Home » California as abortion “sanctuary” state


California as abortion “sanctuary” state — 24 Comments

  1. Since abortion, for the left, has become a kind of “sacrament”, it is hardly surprising that California, the bellwether of “progressive” insanity, would declare itself such a “sanctuary.” Had the old mantra of the Clinton administration (“safe, legal, and rare”) remained the refrain of the left, it is possible that none of the current madness surrounding this contentious issue would have come to pass. One wonders how many leftists are even aware of the laws on abortion in France.

  2. In 1969, when I was in training in Surgery, abortion was legal in California. It required a Psych evaluation, which was pretty much pro form, and was limited to 20 weeks. The GYN residents did not like doing them so the County Hospital hired some free lance doctors to do them. That was years before Roe v Wade.

    Had the Supreme Court left well enough alone, abortion would be legal in some states with sensible limitations. I have been pro-choice since seeing the results of illegal abortions as a medical student. Still, the state of matters today is insane. If a woman gets to full term and does not want the child, there are lots of better options than killing it. Adoption is so difficult that people go to China to adopt girls.

  3. Is California so flush with it that the state can afford this …?

    Yes, it is flush because they didn’t let a temporary education funding crisis go to waste years ago.

    Californians faced multi-billion dollar budget deficits when they were convinced to approve Prop. 30 in November 2012 as a way to fix the state and fund education. The new taxes included a 3.45% sales tax increase as well as $42 billion “temporary” increase in the state’s progressive income tax rates of:

    1) percentage point tax increase for singles with $250,000-$300,000 in taxable income (married couples with $500,000-$600,000)
    2) percentage points tax increase for singles with $300,000-$500,000 in taxable income (married couples with $600,000-$1 million)
    3) percentage points tax increase for singles with over $500,000 in taxable income (married couples with over $1 million).

    Factor in large amounts of realized investment capital gains and voila.

  4. “But I find it hard to believe that this proposal is what the majority of Californians think is the best use of its funds…” What folks from Calizuela “think” is of no consequence.

    A “majority of Californians” just put Gavin Newsom back firmly in the Governor’s mansion. They had their chance to come up with a better plan & chose…badly.

  5. So California law, if I understand Mike K, above, before Roe allowed abortion through 20 weeks. If Roe is struck down, that will be the law in California unless the legislature changes it. The result will be the same in many states. New York, I believe, has passed a law allowing abortion on demand up until the moment of birth. Where’s the crisis? And why aren’t 15 (MS) or 20 (CA) weeks long enough to decide?

  6. “That last sentence in particular is chilling.”

    I reckon that last paragraph would make Margaret Sanger stand up in Hell & applaud. “…strengthen abortion access in underserved areas, including regions primarily served by health systems with religious affiliations.”

    Translated: Let’s kill off more black & brown babies & kick Christian medical services to the curb so we can silence their offers of birth support, care & adoption. Can’t have that can we?

    And this is what the feminist religious sacrament of abortion looks like.
    Don’t kid yourself…this IS a religion & abortion IS it’s highest sacramental obligation & offering to Moloch.

  7. Lefties, and many not so left, will vote against anyone who even goes near their right to abortion. All other issues are secondary. I agree with John Guilfoyle – California does have options, and we have chosen this – have been choosing this for decades now.
    I live in very a very blue part of California and there are plenty of disgusted people. Just not enough of us. I always wonder just what it will take to start to turn people away from our hyper-progressive policies. There are rumblings of discontent – SF for example – but only rumblings so far, as far as I can tell.

  8. On the issue of abortion, those on the left are committing generational suicide. Very decent of them to remove their DNA from humanity’s gene pool.

    As for California’s 30 billion dollar surplus, that assertion raised a red flag, as just a few years ago (2019) California was facing a similar 30-54 billion dollar deficit… which begs the question, how did such a huge reversal happen?

    A brief internet search on that question led me to this article; “The Dirty Little Secret Behind California’s Budget ‘Surplus’
    May 11, 2021”


    “The pandemic resulted in the largest one-time transfer of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the One Percent of the One Percent. California, having a surplus of billionaires, also enjoyed a one-time surge in state and local income tax revenues.”

    Calfornia’s billionaires collected over $185 BILLION in capital gains alone. Add in taxation on exploding major corporate revenues and Federal money and voila, America’s middle class got fiscally raped.

    All while the elite smiled as their scamdemic fleeced ordinary Americans and ruined the lives of tens of thousands of small business owners and landlords.

    Nothing less than the death penalty is proportionate consequence.

  9. California’s population is so pro-abortion that we can’t even pass a parental consent law that also allows for a judge to alternatively provide the consent (for those instances in which there is a good reason not to inform the parents).

  10. I guess if the government does not spend its money prosecuting criminals, then it has more money to import abortion seekers. Until the goose that lays the golden egg gets robbed out of existence.

  11. With the productive people leaving California now, he may want to rethink that budget excess.

  12. Those opposed to abortion might go “half way” and teach that repeated abortion as a means of “birth control” is dangerous to a woman’s health. There are better means of “birth control” that are less risky.

    Many opposed to abortion are also opposed to “birth control” but “baby steps” and “half way” is better than direct opposition, which has proved to be near useless so far.

    Just sayin’.

  13. “California ‘bortin…”!
    (Sung to the tune of…)

    I wonder if that makes Texas (et al.) a fetus “sanctuary” state….?

  14. Depending upon how California state’s debt is calculated, it is at least $145 billion, and that does not count the debts of the local governments within California. I am purposely stating the low side of the calculations. See,


    California (my home state) should use any current budget surplus to pay down it’s debt and/or to fund real infrastructure (e.g., streets, sidewalks, RESERVOIRS) that benefits all and does not offend almost half of its voters.

    Stated another way, it should think of the future as opposed to terminating life.

  15. There can be no doubt that “Biden”‘s Barf Back Better bill was/is meant to help bail out “loyal” states such as California (and NY and IL and OR and MI, etc.) along with Bribe Back Better clauses (replete with under-the-table provisions) to support “helpful” individuals (domestic and foreign), weaponized alphabet agencies and “essential”(!) services such as the corrupt media and untold medical and socially “conscious” corporate monstrosities who themselves are needed to assist “Biden” to Blight Back Better with Breathtakingly Barmy Boondoggles.

    After all, it takes a lot of moolah to destroy a nation—and it’s even more “delicious” if you can get the Deplorables(TM) to fund/subsidize/pay-through-the-nose for their own destruction(!)—and all “legally”!! (indeed, somewhere (most likely the lowest subrungs of the underworld), Stalin is smiling)…

    And yet, and yet…so far Manchin seems to have succeeded in keeping his fist in the dyke.

    Let’s hope and pray he has the strength and stamina to hold on…since “Biden” is sneaky, bent and weaselly, creative, criminal and driven, and doesn’t give up.

    (OTOH, if BBB gets blasted out the door what’s to prevent malevolent actors with scads of money—e.g., Soros and Gates and Schwab—to clamber back through the window and foot, under the table, “Biden”‘s Base Bastardry….)

  16. Mike-SMO –

    While there are some who are opposed to birth control in general, the vast majority of people who oppose abortion don’t care about other forms of birth control. In fact, off the top of my head, the only notable group that opposes all forms of artificial birth control is the Roman Catholic Church. A quick and simple survey will rapidly uncover many non-Catholic groups who are opposed to abortion specifically, but don’t say anything about methods that involving preventing conception.

    As for teaching that abortion is risky – while this is true, many on the pro-abortion side have gone all out to hide anything and everything that might even hint that legalized abortion isn’t the safest thing ever. Claims that the procedure isn’t as safe as getting a tooth removed, or that it causes emotional distress to the pregnant woman, are both dismissed outright as falsehoods made up by anti-abortion extremists.

  17. Keep Roe, follow the science, not the social construct. Viability from the first heart beat until the last, from the emergence of a coherent nervous system (correlated with consciousness) until our entropic conclusion. Perhaps from a successful implantation in our mother’s womb until interment our Mother’s womb.

    There is no mystery in sex and conception. A woman and man have four choices: abstention, prevention, adoption, and compassion, and a right to self-defense through reconciliation (i.e. neither “hero” nor “heroine”) .

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