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More on the January 6th mystery men — 20 Comments

  1. Well, the good news is the Speaker and her cohorts intend to have a Solemn Day of Remembrance on January 6 to commemorate the Darkest Day of Our Democracy ™. I think we need another federal holiday as well for our overworked public servants.

  2. That the Democrats encouraged the breach of the Capitol building on January 6th is pretty clear now. The problem is that the MSM will never carry the information, so the
    LIVs will remain uninformed. Only the FBI and DOJ can do something to expose this false flag operation to the general public. So, this will remain; like the Russia collusion ploy, the Ukraine phone call ploy, and the Covid-19 ploy; an insurrection organized and executed by the Donald.

    If you submitted a fictional novel with these plot lines, it would be rejected as too unbelievable. Yet here we are.

  3. The brilliant Roger Kimball has just published a piece at The Epoch Times entitled “J6 is Looking Like a ‘Fedsurrection'”, having written, three months ago, an excellent essay for Imprimis (from Hillsdale) on “The January 6th Insurrection Hoax”, which he links to the “Russia Collusion” hoax. Dinesh D’Souza has also recently posted a video about the excellent reporting from Revolver, and Julie Kelly has written about the FBI’s “Whitmer Chicanery as a Warm-Up for January 6.” Although the false narrative ( which is intended to defame and to demoralize the political enemies of the left) continues to collapse, too few Americans (including most of GOPe) are aware of what is likely to have been the true story of the “insurrection”.

  4. I read the Revolver stories. Tucker Carlson previously discussed Part I. I certainly hope he discusses Part II on his highly rated cable TV show. This is very important for the American people to see.

    Christopher Wray owes the American people some answers.

  5. J.J.:

    “Only the FBI and DOJ can do something to expose this false flag operation to the general public.”

    Why would you expect the perpetrators to expose their crime?

    “War is when your Government tells you who the enemy is. Revolution is when you figure it out for yourself”

  6. It should be a day of remberance for Ashlii Babitt and Roseanne Boyland both murdered by federal law enforcement, the only two known to die that day not of natural causes

  7. Cap’n Rusty, I should have used the sarc tag. Of course they won’t expose themselves any more than they have on the other plots against Trump. Sorry to not be clear.

  8. Part 2 of the Revolver Article is really disturbing, and I’m split between the shock and denial stages, but advancing into acceptable

  9. The democrats and their minions are courting a terrible reckoning.

    The long imprisonment of those at the Capitol on Jan. 6th and conditions they’ve been held under is a crime against humanity.

    It is such a massive violation of those prisoner’s Constitutional rights that it entirely deligitimizes not just the Biden Administration but every branch of the U.S. Federal Government.

    “when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.” 1776

  10. The Soil Conservation Service, The National Weather Service, The National Coast and Geodetic Survey, and The National Institute of Standards and Technology are all deeply implicated! Especially the NIST, they must ultimately be responsible for the substandard level of governance! Shakes fists, and hurls metaphors at the clouds. 🙂

  11. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is actually very important, but the edit wouldn’t let me change the acronym to NIST. Shakes fist and hurls more metaphors at clouds! 🙂

    I stand corrected, the edit did work.

  12. Revolver published its first report on June 14, 2021. I first thought it might be some tin-foil hat website. But I read the report. It was far better investigative reporting than anything I’ve seen from the MsM. Revolver backed up all of its statement with evidence, primarily from the “charging documents” (indictments) that were filed with the court against the people who were arrested. It focused on the actions of several “un-indicted co-conspirators,” noting that they were the leaders of the “riot” — as was blatantly obvious from their actions — but they were not indicted. Leading to the conclusion that they were “feds.”

    Take the Time to Read it for Yourself.

    This most recent report is also convincing and very well-documented.

  13. The Revolver piece is fascinating. How do they get this out to the general public? Even if they did, the MSM will call their investigative work baseless, and the LIVs will accept that excuse. Sad.

  14. J.J.

    “They?'” — Try “We.”

    I don’t think Revolver has the resources to get its story out to the general public. We all know people who, up until now, swallowed every lie that was put out by the Democrat Party Press. But everything the Current Occupant has touched has turned into fecal matter. The sunlight of truth is filtering through the cracks in the wall of the MsM’s lies. Some of the sheep are noticing. The true story of 1/6 will come out, eventually.

    Let us all contact those few whom we think are beginning to see the light. Let’s try to explain to them what Revolver is saying — emphasizing the meticulous fact-gathering process that Revolver applied. They might reject it out of hand, but as the facts continue to emerge and seep into their consciousness, they will realize that we were right all along. And when Nancy Pelosi stages her Kabuki Theater on January 6, they will see if for the farce it will be.

  15. If any ‘due diligence’ by prosecutorial bodies is being done in the investigation(s) of J6, it’s being left in the dust by Revolver & Co, who put very clear and convincing video evidence of the organization and leadership of the mob in front of any viewer who observes it.

    Yes, we know that the combination of Biden-administration Federal agencies and our glorious ‘news’ media will form an impregnable dam against the purveying of this evidence to the public, but one can recall other ‘unexpected’ breakthroughs reversing our spoon-fed Daily Narratives. This would be a good time for a recurrence of such surprise.

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