Home » The Democrats’ “pretend it’s someone else” game: that NSBA letter about parents and school boards


The Democrats’ “pretend it’s someone else” game: that NSBA letter about parents and school boards — 9 Comments

  1. The Democrats, having shifted to the hard left, seem to recognize that vote fraud is the only way to stay in power. Trump made frightening impacts on Hispanic and black voters. The old Republican country club vote has shifted to the Democrats on culture issues. Now, the lower middle class is drifting away. There just aren’t enough academics, college students and government employees to swing elections anymore. The solution is to cheat. It used to be a joke back when Chicago was livable.

  2. Our whole system of public education is rotten to the core. Tax-payers fund the indoctrination of captive schoolchildren into “woke” insanity, loans for higher (mis)education are guaranteed by the federal government while the universities profit obscenely whether their students graduate or not or learn anything of value (or, as is almost always the case) not, the teachers’ unions donate tens of millions (extracted in dues) to the Democrats and receive billions upon billions, of inflationary dollars, in return (whether or not the teachers actually work), while “credentialed morons” and (mis)educated pseudo-intellectuals work tirelessly, in the public and in the private sector, to destroy any and all vestiges of the liberty once enjoyed in our rapidly-decaying republic, while any parent who might object is potentially a “domestic terrorist.”

  3. “Will there be any punishment for the NSBA trick? Certainly not while the Democrats are in power and probably not even if Republicans take power next election.” neo

    In which case, the rule of law is void and tyranny reigns.

  4. The rich get richer … and the elite wanabees get more elite/ woke get more woke.

    Neo – have you joined your local GOP precinct group?
    If not, could you talk about why not?

    I do fantasize, tho know it’s just a fantasy, about a majority Rep Congress holding impeachment hearings for each of the 4 Federal FISA judges who used “wink and a nod” rubber stamp approval of the non-honest FBI FISA requests to illegally spy on Carter Page and the Trump campaign.

    They “were lied to” ? I doubt there were any falsehoods, merely a failure be fully honest. And it’s the judges’ jobs to make it all transparent, so any lie clearly stands out.

  5. Both Cardona and Garland should be impeached and removed from office. Won’t happen, I know, but it should happen.

    On the other hand, this uproar had something to do with Democrats losing their grip on Virginia. I hope other states follow.

  6. This…

    “The key to collusive litigation is that the “settlement” conspired at by the supposedly adverse parties”

    reminds me of the “negotiations” between teacher’s unions and the school boards that the same unions helped get elected with contributions, volunteers, and solid block voting.

    It has also been a long standing, unstated, policy worked out between the EPA and various “Green” groups.

  7. Re geoffb’s comment: Public Choice economics predicts that ruling groups with political powers will use it to expand and protect this class’s interests.

    We’ve seen this happen for decades with the largest unit of Federal government (after DOD) for decades. Not is has expanded, following “Civil Rights” law through to corrupt Constitutional state powers.

    Re Mike K and j e and Geoffrey Britain, I see no easy way back to Rule of Law from the Banana Republic injustice first foisted upon us by Obama.

    Nor is there any easy way to defeat the Wokie Kulture Kampf.

    Even Hollywood is institutionalizing racism against Whites and anti-Semitism.

    ….”[T]he woke revolution…has driven out white men and ensures that every [Hollywood] production is ideologically sound,” ie, racist promotion of only approved victim groups.

    Decline, fall. Game. Set. Match.

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