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Roundup — 25 Comments

  1. (4) Trust the Vote

    Pretty sure it is “True the Vote.” Just in case someone wants to send them money.

  2. Eric Adams, nearing the level of ineptitude possessed by his predecessor, should be grateful for the existence of Lightfoot, who is clearly the nation’s most egregiously incompetent mayor, despite many other almost equally ghastly Democrats being in strong contention; it would seem likely that “Circle Back” Psaki’s successor will be safe from criticism for the same reason. As for the explosive new film, Dinesh has been wondering whether the executives at Fox have perhaps forbidden even Tucker from mentioning it, although he did interview Catherine Engelbrecht recently.

  3. Why do lesbians care about abortion? Lightfoot is an idiot and totally incompetent.

  4. }}} Jen Psaki lies again about inflation.

    If Psaki was screaming she was on fire and I could see the flames myself, I’d demand she provide proof.

    Well, TBH — yes, it wouldn’t, in that sole instance, be because I didn’t believe she just this once was telling the truth for some strange reason…

  5. “I guess Chicago city government is flush with cash.”

    That’s exactly where “Biden”‘s Bribe Back Better comes in.

    (Just think of the financial disaster that is Illinois in general and Chicago in particular as “infrastructure”…but they’ll [more than] get by with [quite a bit of] help from their “friends”…at least that’s the “economic” plan! Yep, all tax-payer funded….)

  6. “2000 Mules” is excellent. The 2020 election was stolen in PA, AZ, GA, MI and WI.

    The mules were carrying tracking devices: Their phones!

    DOJ should start arresting the mules and throw them in jail; no bond.

  7. What a truly nauseating idea, subsidizing the killing of out-of-state babies. So, we’ll have anchor baby tourism and kill-your-baby tourism.

  8. Lori Lightfoot (aka: Admiral Ackbar) should have been impeached following the Antifa-led ambush of the Chicago PD at the Grant Park ‘Columbus Statue’ riot in 2020.

  9. How will Chicago’s tourism bureaucracy develop this exciting new opportunity? Package tours, premium suites with fruit baskets, T-shirts, selfies with celebrities?

    Suggested T-shirt slogan: “Lori Lightfoot Lightened My Load!”

  10. I watched 2000 Mules and found it convincing but I didn’t need to be convinced that the election was stolen. I saw the Tucker interview with Catherine Engelbrecht and wondered at the time why neither Tucker nor Catherine ever mentioned 2000 Mules. They must have been prohibited from doing so. I don’t think either of them actually mentioned the word “fraud” in the interview either.
    Gregg Phillips of True the Vote mentioned that lawyers from Fox were preventing the issue of voter fraud from being discussed.

    A couple of thoughts about the movie:

    I don’t think it was the best idea to have the selection of conservative commentators (Larry Elder, Sebastian Gorka, Dennis Prager, Carlie Kirk) they chose to discuss the movie. Of course these people were going to be convinced. I would have liked to have seen the impression the movie had on people who were more neutral on the election.

    I was a little surprised about the level of ignorance about how fraud was possible from some of the commentators (Dennis Prager in particular). He seemed unaware of how the basic mail-in ballot process worked and why, in combination with dirty voter rolls, it was so vulnerable to fraud.

    I would like to know how much video they have of people putting multiple ballots in a drop box and if they have video of the same person putting multiple ballots in different drop boxes. If there was an actual objective investigation, I think this whole scheme would unravel pretty quickly but I don’t think that’s likely.

    The “fact check” of the movie was about what I expected, very light on actual facts. I actually think it was helpful to have a fact check come out so soon after the release. I thought the movie would just be ignored.

  11. An offtopic note of possible interest: Caroline Glick’s nephew, Matthew Foldi, who is running for Congress in Md.6, is on as guest at Timcast (youtube) right now.

  12. “I saw the Tucker interview with Catherine Engelbrecht and wondered at the time why neither Tucker nor Catherine ever mentioned 2000 Mules. They must have been prohibited from doing so.” Gregory Harper

    It’s been confirmed that Engelbrecht was specifically prohibited from mentioning 2000 Mules. Dinesh thinks it more than likely that Tucker did not want it mentioned either. No doubt lawyers were consulted.

  13. Gregory Harper, someone said ( maybe Neo) that Englebrect will be releasing more data. I agree that would be wise.
    Also agree how odd that Prager is ignorant on such methods. At least now, he can teach others. I hope he does.
    Yes, I definitely agree the film should have included a more varied set of commentators.
    I detest Fox News lawyers.
    Lastly, it speaks volumes how FB, et al, are trying to censor any mention of “2000 Mules”.

  14. Well. To clarify my previous comment, re Prager, I wrote:

    ” how odd that Prager is ignorant on such methods. At least now, he can teach others. I hope he does.”

    Of course, I meant he can help inform others about voting fraud methods, & the need to work to proactively prevent them.

    Really, I wasn’t meaning we should sink to learning to ALSO commit voter fraud. LOL.

  15. With all this talk of Woe, I think it’s time for a discussion of the Democratic Party’s concerted attempt to abort the country…and its future…

    Compare and contrast:
    “Destroying Democracy To Save It: Democrats Lose Another Effort To Disqualify A GOP Member” (Turley)—

    “Leftists Hate Free Speech Because They Fear Dissent, Not “Disinformation””—

    “These 20 States Threaten Legal Action Over Biden’s ‘Ministry Of Truth'”—

  16. Wonder if Putin is about to hunt down and destroy ALL Jack Russell terriers (who have proven themselves, essentially, to be offensive anti-Russia weapons of war)….
    “The Jack Russell Terrier Detecting Bombs In Ukraine”—

  17. Just one person’s view of events in Ukraine and Russia….
    “Former Russian Prime Minister says Putin is losing strength”—

    “Putin’s VE day speech:….”

    Heh, looks like the “Nazis” (and their Jewish accomplices) are winning this round…

  18. Regarding Fox’s decision not to mention the movie…clearly, the “Biden” regime’s efforts to intimidate, censor and stifle truth and are already bearing fruit.

    That is, if certain news outlets—unlike the Mainstream Corrupt Media and Info-tech— REFUSE to censor themselves, “Biden” will just have to “persuade” them to think again…

    Disinformation NOW, disinformation FOREVER!

  19. Andrew McCarthy on the latest from—what he characterizes as—“Biden’s Thug Government”—

    …together with…
    “DOJ’s Silence on the Left’s Lawless Intimidation of Supreme Court Justices”—

    And yet, and yet…McCarthy is totally unable to countenance the idea that these “thugs” could possibly have stolen an election…

    Meanwhile, from “Biden”‘s “Unity” Commissars…”
    Key graf:
    ‘“[Fox News] was racist before coronavirus, they are racist during the coronavirus, Fox News will be racist after the coronavirus,” Jean-Pierre said during a March 15 appearance on MSNBC’s “AM Joy.” ‘

    Yep, this woman—What’s THAT?!—will be a winner, alright!

  20. And the good news story of the day:
    “Passenger with ‘no idea how to fly airplane’ lands safely after pilot gets sick”—

    (Of course…)
    – – – – – – – –
    I guess that makes up for this incredibly bizarre “WTF” incident:
    “Air France pilots almost crash Boeing 777 during landing scare”—

    Air France.
    (Of course?)
    Must be those French dialectics…

  21. Reason number eleventy-infinity why Mrs. Otter and I moved from Cook County to northwest Indiana.

  22. Not a Lightfoot original… Within days of the leak, Newsome claimed CA would be a refuge for those seeking to kill their baby. “Full ride” trips to the (formerly) golden state: transportation, lodging, meals, procedure, all gratis. And marginally safer and definitely better weather than Chicago.

    Does it seem odd to anyone else that the pro-abortion crowd uses the term “reproductive health” when abortion is actually anti-reproduction?

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