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On the 2020 election in Wisconsin — 22 Comments

  1. Read a article linked this morning, we knew shortly after Green Bay vote counting and management was bought by Zuckerberg and the Wisconsin woman whose job it was through up her hands and gave up.
    90 nursing homes had %100 turnout
    They few representatives and elected officials pooh pooh vote fraud we will have it again and again.The Marxists have no reason not to do it all again as well as find more ways to cheat.

  2. Your last paragraph is kind of confusing were the AG’s comments referring to the fraud or to the report?

  3. The response of the governor and state attorney-general is another indicator of the quality of Democratic officialdom, which in turn is a function of what Democratic voters tolerate. These are not happy times in which we live.

  4. Finds of diverse irregularities and fraud in districts nationwide where parties were ruled to have standing. They have better auditing apparatus in third-world nations, where there is truth in a purple thumb.

  5. Beat me to it.
    I was going to say that the response—
    ‘Democratic Governor Evers pooh-poohed the report…calling it a “colossal waste of taxpayer dollars,” while the AG of Wisconsin said it was “a full-throated attack on our democracy and a truly shocking example of the authoritarian mindset at work” and “a shameful, deeply embarrassing episode for our state legislature” as well as a “train wreck.”’
    …is a classic example of where the Democratic Party stands on election transparency. Nor is it at all difficult to figure out—in these days of “heroic” Russian “self-defense” against the hordes attacking it—just where such ghastly rhetoric derives from.

    Moreover, since the rhetoric is itself followed by adamantine stonewalling, stalling, delays, and hiding and “losing” ballots on the part of the usual suspects, it enables one to understand THE reason why the elections were described by said suspects and their media henchmen as “honest” and “uncontested” (or “generally” so).

  6. Michael Gableman exposes and identifies fraud, and thus he has an authoritarian mindset.

  7. What I don’t understand about the “Fraud must have happened but it’s impossible to prove” is that most who make that claim seem to think that only Democrats commit fraud.

    Seems to me that if voting fraud was that easy to perpetrate both sides would cancel each other out.

    Unpopular opinion in these parts, I know.

  8. Bill,

    Are you familiar with “The March Through the Institutions” strategy? It explains much. The Left has near total control of America’s institutions, which grants them access to methodologies of electoral fraud that the Right’s unethical RINOs can only dream of…

  9. In 2020, Madison had drop boxes, where people could put their absentee ballots, scattered through the city, with no security for them. They also had at least two absentee ballot block parties in Madison parks, again, with no supervision nor security for the ballots.

    2020 was a corrupt election, here in Wisconsin.

  10. Bill,

    Fraud can definitely be bi-partisan, but it tends to be most rampant when one party has a powerful machine in a populated area, and in the U.S. for most of the past 75 – 100 years the Democrats have had control of the big cities.

  11. Fraud happened and I saw it at TCF. Since that day it has stuck with me and that is why I fight for election integrity. The Democrats know that without fraud they will lose national and statewide power. Even in California. Do Republicans commit fraud. By and large no because they don’t need to. There has been isolated cases like the ballot harvester Texas and in primaries. I am hearing and starting to experience what goes on in nominating conventions. I am learning you better know and be able to exercise your Roberts Rule of Order.

    That Republicans and conservatives allow this to continue is my mission to end. Before it was relatively small scale but both sides see how it can impact national elections. Hence the drive by Democrats not only at the national level but at the state level too. There are two ballot initiatives in MI that would enshrine the mechanisms of fraud. When people find out what the flowery language of the petition really means they turn against the initiatives right there. Including hard core Democrats.

    Finally, the role of ERIC has yet to be fully defined. This was the fulcrum where the election steal was promulgated and coordinated. Not it is run by a NGO. All six states where the fraud was run were part of ERIC. The MI SOS, Joselyn Benson, made many trips and after the trips made pronouncements designed to weaken ballot integrity. For example loosening signature verification requirements for absentee ballots.


    The fight continues.

  12. @ I am Spartacus – always glad to see you and get reports; best wishes for the success of your efforts.

    It’s amazing (not surprising) to me how much evidence keeps turning up that validates Trump’s “baseless accusations” about election fraud – maybe not fraudulent votes exactly* (although there were certainly some), but the general lawlessness and unethical-even-if-legal (because of Democrat legislation) events that keep getting unmasked.

    And I use that last word deliberately, because the Science can change for elections as fast as it did for Covid.

    *”Exactly” is now the standard for rating claims of Republicans, according to Politifact.


    The article is long and convoluted. But you can tell by reading it that they came to their conclusion first before doing any research at all.

    The latest data from the EIA doesn’t back [Bartiromo] up. The U.S. increased its Russian oil imports by about 28% last year. That’s a notable increase, but it’s not double.

    Bartiromo has more of a point when looking at only crude oil imported from Russia in 2021, which has more than doubled. But Russia accounted for about 3% of overall U.S. crude oil imports in 2021 — a 2 percentage point increase from 2020.

    We rate this claim Mostly False.

    They rated the claim “Mostly False” because it’s 100% true and they didn’t like the implications.

  13. @ Neo’s quote > Democratic Governor Evers pooh-poohed the report, predictably calling it a “colossal waste of taxpayer dollars,” while the AG of Wisconsin said it was “a full-throated attack on our democracy and a truly shocking example of the authoritarian mindset at work” and “a shameful, deeply embarrassing episode for our state legislature” as well as a “train wreck.”

    I wish they had applied the same reasoning to Mueller’s investigation of President Trump.

  14. I think you guys are chasing after the wind. I understand that a lots of people are convinced that the election was stolen (I think Donald Trump believes that to his core, but he believes a lot of things) but if the evidence was even close to as incontrovertible as stop the steal folks think it is, they would have more to hang their hats on than this “ok, any minute now the TRUTH is going to come out! Wisconsin is doing an AUDIT!” false hope. Remember when Arizona was going to “blow this whole thing wide open”?

    Occam’s razor can be our friend in these situations.

    Losing elections is not fun. But if i were you I’d be feeling pretty saucy right now The GOP will most likely own Congress after this election, and Donald Trump is the odds on favorite to retake the Presidency on 2024.

  15. Related:
    “Censored: Twitter suspends John Solomon’s account for story on peer-reviewed COVID study;
    “Tweet links to JTN story about study showing Pfizer vaccine converts to DNA, which appears to contradict CDC findings”—

    Seems that poor, misguided John Solomon FEELS he has the right to tweet about a peer-reviewed study that CONTRADICTS the government.

    What planet does he think he’s living on?

    (Truly, if he had first consulted Occam, he probably would NOT have made such an absurd mistake in judgment…NOR sacrificed his hard-earned integrity….)

  16. }}} a “train wreck.”

    The best description yet of the 2020 election I’ve seen.


    Not what the comment was referring to?

    OK, so what? It’s still “The best description yet of the 2020 election I’ve seen.”

  17. }}} Occam’s razor can be our friend in these situations.

    Occam’s razor is a rule of thumb, not a provider of correct answers.

    The problem here is that you — and all the quacks and charlatans making pretty much the same points — are missing is that elections should be sacrosanct..

    If they are unreliable, then that’s a major problem in a democracy.

    America USED to be a “high trust society”. The left has succeeded in eroding that high trust and it is now a fairly low trust society.

    Banana-Republic grade election processes do not improve this.

    }}} but if the evidence was even close to as incontrovertible as stop the steal folks think it is,

    I have zero belief that it wasn’t stolen. There are too many of the key pointers to the result which were magically wrong — the bellweather counties which are consistently right? Almost all wrong (19 out of 20, iirc). The bellweather states which are consistently right? Almost all wrong (90%, iirc). Biden could not get 50 people to turn out for his rallies, but somehow gets better turnout at the polls than ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY? This seems improbable. The election mostly came down to about 4-5 democratically-run CITIES, and those cities violated — repeatedly — different election rules for their OWN STATES**, but nothing was done about this. This included the destruction of ballots after 2-3 months in states where LAWS require them to be held for 6 months.

    THEN there is/was the rather massive amount of clearly documented “hinky” events going on in those exact same venues on election night, “after hours”, “after closing” and “after everyone was sent home — PARTICULARLY OBSERVERS”

    Then there’s this:
    The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election

    Sorry, simply reading between the lines — the people who wrote that clearly and indisputably felt justified in doing anything they thought they could get away with to subvert the results of the election.

    Any single one of these things — even a couple, or a few, put together — would not be objective evidence that the election was a sham.

    All together, however — NO

    Occam’s Razor — particularly combined with the crowing article from Time — says the election was scammed. No, it is almost certainly impossible to prove.

    The reason why it wasn’t provable had far more to do with the deliberate obfuscation and refusal of the courts to sequester any evidence that might have been analyzed to demonstrate that. In Particular — the notion that state attorneys don’t have “standing” to charge that other states did not follow their own laws in the elections, which made the results highly questionable to anyone actually observing is preposterous.

    The whole position of the court appears to be that the only people who “have standing” to challenge the results of an election are the very same people who would have been rigging it all along. That is not how elections WORK.

    EVERY AMERICAN VOTER has “standing” to challenge the results of an election. This is inherently obvious, or the elections are an utter sham… The various actors acting on their behalf, as representatives — particularly State Attorneys — therefore have standing by collective assent. And such clearly offer a reasonable alternative to everyone filing their own lawsuits, or even collective “class action” suits by attorneys.

    It will never be proven, but Occam’s Razor says it was almost certainly a broken, corrupted, and invalid election result. There are far far far too many pointers to the fact that Biden was not going to win to rationally come to any other conclusion.

    The notion that Occam’s Razor says such would have been proven by now is ridiculous, when the very ones doing the cheating had open and unrestricted access to any and all the evidence that might have been used to prove they had cheated, for at LEAST two whole months before any of it was actually constrained.

    ** BTW, fun part? When people tried to challenge the changes before the election, they were told that they had to wait until the election to challenge them.

    THEN, once the election had occurred, they were told “they lacked standing”… and “besides, it’s too late to challenge it now.”.

    Ya, right. Again, yet another plank tilting Occam’s Razor in ONE DIRECTION.

    You see, the problem here is that you’re thinking Occam’s Razor as being a razor. It’s more of a scale. And when you put all the “Scammed election” on one side, and all the “not a scammed election” on the other side, then kick the retailers out of place, that fucker falls down on the “scammed election” side so hard and fast it breaks the whole mechanism.


  18. Democrats like to say that since nobody saw the cheating, then there wasn’t any cheating. But how can others catch you cheating when the Democrats kicked out the Republican poll watchers in key places like Detroit, Michigan.

    So, I invite any of those Democrats who don’t believe the election was stolen to play me in a hand of draw poker, wagering their house against mine. But, I get to play by their “Democrat party election rules”! After they have revealed their cards, they will be forcibly removed from the room for a short while. When they are allowed to return to the room, they will see I have the winning hand. And, by their own statements, since they didn’t actually see any cheating, then there wasn’t any cheating! And then they can hand over the title to their house. I am serious about this.


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