Home » A current sticking point of the Iran deal (also, how the Deal and the Ukraine War intersect)


A current sticking point of the Iran deal (also, how the Deal and the Ukraine War intersect) — 16 Comments

  1. While I’m firmly wedded to the “national politics as Globetrotters vs Generals” paradigm, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things Congress sincerely will or won’t want to do.

    For example, no matter how popular a wall is, Congress (both parties) won’t build one; no matter how much conservatives want Obamacare repealed Congress (both parties) won’t do it. Congress (both parties) won’t rein in government spending and even brought back earmarks (Instapundit fans no doubt remember “Porkbusters”), farm subsidies, and the Import-Export bank, despite these being broadly unpopular.

    In this case the Iran deal is extremely unpopular even with Congress (both parties). I’m guessing it’s a case of something unpopular that the wrong people do well out of, but there could be principles involved at least with a significant percentage of them.

    Mark Twain, describing a lightning strike: “when it strikes a thing it doesn’t leave enough of that thing behind for you to tell whether–Well, you’d think it was something valuable, and a Congressman had been there.”

  2. “…no matter how popular a wall is, Congress (both parties) won’t build one…”

    Not sure I follow this, exactly.

    Trump started building a wall, with Congressional support.

    “Biden” has taken it down.

    (Unless you’re talking about pre-Trump “inabilities” to get the wall built…along with Trump’s initial “inability” to do it…)

    But he DID start it.
    And now it’s as though it never happened.

    So who’s responsible for that?

  3. There is some undercurrent in the Iran deal fiasco which is being obscured, or perhaps hidden. Cui bono?

  4. Everything about “Biden”, everything that “Biden” is doing and everything “Biden” is planning is being obscured.
    Lied about.
    Hidden overtly.
    Hidden through disinformation.
    (At least “he”‘s consistent….)

    Meanwhile, just like in the good ole Obama days, “transparency” is the talk of the town…even if “Biden” has chosen “Unity” as “his” preferred catch-phrase…and “Build Back Better” as his preferred white phosphorous smoke screen.

    Must be a coincidence.

  5. If Obama could be “MORE FLEXIBLE” after the 2016 elections, then just imagine how FLEXIBLE “Biden” can be now that the Democrats plan—and have plans in place—to “win” all upcoming “elections”!

    Oh, wait….

  6. What’s being obscured, or at least attempted to be obscured, is the fact that Biden is deeply compromised. Add that to the old Obama Iran lobby behind him and you get this sort of foolishness.

  7. The Mullahs will never agree to any conditions that would actually prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons capability.

    The Biden administration knows that the Mullahs have no intention to honor any deal.

    As long as its invasion of the Ukraine continues, it is in Russia’s interest to keep the Iran ‘deal’ from being formalized.

    I too think it likely that the GOPe leadership intends to do its best to derail any Iran deal by the Biden administration.

  8. “…intersect…”

    Here’s a fascinating intersection—or “synthesis” if you will—of what happens when lying, concealment and distraction can no longer be used effectively; no longer work like they’re supposed to.
    When “the people” know that something is up, understand that that “something” is very much NOT in their interest, realize that they’re being used and manipulated…and are losing hope. And getting very angry.

    A place where all the lies, hypocrisies and contradictions come home to roost
    (Think of it as the DJT “syndrome” writ large.)

    And this phenomenon is happening in many different countries and cultures around the world:
    “The working classes are a volcano waiting to erupt;
    “Workers across the world are being squeezed from all sides. They won’t put up with it forever.”—
    H/T Powerline blog.

    Short version: For the elites the creation of crises has a tremendous attraction—and usefulness—as a means for extending control and consolidating power…but what happens when they lose control of the plot?
    (Cue “The Sorceror’s Apprentice”…)

    And the elites are, with justification, afraid.
    For example, with regard to the upcoming French election, the latest “trick” of prosecuting Marine Le Pen—ONE WEEK before the second and final round—indicates in blazing, grotesque technicolor that Macron is desperate.

  9. “The Biden administration knows that the Mullahs have no intention to honor any deal.”

    Maybe this is it right here. If Iran will cheat anyway may as well profit from it. Keeping the sanctions in place misses out on profits for someone.

  10. If Iran will cheat anyway and thus presents a clear and present danger… the appropriate response is to send the Mullahs on their way to Allah. To change behavior, consequence must be personal.

  11. I’m the 2nd to last paragraph is more evidence that the powers that be in Washington are at fault for failing to stop the Russians. If the US govt will ignore an invasion, what NATO power will go against their gas and oil supplier for Ukraine?

  12. And Trump was the President tied to Russia, so believe many people. Amazng what can be implemented when a considerable portion of the citizenry are deceived/brainwashed. Isn’t representative government grand? Life in an oligarchy with a veneer of being a constitutional republic.

  13. “…tied to Russia…”

    That’s right.
    As often happens with criminals (and psychopaths), one can get a pretty accurate idea of what they’ve been up to (and what they ARE up to) on the basis of their accusations against others.

    In addition, without the absolutely corrupt Mainstream Media—joined at the hip to the absolutely corrupt Democratic party and the government agencies that that party has, somehow, been able to suborn—that lie would never have gained any traction at all.
    Ergo, they’re all complicit in the attempted coup d’etat.
    Just as they’re all complicit in the theft of the 2020 election.
    None of the above, however, ever happened (just ask ’em—i.e., if they’re not too busy pleading the Fifth)…

  14. In another time and place here in the USA, current members of the executive branch , top military brass, cabinet officials , advisors, officials at various federal agencies, some former members of the govt., etc. would be found guilty of treason or criminal negligence and placed in front of firing squads.
    And they certainly would deserve it.

    Think about what “our” govt. is doing with Iran, the borders, energy policy, the coup d’etat against Trump, the Afghan disaster, unlimited spending/money printing, etc.
    The only way to think about all of this is accepting that certain elements of the US govt. want to destroy the USA.
    There can be no other explanation.

  15. For example, with regard to the upcoming French election, the latest “trick” of prosecuting Marine Le Pen—ONE WEEK before the second and final round—indicates in blazing, grotesque technicolor that Macron is desperate.

    Not altogether clear if Macron and his camarilla are in the know. The source of the accusation is a unit of the European Commission in Brussels, who accuse her of misappropriating office expense money. They tried this tack the last time she ran for President. She hasn’t been a member of the European Parliament since 2017, so the accusation is not timely. Be agreeable if Brexit was followed by Frexit.

    Curiously, given how sketchy polling is in the states, Le Pen has been consistently 5-11 points behind in polls, performing a great deal better than she did in 2017 but not quite enough. Would be amusing if the ‘report’ from the European Commission generated enough disgust on the part of swing voters to put her over the top.

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