Home » The left and its lies: “crossing state lines”


The left and its lies: “crossing state lines” — 84 Comments

  1. The herd mentality of the left is comically obvious whenever the same idiotic word or phrase or argument is repeated ad nauseam, as in the inane and incessantly-repeated reference to “the crossing of state lines” by loathsome leftist liars in the MSM and on social media. Yesterday also brought forth a host of tweets, from brainless athletes and equally brainless celebrities and entertainers, about the desire “to live in a country in which Colin Kaepernick is seen as a hero and Rittenhouse is seen as a terrorist.”

  2. Chuck Berry was arrested for a Mann Act violation — transporting a minor across state lines for immoral purposes.

    Ended up serving two years in prison. Carl Perkins said the experience deeply embittered Berry.

  3. Q: How can you tell when a leftist is lying?
    A: Xir (if of the left kindly use your proper pronoun)
    mouth is moving.

  4. Neo, I think you’ve answered my question I posed in the open thread about the seemingly ridiculous charge of “crossing state lines”. It’s not demented or ridiculous. I tend, at times, to underestimate the left; they are devious, smart and ever focused on their goals. In this case it looks like getting the ground work ready for the feds to step in and charge Kyle. Just keep repeating he “crossed state lines” and eventually the DOJ will step in and charge him even though there is no legal justification. But that’s never stopped them before, and it advances their narrative again.

  5. physicsguy
    I dunno. The feds don’t need any approval to start something.
    But I know folks who do repeat this with every indication they actually believe it’s relevant. Maybe they’re acting.
    It is puzzling if you try to think of some actual, rational reason to believe it’s relevant and come up dry, but continue hearing it. Given the opportunity, one might ask what’s the big deal. While rationalizing is a powerful and ingenious tool, even it might have trouble answering.
    So what’s the deal?

  6. Others have noticed that as well & Matt Orfalea simply compiled the examples to demonstrate the absurd significance that phrase obtained https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hY1eoY_MMco

    It’s actually fitting that the news media had made that their leitmotif. Because the phrase is typically associated with crimes against minors, like kidnapping and statutory rape.

  7. I think ‘crossing state lines’ is typically a hook for declaring something a federal crime. I’ll wager you there are a great many provisions in the federal penal code making use of the phrase that ought to be stripped out.

  8. Those who most embrace the left’s lies are lost to reason and, in time will reap the natural consequence for those who reject reality.

  9. Chuck Berry was arrested for a Mann Act violation — transporting a minor across state lines for immoral purposes.

    My suspicion would be that federal prosecutors made use of the Mann Act because state prosecutors did not have enough evidence to secure a conviction for statutory rape.

  10. Berry? No kidding?
    Just got back from an event, a kind of Christmas party-in-advance for survivors of human sex trafficking. I swear, some looked maybe twelve years old. I was not as cheerful leaving as when I arrived.
    Even thinking murderous thoughts.

    I am sorry Epstein’s dead. He’s suffering untold agonies and will until time ends. But there’s no satisfaction.
    Still, if his guest list ever surfaces–he was supposed to have a life insurance policy of sorts–maybe there will be enough to go around. A lottery for guys with daughters and granddaughters.

    Never liked Berry’s music. Now…..

  11. Neo: Thank you for explaining the “crossed state lines” phrase. On powerlineblog, they have a “mash-up” video of it, and it made me wonder what EXACTLY its significance was — but I was to embarrassed to ask. “Vestigial” — heh.

    Oh, yeah, there’s also the Mann Act, as huxley notes.

  12. Geoffrey Britain (4:31 pm) writes, “Those who most embrace the left’s lies are lost to reason and, in time will reap the natural consequence for those who reject reality.”

    Geoffrey Britain, I generally appreciate a great deal the thoughts you offer up. I wish, dearly wish, I could concur with your confidence that “in time [they] will reap the natural consequence for those who reject reality.” Ohh, how I wish it.

    But wishin’ it don’t hardly make it so.

  13. Nadler and AOC are two reasons why I hope NYC continues to flush itself down the toilet. I do not care about Broadway or the Met; both are staffed and run by Democratic Leftists who always have their hands out for moola, and whine and contort themselves if unsatisfied.

    The NY Philharmonic ain’t what it used to be, either. Here is what it has to say about a 37 year-old composer one of whose compositions will be played in 2022: “The music of New York–based composer Nina C. Young is characterized by an acute sensitivity to tone color, manifested in aural images of vibrant, arresting immediacy. Her experience in the electronic music studio informs her acoustic work, which takes as its given not melody and harmony, but sound itself, continuously metamorphosing from one state to another. Her musical voice draws from elements of the classical canon, modernism, spectralism, American experimentalism, minimalism, electronic music, and popular idioms.”

    Blah Blah Blah.

  14. Still, if his guest list ever surfaces–he was supposed to have a life insurance policy of sorts–maybe there will be enough to go around. A lottery for guys with daughters and granddaughters.

    Epstein’s death is an indication that everyone in the chain of command from Wm. Barr to those two sleeping guards is implicated to one degree or another. Someone did this, and we haven’t a clue who or just how it was pulled off. Barr and the Commissioner of Prisons (there have been three since 2018) didn’t do squat to discover the answers (or maybe they know them).

    And we know nothing of the source of Epstein’s lavish income.

  15. Art Deco. The propensity of the average citizen to cooperate with the feds is, I suspect, dropping.
    Best that happens is nothing–see Nassar–and beyond that, you get into trouble. Actual progress in an actual issue of law and justice is unlikely.

    That said, I know of two households which are in various kinds of life-sucks and their neighbors, in each case federal agents, couldn’t be more helpful.

  16. @Art Deco:

    Obviously Epstein’s operation was set up and funded by Chinese State Security. Kaifeng Branch.

    That’s a Drollery, BTW.

    Occam’s Razor makes it pretty #$^@ing obvious who set Epstein up in the trade and what he and the Odious Robert Maxwell’s (that’s Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch to you) Odious Daughter were up to.

  17. How many rioters in Kenosha were not from Kenosha?
    165 perps were arrested.
    “Among the 165:
    59 were from Kenosha (roughly in line with the ratio in the post and news release)
    60 were from elsewhere in Wisconsin, mostly Milwaukee (23) and Racine (14)
    28 were from Illinois, the border of which is about 6 miles from the heart of the protests
    11 were from Washington and Oregon
    7 were from elsewhere (Kentucky, Minnesota, Indiana and California, as well as three listed by police as homeless)”

    Quite a few rioters drove and flew across state lines. So, should the Feds get involved in investigating those people who did so much senseless damage? IMO, yes, because rioting has become an nationwide industry in this country. But hey won’t.

  18. “…it doesn’t pay for them to learn much of the truth because it’s easier to lie the less you know.”

    That phrase goes into my Wisdom file.

  19. @BryanLovely:

    Damn right he can’t errr won’t tell.

    Given that he’s the right hand man of Peter Thiel who pimps AI / Big Data Totalitarian Nastiness to the Three Letter Agencies, I’d imagine he’s got a pretty damn good idea who did what to whom and why.

    That would be the same Peter Thiel whose minions are setting up that Controlled Oppo university in Austin TX.

    Both absolute geniuses… and both utterly creepy in more than one sense of the term.

    I prefer watching Jordan Peterson when he’s doing n-dimensional hyperspace swerves around the Occam’s Razor most likely causes of certain widely-observed phenomena but daren’t go there… Peterson at least goes into a kind of trance and gets the bulgy eyes and does some pretty cool word salad emitting. More entertaining.

  20. MJR,

    It’s not so much a matter of confidence, as simply recognition that reality always has the final word.

  21. Taking advantage of your invitation to discuss, but I’m letting the Bee do the heavy lifting.






    KENOSHA, WI—In a stunning reversal, Kyle Rittenhouse awoke this morning to discover that he had been found guilty after all.

    Prosecutors explained that during the night, they had found dozens of mail-in jury votes declaring the defendant guilty on all counts. Apparently, boxes of these mail-in votes arrived in a truck at the courthouse around 3:00 am.

    Attorneys for Mr. Rittenhouse were dumbfounded as to how such a thing could have happened, raising questions as to the validity of mail-in jury voting. They stated: “We’ve never heard of this. This isn’t part of the legal system. Where did these votes even come from?”

    “How DARE you question the sanctity of our criminal justice system!” cried the prosecuting attorneys. “There is no justice until EVERY vote is counted!”

    Prosecutors then explained that it was a new COVID measure they had just instituted. “But given how well it’s worked out,” they said, “we’re planning on making it permanent.”

  22. Julio Rosas on Twitter: “I do have a confession to make: In order to cover the Rittenhouse trial, I had to cross state lines on daily basis.”

  23. The biggest problem with the left is that they never accept a debunking of their lies – they simply keep repeating them (whichever one of Neo’s explanations applies to the base, the elites / controllers KNOW they are lying).

    Biden is not the one talking here, of course; his first statement was probably original, but this is the WH puppet masters’ second take.

    Of which accusation there was NEVER any proof, or even any evidence offered – the accusation is sufficient, in their minds. See the Atlantic post that I also linked on the other thread to see a fuller demonstration of “guilt by association even if the connection is only in our own imagination.”

    As if we needed to see more examples:

  24. Nobody has yet brought up carrying a mynah across a staid lion for immortal porpoises. I’m disappointed.

  25. Just got back from an event, a kind of Christmas party-in-advance for survivors of human sex trafficking. I swear, some looked maybe twelve years old. I was not as cheerful leaving as when I arrived.
    Even thinking murderous thoughts.-r aubrey

    I will destroy this human soddom civ until there is not one qabal stone left ontop another.

    That is what burn it all down means to me.

    And there is plenty of god and satans power in my hands to do so. Humans will learn humility. It just depends on how far you all want to take it.

  26. Many comments are making fun of this Crossing State Lines, so much I thought it’s silly they were trying to make it the case.
    I have no doubt Garland’s minions ( I wonder if Garland is a empty suit) will try something even if it’s a bull shit charge and a 4am house breaking raid.

  27. Skip, I am afraid they WILL “try something”, because they believe that their way forward is through the fostering and appeasement of the leftists of this country, which they regard as their proper constituency. Their supposed allegiance to the US and it’s citizenry is modified by a prominent asterisk, one that points to a footnote… “Leftisr Democrats only”.

  28. Well this is very distresing—
    Sec. Pete is, apparently, tremendously upset.
    Says the new father of twins:
    ‘There’s just a lot to be upset about;’
    ‘There’s a lot of pain in this country.’

    I guess this means he can take another month off. Or two. (I mean—cue Hillary!—“What difference does it make?”

    IOW so many stores are getting looted and wrecked (with “Biden”‘s encouragement and blessings) what really WOULD BE THE POINT of solving those supply issues and getting those goods to market??

    But WAIT! How’re all those Democratic Party shock troops gonna be able to continue to loot, burn and destroy if the supply chains are still held up??

    This is a REAL CRISIS, folks!! And so…
    (Alas poor Sec. Pete…. One hopes he’ll still have the presence of mind to blame Trump and all those deplorable…and perhaps even the American justice system…)

  29. Can’t wait for Psaki to chime in with another one of “Biden”‘s hilarious/not-so-hilarious fibs.

    Alas “his” lies (echoed in “good faith” by all “his” corrupt media minions’) are so destructive.
    (As they are meant to be…)

    “Biden” to the USA: “Nice country ya got there; shame if something were to happen to it…”
    – – – – – – –
    But wait! What have we here?
    “NY Times Uncovers Hunter Biden Ties to Chinese Company Buying Congo Cobalt Mine”

    Has the NYT finally seen the light? Is it “Born Again”?

    Or has “Biden” decided that it’s—finally—time for Joe and Jill to go bouncing down the Hill….

  30. O/T (but, once again…not really):

    Time for a little(?) well-deserved chuckle. (Not to worry about being overly frivolous—there will be plenty more gnashing of teeth soon enough, guaranteed…that is, if there are any teeth left to gnash….)

    Let us set the scene….
    Amanda Milius in the role of filmmaker who is a wee bit more than slightly annoyed by a hit piece penned by one David Brooks, decides to take said David Brooks to the woodshed, where he is mercilessly savaged:
    H/T Lee Smith twitter roll.

    (Normal life may now resume….)

  31. Skip, et al:

    I don’t think the DOJ will do anything more to Rittenhouse. Granted, I could be wrong, because I certainly believe they would love to do worse to him. But it will be an uphill battle, even for them, to find something. So I believe they’ll let him be now, for the most part, although the left will continue to lie and lie and lie about him. I believe the DOJ will just go on to the next “case” and the next person on the right to destroy.

  32. One may also assume that “Biden” is exploiting the current Rittenhouse acquittal to distract from the Russiagate scandal.
    (Wonder how Durham’s playing it….)

    Hans Mahncke is holding onto that sorry spectacle like a pitbull, with emphasis on the need to make sure that Glenn Simpson—no relation to OJ, (well, actually…)—and his confederates ultimately get their just desserts.
    The man just doesn’t give up.
    https://twitter.com/HansMahncke/ (+need to scroll…)

  33. Geoffrey Britain (3:27 am) said: “MJR, It’s not so much a matter of confidence, as simply recognition that reality always has the final word.”

    Acknowledged. But I’m not terribly convinced that “reality” embraces the idea that people inevitably get to enjoy the consequences of their own actions, especially when it’s often others who get to enjoy that privilege.

    If your reality differs from mine, I am envious. Cheers . . .

  34. “…crossing [mental-]state lines…” (POTUS interruptus version)
    H/T Jeff Carlson twitter roll:

    ‘Contrast what Biden said on his own:
    “Look, I stand by what the jury has concluded. The jury system works, and we have to abide by it.”
    ‘With what his handlers decided to write…:’

    …with Sec. Pete (quoted above) sticking admirably—faithfully?!—to the script:
    ‘There’s just a lot to be upset about;’
    ‘There’s a lot of pain in this country.’

  35. “…reality always has the final word…”

    Well, OK, but the problem is that sometimes it takes its sweet time…

  36. If you read the NYT story, it’s a limited hangout for Joe, battle-space prep to make the worse to come into “old news”.

  37. “cross state lines” has any number of analogs in other cases or situations. “mostly white”. “southern” (applied to anything).
    The point is to, without having to actually explain anything, ramp up the quotient of ominousity.
    Permission hereby granted to use the extremely apt term w/o attribution.

  38. Re: Reality / consequences

    M J R:

    I’m with you. That’s not the way the world works in my experience beyond if I hit my finger with a hammer, it will hurt.

    You can count on Obama enjoying a much better life than Kyle Rittenhouse.

    Gillian Welch wrote a fine song:

    See the brightest ones of all
    Early in October fall…

    While the dark ones go to bed
    With good whiskey in their head

    –Gillian Welch, “The Way It Goes”

  39. Neo I do hope your right and they leave Kyle in peace, I think he needs to get out of that area as the Leftists and Antifa will not let him alone that I am sure of.

  40. Skil:

    Roger Kimball offers Kyle advice from John Zmirak to get the hell out of Dodge and move to Brazil.

    “Right now, Kyle Rittenhouse is a free man,” Zmirak writes. “He should fly to Brazil and ask the Bolsonaro government for political asylum. Our extradition treaty with that country doesn’t cover ‘political crimes’ or the nonsensical ‘denial of civil rights’ charges that Biden’s team would bring. He should file his defamation lawsuits against all our major media from a comfortable apartment in beautiful Rio de Janeiro, which has lots of wonderful Art Deco buildings from the ’40s.” Probably good advice.


    I’m inclined to agree. However, I believe Kyle has chosen to be a patriot in this life.

    PS. The Kimball piece is quite good, as usual.

  41. When you live under a government of lies, it’s only to be expected that not only will “law enforcement” work overtime to ensure those lies remain covered up but that anyone and everyone that the government (of lies) believes is—or may be—a threat to it will be intimidated and threatened. Or worse.

    Consequently, the DOJ/FBI is getting out of hand as the totalitarian reality of the “Biden” administration becomes increasingly afraid.
    As the “Biden” administration realizes that it must do everything in its power to maintain its fictional legitimacy; must do everything in its power to make sure the coverup stays watertight and/or to remove any and all threats to that coverup (actually series of myriad coverups).

    The latest outrage:

    Expect many more to come.

    File under: But this is America!

  42. Related?
    Just a few rats leaving a sinking ship…

    + Bonus
    “Federal indictment alleging Iranian hack further erodes narrative of perfect 2020 election.
    “Iranians hacked a state voter database, Wisconsin created unlawful instructions, and Arizona found 50,000 disputed ballots. The problems keep mounting.”


  43. At last. The Democrats have found a southern border they care about. The southern border of Wisconsin. 🙁 (Hat tip, Tammy Bruce.)

  44. Concerning the Barry Meislin link above.

    FBI raids a number of homes of Republican officials, friends, and associates. Then when accused of undo force issues a rather limited rebuttal about one person.

    “We have reviewed a statement from Tina Peters’ legal defense fund that claims a level of force during the execution of this joint federal-state law enforcement operation. At no time was force used on Ms. Peters or her home. Ms. Peters was allowed to move around her home and fix herself breakfast while agents gathered items before departing. We are issuing this statement to clear up inaccuracies about what occurred during yesterday’s enforcement action. We will continue to conduct a thorough investigation based on facts and the law, including using proper law enforcement tools such as the judicially authorized search that was executed properly in this matter.”

    I await video of the homes broken into.

  45. The Catechism of the Revolutionary by Necheyeve describes the different types much better and is more accurate coming from those employing such methods for the point is to repeat history in that Russia became Soviet through civil war as did China….

    but the point is that, as always, they are reusing a history that even their opposition like most of you, do not know or care to find out… kind of hard to prevent the outcome of something you dont know the outcome to and they do…

    “The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible.”

    and more than that… its physics and principals are REPRODUCIBLE…
    do the same thing, even with people, and you get the same outcome..
    we like to think we are unpredictable, but go ask a really good professional stage magician whether we are or not… Watch Apollo Robbins or Bob Arno to get a hint how predictable they are as they are capable of removing watches, wallets, belts, etc… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wTeQ2ly6Uw

    If the listener is not ready for the truth it will fall upon deaf ears…
    [if its too late to hear the truth, the listener may never hear]

  46. Artfidgr,

    ““The most incomprehensible thing about the Universe is that it is comprehensible.”

    And that human invented math seems to be its language.

  47. This is terrible, Barry Meislin. I used to live in Waukesha. We have family in the Milwaukee area. Too early to tell yet what this was about or how many are injured.

  48. @Kate:

    You’d have been told his star sign and blood type already were he a patriarchal white male racist killerbot with an AR-15.

    So we know what he’s not.

  49. Wonder if the Democrats will finally get the race war they’ve been gunning for since Trayvon Martin’s death…and reinforced by the “Hands-up-don’t-shoot” fellow travelers …

    Still, tarring DJT as a white supremacist didn’t quite achieve the desired result; in fact nothing quite did the trick until George Floyd gave it a boost…and then there was the Kenosha incident and its aftermath.

    Curious (ironic?) that a white kid defending himself against three white thugs might be the crisis that breaks the camel’s back…

    (No doubt it would have been far preferable if he had to defend himself against three blacks…but as the Rolling Stones insist (and will insist forever), “You can’t always get what you want, but if ya try sometimes…”

    Well the usual suspect have sure been trying hard; and it is certainly far easier to invent the facts and broadcast those inventions 24/7, rinsing and repeating—and embellishing—until one gets the desired results.

    The desired results indeed….

  50. I rather doubt they know yet, Zaphod, since he/she/it sped through in an SUV and drove off. There are reports of shots fired, but it’s not clear if the shots came from the speeding vehicle or from police.

    Re: possible ID. As in the Rittenhouse events, a large number of cases of rioting and vandalism have been committed by white liberals, and white crazy people. I am hoping someone got a look at this car’s license plate.

  51. Barry Meislin, of course Democrats are ignoring the fact that their efforts to incite a race war are congruent with those of Dylann Root, who shot nine black people at a Bible study in Charleston, claiming he wanted to ignite a race war.

  52. @Kate:

    Would be passing strange if the license plate hasn’t been captured. Always the possibility that vehicle was stolen, I suppose.


    It’s the $6T question, isn’t it? I’m being a bit cheap… What’s a Trillion these days? I’ll admit to a degree of self-interest here, but can’t help thinking that having it out domestically will burn fewer folks at home than the sequelae of projecting all that pent-up aggro and pressure-cooker perverse incentives outwards. Civil Wars traditionally more bloody and awful than wars between nations, but there’s always a first time.

  53. *sits on the lid of Ymar’s box so he can’t pop up*

    We have seen the Great Filter and it is Us.

    @Kate re Democrat Hypocrisy:

    Logical consistency is something you look for in the application of the mortar between the bricks of the wall you are facing when your side has lost.

    It also comes in handy if you’re compiling your post-victory draconian legal code to further crush your hated defeated enemies.

    While the Tao flows… i.e. now… Forgeddaboudit.

  54. In this case it looks like getting the ground work ready for the feds to step in and charge Kyle. Just keep repeating he “crossed state lines” and eventually the DOJ will step in and charge him even though there is no legal justification.

    I expect this is the motive but they may have trouble with a “civil rights” case. That is how Clinton got the Rodney King cops. In this case the “victims” were all white. A lot of effort has been made to try to call them black but that might be a stretch even for a federal grand jury.

  55. Turns out my husband’s brother was in the crowd and saw this car go speeding through. That’s too close for comfort.

  56. Daily Mail says the vehicle has been recovered and a person of interest identified. On the other hand, the Daily Mail has a map of Michigan up, which is on the other side of one of the Great Lakes, so perhaps its accuracy may be questioned.

  57. Zaphod, of course we don’t know yet, but … you comment that if it were a “white supremacist,” meaning, any white guy, we’d know that immediately. I am remembering the guy who drove a truck through a Christmas crowd in Nice, France, a few years ago. Not a Swedish Lutheran.

  58. He’d be better off going into exile in Sochi.


    Is the food good there or something?

    Back in the USSR
    You don’t know how lucky you are

  59. @Huxley:

    Pretty good year-round climate and no Blecks and Wokes. Just the occasional tame Tatar.

    Unless the plan is to have Rittenhouse clean out the Favelas and bring the Law to Rio. He’s only a kid. A good kid. Wouldn’t last a week in Rio.

    Yalta and environs would do nicely, too.

    I’d settle to be exiled here for life provided there’s caviar, blinis and not the cheapest Georgian champagne on tap:



    “Back in the USSR
    You don’t know how lucky you are”

    Ain’t irony the most amazing leather-clad bitch with a switch? All we have to do is live long enough. Admission is free.

  60. I’m reminded of this:

    Driver charged after SUV plows through crowd

    A recent University of North Carolina graduate was charged with nine counts of attempted murder Saturday, a day after authorities say he drove through a popular campus gathering spot in an attempt to avenge Muslim deaths.

    –March 3, 2006


    They kinda make you wait for the big reveal of “avenge Muslim deaths.”

    Not a Swedish Lutheran. (h/t Kate)

    Is there a catchy name for the rule of thumb that if the race/ethnicity isn’t stated early on you can bet the perp is black or Muslim?

  61. Eyewitness reports it was a man, and he was shooting at people through his car window while running people down. Of course, immediate eyewitness reports can sometimes be wrong.

  62. Police press conference says police shot at the driver, but no shots were fired from the car into the crowd. Eleven adults and twelve children taken to hospitals; “some fatalities.” (WTMJ News, Milwaukee)

  63. FYI: There is legal precedent for charging a federal civil rights violation when a person harms a white person who was involved in some race-based activity such as an anti-racism protest or sit-in. It doesn’t help the case that the victim wasn’t black, but it’s not fatal to the case.

  64. geoffb:

    I don’t think humans invented math. I think they kind of discovered it, didn’t they?

  65. bobby b, people who were setting fires and vandalizing businesses were not engaged in “anti-racism protests.”

  66. I don’t think humans invented math. I think they kind of discovered it, didn’t they?


    That’s a long, complex, fascinating, unsettled discussion! And I’m not the guy to explain it.

    However, a quick example.

    With regular numbers and basic mathematical operations — addition, multiplication — math looks discovered. Fine.

    However, what do you do with the so-called “imaginary numbers” (based on the square root of -1)? The adjective, “imaginary,” is a clue that even mathematicians were dubious of their reality. How does one discover something that isn’t real?

    But the imaginary numbers filled a missing place in some equations and, weirdly, the math seemed to work. So they shrugged and did their math, but surely imaginary numbers had nothing to do with reality.

    However, as so often happens, math that looked like a game mathematicians play, was found to have real uses in the real world. For imaginary numbers, this involved calculations with alternating electrical current.

    There is a vast sea of math and most of it looks like games mathematicians invented. And yet math often describes reality with the utmost precision.

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