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Roundup — 29 Comments

  1. The mendacious MSM are sinful by commission (the spreading of falsehoods and propaganda year after year) and by omission (refusing to cover stories which discredit their totalitarian ideology or reveal their favored groups in unflattering light).
    Both strategies are not simply fundamentally dishonest but create the suspicion in the mind of any intelligent and rational observer that any and all news from the activist sources beholden to and supportive of the current and utterly corrupt regime should be assumed to be false unless proven, beyond all doubt, to be otherwise.

  2. This is what comes of an enervated population inviting crazy people to run their lives.

    If this woman were drowning in raw sewerage, would any sane man knowing who she is and what she is, pull her out?

    Yet, many who imagine that they are not cucks, would.

  3. Sic semper tyrannis.

    They will not relinquish power until it is taken from them…often by votes, most often by force.

    Canadians will not be free until there is no more Trudeau regime remaining.
    From root to fruit it must be extinguished. Pray for Canada.

  4. MS “Freeland” was formerly to be seen on MSNBC. Anyone surprised ?

    Also, her grandfather was a Nazi. Seems to run in the family.

    Freeland’s maternal grandfather, Michael Chomiak (Ukrainian: Mykhailo Khomiak), had been a journalist before World War II. During the war in Nazi-occupied Poland and later in Nazi-occupied Austria he was chief editor of the Ukrainian antisemitic daily newspaper Krakivs’ki visti (News of Krakow) for the Nazi regime

    She has dismissed this as “Russian disinformation.”

  5. I wonder what will happen to the Canadian economy if any meaningful percentage of the Canadian trucker population decides to decamp south to a United States that has a shortage of truck drivers?


  6. Chrystia Freeland appears to be a scary person in that video.

    That’s strange because I read in Wikipedia that, in her youth, she’s been an activist in Ukraine against USSR – she’s Canadian with Ukrainian roots. She described in a book the passage from soviet economy to the current oligarch regime under Putin.

    In 2012 she wrote another book, “Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else”, to some acclaim in progressive circles; from what I read on Wiki, it’s not clear to me what the book says.

    In 2016 she entered politics. In 2018, as the running minister of foreign affairs, she denounced the Uyghur Muslim persecution in China; she also denounced Maduro for his fraudolent elections.

    Not bad, in my view, but in 2019 she was appointed deputy prime minister by Trudeau; that year she was listed among the members of Klaus Schwab’s infamous Davos circle, The World Economic Forum, the elites planning “beautiful things” for the rest of us.

  7. Freezing bank accounts? The “taking” of private property? For a donating to a peaceful protest?

    We thought we won the Cold War. Wrong! Communism is alive and well and spreading in the Anglosphere. When will we start calling them what they are? And pointing out their plan to devalue private property, religion, family, and individual rights. Those are the things that Pelosi, the squad, Schumer, Bernie, and Biden’s handlers are pushing. We’re seeing it in spades in Trudeau’s Canada.

  8. Trudeau’s utter indifference to calls for an apology after he accused Canada’s first Jewish Conservative MP of Nazi Sympathies, whose parents BTW are Holocaust survivors… leads me to wonder if he isn’t a sociopath. It just isn’t normal to be that calm in the face of the enormous outrage he generated with that foul accusation.

    “Trudeau Does Not Want To End The Protests Peacefully. He Wants Violence”

    If Trudeau does want a violent reaction to the threats he’s made and actions he’s having Freeland take, which BTW includes taking the protestor’s children away… it will give him an excuse to call upon the Governor General of Canada to disband Parliament and call for new elections. That would prevent a no confidence vote and ouster plus allow him to delay new elections until he declares the national ’emergency’ over… el Presidente for Life?

  9. Now Trudeau is threatening to euthanize arrested protester’s pets if someone fails to offer to care for them within 8 days…

    Rhetorical question; since Fauci got away with torturing puppies, what will PETA’s reaction be?

    Of course, anyone who offers to care for an arrested protester’s pet is, arguably offering support, in which case they too are subject to freezing their financial accounts as well. Perhaps even subject to arrest and imprisonment.

    Apply enough pressure to the law abiding and you get a reaction that can be labeled violent i.e. resisting arrest and thus ‘proving’ that Martial Law is needed (for the foreseeable future).

    After all, ‘trespassing’ (or just being nearby) in DC can result in over a year’s imprisonment with no end in sight and solitary confinement without trial. Denial of medical care and reportedly, third world conditions.

  10. The truckers in Canada should all show up in blackface one day. What would Trudeau say? Would he address it?

  11. @Geoffrey Britain 6:56pm: “… leads me to wonder if he isn’t a sociopath”.

    When it comes to leaders on the national stage, I find that it’s quicker to consider what behaviors the subject has displayed that would tend to disprove that they are psychopaths. The list of examples is usually much shorter. I would say the same regarding Freeland.

    They have an almost casual, effete way of dismissing evidence contrary to their cause before credibility is even considered. But considering disputing evidence to be irrelevant is a sign of sociopathy, being excused as a rhetorical device. For Freeland, her uncle’s a matter of public record, as is his position as editor, as is the evidence of the publications, as are his views at the time. All of that is valid information – not ‘disinformation’ – and not Russian.

  12. I don’t think Trudeau CAN back down. The elite powers in the background gunning for the Great Reset won’t allow it – they need these mandates and vaccine passports as the camel’s nose in the proverbial tent to lead to a social credit system, forced vaccines for who knows what down the line, a global currency, and finally, a global government. If Trudeau caves now, they will essentially be forced to start completely over, and their precious Great Reset will be pushed back at least a generation or two. I think things in Canada are gonna get worse before they get better.

    Okay, okay, I’ll remove my tin foil hat now…but it’s still gonna sit right next to me.

  13. (4) Hillary Clinton and the MSM say pay no attention to that Durham behind the curtain.

    Would this be better stated this way?
    (4) Hillary Clinton and the MSM say pay no attention to that Durham terrier pulling back the curtain or what’s behind the curtain.

    Yes, I’m so bored I am nitpicking Neo’s usually excellent analogies. Sorry.

  14. One sad thing about Palin’s suit is the cost.
    The judge virtually stole the treasure she had expended and she would have to duplicate that expense in a retrial.

  15. NS…
    I don’t think Trudeau CAN back down.
    I think things in Canada are gonna get worse before they get better.

    Unless someone on his side of the aisle in Parliament has the stones to trigger a “no confidence” vote…you are sadly correct on both counts.

    Now…how the Governor General factors in here I am not fully sure…but that “may” be a face-saving way out for the party & Canada.

  16. “…a global currency, and finally, a global government.”

    Given the incompetence of our elite powers, we’re more likely to wind up with NO currency and NO government. Put aside the long-term world-ending problems of collapsing birthrates and increasing debt, how are our Masters of the Universe going to deal with the present problems of inflation and likely another round of real estate and stock market bubbles bursting?

    Imagine what the world will look like if we go through a period like 1965-1982 where stock values dropped by 50% or more?


  17. I too think it highly unlikely that Trudeau will back down. I think it much more likely that if the protests grow, he’d double down and bring in the military .

    However, unless Parliament is disbanded, which would have to happen in the next few days, I think a no confidence vote is likely.

    If Trudeau is replaced, I wouldn’t be surprised for Trudeau’s replacement to be another “Young Leader” graduate. But whether so or not, the globalists are not about to give up. At least not before we see ongoing trials for Crimes against Humanity.

    So, I don’t think Trudeau’s ouster will throw their plans back for that long. They’ve long planned for this and no doubt have backup plans.

  18. MBunge,

    “how are our Masters of the Universe going to deal with the present problems of inflation and likely another round of real estate and stock market bubbles bursting?”

    What’s to deal with? Let them eat cake! Besides, at this point, what does it matter? We’ll have nothing and be happy.

    Seriously, inflation is only a concern for those who can’t afford it. And real estate and stock market bubbles bursting is an opportunity to buy up real estate and stocks at bargain prices.

  19. (1) I wonder if Justin Trudeau is creating/exploiting this situation to work through an Oedipean struggle with his own father, who pulled the “macho” routine in 1969-70 against the Quebec separatists. The illogic of Justin’s moves, his (deliberately?) heightened rhetoric and sharpened posture confronting an amorphous and MILD “adversary” –whose idea of opposition is to play street hockey and host a Bouncy Castle– just leave me shaking my head. This is not leadership, this is something personal.
    (2) If the truckers “go Galt,” and just stop delivering food, fuel and other staples to Ottawa for, oh, a week or two, it will expose Justin and his regime as completely helpless. Of course, there will be collateral damage from that passive-aggressive posture: and we should acknowledge here and now, as a kind of damage the truckers DO NOT WANT TO CAUSE. These guys have a conscience; they are professionals; they know what power looks like; they are not going to lose the PR war to a fool like Trudeau.
    (3) Given (1) and (2), it seems likely that Justin will implode. His adversaries need to give him time and room to do that, with minimal harm to others. Ideally some MP would move for a vote of no confidence. When and how that happens, I don’t know. But it would be a good way to preserve whatever’s left of the concept of a legitimate representative democracy in Canada, subject to law and Constitutional order.

  20. And now we have occupied Ottawa. From Instapundit:

    It has already been nicknamed Checkpoint Trudeau.

    Actually, like Cold War East Berlin, there may be need for many checkpoint names.

    “The secured area includes almost 100 checkpoints that will have police presence to ensure that those seeking entry to that secure area for a unlawful reason, such as joining a protest, cannot enter the downtown core,” acting Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell said Thursday.

    Canada’s capital, operating under the Emergencies Act, now has ‘no go zones” similar to a police state. Authorities set up checkpoints with armed police officers in downtown Ottawa on Thursday — from Highway 417 (Queensway) to Parliament Hill, where dozens of trucks have been parked for three weeks.

    To get through the Berlin Wall under communism, people had to go through entry points known as Checkpoint Alpha, Checkpoint Bravo and, of course, Checkpoint Charlie. Now to get into through Ottawa’s police manned border points, people must produce papers to prove they live in the area or have a reason to be there.

    So the rationale for the occupation is that having dozens of trucks parked downtown so inconveniences Ottawa residents that they have to set up 100 armed checkpoints where residents have to show their papers in order to pass. And note how they admit that all of this is to prevent people from joining a protest. They’re not really worried about terrorism at all.

    We really are living in Cold-War Eastern Europe.

  21. So, lemme get this straight: they have frozen bank accounts. I think I heard the number 20 being thrown around.

    They promise that they will freeze more.

    If I thought I might possibly be on the list, I’d be at my bank first thing tomorrow cleaning out my accounts. I mean, my account might not get frozen, but do I want to literally bet the farm on that? Is the bank paying me enough in interest rates to make it worth the risk?

    How does this not lead to a run on the banks tomorrow morning?

  22. @ PA Cat > “Two of the convoy organizers were arrested today.”

    Here’s a longer story (two, but they are related) from the Canadian conservative media site, True North.



    Under the circumstances, this portion of the second story is quite telling about Trudeau’s lies that the truckers are terrorists.

    There were at least two other arrests Thursday afternoon.

    One man was arrested after several complaints to the police by supporters of the convoy, who told True North he was often aggressive towards other demonstrators, including allegedly spitting on them. Convoy protesters applauded as police subdued him after a short struggle and carried him into a police car.

    The protesters then thanked police for removing him.

    A speaker up on the convoy site’s flatbed stage implored the crowd to give the police space, and said the man had been arrested because he was “not being safe.”

    Another man was arrested after a large group of police entered a crowd of demonstrators. Police on the scene were tight-lipped about why they were making the arrest.

  23. About those nasty extremist flags — and a few more thoughts to ponder.


    In the meantime, the rank hypocrisy amongst Canada’s legacy media and chattering class is on full display. They have called the protests white supremacist: indeed, a few Confederate flags, Swastikas, and anti-Semitic signs could be seen during the first weekend of protests. One journalist on site, however, reported that other protestors condemned a despicable anti-Semitic sign and told its bearer to leave, suggesting these people are outliers. [link in original]

    The same individuals who were dovish on police responses to the blockading railroads in winter 2020 and the burning of churches throughout Canada in summer 2021 following the discovery of graves at Indigenous residential schools [which is disputed] are demanding Trudeau send in the military.

    And last week, in a disconcerting precedent, an Ontario court approved a request from the government to freeze over $8 million USD in donations to the convoy given through the American-based donation platform GiveSendGo, on the grounds that the funds were likely to be tied to criminal activities. The basis of the order is a police report that is not disclosed, perhaps because it is tied to confidential sources. Still, it’s difficult to imagine that the entire $8 million could reasonably be tied to a crime with any degree of specificity. One can only imagine the outrage if such an amount were seized from a progressive protest.

    As long as Trudeau has his Emergency Powers in hand, maybe he could do something about this group.

    British Columbia RCMP are investigating after a mob of approximately 20 masked people reportedly attacked security guards with axes, smashed their vehicles’ windows and destroyed heavy equipment at a natural gas pipeline site in a remote corner of the province.

    One officer was also reportedly injured after someone threw smoke bombs and blazing sticks of wood at police.

    A statement by Coastal GasLink on Thursday said that “approximately 20 masked and violent attackers wearing camouflage surrounded and attacked Coastal GasLink workers in a highly planned and dangerous unprovoked assault.”

    “This coordinated and criminal attack from multiple directions threatened the lives of several workers. In one of the most concerning acts, an attempt was made to set a vehicle on fire while workers were inside.”

    “The attackers also wielded axes, swinging them at vehicles and through a truck’s window. Flare guns were also fired at workers. Workers fled the site for their own safety and remain shaken by this violent incident. Fortunately, there were no physical injuries to Coastal GasLink workers.”

    Coastal GasLink LNG Pipeline sites in northern BC have repeatedly been subject to vandalism and protests, with numerous arrests by RCMP.

    The Morice River pad where these attacks took place was formerly the site of a blockade that lasted 59 days.

    “Our work is lawful, authorized, fully permitted and has the unprecedented support of local and Indigenous communities and agreements in place with all 20 elected First Nation councils across the 670 km route,” Coastal GasLink stated on Thursday, adding that the project is almost 60% complete.

    But I’m not placing any bets that they will draw the same ire the truckers have.

  24. And about that doxxing – it’s leading to signs that the apocalypse may truly be upon us.

    In this tweet, Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar thrashed an editor over at the Ottawa Citizen/Sun for sharing a story on the Stella Luna Gelato Cafe in Ottawa because the owner gave $250 to the Canadian trucker convoy through GiveSendGo.
    “I fail to see why any journalist felt the need to report on a shop owner making such a insignificant donation rather than to get them harassed. It’s unconscionable and journalists need to do better.”

    We are now getting to the point of the totalitarian experiment that the most leftist members of the U.S. Congress are agreeing with the most conservative members.

    … because Ted Cruz retweeted Omar’s reprimand, “unironically” ….

    Isn’t it about time we agree something has gone horribly, horribly wrong in Canada?

  25. For the record –

    The immense spreadsheet, available for download Sunday night on GiveSendGo’s hacked website, accounts for $8,421,806.50 in donations from 92,844 individuals.

    While most donations came from the United States — 52,000 American donors were listed compared to 36,000 originating in this country, Canadians gave the most money overall, about $4.3 million compared to $3.62 million from U.S. donors.
    As well, it’s impossible to determine how many opted to donate via bank transfer or cryptocurrency.

    All but 686 of received donations were under $1,000.

    The largest donation is $215,000 made on Feb. 6, listed as ‘Processed but not recorded’ and without any further data.

    The largest named donation — $90,000 — was apparently made on Feb. 9 by American tech billionaire Thomas Siebel, including a $9,000 donation towards GiveSendGo.

    That same day saw the largest Canadian donation, $75,000 — plus an extra $1,000 in GiveSendGo’s tip jar— by the president of a New Brunswick-based pressure washer manufacturer.

    Other large donations include $25,000 from a London, Ont. based vice-president of the AutoCanada car dealership chain, and $20,000 from the chair of a Cannington, Ont.-based community and family support organization.

    Dallas, Texas-based construction magnate Ben Pogue appears to have donated $20,000. According to reports by both ABC News and the Associated Press, Pogue donated over $200,000 to help re-elect former U.S. president Donald Trump, including providing private jet access for Trump’s re-election campaign.

    Also for the record: terrorists don’t generally fund their activist cells through public organizations, using their real names.

    PS – the numbers don’t match the post I linked on the Open Thread, but it’s a big data base to comb through.

  26. Rule of thumb, if the government sys it, it is a lie, Those waving Nazi or “racist” Confederate flags are most likely government employees. None the less, Trudoo and Brandonites will scream, and the media will report, “Nazis” or “Racists”. The Media/Gubbmint are not your friends.

    For a short while, “Journalism” was an honorable profession. Now the default translation of “journalist” is whore or pimp. It’s just a job and they don’t work for you. I suppose that there are a few honorable ones left, but, in general, it was a along ago thing, if ever. The Media eliminates those who don’t produce propaganda. The Media sold out and expects their employees to play along.

  27. “Disregard them! They are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” Matthew 15:14

    “Any people anywhere being inclined and having the power have the right to rise up and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable, a most sacred right — a right which we hope and believe is to liberate the world.” Abraham Lincoln

  28. “Seriously, inflation is only a concern for those who can’t afford it.”

    When inflation causes people to stop buying things, it becomes a big concern for a whole bunch of people not directly hit by inflation itself.


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