Trudeau revokes emergency powers
This news just broke. I may revisit this story later tonight when I have more information:
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced Wednesday he is removing emergency powers police can use after authorities ended the border blockades by those opposed to COVID-19 restrictions as well as the occupation of downtown Ottawa.
Trudeau invoked the powers last week and lawmakers affirmed the powers late Monday. Trudeau said then the powers were still needed but noted they would not stay in place a day longer than necessary.
“The situation is no longer an emergency, therefore the federal government will be ending the use of the emergencies act,” Trudeau said. “We are confident that existing laws and bylaws are sufficient to keep people safe.”
But it wasn’t needed at all in the first place; the police could have handled it without any special declarations. And it certainly wasn’t needed on Monday, when that vote took place. Will Trudeau now drop the charges against those arrested or imprisoned? I doubt it. Will he unfreeze bank accounts? I don’t know, but I have my doubts about that as well.
Did Trudeau plan from the start to declare the emergency in order to get the power to do these things and show who’s boss, scare the opposition and anyone who might support them, and then magnanimously and with a big show of his great dedication to liberty declare the crisis over and get plaudits for that? In other words, a few days of such powers accomplished all his ends. He served notice on the Canadian people to beware his power, and that was his real goal: to have a chilling effect on protest from the right (again, just as with January 6th and the treatment the demonstrators received in the US from the Biden administration and the press).
And what of the vote Monday in Parliament? Why did he let that charade go on? I think that’s somewhat obvious as well. There was no emergency anymore when it was taking place, but he wanted the vote as a substitute for a new election, which he might have lost. He knew the House would support him and he wanted to demonstrate his domination over them, and he also wanted to show that he had a mandate to do whatever he wanted at any time.
Did he withdraw the emergency powers because the Senate might not have approved? I supposed that’s possible, but I doubt it. I think what’s going on is that he had accomplished his goals spectacularly (for example, he has the names of everyone who contributed to the convoy) and he felt it was time to pretend to be far more moderate than he is. Polls becoming more negative towards him as time went on might have been a factor, as well.
Trudeau may seem dumb. But like most people who get where he is, he’s very canny and that is a form of intelligence. I absolutely would not underestimate this man.
First reaction, but I’m thinking the Canadian Senate was going to vote to revoke them. One of his supporters in the Senate expressed that he thought this went too far.
Or another thought: the polls the media were pushing were BS. Like they often are here. Polls show 58% of Americans will wear masks in public, but every Dem politician in the country is relaxing restrictions.
Trudeau’s internals must be crap…
Does not negate the very brutal police tactics used not just against the very peaceful Truckers but also against everyday Citizens. The level of mistrust in not only the Govt but with the police has to be very high in some quarters. Those that supported the Govt crackdown had better hope they never get on the wrong side. But it would be Karma.
What do we talk about when we talk about Justin Trudeau? There’s considerable opinion that he is merely the front man for some sort of junta, as is Joe Biden.
I Callahan:
But everything I’d read was that the Senate is composed mostly of his supporters.
If they were going to vote against it, there was another reason behind it and I doubt it was principle. I think the real reason for his withdrawal was either that the polls were turning against Trudeau when they saw the reality of the thing, and/or the financial institutions said that they would suffer greatly from the distrust engendered by Trudeau’s actions.
Just read on the Daily Mail
Trudeau’s government orders Canadian banks to unfreeze bank accounts of people who participated in or donated to Freedom Convoy after woke leader was condemned for authoritarian behavior
I’d go with the important word “And.”
1. He proved his point. He can & will use tyranny in support of whatever he damn well pleases & it will work…he got the votes & the blockade is over & his stormtroopers are facing no consequences for beating Canadian citizens And…
2. I do believe he’s looking at internal polling not available to anyone else AND hearing the rumblings across the financial sector that don’t bode well. AND
3. He’s painted the target on the “leaders” of the blockade and their supporters. Like being bitten by a komodo dragon where the poison works slowly but surely. He can roll up those networks under cover of darkness & the blanket authority of “law” at his leisure. No one expects a Fidelian Inquisition.
“In other words, a few days of such powers accomplished all his ends.”
Precisely, and then some.
After this, I’m not sure how much longer he can remain PM (but then nobody asked me)…
It’s just too absurd—kinda like that headline when the Canadian curling team (hey, don’t knock curling) had a bad day at the recent Olympics: “Canuck Curlers Suffer Meltdown” (or something like that), but then I think they went on to win a medal, maybe even a gold…so not much of a metaphor as far as that goes….
Still, there’s no way that this will be quickly forgotten, not by the voters, not by the members of his own party. This was a major tantrum by the leader of the country on an international scale (and the only tantrums that Canadian are cool with are those that happen on the ice…and even then…)
In fact, there does seem to be a whole swatch of recent reports over the past several days that ought to cause quite a bit of dismay and consternation amongst those living inside the Liberal bubble on either side of the border….
Wonder if it portends a seismic shift of some sort…
the financial institutions said that they would suffer greatly from the distrust engendered by Trudeau’s actions.
I suspect this is a big part of it. He has created a run on all Canadian banks. At least Argentina was secretive about stealing depositors’ money.
CTH agrees that the banks were a factor.
In the bigger picture, the Canadian banking and financial system was hit hard by the deployment of the Emergency Act which highlighted the ability of the government to arbitrarily freeze and seize money, assets and financial investment capital without any due process.
There are also strong rumors in the financial sector, that in addition to Canadians removing money from the banking system, previous investment funds from Hong Kong had been moved – and, making matters even worse, digital currency exchanges were no longer offering secure services in Canada.
I guess the Devil is in the Details. Supposedly those that were charged and committed acts the Govt deems as “bad” will still be tracked down and prosecuted. So the Police Chief of Ottawa will be able to continue his witch hunt. Did he train with the FBI?
> But like most people who get where he is …
The flaw with this statement is that it assumes that he actively sought out this position. Both political parties have a tradition of recruiting outsiders. One example on the Liberal side is Michael Ignatieff who was working at Harvard when the recruitment process began and went on to become the party leader. On the Conservative look at the example of Claude Wagner and the associated slush fund. The former Canadian PM Mulroney went from never having run in an election in 1983 to PM in 1984.
Justin Trudeau was not the heir apparent, rather it was his brother Michel Trudeau. He died in an accident – yes shades of the Kennedy family. Justin sealed the deal after his performance at his Dad’s funeral. But then, he was a drama teacher.
He’s evil. And the Democrat voters in the US who back his totalitarian repression by 56-17 are even worse.
David Horowitz nailed it long ago. “Inside every liberal is a totalitarian screaming to get out.”
The Liberals are a minority government, necessarily in coalition with the NDP, who only went along with the Emergencies Act approval in the House because its failure would be the equivalent of a no-confidence vote, and the NDP did not want new elections at this time. They objected on civil liberties grounds, but voted pragmatically.
Justin Trudeau echoed his father’s “just watch me” statement from the previous war powers actions against the Quebec hostage takers, and achieved his desired political end of demonizing and rounding up the protest organizers and terrorizing their funders.
But freezing and seizing through the banking system was a move for Argentina or Venezuela, not Canada, and will have done serious and long-standing damage to confidence in Canada’s financial system. Evidently this was a risk he was willing to take, or was ignorant of the consequences, which seems improbable. He likely used it as a marker of implacable political will, like the nasty little fascist he truly is.
I don’t think Trudeau planned to revoke the emergency powers at this point. It’s true that he got what he wanted by invoking the emergency but he has also made a lot of his supporters look like fools. A couple of hours ago his supporters were arguing that it was necessary to keep the emergency powers in place for secret security reasons. And now I suppose these secret reasons have magically disappeared. I think there were several parliament members who really did not want to support the emergency act but felt they had no choice. I don’t think these people will forget how Trudeau treated them.
My vote is for banking run.
Lots of money is liquid and can be easily moved.
I don’t think Trudeau understood the consequences of his actions at the time.
And when the rule of law is abrogated for one group, how do you know you are not next?
Great post by Professor Jacobson:
Meanwhile, what happens to the vax mandates that triggered the whole contretemps?
Canada is in deep trouble with this vain SOB in charge.
Time for the Conservatives to take over up North.
Gregory Harper (6:10 pm) writes, “A couple of hours ago his supporters were arguing that it was necessary to keep the emergency powers in place for secret security reasons. And now I suppose these secret reasons have magically disappeared.”
For a long time now, I have marveled at the ability of some people, left-leaners in particular, to turn on an ideological dime any time that circumstances so suggest.
The politically aware among them lack either a shame gland or an irony gland or both, but those who uncritically swallow their leaders’ pronouncements (and/or actions) du jour can really be a wonder to behold.
Anyway, rest assured I no longer marvel; I simmer in grumpy resignation.
The conservatives will likely not dominate Canadian politics anytime soon, I fear. Like the US, the Liberal Progressive power is centered around high population-density urban areas, on the coasts and in the eastern provinces. The conservative breadbasket and natural resource regions have the acres and resource wealth, but not the votes.
We will know soon, but Trudeau was probably eyeing the exits on any decent pretext to save face. I bet the banking sector, which is very powerful in the Canadian economy (and multi-national based) had a few choice, terse words to communicate. But I think he would have persevered in the Senate vote. No word on how the Crown was weighing in? I’m assuming the Queen would have the clout to pull the plug but maybe this thinking is a little quaint….
By the way, Matt Taibbi has a great piece describing the metamorphosis of Chrystia Freeland from a journalist covering the Russia beat, to the Mistress of Evil persona that she presently seems to be inhabiting. There was a great video clip of her sitting behind Trudeau giving his speech on the ‘gravity’ of the crisis where she is bobbing her head as if she was rehearsing it, leading some to believe she prepared it herself.
All of the above are plausible rationales, no doubt all were to whatever degree, considerations on Trudeau’s part and his advisers. Regardless of Trudeau’s actual reasons, he’s still in pursuit of his agenda.
“There’s considerable opinion that he is merely the front man for some sort of junta, as is Joe Biden.” tcrosse
Anyone who doubts that is not paying attention. Enough info has energed to remove all doubt. This is a conspiracy at the very highest levels in the West. Xi and Putin have to be aware of it and are likely secretely amused at the Western Global Elite’s naivete and stupidity. They actually imagine that, should their agenda be realized, they would remain in charge. Their assets will be nationalized and they, put up against a wall and shot.
My guess is the hunt for participating Truckers and financial backers will go on.
One of my better thoughts about Trudeau going forward is that he will never again for the remainder of his life (however long that may be) exist outside his security bubble for one instant. He will always be in the position of the hunted. Small consolation, but mine own.
“But then, he was a drama teacher.”
And I agree with Sundance that the current scriptwriter is the little femme-fascist Freeland. She retains the old family business.
In Washington, the Democrats are rebuilding Fort Pelosi. Our country’s leaders are afraid of the people.
Apparently there are practical limits to how far our elite fascist class can go.
Good to know.
Perhaps it depends on how one looks at them: the Iron Heel or Wile E. Coyote.
He’s made his demonstration, showed who’s boss, legality be damned. Should Conservatives ever gain a majority, time to bind the Emergency Act with some major chains, but that’s very unlikely until the lefties go several steps too far, as they have in Virginia and San Francisco and perhaps Los Angeles too.
“until the lefties go several steps too far, as they have in Virginia and San Francisco and perhaps Los Angeles too.”
No, they haven’t. They’ve not gone too far until the guns come out. they depend up that ratchet effect.
MJR said: “For a long time now, I have marveled at the ability of some people, left-leaners in particular, to turn on an ideological dime any time that circumstances so suggest.”
Well, the science has changed.
My feeling is he was forced to do it by the Governor-General or she would desolve the Parlament.
MJR; Ed Bonderenka:
I have discussed that phenomenon at some length here.
There was apparently legislation passed by parliament in 2020 that establishes certain emergency powers as permanent upon the invocation of the Emergencies Act – that is, they are not revoked with cessation of those powers nor do they expire.
To my knowledge the banking measures are among those, and based on recent comments by Trudeau’s deputy, they are intended to remain and to be expanded to provide comprehensive surveillance, reporting and enforcement by fiat.
That may have been a motive for invoking the EA – the passport may not succeed, for now, but they implemented the means of enforcing it.
“We are confident that existing laws and bylaws are sufficient to keep people safe”
As Juanita Broaderick noted, there was no violence until the police were deployed. The people were safe.
“My feeling is he was forced to do it by the Governor-General or she would desolve the Parlament.”
Very much doubt it. Everyone who is deeply concerned with Westminster style parliamentary and constitutional concerns outside of the UK itself knows what happened the last time (1975) this was done in a proper ‘Civilized Country’:
This guy did the right thing and sacked a progressive government which had strayed way outside both the constitutional and Westminster Tradition procedural guard rails:
The Prime Minister he sacked was and is to this day worshipped by all the Good People as the equivalent of Australia’s Transformative Trudeau (Senior).
For the Governor General’s pains he was ostracised and died soon after (he did have a fondness for the bottle) excoriated by nearly all the Good People.
The fact that the Deplorable Masses voted the erstwhile opposition parties in in the biggest landslide ever meant nothing. The fact that he acted responsibly and did his difficult and unpleasant constitutional duty meant less than nothing. To this day his name is mud.
Babylon Bee for the win:
Trudeau Explains He Just Needs Two Weeks To Slow The Spread Of Freedom
Mine eyes have seen the glory. Out of nowhere, Trump has a crusade to take up… to restore the peoples’ trust in a government, military, media, industry and banking system that has thoughtlessly thrown away its credibility.
And he can honestly say he was a victim just as much as we were. Mine eyes have seen the glory!
M J R: “For a long time now, I have marveled at the ability of some people, left-leaners in particular, to turn on an ideological dime any time that circumstances so suggest.”
Probably the most famous case is that of the American Communist Party before vs. after the 1939 Molotov/von Ribbentrop Pact.
An empathetic reaction to a progressive (i.e. forward-looking) risk to foreign and domestic capital investments.
That said, are the Mengele mandates still a viable burden? I wonder how many people… persons will go along to get along by choice and force with experimental medical treatments (e.g. Covax-20, 21, 22, etc.), especially since the risk profile of Covid-19, 20, 21, and 22 are well known and established.
I think people are right that this is about Canadian banks. Trudeau shredded the trustworthiness of the entire Canadian financial sector and he did it over a non-violent protest that lasted a little too long for his liking. If you’re a hedge fund with hundreds of millions of dollars, what are you now afraid Canada might do during a sustained economic crisis?
Curtis Yarvin IMO has the best explanation. He observes: “Actually, in the modern world, the rebound effect of oppression is negative. The effect of a crackdown is Stockholm syndrome, ,,, the more power the state uses, the more popular it gets. ”
Trudeau rescinded because he had accomplished his goal, adoration by the Woke. We see the same thing here in the hysteria about J6. There is almost zero outrage about actual political prisoners being treated terribly.
There is a lesson here for the GOP. If they use their coming win of both Houses to actually defund the swamp they will be heroes,
Unfortunately they are usually unable to actually change anything since they think they were elected to just run government better. Trump actually thought government would do what he told them to, IMO his biggest flaw. The Swamp is the problem, It must be destroyed.
A good example is the FDA. It is a totally captive corrupt monstrosity that can’t be reformed, only dismantled and replaced.
It is long past time for drug approvals to be handled by independent insurance companies and organizations such as a pharma based equivalent of Underwriters Laboratory in a competitive market place.
If the GOP fall back on their standard behavior of just trying to run government better they will not only fail, they will energize the Woke. We will see two years of endless riots with ridicule and misrepresentation of everything they do.
Defund the Swamp.
}}} noted they would not stay in place a day longer than necessary.
Yeah, just like Covid Restrictions.
A day longer than “necessary”. Ah-huh.
}}} Trudeau’s internals must be crap…
Given that he’s clearly an ambulatory prevaricating humaniform container of excreta….
Your statement seems accurate in more ways than one. :-S
}}} and/or the financial institutions said that they would suffer greatly from the distrust engendered by Trudeau’s actions.
There are TD banks all over the places I tend to live and visit. You can damned sure bet I will never, ever have an account at them.
}}} They objected on civil liberties grounds, but voted
pragmaticallyin the most unprincipled manner possible.Wrong term. Fixt it fer ya.
De Nada «– is this cultural appropriation?
Solve the below equation to understand the depth of my concern regarding cultural appropriation

lim 1/x
x -» ∞
All in all, it was a tremendous win for Trudeau. He obliterated the opposition, showed the unlimited power he possessed, and ensured there would never be a voice raised in protest against him ever again. Canada will be masked forever now after this victory
I am not done with Castro. He got a warning from the WEF and banksters that this was destabilizing the liquidity of the entire debt bond market, plus the Petro dollar used to money launder.
Castro is a tool and very low on the totem pole. Banksters are way higher.
A few notes of (perhaps) interest:
– Jordan Peterson passes along a warning he received from someone in the Canadian military:
H/T Blazingcatfur blog.
– Dr. Robert Malone and a colleague, with some ideas on how the CDC’s oh-so-“thoughtful” decision to oh-so-“thoughtfully” withhold Covid data from the public “for the greater good” might be described:
“‘Scientific fraud’: Drs. Robert Malone, Ryan Cole react to CDC hiding data”—
H/T Blazingcatfur blog.
– And it turns out that our favorite nincompoop (and the competition IS certainly keeen) has a talent for (SURPRISE!) corruption. Who’dathunkit?
(Well he does have a growing family to support, I guess…):
H/T Powerline blog.
Kind of a side point, but this story appears not to have generated any interest — i.e. posts — on several of the sites I regularly review, including hotair, powerline, and realclear. Weird.
Watt–that’s exactly where I go every morning, plus Maggie’s Farm and Neo. But also Grim’s Hall, which did cover this:
We are seeing all sorts of “unintended consequences” created by incompetent “leaders” like Trudeau and Biden. Both are probably being run by others like Freeland in Canada and Obama in the US. The elections are still months away and I wonder what horrors they have in mind for us as they loom closer.
Time for the Conservatives to take over up North.
MJR said: “For a long time now, I have marveled at the ability of some people, left-leaners in particular, to turn on an ideological dime any time that circumstances so suggest.”
Sunday, 22 June 1941 should have dispelled any doubts about that ability.
Yes, the banks.
But not in the way most of us may have imagined.
You see, the banks are part of the WEF conspiracy (to incorporate digital ID)…and their sinister plans were, in fact, endangered by Trudeau’s clumsy edict (as in, giving the game away)—and so he was forced, by the WEF, to revoke it…