Home » Open thread 4/23/22


Open thread 4/23/22 — 29 Comments

  1. The kitty was startled to find out that April has apparently been renumbered as the third month of the year rather than the fourth. Or are we going to have another open thread for 4/23/22? Anyway my cats enjoyed this one; they sometimes twitch in their sleep too.

  2. Re Art’s link above. Watched the video and it wasn’t much of a “wall.” The girl says “I don’t like it so I’m gonna yell about it”, sounding like an 11 year old told to put away her phone and do her homework.

  3. Is there a Sowell Renaissance going on? A statement asking this appeared at Instapundit.

    And the photo tweeted and shared concerned pugilist Mike Tyson. The ex-champion Prized fighter looked all knatty, gray but buff, sporting Sowell’s classic book “Basic Economics” — with a comment apparently from a staffer at the Chicago based libertarian Heartland Institute, best known nationally for supporting man-made climate alarm skeptics such as their International Climate Change Conferences in the US and sometimes in Europe.

    He added that this was tough to wrap one’s mind around — Tyson reading Sowell!

    Some at Instapundit leaped to criticize the commenters musings.

    But many may not recall that during the late 1980s and into the ’90s, Tyson was not just a Bad Boy but held a borderline criminal reputation for beating strangers and even women.

    “Be Like Mike!” was a dynamite sentiment for many.

    But times change and so do people.
    Here’s a couple of more telling, corrective comments:

    “I read a couple of years ago that Tyson was reading some pretty intense philosophers. He was quite articulate on the works that he read and discussed those that he would explore later. So his reading of Sowell (one of the greatest minds of our era) is no surprise.

    an hour ago
    “Thomas Sowelll has his own youtube channel now, or a fan channel actually. Young Rippa has his picture of Sowell in the background of his videos. We seem to be having a Sowell Renaissance. That is such a wonderful concept.”

    LINK https://instapundit.com/516884/#respond

  4. Once again, taking advantage of the open-thread section of Neo’s blog.

    I just watched this today, even though it’s about six months old. Very highly recommended.

    Sep 17, 2021 video (https://youtu.be/PMq1ZEcyztY) of an interview of J.D. Vance, author of “Hillbilly Elegy.” Vance is currently campaigning to become the GOP’s Ohio nominee for the US Senate. Vance offers dramatic proposals for a conservative counter-revolution.

  5. Josh Mandell seems a better man for the Senate based on his interview with Mark Levin last week. Why Trump endorses whom is sometimes a mystery.

  6. om on April 23, 2022 at 5:30 pm said:
    “Josh Mandell seems a better man for the Senate based on his interview with Mark Levin last week.”

    I know very little about the Senate race in Ohio. Whichever candidate you prefer, I’d strongly recommend the video I noted above.

    Some of Vance’s proposals are radically conservative. At the very least, he’s thought-provoking. He said some things I’ve never heard before, certainly not from a GOP Senate nominee.

  7. I’m not satisfied with the supposed epicness of the ending of that clip. I wanted the cat to suddenly bolt up and start randomly swatting at things. At least that, or something similarly dramatic.

    Today was St. George’s Day and tomorrow is Bright Pascha. I’ve been found by The Plague this week, so have been completely useless to anyone since Wednesday.

  8. @ Philip > “I’ve been found by The Plague this week”

    Hope you get to feeling better soon, with no complications.

  9. Censorship and canceling coming to a GOP election candidate near you.

    This is why “Biden” is relatively unconcerned about Novembers 2022 and 2024:
    Turley: “Destroying Democracy To Save It? Court Advances Effort To Block GOP Candidates From Ballots”—

    (Of course…
    a. “save” should really should be placed within scare quotes;
    b. the Democrats have already done their very best to destroy democracy. We’ll soon see whether they’ll be able to ice that particularly toxic cake….)

    + POTENTIAL Consolation Bonus:
    “Durham springs the trap on Hillary Clinton’s lawyer;
    “Michael Sussmann could unravel the whole skein of Russiagate lies”—

  10. …and in—yawn!—even MORE “Uncontested Election” news…:

    “More than 300,000 votes unverified in Georgia’s Fulton County in 2020, new complaint alleges;
    “President Joe Biden won the state by 11,779 votes over former President Donald Trump.”

    File under: Can’t those Deplorables just give up already? Don’t they understand that “Biden” stole the election fair and square???

  11. A most fascinating interview with an amazingly well-disguised, VIRTUAL white supremacist who, spouting some rather inconvenient truths, makes way too much sense to have an impact on anyone other than the most inveterate DEPLORABLE….

    “Black DJ accused of wearing blackface at Arizona PTA event…”—

    To paraphrase Orwell…
    In an insane world, being sane is an act of courage….

  12. Oops, that should be:
    “In a time of insanity being sane is a revolutionary act.” …

  13. Neo doesn’t (usually) post a new open thread on Sunday, so this news item will have to go here: A climate change activist from Colorado set himself on fire in front of the Supreme Court Building on Friday around 6:30 p.m. and died later in a Washington hospital. “A Facebook page belonging to a person named Wynn Bruce said he was a Buddhist and a climate activist. In 2020, Bruce left a cryptic Facebook comment that included a fire emoji and the date of his death as 4/22/2022. A Buddhist priest from Boulder said she knew Bruce and called his death ‘an act of compassion.’ ‘This guy was my friend. He meditated with our sangha [Buddhist community],” Dr. K. Kritee wrote. “This act is not suicide. This is a deeply fearless act of compassion to bring attention to climate crisis. We are piecing together info but he had been planning it for at least one year.'”


    April 22 was Earth Day this year, which probably explains the timing.

    To end on a happier note, I’ll follow Kate and others in wishing a blessed Easter to our Eastern Orthodox friends.

  14. PA+Cat, thank you.

    About your news item there, I can’t help but see the humorous side of it – the, if you don’t mind my saying so, black humor (as in carbon black? yes, I know, very naughty of me). But no, the humor consists in this: here is someone who believed, presumably, that carbon being put into the atmosphere is dooming civilization. His “solution” to this was to chemically transform his own body into more carbon in the atmosphere in the belief that this would help…?? One has to either laugh or cry at the thought process. I’m sorry that the man was in such anguish that he thought this was some kind of acceptable way out.

  15. I really need to have my own blog. I’ll shut up after this. But it’s the 80th anniversary of the Dolittle Raid.

    None of the raiders are still with us.

  16. When the Emporer first noticed that all was not well in the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere.

  17. I’ve been found by The Plague this week, so have been completely useless to anyone since Wednesday.

    Philip Sells:

    At first I thought you meant you were reading Camus…

    He is still a writer I remember and think about. Not so much some other French existentialists.

  18. PA+Cat:

    Who can forget the Buddhist monk who in 1963 publicly burned himself to death to protest the Vietnam government? The way he held himself erect while lethally on fire was shockingly effective.

    If civilization were truly, indisputably heading into a global cataclysm killing millions, billions of people via climate change, one could see it as an admirable, compassionate act.

    However, given that this is a questionable apocalypse, the arrival of which keeps being postponed, it is more a testament to brainwashing and a grasping for personal significance without having to do the hard work of changing the world while alive.

    I despise the environmental movement for dishonestly wielding despair as a weapon in their propaganda.

  19. I admire Buddhism and its meditation tradition. I would like to be more active in the local Zen center but they are so predictably, smugly left-liberal while pretending to be above that fray, I get rolling-my-eyes annoyed.

  20. @ huxley > “they are so predictably, smugly left-liberal while pretending to be above that fray”

    I suspect that J P Sears has the same view of the new-age pseudo-buddhists that he lampooned so delightfully earlier in his career.

    He’s gone totally alt-right against the ctrl-left now, and is just as funny but with a lot more savage bite.

    His newest videos are easy to find on his website.

    Some of the older ones that still make me laugh:
    How to be Ultra Spiritual – “practice competitive spirituality”

    How to Become Gluten Intolerant – “Being gluten-free used to be a luxury only reserved for those who are intolerant to gluten. With this cutting edge gluten educational video, you can become gluten intolerant too, whether or not you’re actually intolerant to gluten.”

    Boulder: The Consciousness Capital – commenters agree this is 100% accurate.
    “I live in Boulder and believe me, we make all of these same jokes
    especially the extra healthy vegan and the weed ones”

    It’s his totally dead-pan delivery that cracks me up.

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