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Chronicling Joe Biden — 25 Comments

  1. Steve Hayward at Power Line posted a photo of Sleepy Joe actually asleep.

    What a joke! Come on, man!

  2. The question of the extent to which Biden can be held responsible for his insanely destructive (truly “America Last”) policies is of much interest, and it is sadly true that almost all Biden-supporters would probably choose him again, even if with little enthusiasm, over the “evil” Trump, but what is also fascinating is how little coverage seems to be generated around the two persons most often nominated to be the “grey eminence” behind the senile buffoon, Ron Klain and Susan Rice. Were this White House as equally prone as the last to leaks from the center of power to the media, there might well be some real evidence concerning who is really pulling the proverbial strings.

  3. j e:

    I don’t think it’s one or two or even three or four people. It’s a large group of coordinated leftists,although there probably are a few at the top who prep him and talk to him a lot and are responsible for helping him with his daily messages.

    He keeps ad-libbing, though, which must upset them, because none of his ad-libs are helpful.

  4. “Biden” can do no wrong.

    Simply because “he” must be seen as doing no wrong.

    The Narrative—with its priests, its loyal acolytes, its carriers of water, its hewers of wood and its temple prostitutes—demands it.)

    “Back to the USSR”…

  5. The interesting thing about Biden is there’s no “there” there. Trump, Obama, Bush, Clinton, and at least every previous President in my lifetime had lot of people who genuinely supported him. Not Biden. He’s just an avatar for the professional/managerial class. I think that’s why the whole media/political environment remains so weird, despite everyone’s supposed desire for a return to “normalcy” after Trump.


  6. I just read a blog post from a guy who once almost proudly boasted of voting for McCain and Romney instead of Obama now saying he’s going to vote for McAuliffe for Governor of Virginia. Why? Does he actually LIKE something about McAuliffe? Does he have any substantive objection to Youngkin?

    Nope. He’s STILL butthurt over Trump. Republican voters continue to support Trump and the GOP continues to refuse to spit in it own voters’ faces, so this doofus will vote for people he doesn’t like AND DOESN’T EVEN AGREE WITH POLITICALLY.

    That’s weird. He can’t even vote for or write in somebody else.


  7. Biden has proven that in his heart of hearts he is not just corrupt, sexually depraved and a traitor but evil.

  8. To paraphrase the old British officer evaluations, “Biden’s people will follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity”

  9. “Nah. Like “Videodrome” weird.”

    Now that’s a few steps past Firesign Theater — and with Debbie Harry too.

  10. “…Biden’s strange and depressing amalgam of vileness, leftism, mendacity, eccentricity, and cognitive decline.” That’s perfect, actually!

  11. Now that’s a few steps past Firesign Theater

    Funny you should mention Firesign Theater, I just interviewed Phil Proctor last week about the tv ads they made for a VW dealer. Gracious and charming guy.

  12. Johann Amadeus Metesky.

    Nice job.

    I only mentioned them since the “Tiki” thread got into a Firesign storm yesterday and so they were still on my mind. Loved their stuff, still have them on vinyl, but haven’t listened in ages.

  13. @ Cornhead & Neo “Just resting his eyes.”

    I do that a lot, and I’m not even 70 yet.
    Steve’s remarks suggested a new meme theme:
    “Wake up, Brandon.”

    I checked the internet to see if someone had, indeed, made a good photo-shop of that picture, but didn’t find one.
    However, I did chance onto a Reddit thread (sorry) that was making hay out of the Left’s pearl-clutching over the phrase for which “Let’s go, Brandon” is the euphemism.


  14. “…Let’s go Brandon…”
    Apparently, the pilot of the SWA plane may not have said what he was reported as saying.

    In fact, according to the cockpit recording, which at that exact point is choppy, there’s no way to figure out what he actually did say.

    But no matter…since he said what the customer reported he said…and…”the customer is already right”! (Even nutty customers, apparently…)

    One might have thought that the company would have listened to that recording before shooting from the hip.

    Wrong! Since these days, it indeed seems that shooting from the hip is considered “best practice”….)

  15. if no one else will mention it, i will; biden filled his pants at the vatican, and made a mess of himself. shame they cleaned up the mess, could have been one of hunter’s paintings….

  16. }}} I think that perhaps people who believe that are just looking at his bloopers, of which there are so many

    Face it, is this really worse/more often than his usual foot-in-mouth problems?

  17. }}} To paraphrase the old British officer evaluations, “Biden’s people will follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity”

    I’m put in mind of Howard Stern’s movie, “Private Parts”, where his “handler” is citing statistics from listeners — the average person who liked Stern listened for two hours, “Because they wanted to see what he’d do next”. The average person who hated Stern listened for three hours, “Because they wanted to see what he’d do next”.


    I recall it as a fun movie, I still don’t watch Stern, he’s not my style, but I do respect him more as a result of it. He seems to be a performance artist for the masses. No subtlety, no panache, but still, he knows how to amuse the hoi-polloi. And that’s not a trivial skill.

  18. “I think a lot of them would still vote for Biden over Trump” – you are absolutely correct. That is something that Trump and his most fervent supporters ought to take into account when they tout him to run for a third time. We need a fresh face such as Ron De Santis. A huge portion of Biden’s “81 million voted for me” – voted against Trump.

  19. And His Flatulence (Gassy Joe? The Methane Man?) is back in the news:
    “President Biden was evacuated from the COP26 summit in Glasgow earlier today, ahead of his big gas pledge.
    “The President had reportedly been in a meeting room with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jeff Bezos before his secret service detail rapidly escorted him out after an alarm was sounded…”
    …as it looks like another dramatic Vatican-type emergency—kyo? Any updates?
    (To be fair, though, Leonardo DiCaprio also has that effect on me…)

    In any event, initial reports—as yet unconfirmed—have Biden muttering “Trump, Trump, Greta, Greta, Trump, Trump” as he was hustled out…

  20. I’ve thought he had MCI (mild cognitive impairment) but the worsening seems so accelerated he may be demented now. I’m guessing that as soon as the left feels they’ve squeezed as much as they can from this Congress the 25th amendment will get pulled and we will have Pres. Kamala. But who knows? I doubted he would last the year and here we are.
    On another note, I feel so badly for Kyle Rittenhouse.

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