Home » Open thread 12/15/21


Open thread 12/15/21 — 24 Comments

  1. Interesting article on when the ‘pandemic’ will be declared over. Also has nice breakdown about what the US did during previous pandemics in 1918, 1957 and 1968.

    Highly partisan media combined with society wrecking social media companies are almost totally to blame for all of this.


    An example twitter to punish those who claim the vaxxed cause spread.


  2. That Purcell piece forms the basis of Benjamin Britten’s Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, of which there are many versions on YouTube.

  3. As with HCQ+; as with ivermectin; so with NAC…

    Simply because…ya gotta keep those people as sick and/or as suppressed and/or as intimidated and/or as panicky as possible…until they relent, until they say “uncle”, until they sing “jab, jab me do”…

    + Bonus:
    “…Third Pro Soccer Player In A Week Experiences Severe Chest Pain During Game”

    + Lest we forget…

  4. Waiting for your review of West Side Story!

    Steve Sailer has already offered a precis of some of the themes. Puerto Ricans good, whites MAGAT trash.

  5. Griffin,

    Not only that, simple arithmetic is 127 cases/country. I’m overwhelmed! Of course the omicron doesn’t seem to lend itself to the rapid, false positive tending PCR test, so the infection rate is much higher, but the numbers are tough for the politicians. I’m sure the Ds are pushing some lab to come up with a rapid omicron test so that the numbers will inflate.

  6. These idiots appear to be totally blindsided by a thing called winter.

    People get respiratory illnesses every winter especially in the north.

    Everybody knew that before two years ago.

  7. Thanks for a spot of Baroque! I can’t get over Disco, hence my failure to listen to BeeGees clips (I know, I’m wrong, but there it is). But I will always enjoy Baroque.

  8. My neighbor ordered some ivermectin from India. According to news reports, it is possibly being held by Customs at the FDA’s insistence. We’ll see if it arrives.

  9. Kate:

    Do you not like all disco, or just some? I certainly don’t like it all, and some was awful. But I like some of it, and the Bee Gees’ disco was great, IMHO. What don’t you like? The falsettos? The dance rhythms? The tunes are basic R&B (which I tend to like in general) plus dance rhythms. The Bee Gees’ other stuff is generally very different, and they only used falsetto for a few years and then reverted to their basic voices, which are beautiful.

    I’m not requiring that you like it; just curious.

  10. Re: The Three-Body Problem / The Fermi Paradox

    I’m reading “The Dark Forest,” the second volume of “The Three-Body Problem” trilogy. It offers an interesting take on the Fermi Paradox (if aliens exist, where are they?), apropos a recent Open Thread discussion. From a summary of the second book:

    any spacefaring civilization must prioritize its own survival, and any alien civilization cannot be trusted to not exterminate your own civilization. Long interstellar distances make this suspicion impossible to dispel, so the best way to ensure one’s own survival is to stay silent (so as to remain undetected) and preemptively destroy any alien civilization one detects, akin to hunters stalking through a dark forest.


    A tad cynical, perhaps, but ingenious. Cixin Liu, the author, brings back old-school sci-fi imagination.

    Reminds me of Andrew Schmookler’s “The Parable of the Tribes” which offers a dynamic to explain what drives all human groups to develop the capacity to wage war. Once one group learns to wage war on its neighbors, all others must develop the ability or perish.

  11. I will watch the new Westside but I feel hostile toward it. Why remake what is a masterpiece? Mostly this makes me despair over the lack of actual creativity in our arts.

  12. @Huxley:

    Haven’t got there yet in my reading, but I think we’re going to find that Chinese reluctant hero dude cursed the Trisolarans good and proper by telling everybody else where they live.

    I wonder how long before Galactic Pest Control turn up to deal with us.

  13. Zaphod:

    Reminds me too of Fred Saberhagen’s “Berserker” series, in which fully automated ships roam the galaxy, extinguishing life wherever they find it. They are doomsday devices leftover from an ancient galactic war. It’s up to us plucky humans to take on and defeat the Berserkers.

    It was a popular series in the 60s and 70s. I’d bet Liu read Saberhagen. He seems like a thorough fellow and true sci-fi fan. Plus Saberhagen called his humans “Solarians” and Liu calls his beings from Alpha Centauri, a triple-star, “Trisolarians.” Hat tip?

    I know that in SETI discussions, the argument is strong that humans should listen to the stars, but *not* broadcast/narrowcast intentional messages. Though recently the Norwegians did and there was a flap about it.


    Looking up Saberhagen, I see that he lived his writing life in Albuquerque and died here in 2007.

  14. Neo, I think it’s the falsettos. I like R&B in general. Plus, I didn’t have time or income in the 70s to keep up with pop music, or in the 80s and following, when I had young children, and I am now totally out of date. Doesn’t bother me, but I can’t participate in the discussions.

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