Home » Open thread 12/11/21


Open thread 12/11/21 — 35 Comments

  1. Major tornado disaster in Kentucky and surrounding states: “At least 70 people were feared dead in Kentucky after tornadoes and severe weather tore through multiple states and caused catastrophic damage. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear said at a news conference Saturday that the death toll may exceed 100. ‘This has been the most devastating tornado event in our state’s history,’ Beshear said.

    The storms hit a candle factory in Kentucky, an Amazon facility in Illinois and a nursing home in Arkansas. Beshear said about 110 people were in the Mayfield factory when the tornado hit.”


  2. A bit more research about those “deaths-no-due-to-Covid” because they took place within 14 days of being vaccinated:

    (Not that this should surprise any rational person…)

    Key grafs:
    ‘Looking closely at the data provided by the United Kingdom’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), which suggested the vaccines were effective, Fenton and his co-author Dr. Martin Neil, “found so many inconsistencies and anomalies in the data that when you take account of the most obvious explanations for these, there really is no reliable evidence that the vaccines reduce all-cause mortality.”

    ‘“In fact, if you take account of the fact that newly vaccinated people [who] die, [are] likely being misclassified as unvaccinated—because that’s the most likely explanation for the strange things in the data—then you get to the conclusion that the vaccines don’t seem to reduce the all-cause mortality, but rather produce a genuine spike in all-cause mortality shortly after vaccination,” he summarized.’

  3. Roy Lofquist,

    We used to live near friends from the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The wife was a good guitarist and singer and every year they’d throw a big bonfire, potluck, carol sing along that always culminated in her leading everyone in a rousing, seemingly endless carol of that song.

    Brings back memories!

  4. The people in western Kentucky need your prayers and (eventually) donations of goods and time. The storm track stretches from Mayfield and the Mississippi to almost Louisville in the middle of the state. A second set of storms hit the Bowling Green area too, and did a lot of damage.

    The western part of the state is just not economically strong, so they will need long-term help in the state.

  5. It Was Twenty Years Ago Today

    We’re privileged, we Westerners, to be led by far-seeing geniuses from LHS and RHS of the Punch and Judy Proscenium.

    Have a look at the graphs in this. Then realise that what has not been graphed is the terrible financial and moral damage done to ordinary working people in the West by their wicked, greedy, and woolly-headed social capital strip-mining elites.

    How the West invited China to eat its lunch

  6. PA+Cat:

    That’s terrible news. I think late last night I skimmed over something about an Aged Care Home also being hit?

    Somewhat amazed that there still is a candle factory in KY though. Fire the Cloud Person responsible for missing that!

  7. Since somebody said something about China (CCP):

    ” I have real affection for China and its people. I moved to Shanghai with my husband in 2006. Over the next seven years, I gave birth to three children there and learned the culture as well as the language.

    But times have changed. The Communist Party has reasserted itself in every aspect of China’s society—economic, social, cultural and, yes, scientific. Yet MIT and the McGovern Institute seem to have failed to scrutinize these developments. I believe that MIT doesn’t have a firm grasp on events in China or on the risks of partnerships with Chinese institutions in cutting-edge areas of science that are subject to misappropriation or abuse for military modernization or repression.”


    Xi does not approve of such talk. Tell us again how China is so wonderful it is now. Not how wonderful it was in the oh so distant past.

  8. Thanks Om.

    China’s not for everyone. Certainly it wasn’t put there to make women surnamed Bethel feel at home. Frankly the Chinese State is unashamedly designed for the care and maintenance and edification of Han Chinese People. Bit like Israel. It exists for the benefit of Jews and others can within strict limits tag along provided they play by the rules. This is the way Nations are supposed to be. Homelands for their ancestral peoples. As in not multi-ethnic shit shows of chaos and confusion.

    However, on the plus side, you can have all the Chinese who don’t like the CCP Regime come live next door to you… Should be fine since your National Ethos is that Ethnicity and Origins don’t matter. The Magic Dirt under your feet in Spokane will make good Americans of them all. I’m sure they’ll all vote Republican and won’t attend BLM demos 🙂

    Gan Bei!

  9. What’s that? The Uyghurs, Tibetans and Taiwanese aren’t playing by the rules?

    (Presumably, the HK-ers and Macao-ans have been fast tracked…in specially customized “immersion” programs!)

  10. Can’t make an Omelette without….

    I like the Hongkies and Taiwanese… Really I do. But unless they go muscle some Arabs aside and nuke up, they’re just going to have to deal with life as it is. Melian Dialogues and all that. Cutting a deal up front is generally the wisest move. History with a Capital H has a way of shoving aside the aspirations of peoples and it’s best to bend with the wind when you can’t win. There’s no If here.

    Uighurs in a state of nature would slit your throat in an instant for who you are. Tibetans.. well it kinda sucks a bit for them… but that place was no justly ruled paradise back when — plenty of pre-Revolution travelogues attest. Besides according to my contacts in the Gerbil Underground, there’s a bad whiff about many foreign Tibet Aficionados!

    I was in HK in 2019 and watched it go down. They weren’t willing to go all in and get themselves killed so it became a LARP. And the Chinese were happy to not kill them en masse and call the bluff. Now they’re picking them off singly and in groups in the best of British Courts with bewigged judges and QCs… the full horsehair and silk shebang.

    A Moral Victory.

  11. Hmmm. In that case, might the Japanese be kinda worried that the Han are working on perfecting the recipe for Tamagoyaki…?

    A Culinary Victory!

  12. I’ll grant that a Panglossian Benthamite Han Utopia might not be to the taste of various Little (*) Peoples who happen to live cheek by jowl and have other ideas.

    But at least they’re not building a Vogon Hyperspace Bypass and their poetry is better.

    Until we can re-code human DNA, best bend like a reed unless there’s a reasonable chance of victory or no chance of survival.

    * I’ll also grant that ‘Little’ can be quite big in absolute terms cf. 1.xB Han.

  13. “Hmmm. In that case, might the Japanese be kinda worried that the Han are working on perfecting the recipe for Tamagoyaki…?”

    Problem is getting the Han to not use fake eggs first.

    I don’t like everything they do. Just a very cynical realist.

    I could do with some Okonomiyaki right now, come to think of it. Probably only spam in the cupboard.

  14. It seems the CCP and the PLA don’t give a Zaphod’s Donkey about the Han. Caring truly and deeply
    only about the CCP and the PLA.

    Still fascinated with the Jews and Israel I see. Still don’t live in Spokane.

  15. I was referring to the Hongkies and the Taiwanese.

    If they want to be different they’re going to have to find somewhere else to be different. It’s not nice. But as the Germans say: “Na… und?”

  16. “Still fascinated with the Jews and Israel I see.”

    Endlessly fascinated. I’m with Frederick the Great (*) on this one. I’m even grateful. Never a dull moment!

    “Still don’t live in Spokane.”

    I’ve been biased against that place ever since OJ got off and Mark Fuhrman bugged out there.

    * Asked at one of his evening soirees by some Enlightenment Wit to prove the existence of God, he replied “Gentlemen, I give you the Jews.”

    With that he could almost have been one himself.

  17. There’s no “Magic Dirt” in Hong Kong. But there is a song. Cue Linda Rondstad;

    Poor, poor, pitiful, Z.
    Poor, poor, pitiful, Z.

  18. At least they weren’t rabid otters. That would be illegal in Singapore along with just about everything else.

    I just DDGo’d ‘are otters kosher’ and got back an answer for Otter Pops. They are. Further research determines that Otters are Right Out.

    Out of all the insects, locusts are OK. No wonder everyone goes to Thailand after finishing their first IDF stint.

  19. Zevon’s Early Life checks out. His dad worked for gangster Mickey Cohen who featured in some of James Ellroy’s sunny uplifting novels. Read them all on planes years back.

    Ellroy not recommended for anyone still possessing a positive outlook on humanity.

  20. Zaphodz i am destroying the ccp. Their days are numbered. Evergrande is only beginning step. There will be more. Power outtages.

  21. A human rights organization says, in the [internal war], in Myanmar, that Myanmar’s Army has rounded up 11 innocent people, and has murdered them in a revenge killing.

    This killing is possibly done as a revenge attack, against civilians, since a violent war is being waged between Myanmar’s government, and rebels inside Myanmar.

    Please contact your nation’s government, and ask them to put pressure on Myanmar’s government, to stop these type of illegal attacks on people.

    Here is a link to this news story.
    Please be careful reading it- or please don’t read it- if you’re easily bothered by news stories of horrible, physical attacks done on people, or if you’re easily upset by news stories of people being killed.

    Thank you for looking at this issue.
    Here is the article:


  22. Dennis James plays Mozart on the Glass Harmonica (an invention of one Benjamin Franklin). He’s also good on the Theremin… and is apparently one of the greatest living silent movie theatre organists. He even toured with Lilian Gish very late in her life.

    Adagio for Glass Harmonica, K 356, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

    ^^ One of those interesting weird musical curiosities. Not one tenth as bonkers as Beethoven’s Wellington’s Victory though..

  23. Sounds crazy, but certain bureaucrats—in Brazil!—have decided that enough is enough…and that it’s time to start saving lives…(instead of ruining them):
    Hospitalizations, Mortality Cut In Half After Brazilian City Offered Ivermectin To Everyone Pre-Vaccine—

    (Can’t have that sort of thing happening in “first-world” countries, though, can we now…? Far better to destroy lives, communities, jobs and livelihoods and—of course—gut the military…
    https://www.theepochtimes.com/navy-commander-fired-for-failing-to-abide-by-lawful-order_4152612.html )

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