Roundup time
(1) Neither the FBI nor the MSM cover themselves with glory over their story of the hostage-taking at the Texas synagogue. Nor does Joe Biden.
(2) Those ballot dropboxes in Wisconsin in the 2020 election? A judge declares them illegal. A fat lot of good that does us now, especially since some higher-up court might reverse and say they were legal. Who knows what SCOTUS would say if it ever came to that? But if you read the article, you’ll see how the dropboxes could rather easily have enabled significant fraud, although we’ll never know whether they actually did – which is part of the problem: faulty or nonexistent chain of custody.
(3) Governor Youngkin of Virginia hits the ground running.
(4) Today is Martin Luther King Day, and one question I’ve had is the one posed in this NY Post editorial: what would he think of America today?
(5) Maine temporarily suspends the license of and orders a psych evaluation for a physician who went against COVID medical orthodoxy. The doctor also lied to a pharmacy about a patient’s diagnosis in order to obtain hydroxychloroquine, saying the patient had Lyme disease when the diagnosis was actually COVID, but this doesn’t appear to be the reason for the suspension and psych evaluation.
The medical profession did not cover itself with glory during this epidemic. I attribute some of this to the changes brought about by Obamacare, chiefly an employee attitude toward rules and regulations. I used to send some patients to Tijuana for prescriptions if I knew they were cheaper.
Years ago, I organized a trauma center in a suburban hospital. It had better outcomes than the university center but, about six years ago, the hospital fired the surgical group that had run it for 20 years and brought in a new group of surgeons (all women) who were unknown to the medical community. The ER was instructed to only call this anonymous new group for surgical cases. Several surgeons from the old group left the community.
All the power is now held by the hospitals and the bureaucrats. I was friends with hospital administrators and we used to joke about how they hated doctors because we would advocate for patients against the hospital. It is no longer a joking matter. Doctors are now employees with no power as advocates. Now, licenses are at risk for prescribing Hydroxychloroquin for Covid.
A very rare example of courage.
In Texas, of course.
Thanks very much, Mike.
Truly heroic.
An amazing doctor (and many of the comments are also terrific).
It appears the hostages freed themselves, which if your in that kind of situation is the best policy
The attempt to “entertain” continues…but comedy is dead in the water…
“Cracking the case of the ‘woke’ prosecutor”—
“The remarkable lengths taken to whitewash Bill Clinton’s cosy links to pervert Jeffrey Epstein when Hillary ran for President”—
H/T Blazingcatfur (both).
Maine is the one who needs the psych eval.
Indeed, Mainia.
As the psychosis deepens even further:
“Michigan Democrats criticized after dismissing parents’ role in public education
Michigan Democrats criticized for saying parents shouldn’t tell public schools what to teach their children”—
All I can say is I hope the Democrats keep it up…
(IOW, Go Randi, GO! You and your minions just KEEP ON telling parents they’re full of guano and have absolutely NO RIGHT regarding their kids’ eduation… Keep it up, Randi! Don’t Stop!! YOU GO GAL!!!)
But hark…here comes a most unusual and exotic creature: a Democrat who seems most extraordinarily reasonable…
“Tulsi Gabbard knocks Biden admin as ‘authoritarian’ and ‘unacceptable’
‘[Joe Biden] is tearing us apart, pouring fuel on the flames of divisiveness,’ said Gabbard”—
Miracle of miracles. Will wonders never cease…
Gabbard the good speaks truth to grifter power.
Meanwhile Harris steps in it again (and again and again):
“Kamala Harris says Senate Democrats ‘must pass’ voting rights bills or risk being ‘complicit’”—
O clever, clever Kamala. Sooo persuasive, shameless, corrosive Kamala.
She—IOW “Biden”—is going to SHAME Manchin and Sinema into voting the way they really, really MUST…while adding a judicious dash of implicit threat. Indeed, “[intimidation] by any other name would smell as sweet…”
The choice is clear: EITHER those two vote their conscience (i.e., to do their best to prevent the destruction of the country)…OR they’re out-and-out racists (as they also—UNCONSCIONABLY—maneuver to prevent their party from acquiring the means to steal all future elections). And since the Democratic party is most certainly NOT a racist party, those two had better consider their next steps verrrry, verrry carefully.
(…As Schumer waits stealthily—and listens—behind the arras…plotting the endgame…)
The Covid Cult.
Bow before their god.
Their followers.
What would Martin Luther King think of today’s race relations? Don’t know, but I do know I don’t really think of MLK anymore when I think about race relations. MLK has become irrelevant.
Ugh I was racing to beat the edit clock and got the wrong link above. Here is the right one. 59% of Democrats approve of locking the unvaccinated up in their homes. And 21% of Republicans for good measure.
These are the cult members media.
Pingback:Noted in Passing: Today is MLK Day. So What?
All the power is now held by the hospitals and the bureaucrats. I was friends with hospital administrators and we used to joke about how they hated doctors because we would advocate for patients against the hospital. It is no longer a joking matter. — Mike K
Exactly. It is a potentially catastrophic development. I suspect the “potential” part is rapidly slipping away towards “realized.”
1. It would be ‘counterproductive’… for the FBI, the MSM and Joe Biden to admit to the truth of the matter.
2. Is there really any doubt that the democrats will avail themselves of every opportunity to engage in electoral fraud? After all the justness of the end sought, morally justifies any and all ‘efforts’.
3. It’s certainly a good start. But of course the democrats are going to fight him at every turn. Virgina’s Louden County School Board just removed some pedophilic pornography from its middle school libraries. Fairfax County’s School Board refuses to do so. Claiming that a book with pictures of a grown man engaged in sex acts with a prepubescent boy is neither pedophilic nor pornographic…
Much about Gov. Youngkin’s follow through will be revealed by how he reacts to this refusal.
But it is NOT enough for the book(s) to be removed.
Facilitating pedophilic pornography of minors is a serious crime and any board member who did not immediately resign in protest is guilty of that facilitation. Imprisonment is the appropriate consequence.
4. That would depend upon which ‘side’ of MLK was questioned. The magnificent orator and crusader or the philanderer?
5. Better millions should die than the usefulness of the scamdemic be threatened.
Gerald and Griffin,
MLK famously desired to see the day when his children would be judged by the content of their character. The irony is literally Shakespearean; MLK is currently irrelevant because of the actions of the ‘non’racist left. Along with a significant percentage of blacks who have decided that Malcolm X offered a more financially rewarding and successful path to power.
The victimology meme has nearly destroyed his legacy.
MLK – all should be judged on their character, not on the color of their skin.
FBI – has tapes, legally questionable in their acquisition, of MLK having sex with some 40 other women he’s not married to.
Bill Clinton, MLK, RFK, JFK, Trump – all were, frequently, cheating on their wives.
The biggest problem in the Black community is the lack of married couples having kids – over 70% of Black kids don’t live with their married parents.
Systemic promiscuity is a bigger problem than racism, which still exists.
This 6 minute video from JP Sears is really good. JP doesn’t go serious that often but when he does it is usually really good.
‘Why Good People OBEY Harmful Mandates’
“Systemic promiscuity is a bigger problem than racism, which still exists.”
Agreed though that’s a cultural failure.
At least covert racism will continue to exist, absent the ‘rapture’ or perhaps alien visitation.
Plenty of American blacks have racist attitudes not to just whites but to Asians as well. There’s plenty of racism in Asian countries toward each other. Many Arabs harbor racist attitudes.
Arguably, the English have a long history of racism toward the Scots and Irish.
The english translation of the Navajo’s name for themselves is “the People”.
Not sure what they consider the ‘non’people.
Racism is a human disease.
Griffin, that was powerful.
“All the power is now held by the hospitals and the bureaucrats.”
And they are killing people with their policies.
They must be held accountable.
They and politicians like Coumo and Whitmer.
We’re going to need a Nuremberg 2.0
And I’ll gladly pull the lever.
Hey… I’m the hangman around here! Not that you’d know it… My gallows humour (acquired taste, granted) posts tend not to hang around for long
Apology accepted… Now if you’d just place this comfy linen bag right over your head.
I posted a link to the US Army WWII Field Manual for Executions in the Field here before. Not one of my longest-lived posts, come to think of it.
More Covid “Profiles in Courage” (continued from Mike’s comments above)….:
‘Dr. Peter McCullough: Official COVID “Narrative Has Crumbled” ‘—
Key grafs:
‘….the official pandemic narrative that has been fiercely guarded by establishment media and social-media censors is “completely crumbling.”…
‘…The focus…should be on “treating high-risk patients who develop symptoms” with some of the early treatments that he and other physicians around the world have found to be effective, including ivermectin and a new drug granted emergency use authorization by the FDA, Paxlovid…
‘…McCullough…called for a “pivot” from the current policies to early treatment and “compassionate care” for those who have COVID or have suffered vaccine injuries, which have included myocarditis, neurological issues and blood clotting.
‘ “Now is the time for doctors to step up. Now is not a time for rhetoric or harsh statements regarding scientific discourse,” he said…
‘…[McCullough]…testified to the U.S. Senate in November 2020 against what he described as the federal government’s politicization of health care during the pandemic, curbing or blocking the availability of cheap, effective treatments…. [He] told of having been stripped of the editorship of a Swiss-based journal after having lost his position with a major health system, “with no explanation and no due process.” Baylor University Medical Center fired him in February. And Texas A&M College of Medicine, Texas Christian University and University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine have cut ties with McCullough, accusing him of spreading misinformation.
‘ “I’ve been stripped of every title that I’ve ever had in that institution. I’ve received a threat letter from the American College of Physicians, [and] a threat letter from the American Board,” he said in September.
‘All because of his “lawful” participation “in a topic of public importance.”
‘He said there are “powerful forces at work, far more powerful than we can possibly think of, that are influencing anybody who is in a position of authority.”
‘McCullough is the chief medical adviser for the Truth for Health Foundation, a physician-founded charity that says it is “dedicated to following the Oath of Hippocrates to serve individual patients to the best of our ability and judgement and to uphold the highest standards of medical ethics.”….’
And (if it’s not too late) in honor of MLK, here’s…
…Joseph Biden in 1973:
H/T Ron Coleman twitter feed.
The only “possible” conclusion: Biden isn’t nearly as forgetful as one may be led to believe (unless he has a one-track mind…or he’s operating on a CC loop…in which President Goldfish?)….
Whatever, happy (Belated) MLK Day!! Mr. “President”….
Unbelievable…but undeniable…
Sanders (Sanders!), Harris (Harris!!) and HRC (no comment needed) play the STASI intimidation card. And play it hard.
“Sanders turns up heat on Manchin, Sinema with tweet on voting rights bills”—
“Kamala Harris ‘will not absolve’ senators who oppose Biden agenda
“Harris suggested senators standing in the way are violating their oath to the Constitution”—That’s right ,”VIOLATING THEIR OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION” no less…
Not to be outdone…
“Hillary Clinton Slammed After Using MLK to Rip Manchin, Sinema”
Alas, it’s very sad to see that even the family of MLK gets sucked into the action:
“MLK’s Family Push Manchin, Sinema on Voting Bill, Filibuster”—
With all the crazed, depraved and delusional lies, slanders and rhetoric they’ve been recklessly emoting, not sure why Sanders, Harris and Clinton don’t just take out a contract on the two senators…
(Hey, maybe James Hodgkinson available…?)
File under: Te scum only rises… and if you try to save the country, honor its institutions and protect its people, then YOU ARE THE ENEMY.
“the dropboxes could rather easily have enabled significant fraud, although we’ll never know whether they actually did – which is part of the problem: faulty or nonexistent chain of custody.”
Obviously, any changes which reduce the confidence of citizens in the integrity of elections is a very serious problem. The repercussions will be felt in a variety of ways — all bad.
Curious if a Supreme Court with a sense of the Constitution as elastic as the Warren Court’s (or most liberal law professors) could find an equal protection or due process right in election integrity. Voter ID is a fundamental requirement for an honest election. That’s why every other major country has it.
Process matters. One man, one vote has no meaning if the citizens have reason to believe that their vote is being cancelled by fraud.
An profound, intelligent assessment of the current American political morass, with critiques of both parties, and suggestions on how to climb out of it:
“The Sorry Remnant of Joseph Biden”—
H/T Powerline blog.
I’m aware of three people in Dr. King’s circle who are known to have dissented to one degree or another from orthodoxies which emerged after 1968: Ralph David Abernathy, Bayard Rustin, and his niece Alveda King. Our single best guess is that Dr. King would have followed the trajectory of the rest of the black political leadership of his era. Prominent black pols are much more numerous now than they were 50 years ago, and I do not imagine all of them say the same thing. Any astringent critics of BLM, CRT, sorosphere DAs?
Goodbye Sayonarra Isis Ra El. That’s what happens when you never listen to the prophets of god.
“Barry Meislin”
Continued talk of McCullough will get you lumped in with the Q crowd.