Home » Open thread 5/12/22


Open thread 5/12/22 — 32 Comments

  1. Strictly speaking, the mathematical descriptions are not of the entities themselves, but of what the do or how the behave.

    I do not understand in what sense Euclid is “less precise” than Einstein’s physics. What does “imprecise” even mean in that context?

    He is unclear about whether he really believes that physics is truly a priori. That seems to conflate math with physics, and ignore the fact that physics works, mathematically, precisely because that which cannot be described mathematically has been excluded, as “qualia”.

  2. And the crises continue….
    At this rate, the elites—our betters in every way—will have to step in and say, “Can’t have elections at a critical time like this. When the world is going to hell in a handbasket, it is WE who must SAVE THE WORLD from collapse….”

    (Never mind that THEY are the ones causing—intentionally causing— the collapse..as a means to cement their total power, destroy their perceived political enemies…and ultimately take over.)

    Indeed, a perfect circularity….

    File under: This time ya really gotta TRUST US!! (You have no choice…)

  3. Barry Meislin, the spectacle of Biden claiming to be concerned about inflation while simultaneously closing off oil and gas leases is nauseating. Where do they think electricity comes from, and on what fuel do they think diesel trucks run? Worse: Some suppliers are making diesel out of soybeans, which is further increasing the cost of animal feed. So: use food for fuel (corn and soy), which raises the price of food, including the vegan foods these people want us to switch to.

  4. Well, nauseating, yes.
    Perhaps even humorous in a way because they believe that people don’t see their policies of destruction for what they are and don’t understand where it is they’re taking us…like a small child hiding behind a tree or under a table, who believes that the adult calling, “Where are you? I can’t find you…” means that the child is truly hidden and can’t be found.

    (Well, maybe “nauseatingly humorous”…)

    …however, your question, “Where do they think electricity comes from…?” misses the point, I’m afraid. They know very well where it comes from; but since their need to destroy (for the sake of “good”, of course) is so unquenchable, they have to find other excuses, all pretty puerile, mostly to do with saving the planet, saving the poor, fighting injustice, etc., fighting the demon/deplorable/Trumpist/insurrectionists, saving the country, etc. (just think of Psaki on steroids…actually, THAT’s pretty nauseating…)

    They intend to crash the country…and not only the entire country.
    They believe that no one is aware of their plans or the pattern of their perversity.
    They believe they are unstoppable.

    Here’s just another piece of the pattern:
    “The Badly Needed EastMed Pipeline Awaits Approval”—

    Alas, the writer bemoans all the usual “issues” and wonders why just why “Biden” doesn’t institute “helpful” policies/do the logical thing/the obvious thing/want to improve the situation, etc…not quite aware, and understandably so, of the facts of the matter, viz.: Why should “Biden” help when in fact he wishes to disrupt to the point of obliterate?

    (And yes, I hope I’m breathtakingly wrong about all of the above…)

  5. …as the “defenders of the common people” boldly declares:

    “Pelosi Bashes ‘Big Oil’, Pitches Plan To Make Gas Price Increases Illegal”—

    A bad joke?
    Pelosi-Style Populism?

    (Her next trick may well be to declare inflation “dead”…and those who refuse to play along will be simply “canceled”—like those who refuse to play the gender/gender pronoun game… as the Lefty pundits actually WONDER why Musk is doing what he’s doing…since to them, a rational answer is totally inconceivable…)

  6. Thanks sdferr, that was fabulous, simply amazing (not that I understood much of it, unfortunately)….

  7. Barry Meislin – No, you aren’t wrong. We have, in effect, a group of double agents controlling this administration. Their intent IS to “crash the country” in every way they can. The dark money that has financed their gradual ascendance to power over recent decades have said as much. Fortunately, more people are on to them though now I worry that it may be too late. This is their basic fear about Musk buying Twitter where their nefarious plans might be discussed in the light of day. Can’t have that.

  8. Indeed.
    Trump (thanks to his supporters) was able to put some sand in their gears once.
    They’ll be damned if they let ANYONE get in their way a second time.

  9. I agree with the above about energy, food, and inflation. Changing gears, I just marvel at the rhetorical aspects of this presidency.

    Historically, this is an important aspect. Churchill and FDR, JFK, and Reagan; and you could go back to Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. Of course, the two Bushes were quite poor in this regard.

    But Biden and his admin. is such a spectacle.
    First, the slurring of speech is really something. If I don’t focus intently on Biden’s speaking, there are passages that are almost unintelligible (to me anyway).

    Secondly, we now have a new selection of rather ridiculous made-up pejoratives. “Ultra MAGA, The Ultra MAGA Agenda, and The Great MAGA King.” Seriously? People are supposed to believe that there are millions of dangerous Americans who are smoothly moving from being Alex Jones Infowarriors, to Q-Anoners, to J6 Insurrectionists, to what? Knights of the Great MAGA King? Oops, I don’t want to give the speechwriters any ideas.

  10. BTW, as long as we are getting Biden actions like the canceling of major oil and gas leases, the markets will continue to decline.

    Remember which countries were supposed to be exemplars for a better America? It used to be Sweden before they woke up to the destructiveness of socialism. In recent years it is/was Norway. Hello! On a per capita basis, Norway is the most oil and gas wealthy nation on the planet. Building a utopia on dirty money.

    Finally, there is the destructiveness of green policy. Spain and Germany have already been down this road for some time and everybody knows their economies have been damaged because it. Not that “everybody” will admit it.

  11. Both, discovered and invented, and neither. Mathematics ranges from counting to complex algorithms, which are both naturally present/implied and human products.

  12. It seems (to me) to have become a minority view in the mathematical arena of late, but Leopold Kronecker (1823 – 1891) expressed that view very succinctly when he said, “God made the integers; all else is the work of man.”

  13. I’m not sure how accurate what I’m about to say is but here goes . . .
    The 1600s saw the birth of modern mathematics (with the development of the calculus), the 1700s saw major theoretical advancements in the field, and the 1800s saw it underpin the industrial revolution.
    I’ve said before – this birthed the modern world. Before this, the major civilizations all had their achievements – many of which we admire to this day – but there is no other time in man’s history where knowledge multiplied and fed on itself like in this period. I marvel at it.
    I wonder how the invention of the scientific method fits in to all this?

  14. All inventions are discoveries. As the applicable governing principles of which the invention consists existed prior to discovery. So technically, the term invention is a misnomer.

    Fire existed before mankind discovered how to harness it. The principle that the wheel employs existed prior to its ‘invention’. The governing concept upon which writing consists, existed prior to a society’s agreement as to which symbols to use to express thoughts and represent spoken language.

    Barry Meislin,

    “They intend to crash the country…and not only the entire country.”

    Yes. They don’t intend to impoverish themselves.

    “They believe that no one is aware of their plans or the pattern of their perversity.”


    “They believe they are unstoppable.”


    They believe that they possess enough votes to prevent real reform, so only force can stop them and legally, force cannot be used against them, since they control the governmental organs of force. Force by the citizenry being, by definition, insurrection.

    A government controlled digital currency and social credit system is their planned methodology for imposing an unbreakable tyranny.

  15. Geoffrey discovers sophistry, by didn’t invent it. Did Watt invent the steam engine, or Newcomb invent the more effecient dream engine? How about the incandescent light bulb, or transistor, or did the Wright brothers invent the airplane and the means to control such a machine (wing warping)? Do tell.

  16. To accuse someone of a misleading or fallacious argument without demonstrating its flaws is to engage in slander.

    Do tell indeed not that the dishonest will admit it…

    Watt discovered the means by which a practicable employment of steam might be achieved. Newcomb examined Watt’s steam engine and discovered a more efficient manner in which it could be devised. The principles by which steam may be employed to effect work by the expansion of water vapor through the application of heat, existed prior to the formation of the earth.

    So too with the incandescent light bulb, the transistor and the airplane. When electricity was discovered or rediscovered, scientific experiments quickly discovered that various materials would briefly combust when electrical current was passed through them. Edison assumed that there might well be a material that could withstand the heat generated while glowing appropriately. He tried nearly 10,000 different materials before he discovered a practicable filament material.

    An aircraft wing employs the same principle as a bird’s wing and the principles that govern the operation of the internal combustion engine rest upon harnessing oil’s combustible nature.
    Once the Wright’s realized that the shape of the wing creates lift, i.e. the difference in pressure between the upper and lower surfaces of the wing, “wing warping” was obvious.

    Rand is trying to prevent the administration from further bankrupting the country and simultaneously trying to bring attention to the dangerous course the US leadership has embarked us upon in confronting the nation with the largest nuclear arms capability.

    A confrontation in which America has no direct national security interests but which is viewed by the Russians as an existential national security threat.

    Nor does it matter whether that threat actually exists. What matters is what the nuclear armed paranoiac believes to be an unacceptable and thus intolerable potential capability by an opponent whose honesty they do not trust. A Western leadership BTW, that no one on this blog trusts.

    Instead of direct disputing Rand’s assertions, character assassination is employed. Despicable in its inherent dishonesty by any measure.

  17. M Williams @4:16pm,

    My opinion is Gutenberg’s development of movable type in the 15th century* that ultimately led to mass production of books and an immense increase in their availability, along with a precipitous reduction in their cost is what precipitated the explosion of innovation from that point onward.

    *The Chinese had developed a printing press process much earlier but ignored the technology as a novelty due to the perceived majesty of handwriting as a superior artform to mechanized reproduction.

  18. And an update on “Uncontested Election” news:

    “Democratic Michigan Election Chief Says ‘2000 Mules’ Ballot Trafficking Allegations ‘Explained by Standard Election Practices’;
    “Officials in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Texas didn’t respond to requests for comment on the documentary”—

    Apparently in Michigan, “paid ballot trafficking” and not ensuring (or not preserving records of) chain-of-custody is “standard election practices”.
    (Well, it IS a creative excuse, as they go. They’ll probably also add that they were quoted out of context, set up, framed, entrapped, misrepresented or…whatever…)

    Key grafs:
    “…Ballot trafficking is a process by which the safeguards of a chain of custody of a voter’s ballot and official supervision of the handling of that ballot are evaded.
    “True the Vote cyber expert Gregg Phillips has estimated that at least 4.8 million votes were trafficked nationally in 2020.
    “The True the Vote figures are based on an examination of election practices in Michigan, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas, where most absentee ballot drop boxes were placed in neighborhoods recognized as Democratic strongholds….”

  19. Obama sodomized Turkey with a PKK dildo, so it looks the Turks are gonna play hardball here on out. Sweden and Finland can adjust their views. Or not.

  20. But, but, but NATO is a monolithic WEF / Davos tool. That’s what I’ve heard for months now from the Vlad boys.

    The 13 minute existential crowd.

    Turkey’s presence in NATO, at least under Erdogan has been problematic for some time, but the Turks are still part of NATO. Turkey controls access to the Black Sea by the way. Fundamental and existential?

  21. They are all in on the lockdowns the whole green agenda so is ukraine too, very much oceania

  22. Noticed Turkey repeatedly punched Russia in the face across their region (NW Syria, Nagorno-Karabakh) didja? Azerbaijan knows it’s on the Russki target list. Agreeing with the Azerbis, Turkey and Israel know this too, and so have buddied up to help. Russia doesn’t like it, Iran especially doesn’t like it, and the Armenians? They get the short end of the stick. Sweden and Finland, to repeat, can adjust their views. Or not.

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