Home » Katie Couric covered up what she thought were damaging statements from RBG


Katie Couric covered up what she thought were damaging statements from RBG — 13 Comments

  1. The Left loves to airbrush out things/people/facts.

    And they’re very good at it.(With all that practice, along with their commitment and dedication to—as Kamala would put it—“their truth”, they oughtta be.)

    Moreover, it is both a creative and destructive act. (Perfect for the nihilist “artiste”.)

    And yes, Couric admits it freely. Proudly.
    Basically, she’s virtue signaling. Her lie is a moral act.

    The rather strange thing is that she seems to believe it’s merely an insubstantial, if necessary, white lie (can one still say, “white lie”?)
    Of course it’s much more than that: she “had to” lie—she “had to” misrepresent RBG—in order to SAVE St. RBG’s reputation with regard to those who simply cannot handle the truth. To preserve the Narrative rather than the substance. (Wouldn’t want any young and impressionable Democrats to get any ideas about reaching—or even smiling—across the aisle, would we? Or acknowledging any positive aspects of their country.)

  2. Of course it’s much more than that: she “had to” lie—she “had to” misrepresent RBG—in order to SAVE St. RBG’s reputation with regard to those who simply cannot handle the truth.

    I suppose this little revelation won’t do any favors for RBG’s rep. As we all know, RBG was once perhaps the brightest of stars in the leftist firmament. But now she is greatly despised by many progressives due to failing to vacate her Supreme Court seat duing the Obama administration and then having the bad judgement to drop dead during the Trump administration.

    As for Curic, obviously selling her silly book is far more important to her than trying to protect the leftist credentials of a dead judge who let the left down anyway by dying at an inconvenient time. When it comes to members of the media, it’s impossible to be too cynical.

  3. I don’t know that I had seen much of Couric’s reporting prior to her husband’s death in 1998, but she seemed like a nice enough person to me. However, when I saw her continue to work after his death I started to think differently of her. I believe her husband was successful in his own right, and she had undoubtedly already earned more money than she would have ever imagined when she began her career. If I were in her situation I would have stopped working, at least for a few years, and focused on my children and spending time together as a family.

    There ought to be some things in life more important than career, or the spotlight, especially if one is financially secure.

  4. “The members of the MSM are the gatekeepers and they believe their judgment should be the thing that shapes events and the perceptions of those events for the proles who watch them.” neo

    “There is no more insidious poison than hubris.”
    C.A.A. Savastano

  5. It’s telling to note that RGB’s point was that the “government” was receiving the contempt of the protesters after having given them the possibility of a good life. It seems to me that the protesters are commenting on America as a country, and its citizens, rather than exclusively singling out the government and its actions. RGB seemed to be one of those who perhaps did not have the highest regard for Americans as a people and culture, rather she was an enthusiast for a government that ameliorated the disappointing citizenry. Or so it often seems.

  6. Katie sees herself as one of the anointed. She believes she has the right to play God with other people’s lives. She’s evil.

  7. The irony of her choice to deny Ginsburg’s dignity and agency, and reduce her to a negotiable asset in order to normalize a handmade tale.

  8. This event illustrates a phrase I made up some years ago about the news business: Editing Is Lying. Because perhaps the best way to lie is to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, but NOT the whole truth.

    Of course, the MSM is quite capable of flat-out falsehood, but “twisting” the news without actually lying outright, and burying things they don’t want you to know is their main activity. “Sickout? What Sickout?”

  9. The bottom line: RGB was a useful idiot. Even if she had some sensible inclinations, she let herself be adulated by the left, including in this specific instance, and did nothing to publicly support the country and much to call its goodness into question. The simplest explanation for this behavior (and for her refusal to retire when the left wanted her to) was that she enjoyed her position of being admired by all the wrong people for doing little more than throwing sand in the gears of anyone she thought was getting more attention than the one who deserved lots of it, herself.

  10. Couric is a liar as illustrated in her infamous interview of gun supporters where the audio was edited to suggest they had no answer to her questions.

    Couric can be heard in the interview asking activists from the group, “If there are no background checks for gun purchasers, how do you prevent felons or terrorists from purchasing a gun?”

    The documentary then shows the activists sitting silently for nine awkward seconds, unable to provide an answer. It then cuts to the next scene. The moment can be watched here: However, raw audio of the interview between Katie Couric and the activists provided to the Washington Free Beacon shows the scene was deceptively edited. Instead of silence, Couric’s question is met immediately with answers from the activists. A back and forth between a number of the league’s members and Couric over the issue of background checks proceeds for more than four minutes after the original question is asked.

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