Home » The Biden administration has taken to mocking those suffering from our current economic problems or who wish to exercise liberty


The Biden administration has taken to mocking those suffering from our current economic problems or who wish to exercise liberty — 49 Comments

  1. It is amazing to me that these people are so tone deaf; indeed they seem to delight in their carefree mockery of the plight of those whom they swore to serve. It’s so blatant and prevalent and persistent —thus a perverse social dysfunction with f(x,y,t) presence, a real thing, not just a fluke or observer bias— that I am struggling to understand how it can happen. These people are smart, well-informed, experienced. These are not forced errors, they are gratuitous. Psaki seems to REACHING for the chance to snark. Why?
    The consequences of such selfish, juvenile, callous behavior are likely to be massive, immediate and lasting. It starts with jeers and rotten fruit, it progresses to tar and feathers, it ends with rope and pitchforks. And the progression once begun can go very quickly.
    Time to re-read stuff about Paris 1789.

  2. I saw someone online comparing this to the contrast from Bush and Obama years.

    When Bush was President, unemployment was horrific and due to Repub policies.
    When Obama was President, unemployment was “funemployment”, people were advised to take “staycations” (vacation at home) and use the downtime to have a low pressure life or brush up on skills, etc.

  3. Addendum to my previous comment: I found “A New World Begins” by Jeremy Popkin is a good recent history of the French Revolution and shows how, once things start to go wrong, it rapidly becomes impossible to stop the slide, let alone reverse it.

  4. The literal top – upper most – line at drudgery distort is how vulgar the criticism of not-my-president Brandon has become.

    ‘How dare you’ use naughty words to describe this saintly, wonderful, bright, articulate, honest person.

    It’s a joke alright. But WE have to pay the price of the joke.

  5. Biden has always been a nasty, lying piece of filth. Yet people support him. One sure wonders how.

  6. Owen.

    The point is that those who sneer get a charge out of it. It’s personally satisfying. It’s also built into their politics, but first it’s for their own self-esteem.

  7. This is what happens when the media covers up/suppresses all bad news for the administration.

  8. Biden and his cohort are so repugnant, so obviously messing everything up ON PURPOSE, and so obviously bent on destroying what we have known as the American way of life, that it astounds me to see that (supposedly) nearly 40% of voters still like him or think he’s doing okay.

    I read an article this morning that made me think the author is literally from a different planet than the one I’m living on.


    When people see the same set of circumstances so differently, it’s hard to imagine how we can ever come together on anything.

    And I’ve been around long enough to know that there is nothing good, smart, nice, or remotely positive that I can even think of with respect to Biden’s half century in politics and public life in general. He used to seem more like a placeholder that you could forget about, but not anymore. He’s dangerous.

  9. “Jen Psaki cracked a joke Tuesday about the supply chain crisis affecting businesses and consumers across the country, saying it’s a “tragedy” some people may have to wait longer for their treadmill to arrive.”

    Inbound freight containers don’t only contain consumer goods…many of them contain components that go into products assembled at American factories, and many of them contain spare parts needed to support products already in service.

    My Chicago Boyz colleague Dan owns an HVAC distributor…he remarked:

    “Nobody will care about the latest video game console or plush doll when it is -20 outside and they can’t get a part for their furnace, or perhaps a part for an MRI machine is slow rolled at the port, or a transformer for the neighborhood electric grid, and on and on and on. The media focus is on consumer products because they can’t really think outside of that box because most in the media have never really done much in the real world, well, ever. The effects on the industrial world are much more important and further reaching. But hey, if we can cast Biden as a Grinch along the way, all the better.”

  10. Richard Aubrey: agree. But it’s so self-destructive. And they are smart enough to know it. Yet they do it. Is the addiction so powerful that it blanks out all ability to foresee blowback? Or do they sincerely think that they are special, exempt from consequences? “This time is different!”

    The dynamic here is like something out of Greek tragedy.

  11. As Laura Ingraham pointed out last night, and it bears repeating, Biden in his “townhall” is the first president to sneer and then use the word “freedom” as a perjorative.

    I also have to echo gwynmir’s first paragraph, she nails it.

  12. Inbound freight containers don’t only contain consumer goods…many of them contain components that go into products assembled at American factories, and many of them contain spare parts needed to support products already in service.

    Some can even contain spare parts for CNC machines and robotic assemblers needed to produce things in American factories. It is not just cars and trucks that need silicon processors.

  13. David+Foster– You pal has it right when he said that the people at the top have no experience in doing anything useful or necessary. They have no idea what it takes to manufacture something, the physical effort to make parts and put them together, or the ability to take the engineer’s plans, and still make what they intended. Its hard, dirty and tiring.

    People should watch youtube videos of people doing those things: machining parts, pouring castings, setting up CNC machines to get some idea of the hours of work necessary to put something in Wal-Mart for the work-a-day public to buy and use. You don’t learn how to do that stuff in college.

  14. Owen. “smart” means able to think about things rationally and solve problems.
    But, how’s this. For reasons not relevant, I was looking at Iowa about various issues. They have 85k farms. Average is 300 acres. Talked to some farmers about getting into and staying in the business. Big money. Lots of machines from, probably, cooperatively owned half mill combines to welders and pumps and generators and compressors and large and small engines. Which they can manage as well as a tricky business. Which has stuff, not a customer list and a commisson contract in a couple of suburban offices.
    For my own fun, I spitballed what I could find; 12%-15% of rural adults are veterans, meaning government certified in knowing what to do, sereious first aid, not choking, and small arms. Not to mention all the other competent folks.
    Compared to these guys, and spouses and kids, a guy with a business degree in a cube someplace knows….what, exactly? A high school English teacher knows what, exactly?
    Then, of course, are all the other independent businesses supplying them; petroleum, transport, fertilizer/pesticide, parts, so forth.

    But they’re the dummies compared to the suburban geniuses?

    No, the Higher Plane folks are not smart enough to know their attitude is self-destructive. I know a couple in a hard way who could use some help. They have friends. But, when the Trump sign went up, their neighbors cut them off without a word. How would that impress the neighbors as self-destructive when you consider the vindictive giggles they get from their precious friends when retailing the story?

    I recall a Very Nice Church Lady who said the feds at Waco were right because the Davidians were a “cult”. How many layers of wrong go into that? You think she went home and rethought her position? Me neither.

  15. I told my Wife yesterday that things like chips are in everything electronic. He CPAP machine is subject to a recall for some faulty parts. I don’t think that she will get this one repaired or a different one anytime soon. Right now people are looking at new cars not being delivered because of chips. What about their say 5 yr old car that has a problem, and needs a new part. Not going to happen soon because of the chip shortage and the transportation problems. Things are starting to cascade.
    One would hope the cascade would bury the Dems, and the Media types. They too will start to feel the pain. But they will not blame the ones they voted for, but on something else. Or someone.

  16. If Marie Antoinette did say that, the meaning was the opposite of what we think. There was a great shortage of the bread that common people ate. The ‘cake’ referred to a more expensive bread (brioche?) that only well to do people were allowed to buy. So she was asking the stores that sold it to allow common people to get it, too.

  17. Roland Hirsch on October 23, 2021 at 8:53 pm:
    I understood it differently. That the “cake” was really the harder burnt part of the “bread” that was at the sides of the oven nearest the highest heat. Thus, even if she never actually said it, implied it, or meant it, the real meaning of that expression was to let the peasants have the “crust” rather than the real bread at the oven’s center. Not a nice sentiment at all.

  18. “it nevertheless continues to puzzle me that anyone of any political persuasion other than the far left can listen to him and be anything but repulsed by his arrogance, nastiness, and dictatorial propensities.”

    Those people don’t listen to Fox News, so they don’t hear that kind of thing.

  19. Owen wrote: “These are not forced errors, they are gratuitous. Psaki seems to REACHING for the chance to snark. Why?

    They hate us. That’s not hyperbole. They really do hate us. Because of that, they like to see us suffer and take pleasure in mocking us.

    And they don’t worry about any blowback because they don’t think there will be any, probably because they think they have the “election process” all sewn up. It remains to be seen if they are right about that.

  20. The analogy to quotes “kulaks” is quite prescient. They really despise middle class prosperous people. They’re constituency is the super rich in the super poor.

  21. The analogy to “kulaks” is quite prescient. They really despise middle class prosperous people. They’re constituency is the super rich in the super poor.

  22. COVID: The sickness, tragedy and outrageousness at the heart of the pandemic and how it is affecting doctors who would like to uphold the Hippocratic Oath but who have been, and continue to be, prevented from doing so—
    “Physicians and The Vaccine Tyranny” (note: this poignant cri de coeur will not be new to readers of this site…)

  23. Choco rations going up!*

    Doubleplus good, eh!



    * The speaker doesn’t realize that John Hurt, to whom he is speaking, works for MiniTru, the propaganda ministry and Hurt just lowered the previous ration in the official record so that it would appear the new ration is an increase, not a decrease.

  24. Yes, perhaps not so ironically given the mentality of the generation largely in question to whine about everything virtually since birth, that they are engaged in behavior that they claim to be suffering at the mercy of. It never occurs to them that they had a meaningfully safe and prosperous place to grow up in to cultivate that laziness and resentment. People that are truly struggling do not have time for such nonsense. At some point, they will HAVE to work, even at jobs that are ‘beneath’ them (real, genuine service is a concept lost on their entitled and grandiose little brains), because everyone else will be dead of old age. Idiocracy indeed, and we do not possess a time machine.

  25. These people are smart, well-informed, experienced. These are not forced errors, they are gratuitous. Psaki seems to REACHING for the chance to snark. Why?

    Commenters much wiser than I am have been analyzing these disconnects for the past decade and more. We think they are getting worse, more extreme, and maybe they are.

    Maybe it’s a slow gradual process. Victor Davis Hanson has, for some years, been observing that the political class believes itself ‘exempt from the consequences of their own ideologies”, and then follows up with the evidence that proves their beliefs, in the short term, are supported by the factual evidence.

    But that is the short term. I believe the behaviors that we are seeing is a consequence of this – there is no negative feedback to correct it; they live in a social bubble where it is constantly reinforced, and any commentary to the contrary may be summarily dismissed as ‘someone else’s politics.’

    We’re seeing the dangers that we’ve been warned about in the historical accounts of the American revolution, the French revolution, the World Wars, etc. coming into fruition. It’s been so long since society has experienced it, we have collectively forgotten what it looks like. This is what it looks like.

  26. Richard Aubrey, Aggie and a few others make the point that a great many folks “in charge” these days were not raised or exposed to the nuts and bolts of life, of what goes into making the world; even as simple as where breakfast comes from. As Richard Aubrey wrote, the skill and knowledge required to run a successful farm is immense! And it’s not just mental, it’s also physical.

    This is a significant part of what makes Victor Davis Hanson such a national treasure. He excels at what elites claim to revere; book learning, but he’s also a farm kid with intimate knowledge of America’s heartland, vis a vis California. Most “folks in charge” in the U.S. used to share VDH’s upbringing.

  27. But that is the short term. I believe the behaviors that we are seeing is a consequence of this – there is no negative feedback to correct it; they live in a social bubble where it is constantly reinforced, and any commentary to the contrary may be summarily dismissed as ‘someone else’s politics.


    Well put.

    I don’t believe they are evil. (Well, some.)

    They live in a beautiful bubble and they are just trying to make things better, but these stupid middle-class conservative Americans keep getting in the way. It takes the patience of a saint not to insult them!

    Here’s a 2009 cartoon which has become famous. It shows a climate change summit. On the stage is a speaker and a big screen listing all the utopian outcomes from addressing climate change. However, an angry white guy is asking a black woman sitting next to him:

    What if it’s a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?


    To me the cartoon showed that the climate change movement is really about a leftist utopian agenda. However, the climatistas can’t see that at all. It’s the Truth. They are going to solve the climate crisis *and* give every child in the world a magic unicorn.

    The cartoon hit the spot for so many people it has its own wiki entry:


  28. @RTF

    “As Richard Aubrey wrote, the skill and knowledge required to run a successful farm is immense! And it’s not just mental, it’s also physical.”

    IIRC, Nobel prize winner in physics, Richard Feynman, grew up on a farm.

    He had a funny story about the neighbor’s daughter and a bull. Read his bio for yourself if you want to know

  29. Democrats believe that food comes from the grocery store, electricity come from the socket, and everything else comes from Amazon.
    They are both literally correct and conceptually ignorant.

  30. I certainly get the feeling that some of the admin’s people are picked to just rub our faces in it like Levine for instance.

  31. sonny wayz,

    IIRC, Nobel prize winner in physics, Richard Feynman, grew up in Far Rockaway, NY with a childhood almost nearly identical to our own, neo and mine; urban and ethnic melting pot. I can’t speak for Dr. Feynman, but I assure you my ignorance of farming could fill volumes! My only exposure to plants was the occasional, hardy weed that might sprout between cracks in the sidewalk.

    Not sure what you’re referring to. I think I’m fairly up to speed on most of the details of his life. Maybe you’re confusing him with a different physicist, or he visited a farm once?

  32. West TX Intermediate Crude,

    It amazes me how many people give no thought to what goes into things. Electric car batteries and their manufacture, solar cells, wind turbines…

    Environmentalists protest to eliminate production from our shores then gladly buy products made by the same processes in other countries. I can see not wanting to have a lithium mine in one’s backyard, but is it better to buy a lithium battery mined and produced in a foreign land, along with the additional pollution of transporting it 10,000 miles to my neighborhood?!

    Another group that doesn’t dive very deep are Vegans. The number of animals killed getting a salad to your local, high end restaurant is not insignificant. If someone is truly interested in species propagation the best way to guarantee the fecundity of a particular animal is to convince humans to enjoy eating it.

  33. huxley,

    Based on that entry and the cartoonist’s own words it appears he wrote it to make a point that everything the movement wants is worth it, even if it does nothing to help the climate. In other words, even if there is no existential threat, humans should work towards utopian ends.

  34. @RTF

    “Maybe you’re confusing him with a different physicist,”

    Drat! There goes a good story.

  35. And of course if you have to lie, break the law (Lisa of the EPA), bankrupt entire sectors of the economy, empower China, and worsen the environment, it is all worth it. Because (they are full of sh..) Imagine the utopia (John Lennon).

    But time passes, they failed, and the new tool is wokeism.

  36. She’s laying into this administration’s favorite target, the kulaks – I mean the successful middle class.

    Do have a look at Victor Davis Hanson’s little tome ‘The Dying Citizen’ for some pretty good illumination of those evil kulaks, and their arrogant critics among the Party elite, such as Ms. Psaki.

  37. If they can mock HCQ+ and mock Ivermectin in order to prevent saving lives then these b*&%tards can mock anything.

    And anyone.
    (Even as their policies enable record amounts of Fentanyl into the country…which should tell you everything you have to know about them.)

    Dr. Pierre Kory on Ivermectin (among other outrages):

  38. IIRC, Nobel prize winner in physics, Richard Feynman, grew up on a farm.

    His paternal side grandparents settled in New York City in at least two installments (1890 and 1898). His maternal sides were in New York as early as 1880. All four appear to have had roots in the Tsar’s Pale of Settlement, with one having a stint in Germany on the way. Both grandfathers were merchants (millinery, dry goods), AFAICT wholesale rather than retail. His father was a salesman who vended uniforms. Father immigrated as a child, mother born in New York. Family of three then four, all residing in New York in 1920, 1930, 1940. Father died in New York in 1946, mother in Pasadena, Ca. (home of CalTech) in 1981; both buried in a cemetery in Ozone Park, Queens.

  39. Likely many here already enjoy Mike Rowe’s Fox Business channel show, “How America Works,” but if not, check it out. Lotta fun. E.g., just caught an absorbing look at the range of trade skills needed to keep the 80 yr-old Hoover Dam up and running. Rowe recalls to my mind Eric Hoffer, “Philosopher of the Docks”, the heralded autodidact from decades back. Unusually valuable citizens, both.

  40. Le Mot Juste,

    Thanks for the heads up! Mike Rowe is the real deal. I will check that show out!

  41. And a rather unpleasant, if fascinating, Houston-we-have-a-problem (AKA “magnum opus” or “smoking gun”) post by a Chinese researcher who defected to the US in 2020.

    …Is it legit? (Personally, I think this one shatters glass…but YMMV)…
    – – – – – – – –
    And as long as I’m at it, there’s this on Ivermectin in Argentina (the Chinese researcher in the link above refers, in passing, to both HCQ and Ivermectin as effective treatments):

  42. Neo: “The Democratic Party has increasing become a party of the very rich.”

    I remember Obama saying something like “I went into Whole Foods and couldn’t believe the price of arugula lately? They’re charging a lot of money for this stuff!”

    Who, but the elites, buys their food at overpriced Whole Foods and eats arugula?

    Further, if I recall correctly he said this on the campaign trail in the Mid-West while talking to farmers. Do they even have a Whole Foods in the Mid-West or do most people outside the elite coasts shop at places like Kroger’s, Fareway, Hy-Vee, or Safeway?

    Since the press didn’t call Obama out on his out-of-touch elitism why wouldn’t Sleepy Joe continue with the same out-of-touchness?

    As for the “Freedom, I have the freedom to kill you with my COVID” comment – sadly I think it is working. Too many people I know are buying into the idea that the unvaccinated are a problem for the rest of the population. I think they just don’t see that “demonizing” any group is not going to end well. Do they not realize that they will at some time in the future be on the “outside” group?

    At work, since I have chosen to NOT declare my vaccine status with the company I am required to have a twice a week COVID test (done at home with a nasal swab and I email my results in). This year it is at the company’s expense. Next year they will start charging me for it.

    Also, because I have chosen to not declare my vaccine status I, and others who have not declared their vaccine status, cannot attend meetings in the conference rooms with other employees who have declared that they are vaccinated. We have to join a Zoom call, sitting at our desks, to join the meeting. And, it seems that no managers seem to have a problem with this “excluding” of some employees. I do hope that I am wrong on that and some of them are working behind the scenes to push back.

    None of this divisiveness is going to end well for the country.

  43. “…mocking…”

    And—don’t forget—lying, gaslighting and insulting.


    On the “bright side”, though, they are revealing PRECISELY HOW THEY operate, how they “think”, how their minds “work”.
    And it is very, very instructive…
    “Former President @BarackObama: “We don’t have time to be wasted on these phony trumped-up culture wars, this fake outrage, the right-wing media’s pedals to juice their ratings.”
    H/T Lee Smith twitter roll.

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