in smoke, whether or not they’ve actually done anything worthy of censure. Often it turns out they’re guilty of little more than choosing their words carelessly, and just as often they’re guilty, at least in my view, of nothing at all. This state of affairs is untenable, and I have no problem saying so. Others feel the way I do, and you’re now seeing more of them speak out against specious accusations of racism.

    Video clip below: https://glennloury.substack.com/p/unravelling-the-spiral-of-silence?s=r

  3. So first she makes a factually untrue statement, then defends the factually untrue statement under the aegis of “engaging in rhetorical advocacy” (whatever the hell that is), then denies she even made the statement at all. I mean, this is pretty cut and dry. To lie egregiously, then later defend the lie, then later still deny even making the lie? In a sane world such a person would be nowhere near a position of power such as a federal judge. But sadly we don’t live in such world so I’m sure she’ll be appointed.

  4. Let her join Tanden, Chipman, Omarova and Raskin in the unemployment line.

  5. As Dennis Prager put it in a recent column:

    Meanwhile, 9,941 black Americans were killed in 2020. Nearly all were killed by other black people. But to Joe Biden, his party, and the mainstream, i.e., left-wing, media, those black lives don’t matter. At all. Why not? Because they weren’t killed by white supremacists, and they therefore don’t serve the Democrats’ deliberately divisive narrative.


  6. Shooting at School in Texas. A lot of smoke about the shooting, nothing really clear as yet.

  7. At least fourteen children, one teacher dead at that elementary school in Uvalde, TX. Daily Mail says the shooter, now dead himself, was a Hispanic male student at the local high school. He may have shot his grandmother off-site before running into the school. As usual, early reports should be treated with caution; they may be wrong.

  8. Repubs need to do more than win elections.
    They need to do stuff like fight these nominations … and they need to remove some of the worst of worst if they get back in power.

  9. “They need to do stuff like fight these nominations … and they need to remove some of the worst of worst if they get back in power.”

    Ah but that would be ‘proof’ of… racism.

    Had they any cojones, when accused of racism for voting against such as she, Senators would simply say, it’s not the color of her skin, it’s the content of her character revealed by her lying under oath. Then walk away…

  10. The ACLU was always leftist. They were founded by the communists for the express purpose of waging lawfare against America.

  11. The ACLU was always leftist. They were founded by the communists for the express purpose of waging lawfare against America.

    There were a couple of organizations founded in the 1940s who fit that description, but the ACLU was not one of them. The ACLU was founded in 1919. Per Wm. Donohue, it was always a political lawfare outfit. It was not, however, a communist front.

  12. Correction. The National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee was founded in 1951 by Corliss Lamont. The Center for Constitutional Rights was founded in 1966 by Arthur Kinoy. The latter still exists.

  13. I’ve watched a few of these Biden DOJ appointment/confirmation hearings and the level of disingenuousness & evasion in their testimony is depressing. Sen. John Kennedy (LA) is the best at exposing their deceit.

  14. The evil myth that police “routinely shoot unarmed black men” has permeated the Democrat Party. In a number of examples, Democrats are asked how many unarmed black men are shot by police. They assert that the number is in the “thousands.” It is actually 22.

  15. “They need to do stuff like fight these nominations … and they need to remove some of the worst of worst if they get back in power.”

    I would replace “some of the worst of worst” with “as many as possible”.

  16. ‘rhetorical advocacy’ is an academized term for lying – she’s basically acknowledging having lied but attempting to excuse that as justified given the intent and disposition of her statements.

    You’ll see it employed in contemporary postmodernized Rhetoric Studies, though it may have originated elsewhere. But it’s typical of that jargon, in that the phrase is cosmetic and deceptive.

    Hopefully people will recognize the significance of what she’s trying to get away with.

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