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It’s Election Day [BUMPED UP] — 90 Comments

  1. The latest atrocity from the completely odious and utterly mendacious McAuliffe, more despicable even than most members of his party, is the claim that Virginia has too many white teachers, after he lied outrageously in his claim that BLM/CRT/1619 propaganda is not being taught in Virginia’s schools (Asra Nomani has been magnificent in her denunciation of his contempt for truth and honesty). Every rational and sane person should hope that Youngkin will prevail, but it is hard to have any confidence that this election (or any other in the future) will be conducted in free and fair fashion.

  2. Various Twitter users are reporting that election workers are trying to keep people from voting if they don’t wear masks.

  3. I have great hopes for Youngkin, as I know a couple of Mama Bears from Northern VA otherwise known as mothers of schoolchildren. They are usually reliable Dem voters but parenting is more important to them than political party.

  4. Live in VA, western suburb of Richmond, some quick notes:
    • voted around 11:00, busy-ish, no POC (unusual)
    • all poll workers were wearing face mask – some pulled down – most “tight”
    • I was not wearing a mask – never asked to wear one
    • feel good about Youngkin’ trajectory during course of campaign
    • feel terrible about this banner message on VA Dept of Elections results web page: “Absentee ballots may be accepted until noon on November 5th. “

  5. I just voted. It was pretty easy and efficient. I didn’t push the envelope on mask rules. I voted for the R mayor, didn’t see any names I knew on the School Board candidates, then voted No on all the bond issues.

    It would be nice if the NM Reps had vote cards on their recommendations, but I have yet to run into such a thing.

  6. The VA election has national importance. The results may be such (McAuliffe wins) that we know it was probably rigged.

    Of great importance here in the People’s Republic of Puget Sound is the Mayoral race in Seattle. A semi-sensible candidate who is somewhat on the side of law and order versus a candidate who wants to abolish the police altogether. You would think the semi-sensible candidate would win in a landslide. In Seattle, unfortunately, that’s not a given.

    Seattle real estate values have leveled off. In the meantime towns within commuting distance are seeing a real estate boom. I wonder why. 🙂

    Our local election was easy for me. Four city council members who are pro law enforcement versus four SJWs, and wo school board members who have come out against CRT versus two DIE candidates. Easy choices. But the outcome will probably be closer than I’d like to see.

  7. Analysts said the early-received absentee votes would be counted early in Virginia this time, so the early results are expected to favor McAuliffe. In-person vote totals will need to be strong to get Youngkin on top.

  8. I know I’m probably as guilty of it as anyone but I continue to be amazed at how human beings interpret reality so that they’re ALWAYS right about EVERYTHING.


    That’s a Twitter post from some delicate genius about how Youngkin is an example of how the rest of the GOP should be/campaign. But the reality is that if Youngkin wins, it’s going to have little or nothing to do with his moderate/milquetoast Republicanism. If he wins, it’s because…

    1. Terry McAuliffe is very, very, very awful.
    2. Biden’s disastrous Presidency is a drag on Democratic candidates.
    3. The hot button culture war issue of Critical Race Theory played a big part in the Virginia campaign and Youngkin embraced it.
    4. The grotesque Loudoun County school rape case exploded in the last few weeks of the campaign.

    If any two, or maybe if even just ONE, of those things don’t happen, Youngkin probably gets his assed kicked tonight no matter how much he behaved like a good little boy.

    It’s one thing to say Virginia Republicans need to be different than Texas or Alabama Republicans. It’s another thing to pretend that a Youngkin victory equals some sort of Trump repudiation.


  9. What a shock. The heavily Democratic Fairfax Co will be late turning in their totals.

    At this point would it surprise anyone if they suddenly have just enough votes for the lead?

  10. “Mythx, can Fairfax come up with 195,000?”

    There are about 1.1 million people in Fairfax County. In 2020, Biden only beat Trump by 251,542. It would be real hard to explain McAuliffe getting almost as big a margin in a lower-turnout election.


  11. MBunge-

    Hard like Democrats do not understand how numbers work hard?
    Or stop in the middle of the night and adjust the totals hard?

  12. As I understand it, what’s being delayed in Fairfax is the early vote report, not the whole county.

  13. Real Clear Politics and others are reporting that Youngkin has won, and with about 75 percent of the vote in, it’s an 11-point blowout. As the saying goes, if it’s not close, Democrats can’t cheat. They can try, of course.

  14. Hard as in “provoking an actual legal investigation” hard. I know Neo likes to talk about Democrats and the Left as one undifferentiated mass of crazy commies but the reality is that there are plenty of “Mitt Romney” Democrats and True-Believer Libs out there. They don’t run the Dems or the Left but the people who do run them need to avoid waking up the squishes and the goodie-two-shoes to what’s really going on.


  15. The Democrats will manufacture as many ballots as they need. It worked in 2020, so they will keep doing it.

  16. The shenanigans have already started. As Gingrich said, if it is close, they will cheat. Elias and company are already pulling strings to hold back their votes. Just like Nov. 2020. Just like Daley in 1960 (read The Making of the President 1960 where White describes the elation of the Dem operative he was listening with to news that all Illinois precincts had reported except Chicago. “He’s got them now!”)

    Democrats lie, steal and cheat. They have for 200 years. They stole 2 presidential elections and almost got a third.

    Note — interesting tidbit. Theodore White was in Chattanooga and thinking of getting out of journalism when, in August 1946, the veteran GIs revolted against the Democrat Sheriff’s dictatorship in McMinn County, Tennessee. A college professor who wrote a book about the Battle of Athens says that White, after getting to Athens to report on the aftermath of the battle, came to a realization of what he wanted to do for a career.

    2d tidbit — My wife’s grandfather was the president of the Good Government League in Athens which was created for the purpose of reforming the county govt. The changes they came up with were later adopted in many places all over the country.

    3d — the local congressman for the district which included Athens was a very ambitious, Harvard Law educated lawyer from Chattanooga who was very frustrated by Boss Crump’s refusal to allow him one of Tenn’s senate seats. Crump was the corrupt dictator who ran Memphis and used its size and the poll tax to maintain total control of statewide races. That congressman realized that the Good Government League reforms would provide a way to break Crump’s control of the state. He went all over the state helping form other GGLs. He ran for senate, beat Crump’s stooge, and won. His name was Estes Kefauver and he went on to be the Dem nominee for VP in 1952 with Stevenson.

    4th — are we going to see something like the Battle of Athens to stop the Democrats from stealing an election? People have no faith that the courts will do the right thing. If Republicans see Dem poll workers cheating, will they use force if that’s what is necessary to stop it?

  17. For those unfamiliar with the Battle of Athens story, the Dem sheriff in McMinn County used his armed deputies (which included about 150 armed thugs that he’d imported for the election and deputized) to gather up the ballot boxes and take them to the jail. The opposition poll watchers were herded into an upstairs room and held by armed guards. The sheriff then started announcing vote totals that had no relationship to the contents of the boxes. This was the same way he’d maintained control of the county for years.

    The GIs, having recently returned from fighting for freedom and democracy around the world, heard what was happening and decided that one more battle for democracy was called for. They got their guns, shooting ensued, and the jail was besieged. The dictator surrendered when dynamite was used to blow up the front porch in the early hours of the morning.

    The Dems running state govt in Nashvile and the feds in the DOJ in DC were contacted repeatedly by a variety of people in East Tenn (including newspapers) and begged to send people to insure an honest election. Neither Nashville nor DC was interested.

  18. And for an account of ridiculously egregious and widespread vote fraud, try Robert Caro’s third volume on LBJ. LBJ stole the 1948 Dem primary for senate and then bribed the state committee to keep it. The account will shock you. Caro is an admirer of LBJ. But the facts are so bad, there apparently just wasn’t any way to sugarcoat them.

  19. stan:

    The Battle of Athens sounds like the “Scouring of the Shire” chapter at the end of the “Lord of the Rings”!

  20. From a commentator at 538:

    TV networks like CNN just cut to McAuliffe, who was addressing supporters just now. As Nathaniel pointed out, he hasn’t conceded this race, but with 88 percent of the expected vote in, and Youngkin leading 52 percent to 48 percent, how much more can this race tighten? Where are we still waiting for the vote?

    Mostly 538 is using the VA race to complain about Trump and the irony of VA showing that Republicans can win races despite their fraud stance.

    But boy, if McAuliffe manages to “win” in after bunches of delayed votes are counted in several days, it’s going to leave a very bad taste in many mouths.

  21. If Youngkin is leading 52-48% with 88% of the vote counted and my high school algebra holds up, McAuliffe must win 65% of the remaining votes to tie.

  22. NJ Governor race is being reported, with only 66% precincts reporting, as Jack Ciattarelli (GOP challenger) at 51 percent to Phil, ferret-face, you’re a knucklehead for not getting the vaccine, Murphy (Dem incumbent) at 48 percent. Last update was at 10:48 PM Eastern time.

    Yep, Neo is right. You cannot trust such polls. But, for now at least this one is bringing me hope.

  23. A little schadenfreude with your nightcap?

    Dan Merica
    McAuliffe may not have conceded, but the mood among his family, aides and supporters was solemn — a physical acknowledgment of their prospects.

    Off stage, some in McAuliffe’s family were in tears. Aides were consoling each other. And some electeds couldn’t leave fast enough.


  24. With 88% of the vote in, Youngkin is still up by 4%, 100,000 votes. I’m amazed at how widespread the assumption is that the Dems will manufacture 110,000 votes if necessary. As usual, the Republican strongholds counted quickly and stuck to their totals. The Dem strongholds drag their feet. I don’t think anyone puts anything past them any more. Still, I’m thrilled to see Youngkin up. The greater the fraud necessary to throw the election, the greater the fear of genuine jail time for once.

  25. The greater the fraud necessary to throw the election, the greater the fear of genuine jail time for once.

    Wendy Laubach:

    Yes, I don’t put it past Democras to manufacture that many votes to win, but “fool-a-me” this many times and “me” will get smarter.

    It will look very bad. “The votes ain’t done until the Democrat’s won” could be the next “Let’s go, Brandon.”

  26. More from 538:

    ABC News now has the expected vote total for Virginia at 3.3 million votes. With 3.1 million votes in, Youngkin leads by just shy of 3 percentage points. If there are about 200,000 votes outstanding in Virginia, McAuliffe would need to win nearly 3 in 4 of the remaining votes to take the slimmest of leads.

  27. The Republicans won the Lt. Gov, AG, and control of the legislature. You have to think a late night vote dump to put McAuliffe over the top would get investigated and litigated enough to confirm the story that this is the way Democrats rig elections. At which point the 2020 narrative would unravel.
    You have to think the Dems would not take that risk. But maybe they can’t help themselves.

  28. An Insty comment at the end of this post about the race in VA.

    “ANOTHER UPDATE: OTOH, I didn’t see it, but McAuliffe gave a speech where he didn’t concede, and a friend says he smiled like the cat that ate the canary. Beware of “found” ballots in key precincts. Fraud should produce riots in the streets, but Democrats feel safe from that, since the only rioters are in their employ.”

  29. When it comes to watching ballot counting I have no faith. It is the way to cheat. I do not trust them anymore. Also I’m a Texan and the LBJ ballot box is a long told Texas tale. Where would our nation be if LBJ had never won that election way back when with a fake ballot box full of votes.

  30. LBJ paid some Dem county bosses to produce vote totals where he got 100% of the vote. This was in a senate primary against a popular incumbent. What are the odds that a popular Democrat senator gets zero votes in multiple counties in the Democrat primary? 1 in a zillion where a zillion is a number with infinite zeros?

    Yes, the last precinct that reported (a week after the election) had the final 200 voters sign in to vote in alphabetical order. They signed in a different color ink than all the previous voters on election day. The last name in the original color ink testified that he was the last to vote and barely got in the door on time. There was no one behind him. Yet, 200 more voters somehow managed to vote and in alphabetical order. Obviously, a miracle happened.

  31. Hello. I voted here in eastern NY today. There wasn’t much on our ballots: a few local offices, five amendment proposals to the state constitution, and an area proposal about a big highway project in my town. I was perplexed to see, for a number of the offices, no GOP candidate on the line, but there were Dem, Working Families and Conservative. But the odd thing was that for a few of them, the same candidate was on the Dem and Conservative line. I thought, “do those two things really go together? If so, Conservative Party in NY bye-bye.” It makes me wonder if something unfortunate happened to turn the Conservative Party here inside out. Not that I’ve ever followed their doings closely, but it was weird.

    I voted the same on all of the amendments and proposals but the one about NYC Civil Claims Court jurisdiction limits being changed. Why the whole rest of NY state should be voting on something of direct concern only to the five boroughs in principle is another puzzle, but whatever – I only voted on that one to stir the pot a little.

    As usual, the Dems ran the table in most of Albany County, but there were some GOP-majority pockets.

  32. Let’s forget about Virginia for a minute. In the end, I expect Youngkin (and Sears, and Miaryes) will “win” by a very narrow margin. McAuliffe will then unleash his litigation behemoth headed by the repulsive, but effective Marc Elias; and…who knows? I’m sure ballots can be “found” in many obscure places.

    Now, let’s talk about New Jersey! This was NOT supposed to be a nail biter. The loathsome Murphy was expected to win easily, which is why the MSM (and pretty much the entire conservative blogosphere) completely ignored the race…

    And yet…with 75% reporting, Ciaterrelli is still ahead by 15,000 votes. The 25% not yet in includes:

    Sussex County; the most Republican county in the state. 99% not reported
    Burlington County; Democrat leaning but not overwhelmingly so (but…very populous). 40% not reported
    Salem County; which went for Obama twice, narrowly, but then Trump twice, comfortably. 0% reporting.

    Ciaterrelli has a serious chance here, folks. This is the big news of the night. Not Virginia.

  33. Ackler:

    One can be generous — VA *and* NJ.

    My takeaway is that Americans are effectively pushing back. The Democrat effort to run the table this year is done. Stick a fork in it.

    Because that window is shrinking daily and may already be closed. Democrats will always be dangerous but they aren’t changing our flag to Critical Fascism this year or next.

    They will have to regroup and get someone far better than Biden to lead the charge.

  34. From 538:

    Expounding on that a little, I think it’s pretty clear that we’re not in a D+2.6 environment — which maybe raises questions about how accurate national polls are. As you’ve observed, Ryan, some of these state-level polls in Virginia and New Jersey imply that Biden is a lot more unpopular than the national polls say. Maybe this is an argument for trusting the state polls over the national ones.

    Once one adjusts for standard liberal bias — happily not the vicious, hysterical variety — 538 is not a bad site to read.

  35. Huxley,

    Oh yes, granted; both matter.

    But a Youngkin win will be a minor quake for the Biden puppet masters. It can be spun as an unfortunate result of right wing demagoguery successfully exploiting the racist and transphobic impulses of ignorant parents in what remains (for now) a purple-ish state.

    A Ciaterrelli victory will be a massive tectonic shift. As I understand it, (New Jerseyans…correct me if I’m wrong), neither CRT nor transgender issues played any significant role in the campaign. Ciaterrelli focused extensively on all the Covid restriction absurdities. And, it clearly struck a nerve. A deep nerve. And…New Jersey is a blue state.

    All of the above is enough to give national Democrats headaches, heartaches and nightmares combined. I like that!

  36. Everybody is now calling it for Youngkin. AP, ABC, NBC.

    Let this be a lesson for you “Democrats will just steal the election” types. There is no conspiracy. There is no cabal. No one is behind the curtain. No one is in charge.

    There are some schemers and sometimes things can go their way. But the wheel still keeps turning. Was the 2020 Presidential race “freely and fairly” contested? No, not really. But Democrats have now chained themselves to possible the least capable and competent President in U.S. history during multiple ongoing crises and while the American elite are undergoing multiple nervous breakdowns.

    There isn’t one Democrat in the country who thought this is where we’d be a year after they ousted Trump. And NONE of us know where we’ll be a year from now.


  37. The Grey Lady just acknowledged Youngkin won. Not saying McAwful still can’t pull off some legal hat trick, but if the Grey Lady is giving in, the Fat Lady is pretty much done singing

  38. By Popular Request, the Z Man’s Happy Warrior Take:


    “…In the Virginia race there is a real issue on the table, but it has very little to do with the two candidates. It started as a local revolt against the antiwhite school curriculum now known as CRT. Parents found out about it by accident, a byproduct of the Covid panic and their kids doing on-line classes. The parents flipped out at the vulgarity of it and before long there was a populist revolt in suburban Virginia. The Republican picked up on it and it has now become a key issue in the race.

    Another subplot to this race is the fact that the inner party seems to be trying to purge the old Clinton machine. This is why the “good voting machines” will not be used in Virginia in support of longtime Clinton crony Terry McAuliffe. Youngkin is a harmless wimp right out of GOP headquarters, so letting the outer party have a win serves the interests of the inner party. They knock off a Clintonite and they reinforce the argument that Trump is bad for the Republican Party.

    One interesting note on the race is that McAuliffe has not talked about any of the signature issues of his party. Covid has been ignored. The Build Back Better stuff has not been raised at all. They had Biden stagger around at a school in Northern Virginia but that was so embarrassing they put an end to it. The Virginia race underscores the fact that the inner party is headless right now. By extension it means the government is headless, operated behind the scenes by others.

    What this race is mostly about is the geezers at the top of the political establishment trying to restore the system to what it was before Trump smashed up the elite consensus. Youngkin is a washed out Bush Republican who promises to be quiet and never rock the boat. McAuliffe is Bill Clinton, the affable crook who will look the other way as long as he gets his beak wet. Those were good times for Washington, and they desperately want to go back to that time.

    In the end it is nothing but sound and fury signifying nothing. If he wins, Youngkin will get on TV a lot but do none of the things he promised. The schools will keep teaching antiwhite bigotry and the state will continue its slide into becoming nothing more than a bed and breakfast for government workers. Spend a day in Northern Virginia and you will see that it is nothing like America. It is Casablanca on the Potomac, a place where shady characters from around the globe do deals.“

  39. I think McAweful would have gone all the way to steal, but with 2022 looming, the leadership pulled in his horse reigns. The guy is a hack, with a lot of baggage. I was surprised he was elected the first time. That was during a time when I voted Democrat! Change is good.

  40. Late breaking false flag attempt by Democrats in Virginia.

    Confederate False Flag: Democrats Stage Another Absurd Op In Virginia, and the Media Again Pushes The Democrat Propaganda
    The leftwing media is acting as Terry McAuliffe volunteers pushing out this photo taken at Youngkin’s rally last night:
    (shows the back of a man wearing a cowboy hat, denim jacket and very large Confederate flag patch – very nice, clear photo)

    A-ha! A single neoconfederate racist Charlottesville type showed up at Youngkin rally! That proves that the North American Man-Boy Lincoln Association’s racist hoax was Fake But Accurate, right?

    Does it? Several people, including @HolmesJosh and @RBPundit, point out that this Confederate patch is shiny and appears brand new. The whites in the flag are titanium white and have never touched dirt. The red is bright and bloody and has never seen the sun. There is no cracking or weathering in the patch.

    It was ironed-on to the jean jacket just an hour or two ago before this photo.

    So this guy bought a confederate patch and iron it on just to debut it for the Youngkin rally.

    Was that because he’s really a confederate? Or because he’s a Democrat plant?

    And notice he’s wearing a big hat, to avoid his face being photographed. The Democrats saw what happened to the Tiki Torch plants; they were ID’d within an hour.

    But this guy is taking no chances on that score.


    Also note that he took a position directly in front of the media photography stand.

    And when I say “directly in front of the media photography stand,” I am being as literal as the English language permits.

    He’s easy to spot– he and his confederate are the only two people in the crowd wearing cowboy hats.

    Someone commented that given the racist hoax on Friday, the media should know better to run stories like this without first identifying the people involved.

    Which they could have done; this photographer was ten feet from the “Confederate,” and could have asked him to turn around in order to get a picture of his face, and asked him his name.

    The photographer is literally close enough to speak to this guy without raising his voice. Even in a crowd.

    He didn’t, because the “news” media are not in the news business. They are in the propaganda business. They know this is likely a Democrat propaganda operation and they are eager to volunteer to be part of that.

  41. Ace also linked the official Virginia election results site on another post, and is chortling in glee over the calling of the race for Youngkin.


    I think that the scary thing is still how closely the electorate is divided, barely over half is now the criteria for winning – that’s division by any definition.

    Given the state of the nation, Republicans should be winning by landslide amounts.

  42. Ace also gives the same explanation as Bolyard for the pause in Fairfax.

    Update: Harmeet K. Dillon says they’re not cheating.

    277 Harmeet K. Dhillon@pnjaban 1m
    Folks, heard from a TOP GOP lawyer in VA tonight that the Fairfax County thing had to do with an out of date/defective memory card. Both sides signed off on re-scan &it was witnessed by GOP lawyers in the room the whole time. Ain’t over till its over, but looks good for Youngkin!

    I still don’t like that the absentee ballots have until Friday to be returned.

  43. Just in

    Virginia was won by Stacy Abrams

    In a furious write in vote along with roll over votes from the previous election (you know like frequent flyer miles). She managed to eke out a 5 vote win. As she is now the governor of two states no recount is needed.

  44. Stan at 9:30 pm

    Thanks for the interesting history lesson.

    Prior to arriving in Chattanooga in 1946, Theodore White was already a seasoned reporter having lived and reported in China during the revolution and war with Japan. He later spent time in Germany during the closing days of the war and through the implementation of Marshall Plan before returning to the States in 1954. His book, In Search of History, is a wonderfully written first hand account of life at the center of events at that time.

  45. Matt Walsh on Twitter: “I want to thank the Loudoun County school board. None of this would have been possible without you. Tonight’s result was your handiwork. Congratulations!”


    Ben Shapiro on Twitter: “Condolences to VA on becoming radically racist again according to the media…by electing by electing a black female lieutenant governor and a Cuban-American attorney general, rejecting racial essentialism in schools, and replacing a Dem governor who wore an actual KKK outfit.”


    Tom Cotton on Twitter: “Merrick Garland threatened to sic the FBI on concerned parents. Parents noticed and just turned Virginia red. Thank you, Merrick Garland!”

  46. Late post by Paul at Powerline.

    When I turned on our television to watch the World Series, Fox News came on. Before switching to regular Fox for the ballgame, I heard this exchange (from memory) between Tucker Carlson and his guest, Salena Zito:

    Salena: This election is more of an insider-outsider election than a liberal-conservative one. And in an insider-outsider election, the party in power tends to lose.

    Tucker: Yeah, especially when the party in power is destroying the country.

  47. Seems at 3:30 Youngkin and Sears won, no bearing on me but of course would be happy for Virginia. Would it be unusual to be holding my breath for at least 3 days if not a week to see if this result stands?

  48. From AF (2:20 a.m.):
    ‘Ben Shapiro on Twitter: “Condolences to VA on becoming radically racist again according to the media…by electing by electing a black female lieutenant governor and a Cuban-American attorney general…’

    Oh come on man! We KNOW that that Black LG isn’t really Black—in fact, she’s a white supremacist hiding behind a dark complexion—and we also KNOW that the Cuban-American AG is not really Cuban-America (in fact he’s ALSO a white supremacist).

    How do we know these things? Simple! Because the Democrats told us so and have driven the point home….

    …Just like they told us that Trump was/is actually a Russian agent (or under Putin’s thumb).
    Just like they told us that the origin of COVID-19 wasn’t from any lab (but from nature)…though that was before they told us that the origin of COVID-19 really couldn’t be determined.
    Just like they told us that anyone who supports Trump and opposes Democratic Party policies is a white supremacist.
    Just like they told us not to worry about inflation or broken supply chains or anything else—but to lie back and enjoy it.
    Just like they told us that there’s NO CRISIS on the southern border.
    Just like they told us that there would be no policy of mandatory COVID vaccination.
    Just like they told us that the 2020 election was NOT stolen.
    Etc., etc., etc…

    They are literally—thank the powers that be,—a fount of information!

    And it looks like people have started paying attention….

  49. The only things on the ballot here were local, a couple of millage proposals, as well as the Democratic, but officially non-partisan, mayor, and two incumbants on the city council were all running unopposed. I wrote in Let’s Go Brandon for all three positions.

  50. Youngkin seems to have learned all of the right lessons from Trump and ignored all the wrong ones. Let’s see how he actually governs before we get too excited.

  51. The election isn’t over until the fat lawyer sings. I expect from here to Thanksgiving, and maybe beyond, a raft of legal challenges, recounts, suitcases of uncounted ballots that go 90% for McAuliffe, and whatever else the Dems can manufacture. Note that absentee ballots received by Friday have to be counted. I also suspect the Justice Department is preparing a civil rights challenge as we speak. We just can’t have the evil racist Republicans win one, can we. Sorry to be so cynical, but as a resident of the former Commonwealth of VA, that’s what I see coming.

  52. “…all of the right lessons…”

    So if Youngkin HAD lost, I guess we’ll have to assume that you would have—predictably—lambasted Trump for daring to throw his weight behind Youngkin at the very end of the campaign. (And lambasted Youngkin, too, for allowing Trump’s gross subversion of everything good and decent?…)

    I guess we’ll never know…

    Oh, wait!!
    John Fisher tells us that Youngkin hasn’t yet won it. So, in fact, there may be a real opportunity here to reconsider those “right lessons” that Youngkin supposedly learned….

    (While we’re at it might one wonder which “right lessons” were learned by “a lie too far” McAuliffe?…. Actually, make that “a dozen lies too far”…)

  53. It looked good when I went to bed at 11, and I knew you night owls would be on the job! In Virginia, sweep of all three statewide offices, and at least a one-vote majority in the Delegates. (Senate remains a two-vote Dem advantage; they weren’t on the ballot yesterday.) NJ Republican leading the incumbent Dem by 1200 votes. Republican sweeps in Nassau County, NY. Minneapolis rejects eliminating police. I hear there were a few more sensible people elected in Seattle local races.

    I saw a tweet saying that normally these results would lead to a Dem pivot to try to save 2022, but Biden is incapable of it.

  54. My husband was watching a Richmond TV station last night. Commentator went on about recent history and alleged Republican racism, said Barry Goldwater was a racist. Goldwater funded the NAACP lawsuit which ended school segregation in Arizona the year before I began kindergarten there. We’ll be hearing the “fine people” lie about Trump forever, apparently. Facts don’t matter.

  55. “…all of the right lessons…”

    Looks like the double-/triple-/quadruple-down Democrats have learned absolutely nothing….
    (Color me surprised….)
    Note, however, the following critical corrective:
    “Dr. Carol Swain rips MSNBC hosts’ meltdown over Youngkin win”:

  56. It was a treat this morning watching clips of MSNBC hosts freaking out over the election of “racists” in Virginia: a white governor, a black female lieutenant governor, and a Cuban-American attorney general.

    Check Matt Walsh’s blog for samples of the leftist freakout. It’s wonderful.

  57. Virginia has gone red, and while I won’t declare victory in New Jersey, Dems should be having a Depends moment about now. That contest should have been over last night, and they’re as of the latest I know, still behind in the governor’s race.

  58. Kate opined … “I saw a tweet that normally these results would lead to a dem pivot to try to save 2022, but Biden is incapable of it.”

    100% agree.

    The democrat party has become a cult embracing all the currently trendy left-wing ideas. It has long been known that when the event(s) a cult expect to happen don’t, it only makes them ‘believe’ more strongly. Drink the limeaid so to speak.

    So when pushing ‘CRT’, defund the police, totally open borders, fiscal responsibility does not matter, transgenderism is ‘normal’ doesn’t get them votes … it is THE VOTERS problem. The cultists aren’t to blame.

    Just SCREAM it louder and it will ‘work’ next election.

  59. MBunge,

    “Let this be a lesson for you “Democrats will just steal the election” types. There is no conspiracy. There is no cabal. No one is behind the curtain. No one is in charge.”

    Oh? 2020 wasn’t a stolen election with massive fraud? Soros has nothing to say as to how his ‘donations’ are distributed and to whom they benefit? Biden’s calling all the shots?

    The ‘lesson’ that post WWII European ‘intellectuals’ gathered was that wars are an inherent result of nationalism. Thus the open borders crowd and push for a new world order run by the global elite.

    Just because some people claim their view is the lesson to be learned, doesn’t make it so.

  60. The all-around execrable Erick Erickson has a tweet out saying “See, all you stupid Trumpers! Elections aren’t rigged so shut up about 2020!”

    Youngkin won while all the questioning of 2020 is going on. It didn’t hurt him. It didn’t cost him the election. Who knows? Trump continuing to make a stink about 2020 may have scared the Democrats off trying to steal Virginia.

    “Conservatives” like Erickson (and there are plenty on the Left just like him) don’t care about policies or principles or the fate of the nation. Hell, they don’t even care about winning. Politics to them is just the stage where they display their supposed moral and intellectual superiority.


  61. “2020 wasn’t a stolen election with massive fraud?“

    Go buy and read “Rigged” by Mollie Hemingway. That tells you how the 2020 election was “stolen” and it wasn’t by millions of phony ballots.


  62. “…FUNN…” makes history:


    “[Nicole] Wallace declares critical race theory ‘isn’t real’ during Virginia gubernatorial coverage”

    “Andrea Mitchell calls Youngkin ‘textbook case’ of dishonest culture warrior”


    “MSNBC contributor peeved Youngkin convinced voters he’s not racist”

    “Jason Johnson declares Winsome Sears aligns herself with ‘Whiteness’”

    Etc., etc.

    These people are, quite obviously, seriously ill and are in need of help even as they attempt to mold (i.e., pollute) the national discourse…IOW make everyone else sick.
    (Obamacare to the rescue?)

  63. Xylourgos,

    Perhaps I didn’t write clearly. According to the professor who wrote the book on the Battle of Athens, White was considering leaving journalism at the time. He credited what happened in Athens with giving him a new direction.

  64. }}} It would be nice if the NM Reps had vote cards on their recommendations, but I have yet to run into such a thing.

    If you don’t wish to take the time to really vote properly (and trust me, that’s not critical, I more than understand) by finding out the records, and positions of, the candidates, one clear rule which usually is effective is to find out who is incumbent, and vote the bastard out… Esp. if they are Democrats (until about 20-odd years ago, that last codicil wasn’t my position, but Dems in office are almost certainly destructive, period, with very few exceptions, GOP less so)

    At the very least, you are working to make sure the incumbent does not develop a power base to stay in office indefinitely. And that is a very good thing, even when GOP… the longer the bastards are in, the less and less they vote as representatives, and more the special interests lining their pockets.

    Yeah, you’ll occasionally throw out someone good, but not very often.

  65. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Battle of Athens was what happened afterward. After the defeat of the corrupt Dem sheriff in battle and securing an honest count of the ballots, a rumor spread that the Dem boss who controlled an adjacent county had gathered a group of armed men and was heading to Athens to forcibly reinstate his fellow Dem boss to power. Hundreds of citizens grabbed their weapons and gathered at the bridge over the river that separates the counties. Some of the guns were literally taken down from above the fireplace. Some dated back to the civil war and one reportedly went back to the revolution. (Wouldn’t it be something if it had been used by one of the over mountain men from that area at Kings Mtn?)

    A local pilot agreed to fly his plane down the highway to see. Thankfully, the rumor was false and people returned home. But they were ready to stand at the bridge and fight for their rights against the forces of corrupt Democrats.

    I visited the historical center in Cleveland, Tenn in nearby Bradley County. I’d been told that they had lots of materials documenting the memories of various participants in the election and the battle on election night. There I was told that the History Channel had come to get the materials for use in a documentary. Nothing was ever produced. Somebody made a tv movie, but set the scene in Texas (IIRC) and reportedly it was only loosely based on actual events.

  66. OBloodyHell:

    I would like to see the NM Republicans recommendations. If that’s not to your satisfaction, too bad. I’m not here seeking advice or reproof.

    It would also be useful for other voters to know where state and local Republicans stand and why in a convenient fashion. They aren’t hearing much useful from the local media here.

    I did attend a meeting for the R mayoral candidate. Interesting fellow but his main qualification was running a political radio show. I wasn’t optimistic about his chances. He got 18.3%,

  67. MBunge,

    When did I claim the 2020 Presidential election was stolen through millions of false ballots? Key districts in swing states were all that was needed. The electoral college vote determines the winner, not the popular vote. But anyone who accepts that Biden got 80 million votes is either a liar or a fool.

    Not to disparage her efforts but Mollie Hemingway is only one of many who have researched the 2020 election results. Anyone truly paying attention already knew what she reported.

  68. Re NJ Gov contest: “NJ Republican leading the incumbent Dem by 1200 votes.”

    Well, that’s well within CommieCRATs margin if recount fraud. Easy peasey.

    To me, it’s obvious that the CCDs hugely attempted to rig the steal in VA. Look
    at the turnout models and enthusiasm levels.
    Wildly opposing.

    To explain my cynicism: the WSJs John Fund covered this election fraud beat, in two books and a variety of columns.

    What was decisive to me was the changing election fraud conviction rate climbing from 80% D, up to 98%.

    Before it was noblesse oblige spoils system.

    Then stealing elections became part of the CCDs management plan, when Soros threw major money and backed the capture of every Secretary of State office. Thereafter, EVERY close election would turn out to their advantage.

    Every expose since then has not surprised my cynicism but reinforced it
    Stealing elections for CCDs is their industry.

    The only good D is a dead CCD. That’s the only way election will be Swedish again. Thus. I’m a non voter in principle because it only encourages fraudulence.

  69. LOL, JJ noted above about the Seattle Mayoral race.


    I don’t even know which candidate is which (idiot liberal vs. sensible individual), but i can tell, without reading the story, just by looking at the pictures/videos which one is surrounded by idiot liberals, and which one is not.

    See it for yourself, and see if you can guess which is which. 😀

    And it appears as though some serious cheating will be needed to have the sensible person lose.


  70. AesopFan,

    “Given the state of the nation, Republicans should be winning by landslide amounts.”

    Believe it or not, quite a few folks will vote for you if you give them free money.

  71. AesopFan on November 3, 2021 at 1:41 am said:
    “I think that the scary thing is still how closely the electorate is divided, barely over half is now the criteria for winning – that’s division by any definition.

    Given the state of the nation, Republicans should be winning by landslide amounts.”

    Yes, that is still a very scary observation; and apparently still our reality. Maps of VA election show the sea of red surrounding islands of urban blue.

    And now I see that Mr. Firefly has given us a good reason why we should remain concerned.

  72. Geoffrey Britain on November 3, 2021 at 11:51 am said:
    The ‘lesson’ that post WWII European ‘intellectuals’ gathered was that wars are an inherent result of nationalism.

    And that should lead us (conservatives — the other side won’t be bothered) to a deeper discussion about the republic form of government, and their subsets, given:
    1) The Treaty of Westphalia (1648) recognizing the sovereignty of discrete nations resulted from the terrible devastation of the 30 Years War.
    2) Montesquieu (I believe) was concerned that a republic could not be made to work over a large geographic area.
    3) Our (actually rather) fortuitous case where the colonies/states were chartered as separate sovereign entities, leading to our dispersal of government into geographic subsets (balancing centralization vs. decentralization) and the associated federalism.
    4) I would assert that having separate nations and political jurisdictions leads to forms of competition that are good for humanity in general, although there are merits and limits to our current globalization (comm and other tech standards, trade agreements and wars, military tech contests, etc.).

    Reference my red-blue map comment: we can claim that rural areas can strangle urban ones pretty quickly should CW 2.0 occur, but our interconnectedness would have repercussions all up and down the linkages we share.

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