Home » Judge Jackson won’t denounce the Dobbs leak or the protesters at justices’ homes


Judge Jackson won’t denounce the <i>Dobbs</i> leak or the protesters at justices’ homes — 19 Comments

  1. McCarthy makes a good point about the Court not having issued a unanimous condemnation of the leak. Justice Thomas has said it’s like a family where trust is lost, and may not be regained.

  2. The Notorious KBJ (supported by Collins, Murkowski, and Romney) will, in all likelihood, prove to be the most radical ever on SCOTUS, and her unwillingness to denounce behavior which is not only disruptive but also illegal should concern any intelligent and rational person. Moreover, the failure thus far to identify the leaker (almost certainly a leftist clerk, probably female, despite the nonsense emanating from various leftists such as Nina Totenberg ) is disheartening indeed, since it should have been a relatively simple matter to identify the culprit. It may well be that the public will never be informed, with the matter gradually fading away and being recalled only by conservatives.

  3. I’m not saying the right never does this, but it does seem mostly from the left…

    “It’s different when we do it…”

  4. Hmm…first we have KBJ, and now KJP… peas in a pod in terms of their politics. The Left just keeps going, and going, and I don’t see anyway really to stop them.

  5. j e (4:20 pm) writes, “her [KBJ’s] unwillingness to denounce behavior which is not only disruptive but also illegal should concern any intelligent and rational person.”

    AHA!! So *that*’s the explanation behind the apparent collective mass shrug. [scowl]

  6. “I can’t answer that.”

    Interpreted this means if I answer you will know what kind of person I am and that will not benefit me.

  7. It’s going to be a eye opening experience for many to see a Critical Race Theorist on the court. She is still hiding but the true feelings will show once she is seated.

  8. Jackson’s election is simply part and parcel of the Left’s overthrow of the Constitutionally established order.

  9. An amused critic of Nina Totenberg offered the opinion that she fancies it’s ‘the leading theory’ that the leak came from the staff of a Republican appointee because she herself cannot imagine there’s a leaker on the other side who would give the scoop to anyone but her.

    Madam Justice Jackson’s refusal to offer a viewpoint on the question is a signal that she herself believes the leak came from the staff of Breyer, Sotomayor, or Kagan.

    I cannot help but notice that she has two Ivy League degrees and was in private practice for a grand total of four years, bouncing between three different firms in that time. She’s been on the federal payroll for 22 of the 26 years which have elapsed since she was admitted to the bar. Her mother and her father were both public employees (one a lawyer, one a school administrator).

    Michelle Obama has two Ivy degrees and worked in BigLaw for three years ‘ere leaving the legal profession. I’m going to be uncharitable and suggest that one of them’s into power and the other one’s into decorative arts.

  10. Jackson’s election is simply part and parcel of the Left’s overthrow of the Constitutionally established order.

    A working political society needs deliberation, regulated competition, and impartial referees. The Democratic Party fancies these are just pantomimes which allow them to get what they want, so procedural probity is of no account. It’s getting worse every generation. This will not end well.

  11. What’s her address? It should be on file for the “peaceful protests” when she tortures the law beyond all reason – which she will.

  12. “A working political society needs deliberation, regulated competition, and impartial referees.” Art Deco

    Indeed but as we all know the last thing the Democrat party wishes for is a “working political society”. Is not an ideological commitment to destroying the established Constitutional order… effectively treason?

  13. Hit send too early.
    All the leftist’s justice’s addresses should be as public as the left has made the rest of the court.

    As long as the non-left continues to play by Marquis of Queensbury rules while the left is eye-gouging, ball-kicking street fighting, the left will maintain control, regardless of either reason or public opinion.

  14. }}} I think we can safely conclude that it’s because she knows that these are her constituents.

    There’s the problem right there in a nutshell: “Constituents”.

    She’s a fucking SCotUS Justice.

    She does not have ANY “Constituents”.

    She does not “represent” any group of people other than “all Americans”.

    She is not supposed to be swayed by popular opinions of the moment, which is the entire reason why they are “lifetime appointments”, which makes her immune to being swayed by others when making her decisions.

  15. “As long as the non-left continues to play by Marquis of Queensbury rules while the left is eye-gouging, ball-kicking street fighting, the left will maintain control, regardless of either reason or public opinion.” buddhaha

    Bingo. There are two reasons why the right has continued to play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules. A refusal to abandon the Constitutional order and the dominance of the RINO GOPe, whose primary interest is in preserving their socio-economic power.

    It is of RINOs of whom Lenin spoke; “the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them”. As examples; McConnell and Romney are willfully blind to what Obama, Sanders, AOC and the rest of the radical left intend the eventual fate for RINOs to be…

    The RINO GOPe ensures that substantive Constitutional reforms that would effectively combat the left but which would lessen, much less threaten their status quo, do not occur.

    Starting to fight the left with the same tactics as the left’s i.e. fighting fire with fire… will eventuate in another Civil War.

    Not only would that destroy America but it would remove America from counteracting aggressors like China. Quite possibly a case of winning the battle but losing the war.

    The left is intent upon destroying the Constitutional order and rendering the right powerless. There is nothing they will not do, no consequence they will shy away from in accomplishing that goal.

    Their support for unlimited abortion ‘evolving’ into infanticide, the mass murder of millions through ‘medical’ mandates and the Jan. 6th resultant American Gulag demonstrate that there is no limit to their perfidy.

    “PURE EVIL: Biden DOJ Is Threatening Jan. 6 Defendants With Life in Prison after Walking Inside US Capitol and Taking Pictures”

    In a relationship, whether personal or societal, the side that cares the least for the relationship, has the advantage.

    Since the left intends to end our Constitutional relationship and, their totalitarian ideology cannot accept ‘coexistence’, imposing tyranny upon America is for them, an existential necessity.

    That may appear to some to be hyperbolic, time will reveal it to be not. Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro and Maduro stand as testimony to that reality. The Davos Agenda, the planned government control of a digital currency system, giving goverment the ability to cut off funds at will. Implementation of social ‘credit’ systems. The coming transfer of national sovereignty to the WHO are evidence of the continuance of the collectivist tyranny they are working toward.

    “United Nations And WEF Signed An Agreement To ‘Accelerate’ Agenda 2030”

    “Digital currency, vaccine passports, microchips, and a social credit system”

    Trudeau demonstrated the left’s willingness to cut off access to people’s money for any who ‘annoy’ them.

    “A Social Credit System Aimed at Modifying Climate Change Behaviors is Being Deployed in Italy.”
    By 2023, “Italy will become the first European nation to implement a social credit system – where citizens will be rewarded for their “good behavior”.

    “S&P Hits U.S. States With Politicized Credit Scores”
    “The ratings agency seeks to penalize fossil-fuel producers. Its ‘ESG’ push is unlikely to end there.”

    “Biden & UN “Health” Schemes are a Massive Deep State Power Grab”

    “Changes proposed by the Biden administration to the United Nations World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations are a massive and very dangerous power grab by the Deep State, warns The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. If successful, this would allow the WHO to intervene in a nation’s affairs without even the permission of the target nation’s government. At the same time, Deep State globalists behind the UN and the WHO are plotting a new “pandemic treaty” that would grant awesome new powers to the global “health” organization. Think Shanghai, but on a global scale.”


    “Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice have just announced the creation of a “Department of Environmental Justice” which is meant to “secure environmental justice for all Americans.”

  16. She knows conservatives won’t go over to her house and harass her and her family.

  17. Good thing that dogs and cats aren’t living together. That would have been one bold too many. Try to focus, you can’t defend or attack everywhere at the same time.

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