Home » COVID and Fauci: what did he know and when did he know it?


COVID and Fauci: what did he know and when did he know it? — 18 Comments

  1. Dislike of the mendacious and venomous Fauci, whose pension (whenever this odious and publicity-hungry octogenarian finally exits the stage) will be almost 400K, has recently managed to bring together almost all on the right with some on the left (Robert Kennedy Jr and Naomi Wolf and PETA) over his many failings, including his having signed off on numerous experiments with absolutely no scientific value, some involving beagles and “transgendered” monkeys. The shameless and wasteful funding of such worthless proposals is every bit as scandalous as the needless cruelty inflicted, to no good end, upon innocent creatures.

  2. To answer your question: everything and from the beginning since he had to sign off on a waiver to funnel money to WIV via Daszhac[sp?]/EcoHealth Alliance at a time gain-of-function was illegal in the US.

  3. Nothing to see here folks.

    it’s just a massive coincidence that of the many hundreds of cities in China, covid just happens to break out in a town that has a virology research lab.

    Geez, what a coincidence.
    Who would have thunk it.

  4. What Paul said.

    “The fact that Dr. Fauci grossly perjured himself is hugely apparant. [But] It is the least of the crimes if indeed these are verified documents… I can’t overstate this, this is a premeditated kind of manslaughter of millions of people coordinated at the highest levels according to these documents. Treatments that would have saved lives were intentionally or reportedly intentionally suppressed.” Dr. Naomi Wolf

    “Coordinated at the highest levels”…

  5. Dr. Tony’s surname is certainly fitting: fauci in Italian refers either to the mouth of a volcano or the jaws of a predatory animal:


    I like the last “example/translation in context”: Hanno cominciato a chiamarlo le Fauci di ratto e gli è rimasto: “So they started calling it [him?-ed.] the Rat Jaw and then it kind of stuck.”

  6. Fauci is the poster child for the coming defunding.

    It is likely that the GOP will take both houses in November.

    It is unlikely that they will cooperate with Biden/Harris in the remaining two years. There will not be much new legislation

    However, they can slash budgets,.

    Defunding The Swamp will become a reality after 2022. It will be the only story for two years.

    Kill the beast and be ready to start over in 2024.

    Question: Can the world survive without DC? Answer: Yes.

  7. After two years, I have come to believe:

    1. Fauci funded and encouraged research to create the bug using intermediaries (why intermediaries?)

    2. Fauci, somewhat simultaneously it seems, funded the creation of a vaccine and the US Govt appears to have some of that equity action

    3. Whoops, it got out! Mistake? Maybe not. (The most frightening thing of all to me)

    4. Then the craziness begins with ALL of the US Govt medical folks aligned (almost completely) with whatever Fauci’s message is. Craziness: masks, quarantines, bend the curve, help unclog the hospitals, vax mandates – wash, rinse, repeat for two years and counting. The Keene, NH city counsel, comprised of epidemiologists one and all I am sure, has reinstated a mask mandate.

    5. Along the way, Fauci and all of his evil collaborators: CDC, NIH, WHO, etc., most all media outlets, all democrats, it seems, or at least a majority of them I would guess, block information and access to effective treatments. Along the way, taking swipes at the Trump Administration’s encouragement of investigation into this area. Hydroxicholoquine, Ivermectin, monoclonal antibodies and companion, inexpensive therapies. This is the second most frightening thing, a very close second.

    6. Instead of promoting early and effective treatment protocols, Fauci and company promote Remdesivir, a drug, on patent, i.e. expensive, manufactured by a Chinese company that employs Fauci’s wife. The use of Remdesiver seems to have the unfortunate characteristic of having fatal consequences in some cases.

    7. No approach to segmenting the population by risk profile is done. Worse, they are trying to mandate vaxing kids! The bug won’t hurt them, but the vax sure will, it seems.

    8. We still do not have a defined, early, outpatient, treatment protocol adjusted for patient risk factors. This is unconscionable and implicates pretty much all of the health care delivery folks, yes, the doctors in our healthcare facilities. This is the third most frightening thing, very close to the second most frightening thing. This is especially true for me, an older person needing quite a bit of medical care.

    9. Doctors tell me that there was no flu last winter so all healthcare folks must continue to wear masks. I believe that there was no flu because the Obama Care reimbursement was far greater for Corona than flu.

    I cannot go on. It’s nauseating.

  8. He sleeps in his coffin by night.

    He fears mirrors and crucifixes.

    Notice his interest in wet market bats.

  9. JD Keene,

    “7. No approach to segmenting the population by risk profile is done. Worse, they are trying to mandate vaxing kids! The bug won’t hurt them, but the vax sure will, it seems.”

    I heard a plausible explanation for why Big Pharma is pushing the other elements of the cabal to mandate experimental mRNA drugs for children. If I recall correctly, something about it guaranteeing immunity from prosecution.

    This ranks with the greatest evils ever perpetrated upon the human race.

  10. The work to stifle Hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin are for me the most distressing. Patients were to told to go home and wait until they were critical enough they could go to the hospital and die. So the pumping up of fear is horrible. I see people in South Texas walking around outside with masks on. Then, the recent revelation that 75% of the deaths had 4 or more comorbidities. The list is difficult to rank.

    I’m a recently retired nurse, and unvaccinated. I’m not vaccine hesitant, I’m vaccine Hell No. My hope is enough will blow over soon enough that I’ll be able to return to work. I like taking care of people.

  11. Dick Illyes: Defunding The Swamp will become a reality after 2022. It will be the only story for two years.
    Kill the beast and be ready to start over in 2024.

    My friend wrote this:
    Today’s scary thought/question ==> (which I’m sure most of ya’ll have already considered)
    The Left/media/Democrats lied, cheated, stole, bribed, blackmailed, and, yes, murdered their way to the power they now hold.
    They control the media, schools, Congress, the White House, most of the Judicary (including a limp Supreme Court), an increasingly “woke” military, the “Administrative State”, Big Tech, Big Pharma and two+ generations of “woke” youth.
    They are NOT going to sit idly by and watch a TIDAL WAVE mid-term election wipe all that out. Period.

  12. Given the demonstrably unshakeable committment of the progressive grandma class, of the polymorphous perverse transfreaks, of the proud Atheist Plus “I’m down with SCIENCE™!!!” soy boys, and of all the many millions of institution dwellers making up the ready, willing, and faithful Demonicrat client class, – given allllll those – how people can then confidently proclaim that the Demo goose is sure to be cooked this November, is beyond me.

    Half the country would vote and scheme and cheat for the Devil himself if he promised to continue to squeeze out your lifeblood for their benefit checks and sinecures. In fact, they already did. And did it gladly. And celebrated it afterward.

    You imagine Satan is one thing, but his willing imps are another? LOL

    They don’t care about this lying and deception business. They chose their side knowing it was standard practice. There is nothing to discuss as far as they are concerned. All your concerns and the torrents of fact are simply immaterial when it comes to their evaluation process.

    And how many months out is the election?

    Talk to me about a blow-out 40 days before. No one in this pathetic excuse for a society has a memory any longer than that anyway.

  13. JD Keene: Amen brother! You said it better than I could have.

    Project Veritas has come into possession of some documents that, if they hold up as true, will condemn Fauci and many other top health bureaucrats to possible criminal charges.
    Sample: “Major Murphy’s report goes on to detail great concern over the COVID-19 gain of function program, the concealment of documents, the suppression of potential curatives, like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, …..”
    Read about it here:

  14. And now for a dose of rabbit-hole (AKA “alternate”) “reality”:
    “Bless Their Little Authoritarian Hearts: Democrats Support Punishing the Unvaccinated”—
    Key grafs:
    “…A healthy majority, 78%, of Democrats support COVID vaccine mandates, which would force people out of their jobs if they choose not to receive a vaccination. Three-quarters have a favorable opinion of Dr. Fauci. A majority of Republicans and unaffiliated voters oppose the mandate and have a dim view of President Biden’s chief medical advisor.
    “In addition, a majority of Democrats support harsher measures for those who decide not to receive a vaccine that can’t prevent transmission or illness:
    “55% support fines for those who do not receive the vaccine.
    “59% support a policy that would keep the unvaccinated confined to their homes except for emergencies.
    “48% think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.
    “45% favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
    “47% favor a government digital tracking program for those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine to ensure that they socially distance and quarantine.
    “If you want to know how far some of these biosecurity state cheerleaders will go, 29% would agree to take your children if you refuse to get the Fauci ouchie. “Oddly, only 54% of black Americans are fully vaccinated, but 63% support Biden’s vaccine mandate in the poll….”

    It’s an extraordinary achievement:
    Vaccinated against the truth.
    Vaccinated against common sense.
    Vaccinated against morality, empathy, compassion.
    Vaccinated to promote and encourage censorship, threats, fear and hate.

    Yes, an extraordinary achievement….

  15. @ Meislin @ 3:45AM

    Good catch, but do you really think that the term “authoritarian” is anywhere near a strong enough term?

    In the list of Democrat approved crimes, we see a slight decline from a clear majority to a near split as the severity increases from a violation of fundamental rights to a program of waging conceptually totalitarian social warfare.

    At 59% approval, Democrats are still, arguably in a state of irrational quarantine minded alarm. Arguably.

    But by the time we get to these:

    48% think federal and state governments should be able to fine or imprison individuals who publicly question the efficacy of the existing COVID-19 vaccines on social media, television, radio, or in online or digital publications.
    45% favor governments requiring citizens to temporarily live in designated facilities or locations if they refuse to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
    47% favor a government digital tracking program for those who won’t get the COVID-19 vaccine to ensure that they socially distance and quarantine.

    … any doubt that half the Democrat Party is only one half step short of the ” load them into cattle cars” mentality of 1941 German occupied territories or Lenin and Stalin’s Soviet Russia, is removed.

    How much further must one go to get from today’s admonition to “get in their Republican or white faces” and ” punch an old white ‘Nazi’ for fun” to tomorrow’s progressive or knee jerk Demo voting Grandma to saying ” it’s what they deserve for resisting social progress” or “Kill the cockroaches !!!” ?

    Well, no further at all in principle, because tomorrow as demonstrated by the poll, is already today. The 45% in favor of concentrating the recalcitrant in camps, just have not the machinery at the moment to effectively implement or to enforce their wills.

    Progressivism and what is nowadays called liberalism, is not a set of principles, but a label applied to, or a banner carried by, persons who manifest a certain personality, have a type of character, and hew to a particular Worldview and metaphysics.

    As we all know there is nothing at all liberal about it, and has not been for well over 130 years.

    It is the view and mentality of those who recognize only appetite and the will to power as the fundamental realities. To this they add a notion of advancing the entire human race, or at least some select portion of it, to god-like status and mastery, in a future Nirvana, in a sea of bliss. Just exactly what they will ultimately master, who and what they themselves actually are, and precisely where they are going and how they will get there, is not stated and cannot be known even by themselves. “That is the whole point of EVOLUTION™, silly!!”. Its SCIENCE™ , though.

    And thus they are sure that that, and they, will take the entire earth there with them; and it will be all good, because “evolution”, and “the arc of history” tell them that their unchecked inner urges and impulses must be right. And their sacred all knowing impulses tell them what must be done with the uncooperative.

    What it really is, of course, is a program of egotistical, exploitative totalizing ruthless self-dealing by none too stable people, masked as humanism.

    It’s part of their survival and maximization strategy. They have not so much chosen it, as being embodied manifestations of it: just as a leopard is a leopard, or a crow a crow.

    Either way, there is no arguing them out of it …

  16. Neo wrote, “their actions undermine the last vestiges of faith we might have in scientific objectivity, particularly among bureaucrats such as Fauci.”

    The federal bureaucracy is overwhelmingly Democratic.

    Democrats are anti-science, though they invoke and praise it when it suits them, because the hoi polloi have no clue about the meaning of the word. They just believe it implies objectivity.

    Democrats are disciples of Lysenko, Stalin’s right-hand man in agriculture. Lysenko believed that if the tails of many generations of mice were cut off, a tail-less species would eventually result. Man-driven evolution! Stalin loved him.

    Let us be clear what science and the scientific method are.

    Science is testing the Null Hypothesis, whether an observed difference among variables is accidental or not.
    The scientific method demands independent verification and reproducibility of experimental findings).

    Fauci is not, never has been a scientist, nor a physician except he got an MD degree in 1967. After an internship he plunged right into the NIH. No specialty training, no Board certification.

    He is a bureaucrat, and bureaucrats are inherently non-objective. He shovels grant $ to EcoHealth Alliance, which is a pass-through entity that without impediment funds whatever it wishes, including the Wuhan Institute. Never mind that US policy has been to not fund gain-of-function research.

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